公钥、地址是用来做什么的? (公钥chia)

2023-03-03 02:30:02 views

What is the public key address used for? The public key virtual currency exchange platform digital currency address is easy to understand. It is the place where your assets are stored. Others will know how many assets you have by checking your address. These are public keys. On the public blockchain, everyone can know each other's public keys. It is the private virtual currency exchange platform, the digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, the digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, the digital currency home newsletter, the blockchain, the encyclopedia, and the encyclopedia. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


公钥:它公开的区块链上,大家都可以知道对方的公钥,它就是私钥的补充,可以验证私钥的“签名”,就是上一篇中我们提到的,你如何动用你的区块链资产,修改你的区块链数据。说的简单点就是私钥可以”盖章“ ,公钥就是你对外公布的你盖章的“图案”,只不过在区块链里是用数字计算出来的,每次的盖章都不一样,但是可以用公钥验证这个”章“(也就是签名)对不对。
