Arweave AO 提到的 AgentFi 能否消除 Crypto x AI 幻觉?

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此前 Crypto x AI 的叙事引起市场热烈的讨论与追捧,在其产生了巨大泡沫之际,大家开始纷纷质疑这是否只是一场幻象。即便现在还未出现结合了 AI 技术且真实可用的 Web3应用,但这种融合无疑是让人期待的。

然而可以预见的是,Web3 与 AI 技术的结合可以发挥出巨大的潜力,无论是在金融(DeFi)、安全、用户体验、内容创作治理等领域。

聚焦在去中心化金融领域来看,AI 技术可以帮助 DeFi 协议完成风险的评估和管理、提高市场流动性、还可以自动化治理和决策流程,从而提高用户体验。

对于用户来说,AI 不仅可以预测资产价格波动,还可以在投资决策方面起到辅助作用,最重要的是还能够识别各种潜在的欺诈行为。

但归根到底,AI 如何更好构建在区块链之上,是所有美好设想的大前提。超并行计算机 AO 的推出,让 Crypto x AI 应用的落地创造了乐观的条件。

AO 建立在 Arweave 之上,这种无限计算 + 存储的组合可以承载大规模、高性能的 AI 模型,并且可以实现应用全上链。同时,AO 官方在媒体平台预判道 — — AI 应用部署在 AO 之时,就是 AgentFi(AI 代理金融)崛起之时。

AgentFi 是什么?

AgentFi 是一种基于 AI 代理的金融服务,旨在利用链上人工智能代理执行智能合约,从而实现无需信任的智能执行。在 AgentFi 中,AI 代理扮演着关键角色,包括以下早期示例:

「定期投资」代理:可定制化地定期定额投资特定的金融资产的 AI 代理,有助于分散风险,并在长期内实现资产的增长。

「自动平衡投资组合」代理:根据预设的规则,自动调整投资组合中不同资产的权重的 AI 代理,以确保其符合投资者的风险偏好和投资目标。


三种示例由简至繁,而无需信任第三方人类资产管理者,为用户提供了一种全新的金融服务模式。当然,AgentFi 的可能性不仅于此。再者,虽然所呈现的些示例都是“老酒新装”。

但引进 AI 技术最大的意义是在于 — — 人类可以通过自然语言就可以与计算机进行交互,无需学习晦涩的计算机语言与繁琐的投资操作。

据悉,Arweave 社区正在紧锣密鼓地基于 AO 构建 AgentFi 应用,将在不久的将来可供公众使用。


在未来由人工智能驱动的全球经济中,AI 机器人将成为这个时代的沃伦·巴菲特,这似乎已经是不可逆的必然趋势。



伴随 AgentFi 应用的落地与发展,金融市场将重新洗牌,AO 会是推动这场革命的引擎。拥抱人工智能与 AgentFi,以便更好地适应这个不断变化的投资环境。

The previous narrative caused heated discussion and pursuit in the market. When it produced a huge bubble, everyone began to question whether it was just an illusion. Even though there is no real application that combines technology, this integration is undoubtedly expected. However, it is foreseeable that the combination with technology can exert great potential, whether in the fields of financial security, user experience, content creation or governance, focusing on decentralized financial fields, technology can help the agreement to complete risks. Evaluation and management to improve market liquidity can also automate the governance and decision-making process, thus improving the user experience. For users, it can not only predict the fluctuation of asset prices, but also play an auxiliary role in investment decision-making. The most important thing is to identify various potential fraudulent behaviors. But in the final analysis, how to better build on the blockchain is the premise of all good ideas. The launch of ultra-parallel computers has created optimistic conditions for the application to land, based on this infinite computing and storage. The combination can carry a large-scale high-performance model and realize the full application chain. At the same time, the official predicts in the media platform that when the application is deployed, what is the rise of agency finance? It is an agent-based financial service aimed at using artificial intelligence agents on the chain to execute smart contracts so as to realize intelligent execution without trust. Agents play a key role, including the following early examples: regular investment agents can customize the regular fixed investment of specific financial assets, which is helpful to divide. Spreading risks and automatically balancing the growth of assets in the long run, portfolio agents automatically adjust the agents of different assets in the portfolio according to preset rules to ensure that they meet investors' risk preferences and investment objectives. Intelligent trading agents replace traditional financial fund managers and use big data analysis machine learning and other technologies to automatically execute trading strategies without permission, thus maximizing investment returns. Three examples are from simple to complex without trusting third parties or human asset managers. It provides a brand-new financial service model. Of course, the possibility is not only that. Moreover, although some of the examples presented are old wine and new clothes, the greatest significance of introducing technology is that human beings can interact with computers through natural language without learning obscure computer languages and cumbersome investment operations. It is reported that the community is busy building applications and will be available to the public in the near future. The best investors in the future will no longer be human beings driven by artificial intelligence in the future. Robots in the global economy will become Warren Buffett of this era, which seems to be an irreversible and inevitable trend. These artificial intelligence agents will no longer be limited by human cognitive ability. They can process massive data to learn deeply and capture emotions from headlines of news and social media. They can even analyze the wording and tone of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell in the monetary policy meeting, and then combine all complicated factors to make the final investment decision or open up the imagination of the future. Artificial intelligence is more likely to create an unprecedented financial strategy. With the landing and development of applications, the financial market will be reshuffled, which will be the engine to promote this revolution, embrace artificial intelligence and better adapt to this ever-changing investment environment. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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