一文读懂 ZK 模块化新星 Lumoz

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随着模块化区块链对 L2 的快速渗透、各类 RaaS 工具的成熟,以及坎昆升级的实施,L2 的构建门槛已经大幅降低,技术不再是构建 Rollup 的主要障碍。 除此之外,新兴的 Rollup 项目如 Base、Manta Pacific、Blast 等通过采用现有工具低成本构建 Rollup,并将项目重点转向生态建设,取得了快速崛起,为市场树立了标杆性的模式。传统应用向 L2 转型,以及各类轻量级 L2 的爆发似乎已经成为不可逆转的趋势。 在 Rollup 的技术路线上,早有 OP 和 ZK 之争,Vitalik 曾多次表示“短期 OP,长期 ZK”的观点,因为 ZK-Rollup 在技术方面还有许多问题尚待解决。 随着技术的进步,ZK-Rollup 相关的基础设施也愈发成熟,采用 ZK 方案的 Rollup 极有可能在未来的 L2 井喷中占据重要的市场份额。作为专注于 ZK 的领先 RaaS 提供商,Lumoz 在不久的将来有巨大潜力取得成功。 ### ZK-Rollup 的瓶颈 #### 2.1 模块化视角下的 Rollup 对于 OP-Rollup 和 ZK-Rollup 的基础原理可能读者已经较为清楚,这里将从模块化的角度再次理解 Rollup。 Rollup 本质上是通过模块化的分工实现资源的最优配置,让不同的参与方能够专注承担一种任务,从而提高整体的效率。 以太坊的模块化构成可以简单拆解成:数据可用性层 DA、共识层 Consensus、结算层 Settlement、执行层 Execution。 **执行层 Execution** 执行层提供执行环境来计算交易,将旧的状态转换为新的状态,并向结算层提交新状态,同时提交欺诈/有效性证明。 执行层内部可进一步分工为 Sequencer 和 Prover。Sequencer 负责计算状态转换,而 Prover 负责生成证明(特别是对于 ZK-Rollup,因为生成证明对硬件有一定要求)。 **结算层 Settlement** 验证执行层计算的状态转换的正确性。一般部署在 Layer1 上的智能合约来验证执行层的计算,通过验证的 Rollup 区块的状态哈希将被记录在链上,此时这个由 Rollup 产生的区块获得最终确定性。 对于 ZK-Rollup 来说,该合约会验证提交的 ZK Proof,并确保 ZK-Rollup 完成执行后向合约递交状态哈希和 ZKP,触发验证交易。当验证通过时,该状态哈希被证明有效,该区块获得最终确定性。 **共识层 Consensus** 大部分情况下由 Layer1 承担共识层。经共识层验证的状态哈希会记录在链上,对应于在 Rollup 上的交易区块获得了 Layer1 保护的安全性。 **数据可用性层 DA** 保留 Rollup 区块内的交易数据,并为任何人提供,使其能够随时重建 Rollup 的交易。DA 层可以是 Layer1、Celestia、EigenDA 等的专用 DA 层,或者是较为中心化的数据可用性委员会等。 #### 2.2 ZK-Rollup 普及面临的难题 虽然 ZK-Rollup 具有多种优点,并被 Vitalik 视为长期以太坊扩容方案,但其面临诸多技术难题限制了当前大规模采用的可能性。 例如,计算 ZKP 的成本较高、zkEVM 过于复杂、ZKP 计算对硬件要求高可能导致中心化等等。 **计算 ZKP 的成本高昂** ZKP 计算密集。以最流行的 ZK 算法 zk-SNARKs 为例,ZKP 的生产实际上是将程序的执行过程转换成一个可验证的命题。这个命题将被抽象为一个多项式方程组,为了证明程序的执行正确性,就需要在椭圆曲线上进行配对操作。 这些代数运算对硬件要求高,可能导致普通硬件难以在合理时间内完成这些计算,尤其是在处理大量交易时。 生成一个 zk-SNARK 证明所需时间比执行原始程序的时间长得多。根据实现和交易复杂性的不同,生成证明的时间可能是原始计算时间的数百到数千倍。 **ZKP 计算对硬件要求高可能导致中心化** 由于 ZKP 的计算成本和硬件要求高,小规模的 Rollup 运营商可能承受不起为成为证明者所需的投资。这会导致只有少数拥有高性能计算资源的参与者能够有效地生成证明,从而导致 ZK-Rollup 中的中心化趋势,这可能与区块链的去中心化精神相悖,并带来单点故障和审查风险。 **zkEVM 过于复杂** 在设计兼容性方面,EVM 最初并未考虑兼容零知识证明技术。为了使 EVM 执行的任意程序都能通过 zk-SNARKs 生成有效证明,需要为 EVM 的每个操作码创建相应的数学表示和证明逻辑。这不仅需要复杂的密码学转换,而且对现有智能合约的兼容性提出了挑战。 实现 zkEVM 需要对 EVM 操作码进行大量的数学建模,将程序执行转换为可以通过 zk-SNARKs 证明的形式。这包括模拟 EVM 的状态转换、内存操作、以及合约调用等过程。考虑到 EVM 的灵活性和复杂性,这是一项极其艰巨的任务。同时,要保持 zkEVM 的效率和安全性,确保它能生成小型、可验证的证明,也是一个挑战。 ### Lumoz 如何解决 ZK-Rollup 的普及瓶颈 Lumoz 是一个去中心化的 ZK-RaaS(ZK-Rollup 作为服务)平台,同时也是一个 PoW 网络,用于支持 ZKP 挖矿。 为了解决 ZK-Rollup 面临的一系列挑战,Lumoz引入了 ZK-RaaS 的概念。该服务允许开发者在一分钟内启动他们的 zkEVM 链,无需详细了解 ZK 或链节点。 Lumoz 还引入了 ZK-PoW 的概念,邀请矿工参与维护 zkEVM 并计算 ZKP。Lumoz 的目标是简化 ZK-Rollup 的使用,并促进其更广泛的采用,从而促进基于 zkEVM 的应用链的大规模部署。 开发者可以通过单击一次按钮在多个链上部署他们的 ZK-Rollup(zkEVM)。对于矿工来说,Lumoz 作为一个多链 PoW 协议,支持在各种公链上进行 ZK 挖矿并为 ZK-Rollup 生成零知识证明。 ### ZK-PoW 云:解决 ZK 算力与中心化问题 ZK 算力与中心化的问题本质上是 ZKP 计算对算力要求高,硬件门槛进而导致中心化的问题。 Lumoz 利用 ZK-PoW 机制激励矿工提供 ZKP 计算能力,为 ZK-Rollup 提供全面的硬件基础设施,这是 Lumoz 的核心理念之一。 所有参与者,包括用户、开发者和矿工,都可以从 Lumoz 的经济模型中获益,助力 ZK-Rollup 的大规模应用。 Lumoz 对现有硬件资源的利用: 在从以太坊 PoW 过渡到 PoS 之后,许多以太坊挖矿机失去了应用场景。这些挖矿机的价值在资本规模上约为 120 亿美元,目前有很多处于闲置状态。随着 ZK-Rollup 的大规模实施,生成 ZKP 需要大量的硬件和挖矿机,如 CPU、GPU 和 FPGA,提供计算能力。 Lumoz 优化的 ZKP 算法,降低矿工参与门槛,提高扩容效率: - 提出 ZKP 验证的两步提交机制,降低矿工参与门槛:提交 proofhash 和提交 ZKP。 - 优化 ZKP 生成算法,提高证明效率。 Lumoz 团队进一步改进了 ZKP 递归聚合算法,提高了集群中机器资源的利用率,加快了 ZKP 计算。在压力测试中显示,使用一个由 20 台机器组成的机器集群可以在约 40 分钟内保持 27.8 个交易每秒的速率。这些改进显著提高了 ZKP 生成效率。 ### ZK-RaaS:解决开发门槛 Lumoz 提供的 ZK-RaaS 为所有用户提供一键式的 ZK-Rollup 生成服务。 一键生成 ZK-Rollup 并便捷管理 ZK-Rollup,同时降低成本、提高互操作性。 ### Lumoz 链:进一步优化基于 Lumoz 构建的 ZK-Rollup Lumoz 链采用 PoS 和 PoW 的混合共识模型,用于支持 Lumoz 网络和 ZK-Rollup 项目。 优化 ZK-Rollup 性能和实现去中心化 Sequencer 的方案,以提高效率和安全性。 ### 市场格局与 Lumoz 独特的切入点 在 RaaS 和模块化赛道中,市场竞争已经趋于白热化,导致同质化和寡头化的现象。新项目需要有独特的切入点和前瞻性的布局。 Lumoz 提出的算力模块和 RaaS 的组合拳能够一站式解决 ZK-Rollup 的一系列痛点,助推 ZK-Rollup 的快速普及。 Lumoz 已经成为领先的整合式平台,随着 ZK-Rollup 渗透率的提高,Lumoz 有潜力在 ZK-Rollup 细分赛道上取得成功。 ### 项目背景 Lumoz前身是Opside,过往业务亦是ZK-RaaS平台。Lumoz 已经融资 1000 万美元,目前第三轮融资已开始。 Lumoz 在 ZK 挖矿领域的先行经验和 PoW 资源的支持加持,有望快速取得领先优势并受到市场的认可。 ### 进展与规划 Lumoz 已助推多个新兴 ETH L2 和 BTC L2 项目的诞生,如 ZKFair 和 Merlin Chain。目前 Lumoz 链正处于 Alpha Testnet 阶段,主网计划在七月上线。 Lumoz 重视生态建设和用户回馈,并通过多项活动激励用户参与。Dragon Slayer 活动正在进行中,Lumoz 预计 Q3 上主网。 ### 结论与展望 随着 ZK 技术的成熟,ZK-Rollup 有望在未来的以太坊扩容市场中占据重要地位。由于 Lumoz 团队对市场的预见和深厚的技术资源,我们相信 Lumoz 能够成为 ZK-RaaS 赛道的领先者,助推 ZK-Rollup 的大规模应用。期待 Lumoz 的后续表现。

With the rapid penetration of modular blockchain pairs, the maturity of various tools and the implementation of Cancun upgrade, the construction threshold has been greatly reduced, and technology is no longer the main obstacle to construction. In addition, emerging projects, such as low-cost construction by using existing tools and shifting the focus of projects to ecological construction, have achieved rapid rise, setting a benchmark model for the market, and the transformation of traditional applications and the outbreak of various lightweight seems to have become an irreversible trend. There has long been a dispute over the technical route. I have repeatedly expressed my short-term and long-term views, because there are still many problems to be solved in technology, and with the progress of technology, the related infrastructure is becoming more and more mature. It is very likely that the scheme will occupy an important market share in the future blowout, and as a dedicated leading provider, it has great potential to succeed in the near future. The basic principle of harmony from the perspective of modularity may be clear to readers. Here, we will understand again from the perspective of modularity. The optimal allocation of industrial resources enables different participants to focus on one task, thus improving the overall efficiency. The modular composition of Ethereum can be simply disassembled into data availability layer, consensus layer, settlement layer, execution layer, execution layer, which provides an execution environment to calculate transactions, convert old state into new state and submit new state to settlement layer, and submit fraud validity certificates at the same time. The execution layer can be further divided into and responsible for calculating state conversion and generating certificates, especially for the reasons that. In order to generate proof that there is a certain requirement for hardware, the settlement layer verifies the correctness of the state transition calculated by the execution layer. Generally, the intelligent contract deployed on the platform verifies that the state hash of the verified block will be recorded on the chain. At this time, the generated block will obtain the final certainty. For me, the contract will verify the submission and ensure that the state hash is submitted to the contract after the execution is completed and trigger the verification transaction. When the verification passes, the state hash is proved to be effective and the block will obtain the final certainty. In most cases, the state hash verified by the consensus layer by the consensus layer will be recorded on the chain, which corresponds to the secure data availability layer that has been protected in the above transaction block. The transaction layer can be an equal dedicated layer or a centralized data availability committee, which reserves the transaction data in the block and provides it for anyone to rebuild at any time. Although it has many advantages and is regarded as a long-term expansion plan of Ethereum, it faces many technical difficulties. The possibility of large-scale adoption at present is made, such as the high cost and complexity of calculation, which may lead to centralization, etc. The production of the most popular algorithm is actually to transform the execution process of the program into a verifiable proposition, which will be abstracted into a polynomial equation set. In order to prove the correctness of the execution of the program, pairing operations are needed on the elliptic curve. These algebraic operations require high hardware and may lead to ordinary. It is difficult for hardware to complete these calculations within a reasonable time, especially when dealing with a large number of transactions. It takes much longer to generate a certificate than to execute the original program. According to the complexity of implementation and transaction, the time to generate a certificate may be hundreds to thousands of times of the original calculation time. The high hardware requirements for calculation may lead to centralization. Due to the high calculation cost and hardware requirements, small-scale operators may not be able to afford the investment needed to become certifiers, which will lead to only a few having high performance. Participants in computing resources can effectively generate proofs, which may be contrary to the decentralization spirit of blockchain and lead to a single point of failure and too complicated review risk. In terms of design compatibility, the compatible zero-knowledge proof technology was not initially considered. In order to enable any program to be executed, it is necessary to create corresponding mathematical representation and proof logic for each opcode by generating effective proofs, which requires not only complex cryptographic transformation but also compatibility with existing smart contracts. Sex poses a challenge. The realization requires a lot of mathematical modeling of opcodes to convert program execution into a form that can be proved. This includes the flexibility and complexity of the simulated state transition, memory operation and contract call. This is an extremely difficult task, and at the same time, it is also a challenge to ensure that it can generate small verifiable proofs. How to solve the popularization bottleneck is a decentralized service platform and a network for support. In order to solve a series of challenges, the concept of mining is introduced. This service allows developers to start their chains within one minute without detailed understanding or chain nodes. The concept is also introduced to invite miners to participate in maintenance and calculation. The goal is to simplify the use and promote its wider adoption, thus promoting the large-scale deployment of application chains based on. Developers can deploy their chains by clicking a button. For miners, as a multi-chain protocol, it supports mining on various public chains. The problem of computing power and centralization is essentially a problem that computing power requires high hardware threshold, which leads to centralization. Using mechanism to motivate miners to provide computing power and provide comprehensive hardware infrastructure is one of the core concepts. All participants, including users, developers and miners, can benefit from the large-scale application of the economic model. The use of existing hardware resources is in the transition from Ethereum to many Ethereum. Mining machines have lost their application scenarios. The value of these mining machines is about $100 million in capital scale. At present, many of them are idle. With the large-scale implementation and generation, a large number of hardware and mining machines are needed, such as providing algorithms to optimize computing power, reducing the threshold of miners' participation and improving the efficiency of expansion. A two-step submission mechanism for verification is proposed to reduce the threshold of miners' participation. Submission and submission optimization generation algorithms improve the efficiency of proof. The team further improved the recursive aggregation algorithm and improved the utilization of machine resources in the cluster. Speed up the calculation. In the stress test, it is shown that using a machine cluster composed of 10 machines can maintain the rate of 10 transactions per second in about minutes. These improvements have significantly improved the generation efficiency, solved the development threshold, provided one-click generation service for all users, and reduced the cost and improved the interoperability chain. Further optimization of the chain based on the construction of the chain, the mixed consensus model is used to support the network and project optimization performance and realize the decentralized scheme to improve efficiency and security. The market pattern and unique entry point have become increasingly fierce in the modular track market competition. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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