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美国证券交易委员会(SEC)周三向UniSwap Labs发出警告,称或将对该公司提起执法诉讼。UniSwap Labs是去中心化交易协议UniSwap Protocol的发起人,而UniSwap是DeFi领域的头部协议,自五年半前启动以来,其交易量已超过2万亿美元,占据去中心化交易市场总成交量的55.5%。



目前,尚未了解SEC对UniSwap Labs指控的具体性质--尽管该公司构建了同名协议UniSwap Protocol,但其并非是该协议的核心控制人。从以往SEC对Coinbase等高知名度加密货币公司的诉讼来看,非法向公众提供未经注册的证券,或者未注册为经纪人或合规交易所等诉讼性质可能性较大。


UniSwap面临的诉讼时间点颇为微妙,正值加密货币行业对SEC怨声载道时。行业普遍认为SEC处理加密领域问题过分武断,在不存在明确规则的基础下采取执法行动,并未考虑到加密货币基于区块链与去中心化的独特性。SEC主席Gary Gensler对此反驳道,现行的证券法是明确的,加密货币行业寻求特殊待遇,但却没有遵守法律--白宫,尤其是Gensler的强大盟友、民主党的参议员Elizabeth Warren也赞同这一观点。


这些诉讼均在进行中,结果好坏参半,双方都曾一度占据了上风,不过近年来的裁决表明,作为监管机构的SEC在法律上还是占据了相对领先的优势。但在本次诉讼中,鉴于DeFi技术的独特性以及UniSwap Labs去年在集体诉讼案中取得的法律胜利,UniSwap案的结果仍难以预料。

从意义来看,自20年的DeFi夏天爆发以后,DeFi已然成为了加密市场至关重要的细分环节,而最为头部的UniSwap协议已完成超过2万亿美元的交易,主流金融界对其底层技术的关注也正日益增加,因此美SEC与UniSwap Labs之间的诉讼结果影响深远。


在UniSwap Labs的案例中,创始人Hayden Adams编写了为协议提供基础的原始底层代码,该公司为用户提供了交易某些加密代币的接口。该协议本身是开源的,并被DeFi领域的许多其他项目所引用,而基于开源的Uniswap代码,用户可以在自我保管财产的前提下,无需任何中间商直接参与市场交易。

这一特殊性对于UniSwap Labs的抗辩格外重要。实际上,UniSwap已有相对丰富的诉讼应对经历。早在2022年4月9日,美国律师事务所Kim&Serritella以及Barton宣布发起一项证券集体诉讼,指控Uniswap Labs和Paradigm、a16z等被告违反证券法,在UniSwap平台以数字代币的形式发行和出售未注册证券,包括Uniswap的治理代币UNI。


UniSwap Labs也对此进行了回应,辩称自己开发的技术是中立的--其他第三方使用该技术进行的操作,企业并无控制权。




整体来看,援引Web3小律观点,SEC对该企业的诉讼仍存在诸多挑战。首先是基于UniSwap协议的交易难以适用于证券法,在此前Risley与UniSwap Labs案件中,主审法官曾明确表示由于该企业的中立性,Uniswap上的交易并不适用于证券法,且提出“证券与否的认定最好由国会判定。”





UniSwap Labs知情人士人士称,该公司准备在法庭上进行一场“有价值的斗争”,并表示该公司在光天化日之下选择扎根在纽约市而非海外运营,就直接反映了该公司的合法性。








Fortune:SEC moves to sue Uniswap in bid to hobble fast-growing DeFi sector;


On Wednesday, the US Securities and Exchange Commission issued a warning that it is the initiator of the decentralized trading agreement, but the head agreement of the field. Since it was launched five and a half years ago, its trading volume has exceeded one trillion dollars, accounting for the total trading volume of the decentralized trading market. The warning was issued in the form of a notice. The representative will send an informal reminder to the involved enterprises before the formal lawsuit is filed, providing the enterprises with the last opportunity to refute the allegations. Of course, receiving the notice does not mean one. In short, this is the last defense opportunity. The recipient can provide evidence and arguments to try to persuade him not to take action. If he decides to continue, he will file a formal lawsuit and issue a civil lawsuit order. However, in general, this process is just a formality. It is said that the agency has been investigating the cryptocurrency industry for a long time and is seeking a comprehensive crackdown. In an interview, a spokesman for the agency said that the US Securities and Exchange Commission does not comment. Whether there is a possible investigation has not yet been known about the specific nature of the charges. Although the company has constructed an agreement with the same name, it is not the core controller of the agreement. Judging from the previous lawsuits against high-profile cryptocurrency companies, it is more likely to illegally provide unregistered securities to the public or not register as a broker or a compliance exchange. At the press conference on Wednesday afternoon, Chief Operating Officer Mary Catherine Reid and Chief Legal Officer Ma Wena were also confirmed. Murray told reporters that the contents of the notice focused on whether the original tokens, as unregistered securities brokers and unregistered stock exchanges, were implicated as the potential security in the notice, and the time of litigation was quite subtle. At a time when the cryptocurrency industry was complaining, the industry generally believed that it was too arbitrary to deal with the problems in the cryptocurrency field and took enforcement action without clear rules, without considering the uniqueness of cryptocurrency based on blockchain and decentralization. Chairman refuted this. The current securities law is clear that the cryptocurrency industry seeks special treatment, but fails to abide by the law. The White House, especially the senators of the powerful ally Democratic Party, also agrees with this view. Of course, historically, the conflict between the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the cryptocurrency industry is very high. There have been many high-profile lawsuits and typical cases. The focus of litigation is on the jurisdiction of digital assets and how the Supreme Court's annual test of securities definition should be applied to cryptocurrency lawsuits. Both of them are in progress, and the results are mixed. At one time, both sides had the upper hand. However, in recent years, the ruling shows that as a regulatory agency, they still have a relatively leading advantage in law. However, in this lawsuit, due to the uniqueness of technology and the legal victory in the class action lawsuit last year, it is still unpredictable. In a sense, since the outbreak in the summer of 2008, it has become a crucial segment of the encryption market, and the most important agreement has completed the mainstream transaction of more than one trillion US dollars. The financial community is also paying more and more attention to its underlying technology, so the litigation results between the United States and the United States have a far-reaching impact. Unlike traditional brokers or cryptocurrency exchanges, there is no central institution as a counterparty and no institution to match buyers and sellers for transactions. On the contrary, they rely on automated agreements that are purely supervised by codes, which set basic requirements such as trading rules and collateral. In some cases, the founder wrote the original underlying code that provided the basis for the agreement, and the company is the user. It provides an interface for trading some encrypted tokens. The protocol itself is open source and has been cited by many other projects in the field. Based on the open source code, users can directly participate in market transactions without any intermediaries on the premise of self-preservation. This particularity is particularly important for the defense. In fact, there have been relatively rich litigation experience as early as June, when American law firms announced the initiation of a securities class action lawsuit and accused defendants of violating the securities law to use digital tokens on the platform. In this case, the plaintiff used the car as a metaphor to think that the mechanism actually created an out-of-control and dangerous self-driving vehicle, and also responded by arguing that the technology he developed was neutral, and other third parties used the technology to operate the enterprise without control. The judge obviously recognized this view. The case ended on the day of the year, and the court documents of the Southern District Court of new york in the United States showed that the platform had. There is no transaction between the plaintiff, who is able to operate legally in many cases, and the platform and the agreement. The current securities law does not seem to cover the responsibility of the agreement itself for using it to defraud others. The judge believes that the plaintiff was hurt by the fraudulent token issuer, and they used the core contract to rob the fund and created the platform to defraud the token issuer. At least according to the US securities law, this does not mean that it is responsible for the fraud and the resulting damage, but just last month. Although the judge refused to dismiss the accusation that the company provided illegal securities, the ruling that the decentralized wallet provided could not be regarded as a broker within the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission also provided a strong example, because it was mainly operated through wallets, but it is worth noting that the ruling did not include the display interface that the company had the right to control, which had highlighted the tokens that were later recognized as securities by the United States in the past, citing the law view on the whole. There are still many challenges in the litigation of the industry. First, the transaction based on the agreement is difficult to apply to the securities law. In the previous case, the presiding judge made it clear that because of the neutrality of the enterprise, the transaction is not applicable to the securities law, and it is best for Congress to decide whether the securities are available or not. Secondly, compared with many cryptocurrencies that can be directly traded, the applications and wallets involved in the open source agreement do not conform to the legal definition of the stock exchange or broker according to the original rules. The management token is only a single functional token, which does not conform to the legal definition of any type of securities, including the definition of investment contract. In addition, since the incident, the developer himself has been walking on thin ice. According to the news, the team operation has taken a completely compliant route. All American executives are completely in line with the US law's employee recruitment and welfare policies and the legal route of separating open source agreements from development entities. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the founder clearly expressed his confidence in the legality of products provided by enterprises and believed that the company is on the right side of history, but he also did not clearly express the rules. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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