聚焦愿景和使命:OKX Web3 举办的The future is now 主题活动圆满收官

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4月6日,OKX Web3 于香港 Web3 嘉年华期间举办的 The future is now 主题活动圆满收官,OKX Ventures 合伙人 Jeff Ren、Solana基金会主席 Lily Liu、Aptos Labs 联合创始人兼 CTO Avery Ching 以及 OKX Global 首席商务官 Lennix以及 PolyhedraZK 首席战略官  Eric Vreeland、Solana 基金会增长负责人Anna Yuan、Aptos Labs生态负责人Neil Harounian 等嘉宾出席了本次活动。


活动伊始,OKX Ventures 合伙人 Jeff Ren 发表了主题为“OKX Web3的使命与愿景”演讲。他表示,作为Web3领域最活跃的贡献者之一,OKX Web3 专注于推动生态系统的增长和应用。此外,我们还致力于在不同链及协议上为开发者提供最大程度的支持。赋能开发者社区是我们的核心使命之一,也彰显了我们支持区块链底层架构的决心。

目前 OKX Wallet 已集成 90+公链,并采用MPC和账户抽象智能合约技术来彻底实现用户自托管。

“OKX Web3 致力于产品研发的同时,还积极布局行业基础设施与生态治理协议,推动应用创新,力求全方位提升公共区块链的可访问性和现实应用。他指出,强大的基础设施是技术进步的基石,OKX Web3 日后将继续为去中心化的未来提供有力支持。 ” Jeff 坦言。

作为一个技术型合作伙伴,OKX Web3 深受“开放精神”所驱动。Jeff 说:“我们相信合作带来的力量,并致力于与香港加密社区建立强大的关系。我们的目标是为区块链技术的发展做出有意义的贡献,并确保其成为我们数字未来的主要组成部分。”

最后 Jeff 总结道:“我们相信一个开放的和可访问的去中心化未来是必然的趋势,区块链驱动的创新将推动各行业的进步。加密货币的活力正在释放,让我们继续大胆前进,不断突破,为所有人建立一个由开放型技术驱动的未来而努力。”

此外,Aptos Co-founde r 兼 CTO Avery Ching 在主题演讲中分享了 Aptos 低延迟、升级性好、高性能等特点,并介绍了这些功能如何促成了 Aptos 与微软、NBC环球集团、韩国SK电信及乐天集团等大型企业的合作。此外,Avery还分享看 Move 语言在 Aptos 上的发展,并阐释了 Aptos 将50亿用户带入区块链行业的决心。

作为全球领先的 Web3 科技创新者,OKX Web3 始终坚持扎根于开发者社区,致力于构建面向未来的创新型技术。而 OKX Ventures 作为专注于资助 Web3 创新的投资部门,未来将在最大程度上与合作伙伴一起推动区块链社区间互通性和协作性,搭建互联和高效的区块链生态系统。

实际上,自去年以来,OKX Ventures 团队就在以开发者群体为中心的活动上投入大量时间与精力。此外,其团队还与全球最大的以太坊开发者社区 Gitcoin合作,旨在通过DAO组织继续为社区服务,挖掘并资助有影响力的项目,助力全球 Web3 行业的发展更上一层楼。



The theme activity held during the carnival in Hong Kong on April was successfully concluded. The co-founder of the Partner Foundation, the chief business officer and the chief strategy officer, the head of the foundation's growth, and other guests attended the event. At the beginning of the event, the partner delivered a speech on the mission and vision with the theme, saying that as one of the most active contributors in the field, he is committed to promoting the growth and application of the ecosystem. In addition, we are committed to providing developers with the greatest degree in different chains and agreements. Supporting and empowering the developer community is one of our core missions, and it also demonstrates our determination to support the underlying architecture of blockchain. At present, we have integrated the public chain and adopted the abstract intelligent contract technology with accounts to completely realize user self-hosting. We are committed to product research and development, and at the same time, we are actively laying out industrial infrastructure and ecological governance agreements to promote application innovation and strive to improve the accessibility and practical application of public blockchain in all directions. He pointed out that strong infrastructure is the cornerstone of technological progress and will continue to be decentralized in the future. Frankly speaking, as a technical partner, we are deeply driven by the spirit of openness, saying that we believe in the strength brought by cooperation and are committed to building a strong relationship with the encryption community in Hong Kong. Our goal is to make meaningful contributions to the development of blockchain technology and ensure that it becomes a major part of our digital future. Finally, we conclude that we believe that an open and accessible decentralized future is an inevitable trend, and blockchain-driven innovation will promote the progress of various industries. The vitality of cryptocurrency is being released. Let's continue to make bold progress and make breakthroughs to build an open technology-driven future for all. In addition, in the keynote speech, we shared the characteristics of low latency, good scalability and high performance, and introduced how these functions contributed to the cooperation with large enterprises such as Microsoft Global Group, Korea Telecom and Lotte Group. In addition, we shared the development of language and explained the determination to bring hundreds of millions of users into the blockchain industry as the world's leading technological innovation. As an investment department focusing on financing innovation, the developer has always insisted on taking root in the developer community and is committed to building innovative technologies for the future. In the future, the developer will work with partners to promote interoperability and collaboration among blockchain communities to build an interconnected and efficient blockchain ecosystem. In fact, since last year, the team has invested a lot of time and energy in activities centered on the developer community. In addition, its team has also cooperated with the world's largest Ethereum developer community to organize. Continue to explore and fund influential projects for community service and help the development of global industries. by going up one flight of stairs Disclaimer This content is for reference only. This announcement is not intended to provide any investment, tax or legal advice, nor should it be regarded as an offer to buy, sell or hold virtual assets. Holding virtual assets, including stable currency, is risky, and market fluctuations may be greater. You may even lose the value of all assets. You should carefully consider whether you are suitable for trading according to your financial situation and risk tolerance. Or holding virtual assets will not provide any investment or asset advice. You must take full responsibility for the investment decisions you make and will not be responsible for any losses. Past performance does not represent future results. If you have any questions about your specific situation, please consult your legal, tax and investment experts. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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