2024 年 3 月 Web3 游戏报告:市场趋势与投资动态

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数据来源:Footprint Analytics GameFi Research 

2024 年 3 月,比特币不断刷新纪录,成功跨越了月中的低谷。受益于宏观经济的积极态势,整个加密货币市场表现突出。与此同时,2024 年游戏开发者大会(GDC 2024)的召开成为推动区块链游戏行业发展的又一重要动力,助力区块链游戏代币市值增长 24.1%,日活跃用户量提升 17.5%。游戏行业巨头与公链正纷纷投资培育 Web3 游戏生态系统,让我们共同关注这些举措将如何落地并带来怎样的成果。

本报告数据来自 Footprint Analytics 的 Web3 游戏研究页面。这是一个易于使用的仪表板,包含了解 Web3 游戏行业最重要的统计数据和指标,并实时更新。


3 月,比特币在“突破”与“波动”间经历了显著的涨跌起伏。月初开始于 61,213 美元,迅速突破先前的 69,000 美元高点,并在 3 月 14 日创下 73,068 美元的历史新高。尽管月中一度回落 15.1% 至 62,047 美元,但月末收复失地,最终收于 69,656 美元,整月涨幅达 13.8%。相比之下,以太币的涨幅相对稳健,开始于 3,344 美元,收于 3,648 美元,涨幅 9.1%。

数据来源:比特币与以太坊价格走势 - Footprint Analytics

3 月份的加密货币市场表现强劲,这主要得益于市场对利率下降的预期,尽管整体经济表现强劲。这种前景加剧了通胀担忧,使比特币和黄金等资产更具吸引力。比特币的价格变动与美国比特币现货 ETF 表现紧密相关。月中价格的回落主要受到比特币现货 ETF 资金流入放缓和传统交易者降低杠杆的影响。然而,市场对 4 月份比特币减半事件的期待为其维持了上涨势头。

以太坊虽然涨幅稍逊于比特币,但仍保持稳步增长,这在一定程度上是因为美国现货 ETF的获批前景似乎并不明朗。3 月 13 日以太坊重要网络升级(Dencun Upgrade/坎昆升级)旨在降低以太坊的交易成本,进而促进了其生态系统内的活动。

3 月份,AI 行业成为市场焦点,Nvidia 在 AI 盛会 GTC 2024 上发布 Blackwell GPU 和 GB200 超级芯片,不仅点燃了美国和全球股市的热情,也在加密货币市场中引发了广泛关注,推动了加密 AI 板块的上涨。


本月,区块链游戏代币市值增长 24.1%,达到 241亿美元。这一增长不仅得益于加密货币市场的繁荣,更得益于 2024 年游戏开发者大会(GDC 2024)的推动。大会进一步激发了 Web3 游戏开发者的活跃度,并显著提升了市场对游戏代币的关注度。


在市场动态与重大行业事件的共同作用下,3 月份日均活跃用户(钱包)数量持续增长,达到 270 万,较2月份增长 17.5%。

数据来源:区块链游戏每日活跃用户数 - Footprint Analytics

然而,尽管自 2023 年第三季度以来交易量有所回升,但尚未回到 2022 年第二季度的峰值水平。

数据来源:区块链游戏季度交易量 - Footprint Analytics


3 月份,游戏玩家排名显示,Ronin、Polygon 和 BNB 链是活跃玩家数量最多的平台,分别占据 35.4%、20.9% 和 10.8% 的市场份额。值得一提的是,Ronin 和 Polygon 进一步巩固了领先地位,其市场份额相较于 2 月份分别增长了 6.3% 和 7.8%。

数据来源:活跃游戏玩家占比 - Footprint Analytics

在交易量排名方面,以太坊、Ronin 和 BNB 链占据主导地位。3 月,Ronin 的交易量达到 8,170 万美元,环比增长 35.1%,而 BNB 链则出现 13% 的下滑。Ronin 在仅有不到 10 款游戏的情况下,其市场份额扩张势头强劲。随着 Ronin 不断添加新游戏,其增长潜力有望进一步提升。

数据来源:Ronin 热门游戏 - Footprint Analytics

公链领域的竞争日趋激烈,各大公链纷纷加大投资,致力于推动 Web3 游戏生态系统的繁荣。

Arbitrum 基金会宣布了一项提案,将在两年内分发 2 亿 $ARB 代币,以支持其区块链上的游戏项目。其中,1.6 亿 $ARB 将分配给游戏发行商和开发者,而剩余的资金则计划用于提升基础设施。这一提案需要得到 Arbitrum DAO 的批准。

与此同时,Starknet 基金会也在积极行动,成立了一个专门的游戏委员会,旨在推动 Starknet 游戏生态系统的发展。该委员会计划分发 5,000 万  $STRK 代币,用于支持委员会认可的游戏项目,特别是那些能够激励游戏开发和玩家参与的项目。

另外,Immutable、King River Capital 与 Polygon Labs 也联手推出了一项 1 亿美元的 “Inevitable Games Fund”。这一基金将结合三方在游戏和区块链领域的专业知识,寻找并投资有潜力的游戏工作室和 Web3 基础设施。


3 月份,活跃的区块链游戏数量稳定在 2,879 款,市场未见显著波动。然而,业界普遍期待能够出现重大突破,以大幅度提升用户参与度。

数据来源:每月活跃区块链游戏数量 - Footprint Analytics

在这样的背景下,一个疑问随之而生:本月大热的游戏 Notcoin 是否会成为市场期盼的游戏变革者?这款简单的点击游戏,依托于 Telegram 通讯应用,短短数月间便吸引了超过 3,500 万玩家。玩家只需通过 Telegram 与 Notcoin 机器人互动、邀请朋友并开始游戏,即可赚取游戏币。然而,是什么促使 3,500 万用户投入这看似简单的 “点击屏幕获取游戏币” 游戏呢?答案在于即将到来的空投活动。Notcoin 宣布将在 4 月份利用 The Open Network(TON) 将其庞大的游戏币迁移到区块链上,这一举措引发了市场的极大关注。但这又引发了另外一个疑问:如果仅有游戏币是上链的,其他游戏机制、装备、数据等游戏要素都未上链,一个游戏是否能被称为“区块链游戏”呢?

与此同时,3 月份也涌现出几款表现亮眼的游戏和平台。其中,Gala Games 的代币 $GALA 涨幅高达 69.6%。Gala 致力于构建一个庞大的 AAA 级游戏平台,旨在赋予玩家前所未有的自由、控制权及丰厚奖励。

另一方面,基于以太坊的开放世界幻想战斗游戏 Illuvium 也取得了不小的进展,成功完成了 1,200 万美元的 A 轮融资。定位为以太坊上的首款 AAA 级游戏,Illuvium 凭借其全 3D 环境脱颖而出,与其他区块链游戏形成了鲜明对比。3 月份,其 $ILV 代币价值上涨了 18.2%。



戏行业迎来了投资热潮,共筹集了 1.51 亿美元,环比增长了 80.6%,涉及 26 轮融资。这一显著增长凸显了资本对该行业的持续青睐和高度关注。

2024 年 3 月 区块链游戏领域投融资事件(数据来源:crypto-fundraising.info)

公链作为行业的基础设施,正积极通过投资游戏项目来巩固自身地位并推动生态扩张。其中,Solana 表现尤为突出,其旗下的 Solana Ventures 投资了 Parallel,而 Solana 基金会则对 Elixir Games 进行了注资。Parallel 以高达 3,500 万美元的融资额,成为当月融资规模最大的项目。

与此同时,Avalanche 也取得了显著进展。Avalanche 基金会大力支持了两个项目:BloodLoop 和 Crystals of Naramunz。此外,Avalanche 生态基金 Blizzard Fund 向 Gunzilla Games 提供了资金支持,使后者在3月份以 3,000 万美元的融资额位居第二。

游戏巨头 Square Enix 不仅开发其自有区块链产品,还投资有潜力的 Web3 项目。在 3 月份,Square Enix 向游戏平台 Elixir Games 和 HyperPlay 注入了资金,并计划将旗下游戏 Symbiogenesis 引入 HyperPlay 平台。

传统的加密基金也表现活跃。a16z Crypto 支持了 MyPrize 和 MadWorld,而 Animoca Brands 支持了 Illuvium、MetaCene 和游戏基础设施 Param Labs。

Author's data source Bitcoin has continuously set a new record in June and successfully crossed the mid-month trough, benefiting from the positive macro-economic situation. The whole cryptocurrency market is outstanding. At the same time, the convening of the game developers' conference in has become another important driving force to promote the development of the blockchain game industry, helping the market value of blockchain game tokens to increase, and increasing the number of active users. Game industry giants and public chains are investing in cultivating the game ecosystem. Let us pay attention to how these measures will land and what they will bring. Results The data of this report comes from the game research page, which is an easy-to-use dashboard that contains the most important statistics and indicators of the game industry and updates them in real time. This month's market review, Bitcoin experienced significant ups and downs between breakthrough and fluctuation. At the beginning of the month, the dollar quickly broke through the previous high point of the dollar and hit a record high of the dollar on March. Although it once fell back to the dollar in the middle of the month, it finally recovered its lost ground and closed at the end of the month. In contrast, the increase of ethereum in the whole month was relatively high. The stability begins with the dollar's increase in the dollar. The data source is the price trend of Bitcoin and Ethereum. The cryptocurrency market performed strongly in January, which was mainly due to the market's expectation of falling interest rates. Although the overall economic performance was strong, this prospect aggravated inflation concerns and made assets such as Bitcoin and gold more attractive. The price change of Bitcoin is closely related to the spot performance of Bitcoin in the United States. The price decline in the middle of the month was mainly affected by the slow inflow of bitcoin spot funds and the reduction of leverage by traditional traders. However, the market's expectation for the event of halving bitcoin in June kept its upward momentum. Although the increase was slightly lower than that of bitcoin, Ethereum maintained steady growth. To some extent, the approval prospect of American spot seemed unclear. On May, the important network upgrade of Ethereum in Cancun was aimed at reducing the transaction cost of Ethereum, thus promoting the activities in its ecosystem. The industry became the focus of the market in the month, and the release of super chips not only ignited the enthusiasm of American and global stock markets, but also increased. The cryptocurrency market has aroused widespread concern and promoted the rise of the encryption sector. Overview of the blockchain game market This month, the market value of blockchain game tokens increased to US$ 100 million. This growth not only benefited from the prosperity of the cryptocurrency market, but also benefited from the promotion of the game developers' conference in 2008, which further stimulated the activity of game developers and significantly improved the market's attention to game tokens. Under the joint action of market dynamics and major industry events, the game developers' conference was active in users' money every month. The number of packages has continued to grow to 10,000, which is more than that of the month. However, although the transaction volume has rebounded since the third quarter of 2008, it has not yet returned to the peak level in the second quarter of 2008. The data of the quarterly transaction volume of blockchain games, the public chain of blockchain games and the ranking of gamers in the month show that and chain are the platforms with the largest number of active players, respectively occupying the market share of sum. It is worth mentioning and further consolidating their leading position, and their market share is respectively compared with that in the month. The proportion of gamers with active data sources has increased. In terms of transaction volume ranking, Ethereum and chain dominate. The monthly transaction volume has increased to 10,000 US dollars, while the chain has declined. In the case of fewer games, its market share has expanded strongly. With the continuous addition of new games, its growth potential is expected to further enhance the data sources. The competition in the public chain field of popular games is becoming increasingly fierce. The major chains have increased their investment and are committed to promoting the prosperity of the game ecosystem. The foundation announced one. The proposal will distribute 100 million tokens to support the game projects in its blockchain within two years, of which 100 million tokens will be distributed to game publishers and developers, and the rest will be used to upgrade the infrastructure. At the same time, the foundation is also actively taking action to set up a special game Committee to promote the development of the game ecosystem. The Committee plans to distribute 100 million tokens to support the game projects approved by the Committee, especially those that can stimulate game development and player participation. In addition, with the project, we also jointly launched a $100 million fund, which will combine the expertise of the three parties in the field of games and blockchain to find and invest in potential game studios and infrastructure. Overview of blockchain games, the number of active blockchain games in the month is stable, and there is no significant fluctuation in the payment market. However, the industry generally expects a major breakthrough to greatly improve user participation. Data sources, the number of active blockchain games per month, in this context, a question arises. Will the hot game become the game changer expected by the market? This simple click-and-click game has attracted more than 10,000 players in just a few months relying on communication applications. Players can earn game money by interacting with robots to invite friends and start the game. However, what prompted 10,000 users to invest in this seemingly simple click-and-click screen to get game money? The answer lies in the upcoming airdrop activity, which announced that it would use its huge game money to migrate to the blockchain in May. The market pays great attention, but this raises another question. If only the game currency is wound up, other game mechanisms, equipment, data and other game elements are not wound up, can a game be called a blockchain game? At the same time, several games and platforms with bright performances have emerged in the month, among which tokens have risen as much as possible, aiming at building a huge level game platform to give players unprecedented freedom of control and generous rewards. On the other hand, an open-world fantasy battle tour based on Ethereum has emerged. The drama has also made a lot of progress, successfully completed a round of financing of 10,000 US dollars, positioning itself as the first-class game on the Ethereum, which stands out in sharp contrast with other blockchain games by virtue of its overall environment. The value of its tokens rose in June, and the investment and financing situation of blockchain games ushered in an investment boom, raising a total of 100 million US dollars, which highlighted the continuous favor and high concern of capital for the industry. Chain, as the infrastructure of the industry, is actively consolidating its position and promoting ecological expansion by investing in game projects, among which its investment is particularly prominent, and the foundation has injected capital with a financing amount of up to 10,000 US dollars, which has become the largest financing project in the month. At the same time, it has made remarkable progress. The foundation has strongly supported two projects and in addition, the ecological fund has provided financial support to the latter, which made it rank second in the month with a financing amount of 10,000 US dollars. The game giant not only developed its own blockchain products, but also invested in potential projects, and injected funds into the game platform and planned to put its games in 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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