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作者: 郝天;来源:链上观

最近,Paradigm领投Succinct $4300万的消息点燃了一级市场,而刚TGE的 @PolyhedraZK 总融资金额甚至达到了$7500万。可见,ZKP底层技术设施,承载了资本市场多大的厚望。


除了Polyhedra之外,包括 @SuccinctLabs  @RiscZero   @ProjectZKM    等这类以ZKP技术为基础的可交互操作通信类的项目,它们都在尝试挖掘ZK技术的潜力,为ZK技术的大规模采用而努力。



Polyhedra 为layerZero提供了zkBridge跨链资产转移方案;RISC Zero为OP-Rollups提供了ZK欺诈证明系统可减少欺诈证明的时间损耗;ZKM则采用ZK General-Purpose用于实现安全的可验证计算,最终赋能以太坊成为全球结算层。


1、开发通用化General-Purpose 零知识证明技术;





相比RISC Zero、Succinct、ZKM等项目更上游的技术服务,@Polyhedra 要解决的可交互操作“跨链桥”问题,距离目前市场落地还更近一些,不妨就以大家更熟悉的zkBridge为例,来展示下ZKP技术的硬核底气到底在哪里?







总之,中继链提供的跨链服务最终都会考验一个管理总智能合约背后的Security Committee身上,而该委员会由背后有身份的群体或MPC多签管理主体就成了一个“不信任因素”。










但,眺望未来,ZK跨链解决方案,包括Polyhedra、Succinct、ZKM、RISC Zero等都在往轻量、高效、低能耗方向改进优化。

再往细节说,比如,Polyhedra利用deVirgo和改进的签名方案提出了Single Slot Finality单插槽最终确定性,BLS是一种数字签名方案,允许把多个签名合成一个,以减少存储和数据传输。通过把BLS签名与ZKP结合可以创建紧凑的证明,可以证明一些必要的签名已经完成而并不需要传输和验证签名本身,因此降低了延迟,可在每个Slot区块产生后即可为最终确定态。

此外,随着BTC layer2把BTC作为主链资产结算层的需求增大,Polyhedra通过借用Eigenlayer的双质押经济系统,特别设置了比特币AVS节点系统,让比特币具备了信任最小化的互操作性。同时用BTC和ETH上双映射liquidity pool以及Maker的角色协作锁定资产的形式,应用FRI特殊编码方式,可以实现在比特币上直接验证ZK证明,完成了ZK全链互通最难的一环。




事实上,整个ZKP赛道的潜力远不止Polyhedra提供的这些。更多ZK技术基础设施的各大上游供应方正在ZK跨链桥、ZK轻量化、ZK General-Purpose、ZK Coprocessor、ZK 分布式Prover系统等等垂直细分方向,持续来加速ZKP技术的大规模普及。


The author Hao Tian's view on the source chain has recently ignited the primary market, and the total financing amount has even reached 10,000. It can be seen how much hope the underlying technical facilities bear in the capital market. In fact, the expansion has only been tapped, and there is still a lot of room for imagination in the interoperability of the whole chain. Next, I will talk about my understanding, including such technology-based interoperable communication projects, which are all trying to tap the potential of technology for large-scale technology. Adopting and working hard, most people understand the zero-knowledge proof technology only because of privacy expansion or chain abstraction, and few people think about why the technology can do this and whether the current technology is fully utilized. The reason for this misunderstanding is that the real technology has really only played a superficial role at present, and they are all waiting for the service of star projects. For example, in order to provide a cross-chain asset transfer scheme, the fraud proof system can reduce the time loss of fraud proof, and it is used to achieve security. In short, these low-level technical projects are exploring the large-scale application of zero-knowledge proof technology from different angles and trying to overcome several key challenges, developing universal zero-knowledge proof technology, building a distributed proof system, optimizing the calculation consumption in the proof process, providing a development environment compatible with multiple programming languages, expanding the hardware support range of zero-knowledge proof calculation, and so on. Solving the problem of interoperable cross-chain bridge is closer to the current market landing. Let's take a more familiar example to show where the hard-core strength of the technology lies. The distributed proof system is an open source and helps developers to build and verify non-interactive zero-knowledge proof protocol nodes, which can be directly unlicensed without credible initialization, but an efficient distributed protocol based on protocols, which can support multiple distributed computing networks to prove generation at the same time. Time can also be shortened. The first protocol based on distributed proof system aims at realizing information and communication assets cross-chain and data sharing in cross-chain environment. At present, we have achieved cross-chain communication services with super-chain. What we are familiar with is the service provided, and we pay more attention to the infrastructure construction services such as chain in full-chain environment. Why is it so important because it can directly use the capabilities of public chain nodes to realize communication interaction at the consensus level? Generally speaking, we want to achieve both chain and chain. The common way to interoperate between chains is to build a chain in the chain, which has its own consensus mechanism and distributed verification nodes to ensure the asset security of cross-chain interaction. In order to improve the service capacity, the relay chain will deploy interactive smart contracts on each chain that supports smart contracts, and the total smart contracts of the relay chain will control the assets of the smart contracts distributed in each chain. For example, when users initiate asset transfer from chain to chain, the relay chain will lock an asset first and then. Let the smart contract on the chain release an asset. In the whole process, the relay chain should listen to all the records of chain operations to ensure the correct locking and release of assets between different chains. Only in this way can the relay chain control the total balance of assets, manage the account books and avoid the occurrence of double flowers, but the relay chain itself will have an additional layer of trust cost. Only when users trust the relay chain and the relay chain must build smart contracts with the same interaction standard in various isomorphic chain environments can it do so. If this kind of non-intelligent combination is encountered, In short, the cross-chain service provided by the relay chain will eventually test the body behind a management general intelligent contract, and the Committee is a distrust factor because of the group with identity behind it or the multi-signing management subject. As the most common cross-chain solution, most of them adopt the way of security Committee governance to ensure the safety of assets. Once the Committee group intends to do evil, the loss is irreversible. The great point is that it can be replenished. Give full play to the potential of zero-knowledge proof technology, so that the nodes maintaining the consensus layer between the two chains can directly establish communication and safely control the transfer of assets, and provide interoperability. The distributed system is not a specific relay chain, but more like an open source, unlicensed and credible three-party component chain. The nodes of the chain can initiate the asset transfer declaration by generating the state, and the nodes of the chain can directly verify the correctness of the proof, and obviously, this kind of technology can serve at a very low cost of calculation and time consumption. The relay chain service mode of the security Committee is easier to gain the trust of the market, in fact, it is safer and more efficient. Note that this is only a relative concept. At present, many cross-chain schemes are still multi-sign infrastructure, which needs to be further strengthened. It can directly let all nodes of the chain participate in the whole process of certificate generation and verification, but it is not conducive to rapid and extensive horizontal expansion. What should we do to solve this problem through light clients? Using light clients can reduce resource requirements, storage bandwidth and computing capital. Less source consumption, light client can be horizontally compatible with non-intelligent contract chains or other heterogeneous chains to provide wider interoperability. For example, chains can only use light clients and hash time locks to control asset transfer. Using light client plus lightweight integrated assistance can simplify the threshold for developers, shorten the development cycle and accelerate the popularization of the whole chain infrastructure. Because the calculation and verification of zero knowledge proof and the communication process require a series of processing operations, we must weigh the cost consumption and timeliness. There are too many technical problems to overcome. To some extent, it is reasonable for the chain-in-chain cross-chain solution to become a market choice. However, looking forward to the future, cross-chain solutions, including, are all improving and optimizing in the direction of light weight, high efficiency and low energy consumption. In detail, such as using and improving the signature scheme, the single-slot final certainty is a digital signature scheme that allows multiple signatures to be combined into one to reduce storage and data transmission. It can be proved that by combining signatures, a compact proof can be created. Some necessary signatures have been completed without the need to transmit and verify the signatures themselves, thus reducing the delay, which can be the final state after each block is generated. In addition, with the increasing demand as the settlement layer of the main chain assets, the Bitcoin node system is specially set up through the borrowed dual-pledge economic system, which makes Bitcoin have the interoperability of minimizing trust. At the same time, the application of special coding methods in the form of cooperating with the upper and lower double mapping and locking assets can realize direct verification on Bitcoin, which proves that the most difficult part of the whole chain interoperability has been completed. The goal is not only to become the infrastructure of the whole chain. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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