Yuga Labs 的失误:错失 Web2 内容赛道?

币圈资讯 阅读:32 2024-04-22 02:46:05 评论:0



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作者:sleepy.mid 小幽灵创始人 来源:X,@sleepy0x13

最近又看到了大家开始聊起Yuga,说他们做游戏不做 Web2 业务是个非常错误的决策,也看到了很多人骂他们做游戏这个事情,下面我也来分享一下我的看法。

首先,我想先明确一下 Yuga 到底错在了哪里。

我的观点可能和很多人说的不一样,我认为 Yuga 做游戏这个大的战略不能说是错的,他们错在没有通过游戏来做内容。

我认为不需要再摘出来讲的事情是:BAYC 和 Yuga 旗下的很多 IP(曾经)都是非常有价值的。这一点我们应该都有共识。

但是,他们在那个时候所谓的「价值」是由 NFT 的地板价撑起来的,这并不是一个健康 IP 应该有的状态,一个 IP 如果想要让人买单必不可少的环节是通过层层漏斗的过滤,IP 价值在这个环节中慢慢累积,而不是一上来就到一个高不可攀的位置,这样的后果就是两拨人互道傻逼。

那么如何将真正的价值逐渐沉淀到 IP 本身呢?答案只有一个,那就是做内容。

这才是 Yuga 做的最错误的事情。我至今仍然觉得 BAYC 的故事背景是非常巧妙的且有个性的,但是似乎除了那个故事之外,Yuga 再也没做过内容,于是整个 IP 讲不出想要传达的价值观、和其他 IP 的区别在哪里。现实的世界里,潮酷的 IP 比比皆是,「Web3 IP」也并没有很吸引人。

做游戏没问题,但是你应该通过游戏来产出关于 IP 内核的内容,作为第九艺术,游戏是非常适合作为内容载体的。

但是 Yuga 却选择做了一个「元宇宙平台」,希望让玩家来生产内容。首先这本身就是难度极大的,无论是开发难度还是 UGC 质量都是很难解决的问题;其次,这就又变成无法为 Yuga 旗下 IP 增值的东西了,因为这个游戏并不能让 IP 内核得到确立。

然后我想再来聊聊我看到的很多人对 Yuga 的「建议」。

站在我的角度看,因为我是从业者,目前也正巧在做这个方向,所以我会觉得很多人是「站着说话不腰疼」。IP 是收租生意没错,但面临的竞争也是巨大的,可以说 IP 这个生意是项目方基本没有办法自己掌控的,需要不停的 BD 新的合作方,而能否合作上基本完全取决于对方。强如 Pudgy Penguins 也是在自产自销,但是他们的渠道能力是没有项目能做到的,目前也只有他们能够采用如此重资产的模式运营。

再加上不争气的 Yuga 始终都没有做可以让自己 IP 增值的事情(之前 PR 找的各种明星有的因为带货被起诉,有的把 BAYC 卖掉亏损 80% 以上),所以我认为不一定是 BAYC 不想做 IP 生意,而是他想找的品牌看不上他,想找他的品牌他自己又看不上,毕竟 Yuga 是个瘦死的骆驼,也没有办法「放下身段」和小品牌合作。

Recently, I have seen the source of the author's ghost founder, and everyone has started to talk that it is a very wrong decision for them to play games instead of doing business. I have also seen many people scold them for playing games. Let me share my views. First of all, I want to make it clear what is wrong. My views may be different from what many people say. I don't think the big strategy of playing games is wrong. What they are wrong with is that they don't do content through games. I don't think it is necessary to pick out the flag again. We should all have a common understanding that many of them used to be very valuable, but at that time, their so-called value was supported by the floor price. This is not a healthy state. An essential link if people want to pay the bill is that the value is gradually accumulated through the filtration of layers of funnels, rather than reaching an unattainable position as soon as they come up. The consequence is that two groups of people are stupid, so how can the real value be gradually precipitated into themselves? There is only one answer, that is, doing content, which is the most wrong thing to do. I still think that the background of the story is very ingenious and unique, but it seems that I have never done anything except that story, so I can't tell where the values I want to convey and other differences are. In the real world, cool things abound and it's not very attractive to play games. No problem, but you should produce content about the kernel through games, which is very suitable as the ninth art game. But I chose to build a meta-universe platform for players to produce content. First of all, this is a very difficult problem in itself, both in terms of development difficulty and quality. Secondly, it becomes something that can't add value to it, because this game can't make the kernel established. Then I want to talk about the suggestions I have seen from many people. From my point of view, because I am a practitioner, I happen to be doing this direction at present, so I feel that many people are standing and talking. It's easy to say that it's a rent-collecting business, but the competition it faces is also huge. It can be said that this business is basically beyond the control of the project party, and it needs new partners. Whether it can cooperate depends entirely on the other party's strength, such as self-production and self-marketing, but their channel ability is not something that the project can do. At present, only they can operate in such an asset-heavy mode, plus they have never done anything that can increase their value. Some were sued for bringing goods, and some sold them at a loss, so I don't think it's necessarily that he doesn't want to do business, but that the brand he wants to find despises his brand, and he despises himself. After all, he is a skinny camel and can't put himself down and cooperate with small brands. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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