Blockchain Capital: Meme 币如何赋能 Web3 社交

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Meme 币正在迎来它的高光时刻。然而究其本质,在过去四年中,我们在 Crytpo 世界中所见证的只不过是一些相同的理念在不同的新媒介中的实现。例如社交代币、NFT 或者 Meme 币。它们的共同特征都是让那些共享的想法、资产或信息的金融化成为可能。参与这些市场,就是参与下一个不断创造、传播和进化的 “元”。

Meme 币的现状极具争议,因为它的文化是一种崇尚 ( 近似 ) 赌博的机制。但模仿在线行为却是互联网上一个非常流行的娱乐工具。如果你仔细观察,你可以看到这可能会演变成创作者和用户有关参与投入、所有权以及货币化的更深层次的形式。

在我之前发布的一篇文章中,我曾表示用户生成的内容是一种互联网上的原生货币形式。用户生成的内容,如 Meme,主要在 Meta (Facebook) 和 X (Twitter) 等媒体聚合器发布和传播。有了加密货币,它便又向前迈进了一步。用户生成的资产在数字原生交易所发布和传播,正如我们开始看到的那样,它们是新时代的发布形式。Meme 只是吸引注意力的另一种方式,一种在 web3 平台上分发传播的方式。

Meme 币作为创作者工具包的一部分


尽管它还处于初级阶段,并没有形成最终形态,但一个为 web3 创作者服务的工具包正逐渐浮出水面。例如像积分和空投这样的机制奖励了对协议的使用。在空投设计方面,我们离成熟仍然还有很大的进步空间,例如白名单和释放机制的限制,这些都有潜力诞生出更具体的奖励机制。通过现有的社区、链上推荐奖励以及 “代币社交证明” 进一步推动其增长。

Meme 币还可用于将不同的社区汇聚在一起,或捕捉某一个特殊的时刻。例如,Seed Club 最近以完全无需许可的方式在 Zora 上推出了 $ENJOY。该 Meme 币专门空投给了那些以各种形式与 Zora 和 Seed Club 真实交互的用户。这样的操作让他们借助 Zora 网络的流量为自己吸引到了来自更广范围的注意力。


凭借链上地址和钱包,$ENJOY 可以专门奖励那些比简单的 Mint 操作更深层的参与行为。$ENJOY 的持有者代表了一组独特的钱包地址,这些钱包地址在一定程度上表现出了对 Zora 和 Seed Club 的忠诚度和参与度。虽然 Meme 币本质上可能会是昙花一现,但它们也是获得关注和营销的有效工具。

我们将开始看到越来越多的创作者和品牌通过链上机制来奖励和吸引他们的用户。你最喜欢的时事通讯作者可能会为他们的一部分读者提供推荐奖励。另外,那些 KOL 可能会根据社交频道的参与积极度来空投他们的 Meme 币。以下是创作者可以用来获取用户和资产增值的一些工具示例。


社交共识和叙事构建在这方面起着至关重要的作用。我们已经看到几乎所有形式的内容聚合都发生在互联网上。直到今天,Crypto 社区在很大程度上依靠传统的社交媒体平台来构建叙事。然而我们也有了一些链上发布产品的实例,这些发布产品的协议包括 Lens 和 Farcaster,以及 Warpcast、Drakula 和 Orb 这样构建在这些协议上面的应用程序。

有了这些平台,Meme 币便可以成为产品体验的一部分。例如,你可以在 Warpcast 上对一个帖子 (Cast) 表发表评论,然后你绑定在 Warpcast 账户 (FID) 的钱包地址就会收到 BONSAI,$BONSAI 持有者可以访问特定的收藏品或加入特定的群。另外,我们也看到这种社交行为出现在其他新兴市场上,例如钱包、Telgram 的交易频道等。而发布平台则可以使用这些数据为特定协议或应用程序的用户提供无缝衔接的用户体验。

到目前为止,我们通过互联网 Meme 和内容获利的主要机制依赖于广告和赞助。随着链上资产的出现,我们正在见证一系列新的行为和机制所引领的下一代互联网 “元”。

The author's source currency is welcoming its highlight moment. However, in essence, what we have witnessed in the world in the past four years is only the realization of some same ideas in different new media, such as social tokens or coins. Their common feature is to make it possible for those shared ideas, assets or information to be financialized. Participating in these markets is to participate in the next currency that is constantly creating, spreading and evolving. The status quo is extremely controversial because its culture is a mechanism that advocates similar gambling, but imitation. Online behavior is a very popular entertainment tool on the Internet. If you look closely, you can see that it may evolve into a deeper form for creators and users to participate in ownership and monetization. In an article I published before, I said that user-generated content is a native currency form on the Internet. For example, user-generated content is mainly published and disseminated in media aggregators. With cryptocurrency, it has taken a step forward. Release and dissemination in digital native exchanges, as we have begun to see, are just another way to attract attention. As a part of the creator's toolkit, money is still in its infancy, but a toolkit for creators is gradually emerging. For example, mechanisms such as integral and airdrop reward the use of protocols. We are still far from mature in airdrop design. There is a lot of room for improvement, such as the limitation of white list and release mechanism, which have the potential to give birth to a more specific reward mechanism, and further promote its growth through the existing community chain to recommend rewards and token social proof. Money can also be used to bring different communities together or capture a special moment, for example, it was recently launched on the Internet in a completely unlicensed way, and it was specially airdropped to users who interacted with each other in various forms, so that they could use the network traffic. Attract attention from a wider range for themselves. With the help of online addresses and wallets, holders who participate in behaviors deeper than simple operations can be specially rewarded. These wallet addresses represent a unique set of loyalty and participation to harmony to a certain extent. Although coins may be a flash in the pan in nature, they are also effective tools for gaining attention and marketing. We will begin to see more and more creators and brands reward and attract through online mechanisms. Their users, your favorite newsletter writers may provide recommendation rewards for some of their readers, while others may airdrop their money according to the participation enthusiasm of social channels. The following are some examples of tools that creators can use to gain users and asset appreciation. Social consensus and narrative construction play a vital role in this regard. We have seen that almost all forms of content aggregation have taken place on the Internet, and until today, communities rely heavily on traditional social organizations. However, we also have some examples of products published on the chain. These agreements include and and applications built on these agreements. With these platforms, coins can become a part of the product experience. For example, you can comment on a post form on the Internet, and then your wallet address bound to your account will receive that the holder can visit a specific collection or join a specific group. In addition, we also see that this social behavior appears in other countries. In emerging markets, such as the transaction channel of wallets, publishing platforms can use these data to provide seamless user experience for users of specific protocols or applications. So far, the main mechanism for us to make profits through the Internet and content depends on advertising and sponsorship. With the emergence of assets on the chain, we are witnessing the next generation of Internet elements led by a series of new behaviors and mechanisms. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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