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Bloomberg资深编辑John Authers说,市场会根据实际数据和预期之间的对比来做出反应,这通胀虽然挺高,但是仍然低于7%,也就没有达到“爆棚”的情况,这会让大家松一口气,而且大家不要那么悲观,通胀高企的坏情况可能并不会持续太久。[2]


S P全球评级的首席经济学家Beth Ann Bovino则说,通胀太严重了,美联储必须加速收水(taper),把目前11、12月实施的速度(按此速度连续taper明年6月完成)加速一倍,争取明年3月完成taper,关死水龙头,然后2022年至少要实施一次加息。[4]

保德信的固收部首席经济学家Ellen Gaske则更为悲观,认为美联储不仅要在明年3月份taper到零,而且至少要在明年2季度、3季度以及2023年连续加息25bp,把利率加高到1.5%左右。[5]









连Bloomberg资深编辑John Authers也在12/11号发表文章,说2021年关于通胀是不是暂时性的这一争论已经宣告结束[6]。更早几天,12/9号,他发文说,现在不是2018年,那个时候通胀甚至不是一个问题。而现在,美联储无法回避加息。[7]

















- [1] https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/dec/10/us-inflation-rate-rise-2021-highest-increase-since-1982
- [2] https://super.sina.cn/shequn/post/detail_610295348633178113.html
- [3] https://www.reuters.com/business/biden-says-inflation-data-due-friday-will-not-reflect-recent-drop-some-prices-2021-12-09/
- [4] https://www.bbc.com/news/business-59573145
- [5] https://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202112102210292570.html
- [6] https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-12-10/2021-debate-over-whether-inflation-is-transitory-is-over
- [7] https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-12-09/markets-overestimate-a-powell-pivot-on-inflation-to-prop-up-growth-assets


Overnight, Friday morning, US time, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the inflation data for the month, and the price index rose from the month to the month, and the core price index rose from the month to the month. The rapidly rising price index is said to have reached the highest level since 2000, and all the people began to tell the exact opposite story to the same data. The senior editor said that the market would respond according to the comparison between the actual data and expectations, although the inflation was quite high. However, if it is still below, it will not reach the bursting point, which will give everyone a sigh of relief, and we should not be so pessimistic. The bad situation of high inflation may not last long. US President Biden made a speech saying that the upward trend of inflation is slowing down, and the rate of monthly increase is indeed lower than that of last month. Everyone should pass my trillion-dollar expenditure bill quickly, which will be very helpful to reduce prices. The chief economist of the global rating said that inflation is too serious, and the Federal Reserve must speed up the collection of water. At this rate, the implementation speed of the previous month will be doubled in next month, and then the tap will be turned off in next month, and then the interest rate will be raised at least once a year. The chief economist of Prudential's collection department is even more pessimistic. He thinks that the Fed will not only raise interest rates to zero in next month, but also raise interest rates to the left and right in the next quarter and year. There are different opinions. Just a few days ago, I said on the planet that rabbits are opening the winter Olympics and eagles are playing with fire. This is very bad if eagles can press it. According to the trillion-dollar RRR cut, the short-selling assembly number was blown, and the initiative to ease the contradiction with the rabbit and strive for the rabbit's help can suppress inflation as soon as possible. Originally, the climate agreement jointly issued by the eagle and the rabbit some time ago has released a positive signal, but the eagle has to play with fire, boycott and summit, which makes the rabbit very embarrassed, so the rabbit will definitely find a chance to kick the eagle's feet. The inflation of the eagle will soar, and you can't see that the rabbit also put malicious words on the eagle at the press conference Bad behavior will definitely fight back. As for how to fight back, please wait and see. Powell's malicious words released at the hearing at the end of the month are justified. The resurgence of the new virus will impact the supply chain again, which will inevitably aggravate the shortage of materials in the United States and push up inflation. The solution to Powell's malicious words is obviously to increase production and supply. Looking at the small world, who can help the eagle except rabbits in the environment where the virus is rampant? Solve the problem of production and supply. I don't believe those senior politicians in the United States don't know it clearly. From the meaning of Yellen's previous call from a distance, they can see that they are like a mirror. Yellen throws stones to ask for directions, but when fighting rabbits becomes a political correctness of the eagle, these politicians begin to turn a deaf ear. In fact, Powell is somewhat right. The inflation of the eagle is temporary, as long as rabbits are willing to help, and with the promotion of vaccines and specific drugs, the epidemic will gradually ease inflation. It will return to the normal level, but if you don't die, you won't die. Now the inflation in the United States continues to soar in January, which is many times higher than the so-called tracking level of the Federal Reserve. This is not only self-inflicted, but Powell can't bear it in the overwhelming political correctness of the United States. Finally, he admitted in January that inflation is no longer temporary, and then announced at the meeting on interest rates in February that the water collection will be officially implemented before the end of the year. The Federal Reserve published an article on June as scheduled, but even senior editors said that inflation was not. This debate is temporary. A few days earlier, he issued a document saying that inflation was not even a problem at that time, but now the Fed can't avoid raising interest rates. It seems that if the rabbit doesn't help, the eagle will only have to stab himself twice to suppress inflation. President Biden is not President Carter. He obviously doesn't want to stab himself twice and voluntarily bleed himself. He even wants to take two more big blood pills to return blood. The more inflation, the more water is released, the more inflation, because the materials are so impossible. Rapidly expanding the supply of printing money will only make the money become more worthless quickly. The water release and blood return in the closed system can only be a zero-sum game to plunder the wealth of most people and concentrate it in the hands of a few people. If Powell is not just a vicious person like Paul Walker in the 1970 s, he will take the initiative to stab the eagle with a few knives, bleed and collect water to raise interest rates. Maybe he can control inflation in one go, but the consequences are that the US stock market collapses and the US debt soars. The US stock market collapses in both directions. The wealth of capital interest groups has shrunk. In order to defend their own cake, capital interest groups are willing to assassinate the president of the United States. The US debt has soared, and the US government, which is heavily in debt, will have to pay more interest, which will seriously worsen the government deficit. What's worse, the US government will have to cut taxes and build infrastructure to stimulate the economy, which will reduce government revenue and expand government expenditure. What should we do if we have no money to pay off debts? In the end, we will have to borrow money from the Fed, that is, printing new money and paying off old debts. Money has become more and more. The interest rate increase by the Federal Reserve only makes the water pipe with its left hand and right hand thicker, which may have no effect on controlling inflation. Instead, it has hit the stock market, offended capital interest groups, aggravated the pressure on the US government, and worsened the deficit of the US government. This is in danger of pushing the US economy into the abyss of stagflation. This danger is also that everyone knows it, but they are deaf and dumb. Biden's government knows Powell and the Federal Reserve know Wall Street better, and don't listen to what others say. It depends on what he has done. After the inflation data soared in the United States, the three major indexes of the US stock market, S&P, Nasdaq and Dow Jones, closed up one after another. Among them, S&P even reached a new high. Why can't you see that the Fed is expected to speed up the collection of water and raise interest rates in advance? As for the currency market, it is more lovely. After the data was released, the pie rose with the US stock market for a while, and it once rose a little. After returning to the top two hours, the main force began to release, explaining that high inflation intensified the market's Concerns about raising interest rates and the news came with a wave of smashing cakes and then fell back. It can be seen that the small players in the currency market still lack the ability to think deeply, so they are more susceptible to the artificial point of view. The main chips have not sucked enough cakes and are still flowing out of the exchange. At this time, any news should cooperate with the main actions, from the news to the price, the main human nature is reversed, and the black and white is called a deer as a horse. The good money market is said to be good, but the bad money market can't be distinguished at all, so it is said that the money market is still a very simple and naive market. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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