Runes要来了 该做好哪些提前准备

币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 02:09:01 评论:0



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作者:Lilyanna 比特里里 - Merlin;来源:X@lilyanna_btc



1. unisat钱包、okx钱包、xverse钱包都准备好,放点钱,到时候方便换着用。

2. utxo稍微拆一拆,别每个钱包就1个utxo,至少拆3个大额;但也别太碎,每个utxo就几十U的话,后面支付的时候网络费成本太贵。






1.unisat钱包&OKX钱包,都可以准备几个地址。 这俩钱包可以互相导入,极端情况下可以用私钥导入另外一个钱包使用,正常情况下还是建议一个地址只在一个钱包里用,不要在两个钱包同时使用,以免钱包多了你自己容易弄混。

2. Xverse钱包: 下载地址:






① 大额utxo数量,可能影响你能并行的交易数量


如果你的utxo数量过少,即使金额再大,能并行发起的交易数量也非常有限。(这就是大家在Magic Eden上经常遇到明明余额还够,却不让买的原因)

② utxo过少,会增加cpfp的概率,导致后续交易费率被拉低



③ utxo太碎,钱包拼凑utxo进行支付时,会增加你的网络费成本




2.每个地址内,关注好大额utxo数量,至少在3个以上。 单utxo的金额没有具体的建议,但最好不要少于500U。链上费率到200 sats/vB,打20张runes就至少要500U了,单utxo小于这个值容易触发上面第③个情况,utxo过碎导致交易成本高

3.如果你在给新钱包准备utxo, 可以顺手转几个600聪进去(最少转2个),以免到扫单时再顶着高gas准备钱包。在市场扫单时候,市场经常让你准备钱包,其实就是在帮你拆600聪的dummy utxo(需要n+1个,例如你单次扫单5个,需要6个dummy;一次只买1个,需要2个dummy。在交易完成后dummy utxo会全部回到你的钱包)。dummy utxo的原理比较复杂,后续单开帖子讲。

4.如果是你的常用钱包,大概率在一次次找零和交易中,utxo数量和dummy utxo数量都已经调整好了,不用管上面的流程。最多是看看utxo面额,如果都很小,gas低的时候适当合并一下就好了,看不懂别折腾也行。



2. 按照你的需要,填写金额和接收地址。每行会生成一个打到对应地址的utxo 

3. 所有行的金额加起来必须小于你当前钱包的余额



然后点confirm ,再签名即可





1. 如果你看不懂,准备好unisat、okx和xverse钱包,每个都有点钱,就可以了。

2. utxo教程这么长,是为了让大家能提前筹备,节约一些网络费。 即使不准备,到时候正常用几次,utxo用着用着就自己拆开了, 也就是多花点网络费,不用焦虑。

3. 建议大家在30的费率以下时操作,别顶着200的峰值费率准备钱包!这是给你省钱的教程,不是让你捐钱给矿工的教程!

Author Viteri Li's source is coming, and the rate on the chain is going to rise sharply. How to prepare wallets? Key wallets, wallets are ready to put some money, and it is convenient to change them when the time comes. Disassemble each wallet slightly, at least a large amount, but don't be too broken. When each wallet is paid after dozens of words, the network fee is too expensive. Why do you need to prepare wallets? Different types of wallets supported by different platforms may be different. Several common wallets can be freely switched at any time. Once the use of various platforms is too hot, The service of a wallet is down, and there are other wallets available for downtime. Actually, the probability of downtime is not great. Don't worry about which wallets to prepare. All wallets can prepare several addresses. In extreme cases, two wallets can be imported into another wallet with a private key. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended that one address be used only in one wallet, not in two wallets at the same time, so as not to confuse yourself with more wallets. Please note that wallets have two addresses, the address at the beginning and the assets at the beginning. This mechanism is to protect your assets. When you initiate a purchase transaction, you will use your address to pay for the assets you have acquired. Only when you hang up a bill or transfer a specific inscription, it will select the corresponding one from your asset address for hanging up a bill and transferring it, so as to realize the separation of money and assets and avoid accidental burning. Don't transfer the prepared assets to the initial address. It won't cost you the articles in your asset storage address. Why? Preparing a large amount may affect the number of transactions you can conduct in parallel. Some platforms or wallets prohibit transactions in unconfirmed state, that is to say, if you are trapped in the last transaction and have not been given change, you can only use other payments. If your amount is too small, even if the amount is too large, the number of transactions that can be initiated in parallel is very limited. This is why people often encounter that the balance is enough, but they are not allowed to buy it. Too little will increase the probability that the subsequent transaction rate will be lowered if the platform or wallet allows it. Maybe you use unconfirmed status and you did use the unconfirmed status of the previous payment when you initiated the second payment as congratulations on your success. The second trade fair and the previous trade are shared equally. For example, the rate given by your first trade has soared at this time, so you want to re-initiate a trade with a rate, but the second trade and the first one constitute the overall effective rate. In practice, it is not necessarily equal. Logic has weight here. For example, when the second payment is still unable to be wound up, it will increase your network fee cost. The more you pay in a single transaction, the greater your overall transaction, and the higher the network fee you need to pay for it. Therefore, if it is too broken, it may increase your network fee cost. At the time of the rate, you may have no idea. When the rate rises, you will start to feel miserable. How to prepare for it and store it in different addresses properly? When the previous transaction gets stuck, you can be decisive. Change a wallet and make a new one, effectively prevent it from switching back to the wallet after the previous transaction is confirmed. Pay attention to the large amount in each address, at least the amount of more than one bill. There is no specific suggestion, but it is best not to be less than the on-line rate. At least one bill is required when the bill is opened. Less than this value is easy to trigger the first situation above, which leads to high transaction cost. If you are preparing a new wallet, you can turn around a few times and go in at least one time to avoid the high preparation of the wallet when scanning the bill. When the market scans the bill, the market often lets you. Preparing a wallet is actually a need to help you disassemble it. For example, if you scan a single item at a time, you need to buy only one item at a time. The principle that you will all return to your wallet after the transaction is completed is more complicated. After opening a post, it is said that if it is your common wallet, the number and quantity have been adjusted in the change and transaction again and again. Don't worry about the above process. At most, just look at the denomination. If it is very small and low, just merge it properly. If you don't understand it, don't toss it. The upper right corner of the wallet splitting tutorial is connected A good wallet is connected to your rich wallet, and the money is removed or transferred from this wallet. Fill in the amount and the receiving address according to your needs, and each line will generate a sum of all the lines calling the corresponding address, which must be less than the balance of your current wallet. Then click on the image image and sign it. Here is the estimated network fee he gave you, not the handling fee charged by the platform. At first, I thought it was the part that I checked and found that I didn't call the platform. This service platform should be the most free of charge. After that, if you don't understand, it's ok to get ready and each wallet has a little money. The tutorial is so long that everyone can prepare in advance and save some network fees. Even if you don't prepare to use it several times normally, you will open it yourself, that is, spend more network fees. Don't worry. I suggest that you operate the wallet at a peak rate below the rate. This is a tutorial for saving money, not a tutorial for donating money to miners. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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