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在我们彻底接纳加密货币之前,多数人都是法币本位的世界观。所谓法币本位,就是我们不自觉的会把一切都换算成法币的价格来衡量其相互价值。比如,一个人会想,一辆特斯拉Model 3汽车大概卖5万刀,一部苹果iPhone 13 Pro Max大概是1000多刀,他手头有3万刀现金。于是他就知道了,Model 3还买不起,因为不能拆分买,要么再攒点儿钱,或者贷款;换一台手机应该是绰绰有余了。而无论是购买Model 3,还是购买iPhone,这都是一种消费。















At the beginning of this year, on the anniversary of the creation of the block, I shared some thoughts on the concepts of financial management, investment, savings and consumption and their new meanings in the cryptocurrency era. At that time, the price was about the left and right. Now a whole month has passed. Today is the month, and the price of Bitcoin has gone through ups and downs, and it has reached a high degree of firmness in holding money. The so-called legal tender standard means that we unconsciously convert everything into the price of legal tender to measure their mutual value. For example, a person will think that a Tesla car will sell for about 10 thousand yuan, and an apple will sell for more than 10 thousand yuan. He has 10 thousand yuan in cash, so he knows that he can't afford it because he can't buy it separately, or save some money or borrow a loan to change a mobile phone, which is a kind of consumption, so he decides not to change the mobile phone first, so he continues to save money. Ten thousand dollars in cash continues to exist in the bank. We usually call this kind of behavior as the financial adviser of the savings bank recommended a low-risk partial debt fund to him in the bank lobby and lobbied him to say that the legal tender will continue to depreciate when it is placed in the bank, and some temporarily unused money can be used to finance the securities account. The account manager is opening a stock account, and he conveniently opened a stock account to transfer idle funds into the stock account to buy and sell stocks for investment, which seems to be earned by most ordinary people in the traditional legal tender world. Putting legal tender in the bank is called saving and investing in a fund with lower risk, which is called wealth management. Buying and selling stocks is an investment, while holding bitcoin is an investment in a high-risk asset. Yes, at the bottom of my article in WeChat official account, the risk of zeroing at any time is also warned in this way. Please take care of yourself. This is what the other party can understand from the standpoint of ordinary people, but when we start to enter the world of cryptocurrency, we will strive to establish a new worldview. We will invest in so-called bitcoin eventually. What you are trying to establish is a concept of bitcoin standard. Once you have established this world view, your way of looking at the world will be qualitatively different from that of ordinary people. What is bitcoin standard? At first, you will involuntarily measure your profit and loss in legal tender. For example, if you buy a bitcoin for ten thousand dollars, you will make a profit, and then you will buy it back for ten thousand dollars. This is a loss of ten thousand dollars, or if you buy a bitcoin from ten thousand dollars at the beginning of the year, you feel that you have earned ten thousand dollars when it is returned. When you adjust to $10,000, you feel that you have lost $10,000. When it bounces back to $10,000, you feel that you have earned another $10,000. There is a question of whether to increase money or make money. For example, when $10,000 buys a bitcoin, you can only buy a bitcoin. By the time of $10,000, the relative purchase price is floating, and the total profit is $10,000, but the amount of money has been reduced by half from the initial one. So the so It's more important to protect coins than to protect profits. Many old leeks have tossed around for several cycles and made some money according to the legal tender standard. However, the number of bitcoins on hand has dropped from several thousand to several hundred and then to dozens, which is an order of magnitude decline. This is why it's more important to protect coins than to protect profits. As for why you can't increase coins and make money, it's better to make money in the long run, and it's better to protect profits in the short term. I often encounter a sharp correction and reshuffle of the market. At this time, if I can't firmly hold my position and keep my money, it is likely to be washed out of the market by sharp shocks again and again. Once the market rebounds, the psychological anchoring effect will make it difficult for people who get off the bus to overcome the psychological obstacles and get on the bus again. I can only watch the high-speed train die in front of me. For me, legal tender cash is more like a meal ticket in exchange for living materials for eating and dressing, while bitcoin is an investment for saving. The best way to save the value of one's labor for a long time from inflation is to hold tokens of a certain project, such as or shares of a company in the legal tender world, such as an investment. At this time, I am investing money to support the project and expect to get a return from the value added created by their labor. Therefore, the bitcoin standard view is to firmly remember that legal tender is to consume bitcoin, save other tokens or stocks, and so on. How to allocate your income to these three uses is called management. The wisdom of financial management is called financial business management. Where do you start? Learn to save consumption, save vigorously and increase money, and start practicing the eight-character tactic. It is the best way to save money to smooth out the volatility of bitcoin. Always remember that every time you save a dollar, you earn a dollar, and if you save this money, it is equivalent to earning a dollar or even a dollar in the future. Whenever you want to spend money, think about this sentence. Financial freedom begins with saving every penny. WeChat official account Liu Jiao Chain Planet WeChat official account replies to the planet disclaimer. The contents of this article do not constitute any investment advice. Encrypted currency is a very high-risk variety. Please 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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