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距离比特币减半仅剩一千多个区块,4 月份的比特币生态无疑成为市场焦点。其中,最炙手可热的话题莫过于 Runes 概念,尤其是市值达到 6.4 亿美元的 Runestone,这使其地板价飙升至 0.074BTC,超越了 BAYC,成为 NFT 市场的第二大项目。

不仅是 Runestone,能看到在 magiceden 市场上,前 25 名交易量最大的 NFT,有 8 个都是 Runes 概念的。自 4 月以来,比特币生态中的 NFT 交易量已大幅超过以太坊和 Solana,其中 Runes 概念的 NFT 占比最大。


支撑这些交易量的背后,是这些「抢跑」的 Runes 项目就像「矿机」一样,在减半时间后,会根据持有时间和持有个数来计算空投 Runes 代币的数量。

RSIC 是最早具有「矿机」属性的项目之一,自其代币被空投到钱包以来已超过两个月。还有一周左右的时间比特币减半就要完成了,在两个月前早期布局者预计能赚多少钱?

因为 Runestone 还未公布具体的空投细则,而拥有更详细空投规则的 RSIC 在场外 OTC 平台 whales.market 已经有了交易市场,更好计算收益,因此下文主要以 RSIC 为主来计算和讨论「那批最早参与 Runes 预挖矿的用户,预计能赚多少钱?」

收益预测:以 RSIC 为例

在计算收益之前,BlockBeats 先为新用户先对 RSIC 项目进行一个简单介绍。

RSIC 是一个基于比特币的点对点符文分配系统,其核心构建为一种数字化交互游戏。在这个平台上,玩家通过管理和操作 RSIC 代币获得符文,这些符文预计将在未来某个时间点在比特币网络上被正式「铭刻」。目前,RSIC 的交易价格为 0.06 BTC。关于 RSIC Metaprotocol,其发行的 NFT 总量为 21,000 个,而 FT(代币)的总发行量约为 210 亿,其中项目方保留了 10% 的 NFT 份额。


此外,在提到 RSIC 时,最常被人讨论的一个话题就是这个项目的神秘发行方。最初,有传言称这可能是 ordinals 创始人 Casey 的作品,但随着 Casey 深陷《博德之门 3》的游戏世界,这一猜测被迅速驳斥。目前较为广泛接受的看法是,RSIC 可能是节点猴创始人 Rocktoshi 所部署,这一推断基于所有父铭文的铸造资金均来源于同一地址。详见金狗博士在推特上的相关分析。



RSIC 的代币空投规则非常清晰,有 4 个变量。

第一个变量为「Flat 普通」:此变量涉及持有区块数量,规定每个区块可以获得 21 个 RSIC 代币,总计不超过所有空投量的 30%。

第二个变量为「Boosted 加速」:持有 Boost 加速器的用户可以获得双倍的挖掘效率,这是在 4703400000000 号聪上刻入的相关 boost 逻辑彩蛋。


第三个变量为「Random 随机分配」:占总空投的 25% 加上未分配完的 Flat 和 Boost 部分。每个 RSIC 对应一个特定的 type code 符号。当某个区块的区块哈希值的最后一位与用户的 RSIC 符号一致时,用户即可获得 336 个 RS 代币。考虑到哈希值最后一位的 16 种可能性,理论上每 16 个区块就有一次成功的机会,相当于每个区块平均获得 21 个代币。

第四个变量为「Halfening 减半抽奖」:在特定的减半区块 840,000,项目方将从持有 RSIC Metaprotocol NFT 的地址中随机抽取 5 个,分配总量的 15% 代币(分配比例为 5%、4%、3%、2% 和 1%)。从区块 830,000 开始持有至 840,000 区块的用户,每持有一区块将获得一张抽奖券;若在减半前售出,则失去抽奖资格。

同时持有 RSIC 和 Boost 的用户,预计每个区块可以挖掘到的代币总量为 63 个,仅持有 RSIC 的用户预计每个区块可以挖掘到的代币总量为 42 个。值得一提的是,即便你已出售 RSIC,你在持有期间累积的配额仍然记录在你的钱包地址上。

此外需要注意的是,只有被激活过的 RSIC 地址才有资格接收空投。任何转移过或在市场上交易过的 RSIC 都被视为已激活,这一操作旨在确保只有活跃的钱包能够参与到代币的分配中,从而排除任何沉睡的钱包,确保空投的公平性与活跃性。


目前可以看到在场外 OTC 平台 whales.market,RSIC 符文 token 买方价格主要集中在 0.01u,对应总市值为 2.1 亿美元。近期的成交记录显示最高单价分别为 0.025、0.0349 和 0.0374 美元,对应市值分别为 5 亿、7.3 亿和 7.8 亿美元,与 Runestone 的 6.4 亿美元市值接近。

然而,相较于 Runestone 的持续上涨,RSIC 的 NFT 市场表现出下降趋势。乐观的看,和最高点 0.13BTC 的价格比,RSIC 的市值虽然降低了,但实际上部分的价值和市值,其实更多体现在在了代币里。

根据 BlockBeats 的分析,目前以 0.06BTC 的价格购买一个 RSIC,并额外支付 0.005btc 以购买一个 boost 加速器,总成本大约为 4700 美元。截止撰稿时间还有 1167 个区块进行减半,预计每个区块可以获得 63 个 token,总计可获得 73521 个 token,这意味着到减半时点的代币成本约为 0.0639 美元。这个价格比 whales.market 的场外价格高很多。

如果不考虑 RSIC 在空投 Runes 代币之后还可能存在的价值,仅考虑获得代币成本和价格的话,显然现在直接买场外积分是更合适的选择。


根据 BlockBeast 从早期用户处了解到的信息,RSIC 在首次在 magiceden 市场上线时的价格为 0.02BTC。当时购入一个 RSIC,并持有至减半时期,在未使用 boost 的情况下,预计能获得 52 万积分。以 0.01 美元的保守价格计算,收益约为 5200 美元,加上 RSIC 本身的价值增长,即 0.02BTC 的购买价能额外带来 0.04BTC 的收益,相当于 2800 美元。加上其他项目如 Rune Mania Mine 对 RSIC Boost 持有者的空投,保守综合收益估计约为 1 万美元。如果持有 boost,则预计积分将达到 70 万,相应的收益预计为约 1.3 万美元。

从非保守的角度计算,如果是完全通过空投获得的 RSIC,则相当于直接获得了价值 0.06BTC 的 NFT,收益约为 4260 美元。假设 70 万积分以 0.035 美元的价格计算,收益则为 2.45 万美元。再加上其他项目空投带来的 2000 美元收益,盈利总计约为 3 万美元。

短期来看,比特币减半及 Runes 的正式上线可能会引发市场的强烈情绪(FOMO)。从更长远的角度看,作为 Casey 专为社区发行代币的 Runes 协议,其影响力可能不亚于 Ordinals。Runes 协议的龙头与 brc20 的龙头市值或将不相上下,甚至对其造成一定的冲击。

结合目前的市场情况,Ordi 的市值为 15 亿美元,Sats 为 9.9 亿美元,而 Runestone 的当前市值为 6.4 亿美元,由此推断早期参与 Runes 预挖矿的用户或许仍有一定的收益增长空间。

The author's source block rhythms Bitcoin halving is approaching, and another group of people are getting confused. There are only a thousand blocks left before Bitcoin halving. Bitcoin ecology has undoubtedly become the focus of the market. Among them, the hottest topic is concept, especially the market value of 100 million US dollars, which makes its floor price soar beyond becoming the second largest project in the market. Not only can we see that the largest number of transactions in the market are all concepts, but the transaction volume in Bitcoin ecology has greatly exceeded that of Ethereum and its. The concept accounts for the largest proportion. How much did the early participants in pre-mining bitcoin tokens earn? Behind these transactions are these rushing projects, just like mining machines. After halving the time, the number of airdropped tokens will be calculated according to the holding time and the number of holdings. It is one of the earliest projects with the attributes of mining machines. It has been more than two months since its tokens were airdropped into wallets, and it will be completed in about a week. Two months ago, how much money did the early layout expect to make because it was not made public. The off-site platform with specific airdrop rules and more detailed airdrop rules already has a trading market to calculate the benefits better. Therefore, the following is mainly to calculate and discuss how much money the users who participated in the pre-mining are expected to earn. Take the income forecast as an example. Before calculating the benefits, give a brief introduction to the project for new users. It is a peer-to-peer symbol distribution system based on Bitcoin, and its core is a digital interactive game. On this platform, players can manage and operate. Token obtaining runes are expected to be officially engraved on the bitcoin network at some point in the future. At present, the transaction price is about 100 million, and the total circulation of tokens is about 100 million, of which the share reserved by the project party is how much the early participants in the pre-mining of bitcoin tokens earned. In addition, one of the most frequently discussed topics is the mysterious issuer of this project. At first, it was rumored that it might be the work of the founder, but with the deep involvement in the game world of Bode's gate, A guess was quickly refuted. At present, the widely accepted view is that it may have been deployed by the founder of Node Monkey. This inference is based on the fact that all the casting funds of the father's inscriptions come from the same address. For details, please refer to Dr. Golden Dog's related analysis on Twitter. How much did the early participants in bitcoin token pre-mining earn to maximize the benefits? The token airdrop rules are very clear. There is a variable. The first variable is ordinary. This variable involves the number of blocks held, and it is stipulated that each block can get a token, and the total amount should not exceed all. The second variable of airdrop volume is accelerating, and users with accelerators can get twice the mining efficiency. This is how much the early participants in pre-mining earned by the related logical egg bitcoin token engraved on the number cong. The third variable is randomly allocated to the total airdrop plus the unallocated sum, each of which corresponds to a specific symbol. When the last bit of the block hash value of a block is consistent with the user's symbol, the user can get a token. Considering the possibility theory of the last bit of the hash value, Every block in the world has a chance of success, which is equivalent to an average of 10 tokens per block. The fourth variable is a half-cut lottery. In a specific half-cut block, the project party will randomly draw a total amount of tokens from the address it holds. The allocation ratio is: and users who hold each block from the beginning to the block will get a lottery ticket. If they are sold before half-cut, they will lose the lottery qualification. At the same time, users who hold the sum expect that the total amount of tokens that can be excavated in each block will be a holding-only user. The total amount of tokens that can be mined in a block is worth mentioning. Even if you have sold the quota accumulated during the holding period, it is still recorded on your wallet address. In addition, it should be noted that only the activated address is eligible to receive airdrops. Anything that has been transferred or traded in the market is regarded as activated. This operation aims to ensure that only active wallets can participate in the distribution of tokens, thus excluding any sleeping wallets and ensuring that the fairness and activity of airdrops are relaxed before being halved. Earn $10,000. At present, we can see that the buyer's price of the rune on the off-site platform is mainly concentrated in the corresponding total market value of $100 million. Recent transaction records show that the highest unit price is $100 million and $100 million respectively, which is close to the market value of $100 million. However, compared with the rising market, it shows a downward trend. Optimistically, although the market value compared with the highest price has decreased, in fact, some of the values and market values are actually reflected in tokens. Price to buy one and pay extra for an accelerator. The total cost is about USD. As of the time of writing, there is another block that will be halved. It is estimated that each block can get a total of USD, which means that the cost of tokens at the time of halving is about USD, which is much higher than the off-site price of. If the possible value after airdropping tokens is not considered, it is obviously more appropriate to buy off-site points directly and choose bitcoin tokens for pre-mining. How much did the early participants earn? According to the information learned from the early users, the price when they first went online in the market was purchased at that time, and they were expected to get 10,000 points when they were not used. The income calculated at the conservative price of US dollars is about US dollars plus their own value growth, that is, the additional income can be equivalent to US dollars plus other items, such as airdrops to the holders. The conservative comprehensive income is estimated to be about 10,000 dollars. If they are held, the points are expected to reach 10,000 points. The revenue is estimated to be about $10,000. From a non-conservative point of view, if it is completely obtained by airdrop, it is equivalent to a direct gain of value, which is about $10,000. Assuming that ten thousand points are calculated at the price of dollars, the revenue will be $10,000. Together with the dollar revenue brought by airdrop of other projects, the total profit will be about $10,000. In the short term, the halving of Bitcoin and its official launch may trigger strong emotions in the market. In the longer term, as an agreement to issue tokens for the community, its The market value of the leader of the agreement will be equal to or even have a certain impact on it. Combined with the current market situation, the market value is $ billion, while the current market value is $ billion. It is inferred that users who participated in pre-mining in the early stage may still have some room for income growth. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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