
币圈资讯 阅读:45 2024-04-22 02:09:18 评论:0



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作者: Rebbeca Ren;来源:加密厨房

三天后,2024 年 4 月 20 日北京时间本周六上午 4 点左右,比特币历史上第四次减半。

这次比特币减半吸引最多人关注和参与的就是 Runes 协议主网上线,开打第一个符文代币。作为比特币建设者、投资者、爱好者,抑或 Fomo 者,你是自己部署全节点还是靠平台代打?

随着比特币第四次减半的临近,业内目光开始聚焦于同步启动的「符文协议」(Runes Protocol)——这个由 Ordinals Protocol 创始人 Casey Rodarmor 开发的同质化通证协议,旨在提供一种比 BRC-20 更加节省比特币链上空间、更负责任的代币发行方式。

在最近的推特时间线上,你或许看到了许多 KOL 发布了手把手教大家「布局全节点」的技术攻略,以迎接符文协议的到来。





  1. 公开铸造(Open Minting):任何符合预设条件的人都可以创建新代币,这确保了社区成员能够积极参与到符文生态系统的发展中。

  2. 封闭铸造(Closed Minting):只有在满足特定的预设条件(例如达到一定的数量或过了特定的时间)之后,才能进行新代币的铸造。一旦这些条件不再满足,铸造过程将停止,从而限制了代币的总供应量。

为了避免第一个符文被 VC 或项目方抢走或预挖,Casey 决定将前 10 个符文(Rune 0 - Rune 9)硬编码至符文协议中,并且只支持公开铸造,让大家都能公地参与。

其中,名为 UNCOMMON•GOODS 的 0 号符文将在这次比特币减半时自动开始铸造,区块高度为 840000,允许任何人在未来四年内随时铸造。由于这是符文协议下的第一个代币,所以期待值很高,大家都想第一时间参与到公开铸造中,但这也会造成上线当天「代打(token minting)」平台或者代打工具的流量过载,崩溃宕机,所以搭建全节点是最稳妥的方式。


运行自己的比特币核心(Bitcoin Core),避免依赖第三方服务。从 下载适合你操作系统的比特币核心软件,并安装在 SSD 硬盘上。

安装 Ord 和 Runes 客户端。

在设置好比特币核心、Ord 和 Runes 客户端之后,就可以开始在测试网上用命令行练习蚀刻和铸造符文了。

想要了解更多详细信息,例如安装和运行全节点的详细教程,可以参考 @ohxiyu(和 @web3annie(推文,或者你也可以自行搜索相关内容。


① 准备多种钱包:由于不同的代打平台可能支持不同类型的钱包,建议准备几种常用的钱包,如 Unisat Wallet、OKX Wallet、Xverse Wallet 等。这样可以根据需要随时切换到不同平台。

② 合理管理 UTXO:对每个钱包里的 UTXO 进行分拆,增加 UTXO 数量。如果钱包里的 UTXO 数量过少,即使金额再大,能并行发起的交易数量也非常有限。

但单个 UTXO 金额也不能太低。比如,单个 UTXO 在十几刀或者几十刀左右时,钱包会拼凑 UTXO 进行支付时,这将增加你的网络费成本。尤其考虑到比特币减半后 Gas Fee 会飙升,因此不建议使用太多零碎的 UTXO 来凑单。

每个地址建议保持至少 3 个以上的 UTXO,每个 UTXO 的金额最好不要少于 500 美元,以优化交易成本和效率。(出处: @lilyanna_btc)


  1. OKX Web3

  2. Unisat Wallet

  3. Luminex

  4. GeniiData

  5. UniCross

  6. Rune Alpha

Let's #Rune 

Author Source Encrypted Kitchen Three days later, Beijing time this Saturday morning, bitcoin halved for the fourth time, which attracted the most attention and participation. The first rune token was opened on the main online line of the agreement as a bitcoin builder, investor and fan, or did you deploy the whole node yourself or rely on the platform to halve bitcoin for the fourth time? With the approach, the eyes of the industry began to focus on the synchronized rune agreement, which was developed by the founder. The purpose of the discussion is to provide a more responsible way of issuing tokens than saving more space on the bitcoin chain. On the recent Twitter timeline, you may have seen many technical strategies to teach you how to lay out all nodes to welcome the arrival of the rune agreement. So why do you want to lay out all nodes? This is to say that the creation and issuance mechanism of rune tokens is the first step in creating rune tokens. This process involves setting the basic characteristics and management rules of rune tokens, such as separability and casting. Conditions, etc. In the process of etching, the project party can choose whether to pre-excavate, that is, to pre-distribute some tokens to the founder or initiator of the project before the rune tokens are publicly circulated. This is mainly to provide project start-up funds to reward developers or reserve tokens for community activities and other specific distribution. After etching is completed, it will enter the casting stage, that is, the process of generating new tokens. According to the conditions set in the etching stage, casting can be open or closed. People who meet the preset conditions can create new tokens, which ensures that community members can actively participate in the development of the rune ecosystem. Closed casting can only be carried out after meeting certain preset conditions, such as reaching a certain number or after a certain period of time. Once these conditions are no longer met, the casting process will stop, thus limiting the total supply of tokens. In order to prevent the first rune from being taken away or pre-excavated by the project party, it is decided to hard-code the previous rune into the rune agreement, and Only open casting is supported so that everyone can participate in the public. The symbol rune named will automatically start casting the block height when Bitcoin is halved this time. In order to allow anyone to cast at any time in the next four years, because this is the first token under the rune agreement, the expectation value is very high. Everyone wants to participate in the open casting at the first time, but it will also lead to the traffic overload, collapse and downtime of the platform or tools on the same day, so it is the safest way to build the whole node operation. Do your own bitcoin core and avoid relying on third-party services. Download the bitcoin core software suitable for your operating system and install it on the hard disk. After setting up the bitcoin core and client, you can start practicing etching and casting runes on the test network with the command line. If you want to know more details, such as the detailed tutorial on installing and running the whole node, you can refer to and tweet it, or you can search for related content yourself. If you are worried about the difficulty of installing the whole node, you can also have it. A simpler way to participate is to use the proxy platform. Here are some tips to prepare a variety of wallets. Because different proxy platforms may support different types of wallets, it is recommended to prepare several commonly used wallets, so that you can switch to different platforms at any time as needed, and rationally manage the splitting of each wallet to increase the number. If the number of wallets is too small, even if the amount is large, the number of transactions that can be initiated in parallel is very limited, but the single amount cannot be too low, for example, a single one is more than a dozen dollars or dozens of dollars. The wallet will be pieced together when making payment, which will increase your network fee cost, especially considering that Bitcoin will soar after halving, so it is not recommended to use too many bits and pieces to make up the bill. It is recommended to keep the amount of each address at least, preferably not less than US dollars, to optimize transaction cost and efficiency. The following is the current platform that supports rune generation. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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