2024年Q1 关健监管和合规事件分析(二)

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点击阅读:2024年Q1 Web3区块链安全态势、反洗钱分析回顾(一)

首先,该报告将探讨欧洲、迪拜、新加坡和香港等著名金融中心 2024 年第一季度的关键监管和合规事件,提供有关数字资产监管环境不断发展的见解。


欧洲、迪拜、新加坡和香港等著名金融中心 2024 年第一季度的关键监管和合规事件





1. 加密货币托管:

- 必须单独存储私钥及其备份,并保护它们免受内部和外部威胁。

- 强有力的措施已经实施,以在整个生命周期内保护私钥及其备份。

- 应制定书面程序,概述主钱包丢失时应采取的步骤,以用于备份和恢复目的。

- 在合约终止的情况下,必须制定协议来解决有权访问钱包和/或私钥的个人被解雇的情况。

2. 职责分离:

- 交易、财务管理、会计和对账等不同职能之间的职责明确划分,以防止利益冲突和欺诈。

- 金融交易的授权和批准流程,包括对进行交易的权限的限制。


3. 会计政策和程序:

- 明确的会计政策和程序,用于管理与交易、存款、取款、收费和佣金相关的金融交易的记录、分类和报告。


- 根据美国公认会计原则(GAAP)或其他适用的会计标准准确、及时地记录交易。

根据 FASB 发布的会计准则更新 2023 年 8 月—无形资产—商誉及其他—加密资产(子主题 350-60):加密资产的会计处理和披露,






4. 财务报告:

- 定期准备财务报表,包括资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表,以提供透明度并深入了解交易所的财务业绩。

- 对财务数据进行独立验证和对账,确保准确性和完整性。

- 遵守监管报告要求,包括向有关当局提交财务报告。



5. 资产负债管理:

- 监控和管理资产和负债,以保持流动性和偿付能力。

- 定期核对资产和负债余额,包括客户资金、交易准备金和运营资金。

- 风险评估和管理策略,以减轻市场波动、信用风险和运营失败可能造成的潜在损失。












6. 内部审计与合规:

- 内部审计功能,以评估内部控制的有效性,识别缺陷,并推荐改进措施。

- 合规监控,以确保遵守监管要求、行业标准和内部政策。

- 由独立审计师进行的外部审计,以向利益相关者和监管机构提供有关财务报告可靠性和内部控制的保证。

7. 资金管理:

- 有效管理现金流,包括从交易活动收到的资金、客户存款和取款请求。

- 管理现金储备和超额资金的投资政策和指南。

- 控制资金转移和支付,以防止未经授权的交易和欺诈。


8. 遵守监管要求:

- 遵守适用的金融法规,包括反洗钱 (AML)、了解你的客户 (KYC) 和消费者保护法。

- 定期监控和更新,以确保符合监管要求和行业最佳实践的变化。

9. 员工培训和宣传:

- 开展培训项目,旨在教育员工了解财务控制、合规要求和伦理标准。

- 开展宣传活动,促进组织内的诚信、透明和负责任文化。

10. 持续改进:

- 持续审查和评估财务控制和流程,以确定需要加强和优化的领域。

- 建立反馈机制,收集员工、审计师、监管机构和其他利益相关者的意见,以实现持续改进。


在新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 要求




1. 什么是加密货币对账?


2. 如何进行加密货币对账?

Web3 公司通常使用能生成每日对账报告的加密货币会计软件。


3. 为什么加密货币对账很重要?


《关于数字支付代币服务拟议监管措施的咨询文件》(2023 年 11 月)




根据《关于保护客户资产的建议》,<<原则1 - 中介机构应保存准确和最新的客户资产记录和账目,以便随时确定客户资产的确切性质、数额、位置和所有权状况,以及客户资产是为哪些客户持有的。保存记录的方式还应使其可用作审计线索。>>




1. ESMA75-453128700-52 MiCA Consultation Paper - Guidelines on the qualification of crypto-assets as financial instruments


2. DIFC Announces Enactment of New Digital Assets Law, New Law of Security, and Related Amendments to Select Legislation


3. Explanatory Brief: The Financial Institutions (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2024


4. SFC warns public of suspicious crypto-related products “Floki Staking Program” and “TokenFi Staking Program”


5. SFC and Police warn public of Aramex and DIFX for suspected virtual asset-related frauds


6. SFC warns public of suspicious crypto-related product “Yieldnodes.com masternode pool”


7. SFC urges investors to check regulatory status of virtual asset trading platforms as transition period will end soon


8. SFC warns public of suspicious websites for impersonation and suspected virtual asset-related fraud


9. SFC warns public against unlicensed virtual asset trading platform MEXC


10. SFC warns public against unlicensed virtual asset trading platform Bybit


11. SFC warns public of BitForex for suspected virtual asset-related fraud


12. SFC warns public of suspicious websites impersonating licensed virtual asset trading platforms


13. SFC reminds public VATP application period has ended under transitional arrangements


14. Stablecoin Issuer Sandbox


15. Crypto custody: risks and controls from an auditor's perspective 


16. Accounting by holders ofcrypto assets


17. Intangibles—Goodwill and Other—Crypto Assets (Subtopic 350-60)


18. Policy Recommendations for Crypto and Digital Asset MarketsFinal Report


19. Consultation Paper on Proposed Regulatory Measures for Digital Payment Token Services


20. Recommendations Regarding the Protection of ClientAssetsFinal Report


Click to read the analysis of blockchain security situation and anti-money laundering in 2001. The first report will focus on two key topics, provide a comprehensive view of the recent regulatory development in major jurisdictions and provide practical guidance for implementing effective internal control to manage digital assets in the financial sector. First, the report will discuss the key regulatory and compliance events in the first quarter of 2001 in famous financial centers such as Europe, Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong, and provide insights on the continuous development of the regulatory environment for digital assets. Second, the report will be based on financial resources. A comprehensive review of the internal control framework of cryptocurrency from the perspective of business affairs emphasizes the importance of implementing a strong internal control and reconciliation process to effectively manage digital assets, reduce risks and guarantee profits. The key regulatory and compliance events in the first quarter of 2008 in famous financial centers such as Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong in Europe are limited in space. Please see the full report on the internal control framework of cryptocurrency from the financial perspective and reconciliation. From the financial perspective, the internal control framework of cryptoentities focuses on ensuring financial reporting and submission. Easy accuracy, reliability and completeness Cryptographic currency reconciliation is still the core part of the framework. Cryptographic currency internal control framework financial perspective Cryptographic currency custody must store private keys and their backups separately and protect them from internal and external threats. Strong measures have been implemented to protect private keys and their backups throughout the life cycle. Written procedures should be formulated to outline the steps that should be taken when the main wallet is lost for backup and recovery purposes. In the case of contract termination, an agreement must be made to solve it. The situation that the individual who has access to wallet and or private key is dismissed, and the responsibilities are separated. The responsibilities between different functions such as financial management, accounting and reconciliation are clearly divided to prevent conflicts of interest and fraud. The authorization and approval process of financial transactions includes restrictions on the authority to conduct transactions. According to the risk and control from the perspective of PwC cryptocurrency custodian auditors, the crypto entity should ensure that only authorized or approved employees can initiate the sale of cryptocurrency, and at least the principle of double control accounting must be applied. Clear accounting policies and procedures are used to manage the records, classification and reports of financial transactions related to withdrawal fees and commissions in transaction deposits. According to Ernst & Young's application of international financial reporting standards, accounting for encrypted assets has different terms and conditions, and the purpose of holding encrypted assets is different among different entities, even among business models in the same entity holding encrypted assets. Therefore, accounting treatment will depend on specific facts and circumstances. The analysis may be complicated. Record transactions accurately and timely according to US GAAP or other applicable accounting standards. Update the monthly intangible assets goodwill and other encrypted assets according to the published accounting standards. Accounting treatment and disclosure of encrypted assets. For the annual reporting period, the amendments in this update require entities to disclose the following information. Summarize the changes in the holdings of encrypted assets during the reporting period, including the increase and description of the activities that led to the increase. Disposal of profits and losses for any encrypted assets during the reporting period Dispose of the difference between the disposal price and the cost basis and the description of the activities leading to the disposal. If the profit and loss are not presented separately, it is necessary to point out the items in the income statement that recognize these gains and losses, and the method for determining the cost basis of encrypted assets. Financial reports are prepared regularly, including the balance sheet income statement and cash flow statement to provide transparency and in-depth understanding of the financial performance of the exchange. Independent verification and reconciliation of financial data to ensure accuracy and completeness, compliance with regulatory reporting requirements, including to relevant authorities. Submit financial reports, balance sheet pages generated by professional encryption accounting software, major holding pages generated by professional encryption accounting software, asset and liability management, monitor and manage assets and liabilities to maintain liquidity and solvency, and regularly check the balance of assets and liabilities, including customer capital trading reserve and working capital risk assessment and management strategies to mitigate market fluctuations, credit risk and potential losses caused by operational failure. According to the policy of the International Securities Regulatory Commission on organizing cryptocurrency and digital assets market, It is suggested that the final report encryption entity should keep the client assets in custody or separate them from its own assets in other ways, and disclose relevant information to the client in clear, concise and non-technical language, as well as whether the arrangements for protecting these assets and or their private keys are independent custody, the extent to which the client assets are aggregated or aggregated in the comprehensive client account, the rights of individual clients to aggregate or aggregate assets and the losses caused by any aggregation or aggregation activities. Risk: The risks directly or indirectly generated by the encryption entity, such as handling or moving the customer's assets across the chain bridge, and the complete and accurate information about the obligations and responsibilities of the encryption entity in using the customer's assets and private keys, including the repayment terms and the risks involved. It has its own system policies and procedures to conduct regular and frequent reconciliation of the customer's assets under the appropriate independent guarantee, and adopts appropriate system policies and procedures to reduce the risk of loss, theft or inaccessible of the customer's assets. The audit function of the Ministry is to evaluate the effectiveness of internal control, identify defects and recommend improvement measures. Compliance monitoring ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, industry standards and internal policies. The external audit conducted by independent auditors provides stakeholders and regulatory agencies with assurance about the reliability of financial reports and internal control. Fund management effectively manages cash flow, including capital received from trading activities, customer deposits and withdrawal requests, investment policies and guidelines for managing cash reserves and excess funds, and controls capital transfer and Pay to prevent unauthorized transactions and fraud. The fund management page generated by professional encryption accounting software complies with regulatory requirements and applicable financial regulations, including anti-money laundering. Know your customer and consumer protection laws. Regularly monitor and update them to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and changes in industry best practices. Staff training and publicity are carried out. Training programs are aimed at educating employees about financial control compliance requirements and ethical standards, and conducting publicity activities to promote the continuous improvement of integrity, transparency and responsible culture within the organization. Continuously review and evaluate financial controls and processes to determine areas that need to be strengthened and optimized, establish a feedback mechanism to collect opinions from employees, auditors, regulators and other stakeholders to achieve continuous improvement. This framework aims to promote financial stability, transparency and trust in cryptocurrency entities, thereby enhancing investors' confidence and market integrity. In the context of monetary authority of singapore's request for digital payment token service providers to conduct daily reconciliation of customer assets, explore the core of cryptocurrency reconciliation framework. What is cryptocurrency reconciliation? Cryptcurrency reconciliation refers to comparing and verifying transaction data from multiple sources to identify. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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