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Bull and bear raise their glasses to the moon in an instant. It's like a bull and bear asking you when you love the moon. How many people's fantasies in the second half of the year have been punctured by a straight needle? No matter how much we are eager to see the bull market at the end of the year rush to the top of great escape, it's all a subjective soap bubble. evil influence will only become something that blinds our eyes, making us lose our objective and independent observation and thinking. In the middle of the month, an article at the end of the year tells the logic that there is no bull market rushing to the top of the month. Now it seems that it's month. The monthly income is much lower than that of the month, so we will step back on the month, and repair it to 10,000 dollars, which is the position of the yellow line indicated by the red and yellow line of this bull market. You're welcome. I will keep saying this until the end of the month and fully verify that the month has not been reached. Maybe someone will come out at this time to persuade the sprayers to forgive their mistakes. Don't share their knowledge. This kind of advice is the chief culprit of the declining world, and it is rare to be slandered with the kindness of reminding the risks. Some people are brave enough to stop the slanders from being drowned by the market. Reservoir Dogs has come to advise good people not to hit Reservoir Dogs. There are so many illogical abuse and comments on the Internet. This kind of bad people have to forgive the feudal dogma that good people should be loyal and forgiving. The spirit of the Chinese people is the biggest reason. If everyone scolds the indiscriminate online sprayers, they will go back and scold them. Until they fall into the water, Reservoir Dogs will also chase them down and beat them until Reservoir Dogs can no longer go ashore and dare not bite people. Reservoir Dogs will still dare to scream as long as one day. Beat up for a day if you don't change it every year, beat up for a year if you don't change it all your life, then the Chinese network environment will probably not develop to such a smoky level as it is today. It is what Mr. Lu Xun has long taught us that everyone should do. The network is clear and clear, and the bulls and bears in the hearts of leeks are the lagging indicators of prices. They don't know that it is a bull market until they see a sharp rise in prices. When they see a sharp fall in prices, they say it is a bear market, and they use lagging indicators to guide the operation. One result is a loss. When many people watch bears and feel that the bull market is no longer there, when Chinese chives are afraid to cut their meat at a low point, I will start to say something different again. You know I like to talk against the market. We know that this round of midfield starts from over 10,000 months, and the top distribution mode is formed. The distribution mode is up and down, and the terminal plummets into the bottom absorption mode. At that time, it was the first time for the big people to shout bears. I thought that the bull market was still bottoming out. Play all the way to the end of the month and the beginning of the month to form a strong signal point, which is about below 10,000 knives, and then the last support point of the step-back test after the first stage starts in the month. At this time, it is the second time for the adults to shout bear. At that time, I thought that the bull market was still there, and clearly pointed out that it was a step-back test at the end of the month, and then the second stage was started, and it continued to break through around the middle of the month. At the end of the year, there was no second half hint about the next risk. At the beginning of the month, the Kill more for a whole month, and fall below the first stage position. Ten thousand knives are flying down three times. thousands of feet suspects that the market of the Milky Way has fallen for nine days, and the plumb hammer with broken line has been directly inserted into the first stage. In fact, it almost broke. We have come to the present, and we started to shout for bears for the third time. The purpose of writing this article is to think that the bull market is still there and point out that when the bad news is exhausted, only the good ones will remain. If we look at the box with big shocks in the whole midfield, the upper limit is still developing upwards, and the lower limit is from ten thousand knives to ten thousand. The bigger the amplitude of the whole midfield is, the more vigorous the washing is, the more powerful the internal factors are. Even if the bear falls in a bear market, it is almost impossible to fall below the front-wheel bull market. Please review the article about the external factors of the bull market bear. There are several major events to be superimposed on this month's date. Now we can't blindly call it negative or positive, but it is worthy of attention. First, the implementation date of the central bank's RRR cut again is theNo. Remember the last time? Second, it's a key node. The inexplicable panic of leek should have an end. Third, the last meeting of the Federal Reserve this year, although Powell released harsh words in the interview, how long can he be hard at the meeting on interest rates? Anyway, this bull market will be delayed until next year. Even if the Fed has adjusted its actions, it will take years to implement it, and the decision may be released in this meeting in June. In addition, there are some good cards in his hand, such as especially. Yes, the review results are released, such as the approval of the spot that is widely expected. Of course, there are quite a lot of variables here, but people are pointing at their noses and swearing, and they can't be indifferent. What's left after the end of the year? By the way, the case of Aomoto Satoshi v. kleiman's brother and sister has been closed a few days ago, so the judge has not reached a conclusion, so Aomoto Satoshi will not get the kleiman to smash the plate. The story of the encrypted journey is brilliant and wonderful, and he is still continuing to sit still and help to meet the star of WeChat official account's Liu Jiao chain in The ball WeChat official account replies to the planet disclaimer. The contents of this article do not constitute any investment advice. Cryptographic currency is a very high-risk variety with the risk of returning to zero at any time. Please be careful to participate in self-responsibility. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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