律动 BlockBeats 消息,9 月 23 日,据 Shield Official 官方消息,去中心化衍生品基础设施协议 Shield 宣布主网测试版本正式上线,用户在提交申请并通过后即可使用 Shield。 此外将开放 BTC/USDT 交易对,每个地址的存款容量为 10 BTC。同时 Shield 还将开启流动性挖矿活动,只需要将 USDT 存入智能合约,即可赚取 Shield 的原生代币 SLD。[原文链接]
: derivatives infrastructure agreement main network test version officially launched derivatives infrastructure agreement main network test version officially launched blockchain network rhythm news according to official news decentralized derivatives infrastructure agreement announced that the main network test version was officially launched. Users can use it after submitting the application and passing it. In addition, the deposit capacity of each address will be opened, and at the same time, the original link of the original token that can be earned by depositing it in the smart contract will be opened. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台
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