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I moved my neck and wrist a few times and slowly opened my eyes. I stayed in Plato for a long time this time, and my muscles were sore. When the retina adapted to the soft light as bright as day, I began to see the outline of the whole holographic cocoon room. The holographic cocoon room is a ball with elastic and highly transparent memory polymer as the shell. The diameter of the ball is about one meter, which can accommodate a person to move freely in it. This is where people access the meta-universe. I know that in ancient times, people tried to give it. Wearing glasses or helmets to get the so-called immersive experience is an extremely old and backward technology. In the holographic cocoon room, we can easily connect the brain-computer chip implanted in the brain with the cocoon room, so as to directly connect the brain's perception to the world of the metauniverse. This is a term with a long history. It is said that it was created by a science fiction writer named Stephenson. In my opinion, the metauniverse is a virtual and real world, in which Plato is me. One who likes it very much says that it is virtual because it is an illusion created by digital simulation by a computer. In the meta-universe, you can get rid of all the physical laws of the real world, so that you can create objects that don't exist in the real world, such as Plato's anti-gravity bed. For example, it is real because the digital objects in the meta-universe are persistent, unlike the Internet in ancient times, once the company responsible for operation and maintenance stops serving, all the data will disappear. This persistence is said to be through. Simply speaking, the so-called decentralized technology will realize that the illusion of the Internet will be shattered, and the illusion of eternal life of the meta-universe will become another kind of reality. Many years ago, there was a protracted debate between the meta-cosmology school and the so-called spaceship school. In both camps, there were strong technology companies, and the spaceship school accused the meta-cosmology school of trapping human beings in the digital illusion, thus forever losing the opportunity to get out of the earth and become an interstellar species and establish a star-rated civilization. They were addicted to human beings. The virtual world of the meta-universe shows great anxiety, insisting that this will lead to the degradation and destruction of human beings. They are more worried and extreme about this matter than those environmentalists in ancient times, but the meta-universe faction finally won, because later, with more and more people moving to the meta-universe, even the spaceship faction's appeal, assembly and parade had to be held in the meta-universe, and it was simply impossible to appeal against the meta-universe. The spaceship school also realized their dream of going to the sea of stars. In the meta-universe, I occasionally access to play, learn rocket launching technology, spacecraft driving technology and so on, and fly to various galaxies to explore. The name of the meta-universe is Galileo, and there are so many meta-universes with various themes that no one knows how many colors there are for any kind of life you want to experience. We don't have to feel like ancient humans who often feel that life is not their own choice. The chosen stage is playing scripts that we didn't choose by ourselves. Today, we have been free to choose what stage to perform and what scripts to perform. We can even go to many colorful stages to experience a variety of colorful lives. This is the multi-parallel meta-universe. The failure of our spaceship school rhymes with the history of the ultimate failure of ancient environmentalists. With the deterioration of the earth's surface environment, human beings have moved underground for a long time. Thanks to controlled nuclear fusion technology, we have long been able to put underground. The world is more suitable for survival than the surface world. The underground rivers are winding, the underground lakes are winding and the underground seas are everywhere. All agriculture and industry have special areas. The sand on the silvery beach is thin and soft, and the sea breeze is refreshing. There are scattered transparent balls everywhere. They are all holographic cocoon rooms that reach the sky as far as the eye can see. Every holographic cocoon room has a naked human tool. Physically speaking, it is a woman. Yes, all the holographic cocoon rooms are inhabited by human women. Every realistic result has its historical causes. It is said that in the early years, when humans just started to migrate to the meta-universe, they did not master the artificial uterus technology, so when the robot took over the human work in an all-round way, only one most important job remained, which must be completed by human beings, specifically human women. At that time, scientists worked hard to study and realized the right through fund technology. Correction of baby sex ratio All fertilized eggs have been treated by genetic technology before being transplanted into women who voluntarily give birth. On the one hand, all possible hereditary diseases are repaired in advance. Secondly, gender screening and editing are very important to ensure that the proportion of boys in all born babies is far lower than that of girls. The former is only about one million times that of the latter. Once born, all children will be taken away by robots, and all boys will be sent to the northern center for careful care and management. After the body matures, male germ cells will be continuously provided to make fertilized eggs, and every girl will be assigned to a holographic cocoon room with citizenship and systematic support. Later, with the further development of science and technology, we women no longer need to provide production capacity and make physical efforts for the reproduction of the whole human race. All fertilized eggs are prepared and hatched by machines, but the tradition of valuing women over boys continues. From an economic point of view, men produce and provide life The speed and quantity of germ cells are much higher than that of women, so there is no need for so many men to complete this task at all. Each of us is anonymous in the real world. When we access the colorful metauniverses, we can freely choose our names, genders, looks and even personalities. In different metauniverses, we can choose completely different parameters and indicators. This real world is called the white world to be continued. WeChat official account Liu Jiao Chain Planet WeChat official account replied to the planet disclaimer. The contents of this article do not constitute any investment advice. Cryptographic currency is a very high-risk variety, so please be careful to participate in self-responsibility. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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