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Overnight, the pie rebounded to the market. It seems that it is necessary to greet the Fed's meeting on interest rates tomorrow and the day after tomorrow with a firm attitude. This is the last meeting this year. For the eastern hemisphere, we expect to hear the conclusion of the meeting on the 20 th. At such a delicate time node, the Fed's meeting on interest rates has attracted much attention. On the one hand, the effectiveness of the mutant virus has not yet reached a final conclusion. See the virus counterattack. Obviously, some people are appeasing that it seems that it is not powerful at present, and there are many countries on the other. The epidemic prevention measures have been upgraded, especially in some western countries, which were flat. On the other hand, inflation in the United States is getting higher and higher. On the other hand, the United States is experiencing high inflation, and the market is playing a life-and-death game. On the same side, it is worried about the new high inflation rate, which will probably accelerate the tightening of the Fed's macro-monetary policy. On the other hand, the President has spoken out to appease everyone, saying that the inflation rate will fall back after slowing down and peaking. You don't have to worry about these contradictory reports. The people who eat melons all over the world are confused in reading and acting, but this is the strategy of financiers to engage in finance. For any signal and policy that may cause market interpretation and action, it is necessary to conduct expected management to avoid the market from acting out of control. This routine was summarized and carried forward by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Of course, the master of the people may be Zhao Benshan, who is a kidnapper, and Comrade Fan Wei is expected to be managed. At the meeting held at the beginning of the month, the Federal Reserve announced and immediately implemented it twice, respectively, in January and February. This accurately suppressed the market in the second half of the year, that is, the market was blocked head-on at the end of the year and fell back. See the pie reversing to pick up people. Now it is close to the middle of the month, and the cooked ducks that insist that the currency market will peak before the end of the year should be almost extinct. See the fact that there is no second half at the end of the year. There are two kinds of coins in the whole currency market, one is the other is the books of other currencies. The quality is more like that the stocks of a so-called blockchain project have the nature of securities, so the way they dance with the monetary baton of the Federal Reserve is somewhat similar to that of American stocks, but the pie is somewhat different. The pie is an antagonistic product of electronic gold and dollar inflation, so we will have two contradictory inferences. One is that the inflation is high, the Federal Reserve collects water to raise interest rates, the US stock market plummets, and the other is that the inflation is high. People are hedging and buying anti-inflation cakes. So which kind of reasoning is it? Right or wrong, we should understand that things in this world are changing all the time, not black or white, and there is no absolute truth and eternal correctness. All truths and correctness have their own reasons. Beyond this range, the truth becomes a fallacy and the right becomes a mistake. The correct way of thinking is not to argue about right or wrong, but to find out where the boundary of that range is. If you don't understand the ups and downs, it is a unity of opposites, and you ask yes. People who go up or down are hopeless. The faucet of the Federal Reserve affects the dollar price of pie, and the faucet of the Federal Reserve also affects the price of American stocks. However, the price of pie and the price of American stocks are not causal. In a local time and space, there will be a certain correlation, sometimes a positive correlation and sometimes a negative correlation. Generally speaking, there is no particularly big correlation. The problem here is that the Federal Reserve cannot directly print money to buy pie, so the water released by the Federal Reserve can only pass through other channels. The circuitous flow to the pie has created the appearance that those things that are used as water pipes will be related to the pie to some extent, even temporarily causal. For example, the Federal Reserve printed money to the US government to support President Biden's bill of giving money to the whole people, and directly distributed the US dollars to the American people through the Ministry of Finance. Those who got the US dollars spent part of their money to buy houses, US stocks and other assets, and some bought the pie. Only through such a transmission path did the water released by the Federal Reserve enter the pie. Analysis and thinking must be specific to this level in order to find out the relationship between them. Will Bitcoin eventually become a reservoir of the Fed? When the flood floods, it will accumulate. When the water is flooded, it will rise and rise, and when the interest rate is raised, it will plummet to lower the water level. This breathing action in line with the dollar operation cycle is a bit like the non-American economies that have assumed this function in the past few decades. When the dollar expanded, excessive dollars flowed into these non-American economies, causing overheated investment and economic prosperity. When the dollar contracted, When the capital suddenly withdraws, causing the economic collapse, Wall Street financiers will take advantage of this transition between breathing. When they turn into an expansion cycle, they will take huge amounts of dollars to buy low-priced assets in non-American economies. Before they turn into a contraction cycle, they will cash out and sell at a high level to promote the economic collapse and asset price collapse. This process is vividly called the shearing dollar cycle. This breathing cycle is probably just after the annual financial crisis, and we may just be in the birth of Bitcoin. The starting point of a new round of dollar expansion cycle, in fact, the dollar index cycle is considered to be a tightening cycle. After years, it will enter a new round of expansion cycle. From the halving cycle of the pie, the year is just the top of the next round of bull market. Everything is so seamless. The end of the next round of bull market is probably the turn of the dollar. It's just that the pie sheep may not be big enough or fat enough to cut. The way to raise and fatten the sheep first is to build more water pipes to lead to the pie, and then let the whole world know. People come into the pie, otherwise the United States won't cut itself. Maybe our mother has already seen through this game, so the water pipeline from Chinese people to the pie will be cut off ahead of schedule. The future will be even more exciting. WeChat official account Liu Jiao Chain Planet WeChat official account replies to the planet disclaimer. The contents of this article do not constitute any investment suggestion. Cryptographic currency is a very high-risk variety with the risk of zero at any time. Please be careful to participate in self-responsibility 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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