解读链游Mirandus:内容品质优秀 玩法设计丰富

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作者:雨中狂睡 来源:X,@qiaoyunzi1

与上一轮 Play2Earn 不同的是,这一轮的游戏品质更加优秀,比如 Parallel 、Bigtime、Nyan、Pixels Online 等等。高品质游戏对用户的改变也是显而易见的,完成了从「之前的买点 NFT 资产质押点几下就可以赚钱的纯 Ponzi 玩法」向「需要用户亲身参与游戏花费时间来进行游戏并赚取相应收入」的转变。新的模式将会为我们带来新的机会。旧模式的游戏或许可以负隅顽抗,但是真正的财富机会一定会诞生于采用新模式的游戏(高品质游戏,需要 PoW)当中。

聪明点的老项目,会选择对自身原有游戏进行升级,或者推出新游戏来完成对新叙事的迎合,比如 Ronin(Axie Infinity)。而不懂得转变的项目方往往还是在玩老一套,透支自己在行业内的影响力(这里我就不点名了)。我坚信,选择走精品化游戏路线的游戏项目方在这轮一定能跑出来几个。

举个例子,比如 @GoGalaGames 。当然,以前 Gala Games 推出的游戏可玩性还是不错的。它之前玩的是节点挖矿的模式。为了应对新周期新叙事,Gala 推出了 Gala Chain,并基于此构建音乐、电影等去中心化泛娱乐生态。未来,Gala Chain 还要搞存储、DePin 等等。同时,Gala Games 前些年就在筹备的游戏 @MirandusGame 也开始 NFT 销售和大量的游戏测试——从小体量游戏到大型 MMORPG 的转变,距离正式的游戏发行应该不远了。

简单来聊聊 Mirandus 这款游戏。

1/ Overview

  • 中世纪奇幻冒险类 MMORPG

  • 世界由五位玩家君主统治,玩家可以选择不同职业,进行冒险、战斗和经营。我们可以将其理解为一个大型虚拟社会。没有地图,没有任务提示「?」,玩家可以自由探索。游戏通过利益(Materium $MTRM 代币)驱动玩家的行为。代币有产出有消耗。

  • 游戏的核心机制是「玩家对游戏资产的所有权」:比如说玩家可以声称他们拥有大陆某块荒野的所有权,并在其上进行建设。

整体游戏的逻辑看下来,游戏是由利益驱动玩家行为。与之前 Gala Games 卖节点挖矿异曲同工,不同的是,玩家需要要付出相应的游玩时间才赚取到对应的代币,和 Bigtime 类似,算是真正的“Play2Earn”。

游戏的生命力也会比旧范式的 GameFi 要更加强劲——真实玩家将组建社区,使得游戏拥有更长的生命周期。

2/ NFT:游戏内资产


Exemplars 有五种:ELF、HALFING、ORC、DWARF 和 HUMAN,目前 ELF 和 HALFING NFT 已经售罄,HUMAN NFT 也马上售罄。不同种族的不同分支拥有不同的能力,比如 Allsight ELF 有远程武器加成。简单来说,种族决定了你在游戏社会中的角色——因为它的某种特性能够让你更好地上手相关游戏内容。



游戏中提供不同的 Deeds(比如城堡、城镇、村庄、前哨等),玩家可以通过不同的 Deeds 来获得游戏内资产(土地)的所有权。


在通过 Deeds 确定了土地归属之后,玩家就需要通过 Buldings NFT 来在土地上进行建设。


简而言之,Ships 就是游戏内的探索工具,玩家需要 Ships 来进行探索和装载货物。


Docks 用来停泊 Ships。


Items 类型很多,都是功能性 / 增益 Buff 型游戏道具。目前在售的是 Lantern of The Sun,功能是照明,帮助玩家探索黑暗荒野。

Mirandus 几乎把所有的游戏道具都放在了链上——这是一件好事,也是一件坏事,好事是游戏通过 NFT 的形式彰显玩家对游戏资产的所有权,坏事是这会让玩家徒增许多不必要的交易成本。如果未来在游戏发布后 Mirandus 能够很好地解决这个问题,那么请忽略我的这些担心。

3/ 与 Bigtime 的区别

目前区块链游戏需要通过现金流来维持项目运营和游戏内容(和买断制游戏不同),Bigtime 使用时间付费的形式来赚取现金流收入,但 Bigtime 本身没有对应的赋能(其实 Bgtime 可以通过回购等形式来做代币赋能,与游戏本身无关,只要是赋能就行,这也是它主要被诟病的点)。

而 Mirandus 是通过售卖游戏道具来赚取现金流,且游戏代币 $MTRM 在产出的同时,也有消耗的场景。团队可以通过新游戏内容(新游戏资产的销售)的推出速度来控制整体游戏资产的通胀速度,只要好好运营,不涸泽而渔,上限可能要比 Bigtime 更高。

不过由于 Exemplars 的上限固定(50000),在一定程度上也限制了游戏的发展上限。看看官方后期会如何解决这个问题。

简单来说,如果 Mirandus 的运营思路(游戏资产发行、社区运营、维持玩家粘性等)正确和执行力到位,在 Gala Games 背景下,这个游戏有机会走到更高的地方。

The source of the author's crazy sleep in the rain is different from the last round. The quality of this round of games is better. For example, it is obvious that high-quality games have changed users. The pure gameplay that can make money from the previous point of buying assets and pledging points has changed to the need for users to participate in the game in person and spend time playing the game and earn corresponding income. The new model will bring us new opportunities. The old model of games may be stubborn, but real wealth opportunities will definitely be born. New mode games, high-quality games need smart old projects, and they will choose to upgrade their original games or launch new games to cater to new narratives. For example, the project parties who don't know how to change are often still playing the old game to overdraw their influence in the industry. I won't name the names here. I firmly believe that the game project parties who choose to take the boutique game route will definitely run out in this round. For example, of course, the game launched before is still good in playability. In order to cope with the new cycle and new narrative, the node mining model has been introduced, and based on this, music movies and other decentralized pan-entertainment ecology will be built, and storage will be carried out in the future. At the same time, the games that were prepared a few years ago have also begun to be sold and a large number of game tests have been carried out. The transition from small-scale games to large-scale games should not be far away from the official game release. Let's briefly talk about this game. The medieval fantasy and adventure world is ruled by five players, and players can choose different occupations to take risks, fight and run us. It can be understood as a large-scale virtual society without maps and tasks. Players can freely explore the game, and the behavior of players is driven by interest tokens. The core mechanism of the game is that players have the ownership of game assets. For example, players can claim that they have the ownership of a wilderness in the mainland and build on it. The logic of the whole game looks like the game is driven by interests. The behavior of players is similar to that of selling nodes and mining before, but the players need to pay. The corresponding playing time can earn the corresponding tokens, and the vitality of the real game will be stronger than that of the old paradigm. Real players will form communities to make the game have a longer life cycle. There are five kinds of assets in the game, and different branches of different races have different abilities, such as long-range weapon bonus. Simply put, race determines your role in the game society because of its certain characteristics, which can make you better use related games. The content and quality of the chain tour are excellent, and the gameplay design is rich. The game provides different types, such as castles, towns, villages, outposts, etc. Players can obtain the ownership of the assets and land in the game through different methods. After determining the ownership of the land, players need to build on the land through it. In short, it is the exploration tool in the game. Players need to explore and load goods for parking. Many types are functional gain-oriented game props currently on sale. The function is lighting to help players explore. It is a good thing and a bad thing that almost all the game props are put on the chain in the dark wilderness. The good thing is that the form of game adoption shows the player's ownership of the game assets. The bad thing is that it will increase the player's unnecessary transaction costs. If this problem can be solved well after the game is released in the future, please ignore my worries and differences. At present, blockchain games need to maintain project operation and game content through cash flow, and buy-out games are paid at different time. Earn cash flow income in the form of fees, but there is no corresponding empowerment in itself. In fact, token empowerment can be done through repurchase and other forms. As long as it is empowering, it has nothing to do with the game itself. This is also the point that it is mainly criticized. Instead, it earns cash flow by selling game props, and the game tokens are consumed at the same time. The team can control the inflation rate of the overall game assets through the launch speed of new game content and new game assets. As long as it operates well, the upper limit of fishing may be possible. It is higher than that, but the fixed upper limit also limits the development upper limit of the game to a certain extent. Let's see how the official will solve this problem in the later stage. Simply put, if the operation idea of the game assets distribution community operation maintains the correctness and execution of players' stickiness, the game has the opportunity to go to a higher place in the background. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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