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- [1] 马克思《黑格尔法哲学批判》导言,1843年 https://www.marxists.org/chinese/marx/marxist.org-chinese-marx-1843.htm


It goes without saying that some people must have lightened their positions a few days ago when they took advantage of the approval of futures listing, which caused the price level to fall from a near straight line to the position number. At the end of the year, there was no second half. The article said that we should not have excessive hopes for the end of the year or have longer patience with the second half of the year, but I didn't think that we would start sideways from the prefix at that time. I thought it would rise first and then fall back, and then continue to rise after finishing at the end of the year, but these were short-term I can only ask God how the Federal Reserve Chairman Powell will hold the Fed meeting in January, whether to collect water or release water. On the one hand, the inflation in the United States is too high, and on the other hand, the epidemic in Europe and America is on the rise again. I guess Powell was also in a dilemma. At that time, there were many quick winners who opposed it, but it was meaningless. People who really started work never talked nonsense, so they just put up orders and lightened their positions. Those who were empty-mouthed and saw how empty they were, but those who firmly believed that the second half would come were determined. Holding the currency without fear of ups and downs, plummeting in case of ups and downs, and adding positions, this thing looks at emotions in the short term and consensus in the long term. However, consensus is like a tree on the top of a mountain, which stands precariously in all directions. It is commendable that some poets have expressed this ideal and are tenacious. In the storm, the wind in the southeast and northwest may be able to persevere, but it is easy to be enthusiastic. After all, the power of words is sometimes greater than that of guns and sticks. Everyone has support and opposition to everything, and sometimes even the opposition is stronger than that for a while. It depends on the trade-offs. No consensus has ever been reached overnight. Which one has not gone through thousands of twists and turns? From the center of the earth that everyone believes in to Heliocentrism that everyone believes in, Copernicus Bruno was burned to death by the church, while Kepler and Galileo made a compromise to the church to save their lives, and a solar enclosure was reserved. Going around the earth claims that Heliocentrism does not violate the biblical teachings. In fact, even today, very few people still believe in the geocentric theory. Even in the world, it is recognized that the proportion of American Christians with the most advanced technology is still as high as the annual data, which is lower than that in. There are still a large number of experts and scholars who repeatedly instill in us that the secular life in Europe and America is higher than ours. The important reason is that they have universal religious beliefs. The era we live in today is that the new financial order broke after World War II. In the era of production, we have been suffering from the damage caused by unconstrained currency, but everyone believes that printing money can save the economic crisis and save the world. Fortunately, in the century, our civilization has improved a little bit compared with the century, so Satoshi Nakamoto has still not been arrested and burned to death. Marx said that critical weapons cannot replace weapons, and critical material forces can only be destroyed by material forces, but once the theory is mastered, the masses will become material forces. As long as people are persuaded, the theory can be mastered. As long as the theory is thorough, it can convince people that the so-called thoroughness is to grasp the essence of things, but the essence of people is the password punk declaration of the year of the person is a critical weapon, and the bitcoin system of the year of the person is a criticism and decentralization of weapons. The sound monetary concept and fantasy that cannot be arbitrarily overspent cannot overthrow the old system that is wantonly overspent. Only the indestructible accounting network and bitcoin system distributed around the world can destroy it. The workload proves that it is another outstanding human being's material power. Using the idea and empty talk of European countries, which rank 20 or 30 in global military expenditure every year, can't mobilize hundreds of millions of people around the world, no matter how beautiful it sounds, but once it has become a digital asset that can be easily mastered by everyone, the theory of real money and sound currency has mastered the broadest masses and convinced hundreds of millions of people without language. Bitcoin is an idea, but it has been used by hundreds of millions of people. Persuasion has become a powerful material force, thus becoming a powerful weapon with the power to destroy and criticize the old. Why can Bitcoin convince such a wide range of people? Although they speak different languages, eat different foods, have different religious beliefs and personal hobbies, they don't know each other at all. The key lies in the fact that Bitcoin's theory is thorough enough to hit the nail on the head enough to hit the nail on the head enough to touch the root of Huanglong. Bitcoin is thorough rather than uncompromising. It is decentralized to the extreme and opposes any direction. The centralized compromise technical scheme, such as the super node, such as the quasi-consensus mechanism, has a completely predetermined distribution curve, regardless of the external environment, and it will never accept any human intervention. The distribution is completely determined by human intervention, and there is no continuous issuance. After the initial issuance, it will continue to issue at a constant rate, and it will not be able to deposit money. Many systems are completely different from the characteristics of legal tender and do not take any legal tender at all. The most important thing about the compromise is that this thoroughness is embodied in grasping the essence of human beings, that is, in the end, it comes down to such an absolute command that all relations that make people humiliated, enslaved, abandoned and despised must be overthrown. Marxists can only be an end, not a means, and regard people as people rather than tools as a means to realize profits, and as a human battery for capital proliferation. That is to say, we can grasp the essence by treating people as people. You can convince people thoroughly, you can master the masses, you can turn them into material forces, you can destroy old forces, and you can become weapons. The financial crisis in 2008, Bitcoin was born, and Marx was re-read by the whole world. I don't know whether Satoshi Nakamoto is an Austrian school believer or a Marxist practitioner. Reference materials for Marx Hegel's critique of legal philosophy. Introduction to WeChat official account's Liu Jiao Chain Planet WeChat official account replied to the planet disclaimer. The contents of this article do not constitute any investment advice. Cryptographic currency is a very high-risk variety, so please be careful to participate in self-responsibility. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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