NFT市场Escher推出限量版NFT系列“Escher Exclusives”,3月30日启动投放

2023-04-06 08:00:03 views

The market launched a limited edition series to launch the virtual currency exchange platform in digital currency. The limited edition series was founded by the founder of fragmentation agreement, focusing on the version-based virtual currency exchange platform in digital currency and the virtual currency exchange platform in digital currency. digital currency Home News Blockchain Blockchain Encyclopedia Home Encyclopedia Market launched a limited edition series to launch on March. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

NFT市场Escher推出限量版NFT系列“Escher Exclusives”,Escher由NFT碎片化协议Tessera创始人Andy Chorlian创立,专注于为“基于版本(edition-based)”的NFT提供支持,新推出的NFT系列将拟于下周在其平台上线。Escher透露该NFT系列将分季推出,首季Seaon 0将于3月30日启动投放,但赠品将会从当地时间本周日开始。
