
币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 03:03:07 评论:0



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作者:icebee321;来源:The SeeDAO


比特币,最初我只是在新闻听过这个名字,只知道是一种很酷的东西,当时的感觉就是一种新的付款方法。那时候最流行的非现金付款方式还是信用卡和支票。Payme,转数快,Googleplay ,以及各种二维码付款,还在准备诞生的路上。

到了再听到时,已经是上一个牛市尾声的时候了,那时候跟朋友吃饭,他跟我提及自己正在买 BTC,然后在他的协助下,成功创了自己第一个交易所帐户,也买了人生第一批 BTC 了。然后自己研究虚拟货币,也开始了损失金钱的路。这时候的我图表看不懂,什么叫牛市,什么叫熊市,我也不懂,没错,我就是这种连白纸都还没形成的超级纸浆新手。





这是我第一个接触的掘矿 APP ,在手机下载就可以,轻易一按就开始掘矿,但是每十五分钟就要自己按一下很麻烦,而且基本算力很慢,我有想过购买加快速度的功能,由于它的加速功能是有时限,在计算后我差不多要每分每秒都要按掘矿,才可以真正回本,因此我最后没有购买。而用了几个月后也没有再用了。




后来我转了部份 BTC 来加强掘挖速度,当然速度也增加,而且出金很快,在你申请出金后,约二十分钟就收到交易所通知已入帐。试了约数次后,我便再次入金加快速度,然而过了几天,有一些人讨论出金有点异常,有一些申请出金后,等了数小时也没有收到入帐。

当愈来愈多用户出现这个问题时,过了一天,这个网站已经在找不到了,连结只显示没有这个网站,不同的群组同时哭声四起,很多人都说自己放了多少 BTC 。当然我的本金也是零化了,这一次我当作是买经验,因为贪念而失去金钱。




期间我收到了一个私讯,跟对方打招呼后,就跟对方交流一下各自赚币的方法,后来对方说自己用过我的赚币项目,但因为回本很慢,因此很快没有用了,反倒他自己用另一种质押掘矿方法,而且只需要在热钱包放入 USDT 就可以轻鬆掘了 ETH 。

起初我是拒绝的,但后来发现在热钱包不要把助记词及私钥告诉别人,基本上危险度不太高,因此就尝试一下了,起初在对方教导下,我只是放入一点约 200 USDT 。起初我是每天都可以收 ETH ,过了几天很快就把本金的 200 USDT 赚回来了,因此我把更多的 USDT 传到热钱包中,因而每天得到的 ETH 就更多了。到了最后我总共放了超过 2000 的 USDT ,但很快我就发现,我热钱包中的 USDT 突然被转走了,而且还被突然参加一个特别的活动。

我立即找对方查问一下为什么会这样,对方说这是网站的特别活动,他自己也尝试过,也得到奖励,你只要在指定自己内传入指定的 USDT 就可以取回 USDT 及任务奖励的 ETH ,我算过自己需要的金钱,基本上是自己一半的储蓄,由于感觉这赌博很危险,就没有进行这个任务,当然那些 USDT 最后也是不能取回。



玩游戏赚钱,这其实是我从小开始就想做的事,因为我希望家人明白,游戏不一定只是一种浪费时间的活动,因此我开始研究和加入GAME FI这个类别,慢慢认识不同游戏,在研究途中也接触 PancakeSwap这些中心化交易所。

我接触的 GAME FI 项目应该有十个左右,有像 MOBOX 一样大型,有的更是已经结束营运了。

我会找不同的 GAME FI 影片来看,也会了解游戏玩法。有本份游戏更是获利过,但原来 GAME FI 跟普通游戏有很大的不同,这让我最后也是损失本金而回。

GAME FI 跟普通游戏最不同的地方是,GAME FI 的游戏币会受到市场影响,不论是气氛还是抄卖,都会影响市场价值。

以 MOBOX 为例,MOBOX 是我第一隻接触的 GAME FI ,起初我加入 MOBOX 时,稀有度较高的 NFT,每一隻都超过 300 BUSD,那时候游戏币 MBOX,每一枚约8 至 10 USDT ,当时游戏还是很流行,因此不论 NFT价格和代币价格也很高。我一次又一次获利再买新的 NFT来增加算力,差不多用了超过 1500 BUSD。但随著熊市来,现在所有价格只是当初的5 至 15%。要回本不知道需要多少时间了。

现在熊市过去,MBOX 流通量很明显下降,买卖不容易交易成功。所以最终我也选择放弃这游戏。


第一次接触这种交易所,是因为我正在了解 GAME FI 跟双币理财,因此认识了这种交易所,而第一个接触的去中心化交易所,就是 PancakeSwap ,因为我需要利用它来兑换某些 GAME FI 的游戏币。

PancakeSwap 让我知道,世界上还有很多不知名的代币,当中有很多都是 GAME FI 的游戏币,还有一些新项目的代币。但可惜是有很多代币因为不同原因,慢慢连正常交易也做不到。

使用 PancakeSwap 最深刻的一次就是我赚取了约500 BUSD,这是因为我加入了一个双币理财矿池,它是由BNB 与一隻GAME FI 代币一ETERNAL 组成的矿池,该GAME FI 项目在当时是非常非常有名的,因此当时代币价值很高。我增添流动性到矿池后,有一天发现我持有的价值上升了,让我感觉先收网比较好,最终就退出流动性,带着收益走了。

可是过了一段时间,心痒的我看到它的流动性和价值也保持继续,就再一次兑换 ETERNAL 和 BNB 加入流动性,但不久后,GAME FI 项目出现崩溃,ETERNAL 价值直插地底,我的资金又再一次被化为零了。




这段时间我认识了 NOISE 这个网站,它是一个像 FACEBOOK的网站,你只要把你的生活分享,跟其他用户互动,就可以赚取 BCH ,这是一个很好的网站。后来它移动到新的网站时,我还有使用,但是新网站赚取 BCH 的方法让我不明白。

在旧网站时,当别人赞你的发文时,系统会给你少量 BCH ,但今额到达 0.01 USD 时就会自动转为 BCH 到你设定的帐户中。但因此有人利用 BOT 来进行帐号中的互赞,以赚取 BCH 。

在新网站初期,我收到 BCH 的方式就变为不明确,除了其他用户给予 BCH 支持外,有时候没有发文,但跟别人交流也突然收到 BCH ,有时候发文反倒没什麽 BCH ,而后期这些情况愈来愈不明显,加上当时我开始认识了 LIKECOIN 和 MATTERS ,因此我慢慢把生活分享,慢慢搬到 MATTERS 。


在接触虚拟货币后,连当初教我开设交易所帐户的朋友也感觉惊讶,因为在他还是利用交易所买卖 BTC 时,我已经把各种领域也进行初步接触,当然。。。。。。我的损伤也很重。










How did the author come to life in the currency circle from a novice who didn't even have basic investment knowledge? At first, I only heard the name bitcoin in the news, but I only knew that it was a cool thing. At that time, I felt that it was a new payment method. At that time, the most popular non-cash payment methods were credit cards and checks, and various QR code payments were still on the way to being born. When I heard it again, it was the end of the last bull market. At that time, I had dinner with my friends, and he told me that I was buying it. Later, with his help, I successfully created my first exchange account and bought the first batch of money in my life. Then I studied virtual currency myself and began to lose money. At this time, my chart could not understand what a bull market was and what a bear market was. I didn't understand it either. That's right. I was a novice super pulp who didn't even have a blank sheet of paper. During the super pulp period, I was exposed to many different ways to make money, which made me know more about virtual currency and many traps. This was the first time that I knew that I had gained mine. The way to get virtual currency is to create an account on the cloud mining website, and then use virtual currency to buy different plans, so that you can have more computing power. This way, people who don't know how to mine can easily get virtual currency. This is the first mine that I came into contact with. I can easily start mining by pressing it on my mobile phone, but it is very troublesome to press it every 15 minutes, and the basic computing power is very slow. I have thought about buying the function of speeding up. Because its acceleration function is time-limited, I almost have to do it every time after calculation. You have to dig every minute before you can really return to your capital, so I didn't buy it at last, but I didn't use different cloud mining websites after a few months. I have contacted several cloud mining websites, but many of them are scams, and these websites generally have a few things in common. You can get extra rewards if you recommend others to join, and you can get free computing power if you create an account, and you can also provide different plans for you. It is normal to withdraw money at the initial stage, but my most profound time is me. In several different groups, I saw many people discussing the same cloud mining website, and I saw many people discussing it, so I felt it was safe. I linked to the website, and the website was designed with a sense of science and technology. I also released photos of their managers and cooperative organizations, as well as the types of mining machines they were using, so I created an account and got a small amount of donated computing power to start mining. Later, I turned around to speed up the mining, of course, and the speed also increased, and the money was quickly released about 20 minutes after you applied for the gold withdrawal. After I received the notice from the exchange that I had entered the account for about several times, I made another attempt to speed up the deposit. However, after a few days, some people discussed that the deposit was a little abnormal, and some people waited for hours after applying for the deposit, but they didn't receive the account. When more and more users had this problem, one day passed, the website could not find the link, only showing that there were no different groups on the website, and many people cried at the same time. Of course, my principal was zero. This time, I regarded it as buying experience because of greed. Not long after, someone suddenly said that they found a new mining website, and even said that this website was the younger brother of Yunkuang website. After that, I saw various discussions in different groups again. However, after a few days, as expected, this website also disappeared, and this time I was just an audience watching them cry again. When I was studying more ways to make money, I joined some groups and talked with others to see if I could find some ways to make money. During this period, I received a private message. After greeting, Fang talked with each other about their own ways to make money. Later, the other party said that he had used my money-making project, but it was useless because it was very slow to return to the original. Instead, he used another pledge mining method himself, and he could easily dig it by putting it in the hot wallet. At first, I refused, but later I found that it was basically not very dangerous to tell others about mnemonics and private keys in the hot wallet, so I tried it. At first, I just put in a little bit under the instruction of the other party. At first, I just put it in every day. After a few days, I earned the principal back quickly, so I sent more to the hot wallet, so I got more every day. In the end, I put more in total, but soon I found that my hot wallet was suddenly transferred away and I was suddenly taken part in a special activity. I immediately asked the other party why it was like this. The other party said that it was a special activity of the website, and he had tried it himself and got a reward. You can get it back and the task as long as you pass in the specified one. I calculated that the money I needed was basically half of my savings, so I didn't carry out this task because I felt that gambling was dangerous. Of course, those could not be retrieved in the end, and then I checked some information on the Internet. There was another way to make the other party transfer the funds in your hot wallet without mnemonics and private keys. This is the contract. I was trapped by the other party when I signed with the website. This is the first time I lost the most money playing games to make money. It's something I've wanted to do since I was a child, because I want my family to understand that games are not necessarily just a waste of time, so I began to study and join this category, and gradually got to know different games. During my research, I also contacted these centralized exchanges. There should be about ten projects I contacted, some of which are as large as elephants, and some of them have ceased to operate. I will find different movies to watch and understand the gameplay. This game has been profitable, but it turned out to be very different from ordinary games, which makes me the most. After that, I lost my principal and went back to the most different place from ordinary games. Yes, the game currency will be affected by the market, whether it is the atmosphere or copying, it will affect the market value. For example, I was the first to contact it. At first, when I joined, every game currency was more rare than that. At that time, the game was still very popular, so I made profits again and again to buy new ones to increase my computing power. But with the bear market, all the prices are now only when. I don't know how long it will take to get back to the original capital. Now, in the bear market, the circulation has obviously decreased, and trading is not easy to succeed. So in the end, I also chose to give up this game and go to the centralized exchange. The first time I contacted this exchange was because I was learning about dual-currency financial management, and the first decentralized exchange was because I needed to use it to exchange some game coins, which made me know that there are still many unknown tokens in the world, many of which are game coins and some new items. Unfortunately, there are many tokens that can't even be traded normally for different reasons. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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