比特币减半 矿工何去何从?挖矿消耗150万户家庭用电量 一地成新“避难所”

币圈资讯 阅读:42 2024-04-22 02:04:43 评论:0



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人人都可以成为矿工 惟个人算力太低 














比特币矿工大迁移 从美国德州到埃塞俄比亚



在美国,德州率先接受了加密货币业务,该州州长还希望德州成为新的全球比特币挖矿中心,总部位于深圳的比特矿业(BIT Mining )也向该州一座57兆瓦的设施投资2,600万美元。据《纽约时报》报导,至少在美国的 12 个州包括阿肯色州、俄亥俄州、俄克拉荷马州、田纳西州、得克萨斯州和怀俄明州,都发现了中国人拥有或经营的比特币矿场,其消耗的能源相当于150万户家庭的用电量

但在中国人经营的比特币矿场被媒体上曝光后,他们不得不寻找新的去处,并将目光投向电力成本较低且政策友好的非洲埃塞俄比亚。加密货币挖矿服务提供商Luxor Technology估计,埃塞俄比亚已成为全球最大的比特币矿机接收国之一。埃塞俄比亚国家电力公司则表示,已与 21 家比特币矿工达成供电协议,其中19家都来自中国。由此,埃塞俄比亚将成为最受中国矿工欢迎的目的地之一。

Source Sing Tao News Bitcoin halved into the countdown. When the first bitcoin was issued, the total circulation of Bitcoin was set at 10,000 pieces. Halving bitcoin is an important element designed to control the speed of bitcoin circulation. Every ten minutes, a new block will be created in the bitcoin network, and these new blocks are all generated through the process of mining. Halving bitcoin will make the supply of bitcoin mining scarce, so it is usually considered as a bullish event. What is the process of halving mining in Bitcoin? Will the mining industry continue to exist in the background? Everyone can become a miner, but the personal computing power is too low. Bitcoin mining can be understood as that miners help the Bitcoin network to keep accounts, thus obtaining bitcoin rewards. Miners are people who own mining machines and work for the Bitcoin network. Mining machines refer to tools such as computers that work for the Bitcoin network. According to the principle of bitcoin mining, in fact, everyone can become a miner. This can indeed be realized in the early days when the computing power of the whole network is low. Individuals can dig more by using computers. Bitcoin is not difficult, which can be understood as free mining. However, in recent years, the mining machine has been iteratively updated very quickly, and the computing power of the new mining machine is very large. Therefore, if an individual buys an old mining machine with small computing power, the income will be seriously affected. If he buys a large mining machine but does not join the mining pool, the computing power of a single mining machine is relatively small, and the probability of digging bitcoin is very small. Even if he digs bitcoin, his gains cannot offset the mining cost, including the operation and maintenance fees of mining machinery and electricity. At present, bitcoin mining presents a professional production. The development trend of industrialization is gradually dominated by institutions or enterprises. Where should bitcoin miners go in the mining industry? China's bitcoin mining once accounted for two-thirds of the global total. From August to August, the network of China miners finally accounted for more than two-thirds of the global total. From August to August, the network of China miners finally accounted for more than two-thirds of the global total. In June, the proportion of China miners' network finally reached the above level. Due to national concerns about related financial risks and excessive energy consumption, rectification began in 2000. Due to national concerns about related financial risks and excessive energy consumption, bitcoin miners began to rectify in 2000. They began to look for a suitable foothold in the world and transferred their business to the United States, Canada, Iran, Kazakhstan, Stan, Russia and northern Sweden. Bitcoin miners in Stan mine began to look for a suitable foothold in the world and transferred their business to the United States, Canada, Iran, Kazakhstan, Stan, Russia and northern Sweden. The map shows Kazakhstan mine bitcoin miners began to look for a suitable foothold in the world and transferred their business to the United States, Canada, Iran, Kazakhstan, Stan, Russia and northern Sweden. The map shows Kazakhstan mine taking the lead in accepting cryptocurrency business in Texas, USA. Ning Mine took the lead in accepting cryptocurrency business in Texas, USA. The picture shows Chaning Mine in Texas took the lead in accepting cryptocurrency business in Texas, USA. But after the bitcoin mine run by China people was exposed in the media, they had to find new places and look to Ethiopia, Africa, which has low electricity cost and friendly policies. But after the bitcoin mine run by China people was exposed in the media, they had to find new places and look to Ethiopia, which has low electricity cost and good policies. Policy-friendly Africa Ethiopia, but after the bitcoin mine run by China people was exposed by the media, they had to look for a new place and turn their attention to the great migration of bitcoin miners in Africa and Ethiopia with low power cost and policy-friendly. In fact, the amount of bitcoin mining in China once occupied two-thirds of the global total, and the proportion of China miners' network has finally reached the above level. As an energy-consuming industry, mining is sufficient. Cheap power and hardware equipment have made China a hot destination for cryptocurrency companies. Previously, bitcoin mining was mainly concentrated in provinces with abundant power resources and low prices, including Sichuan, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Yunnan Province. However, due to national concerns about related financial risks and excessive energy consumption, rectification began in 2006, which led bitcoin miners to start looking for a suitable foothold on a global scale to transfer their business to the United States, Canada, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Russia. Northern Sweden and other places took the lead in accepting cryptocurrency business in Texas, USA. The governor of this state also hopes that Texas will become a new global bitcoin mining center. Bite Mining, headquartered in Shenzhen, has also invested US$ 10,000 in a megawatt facility in this state. According to the new york Times, bitcoin mines owned or operated by China people have been found in at least five American States, including Arkansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming, and their energy consumption is equivalent to the electricity consumption of thousands of households. However, after the bitcoin mine run by China people was exposed in the media, they had to find a new place and look to the African Ethiopian cryptocurrency mining service provider with low power cost and friendly policies. It is estimated that Ethiopia has become one of the largest receiving countries of bitcoin mining machines in the world, while the Ethiopian National Power Company said that it has reached a power supply agreement with several bitcoin miners, all of which are from China, so Ethiopia will become one of the most popular destinations for China miners. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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