Race Capital第二支基金Fund II获1.81亿美元超额认购,crede capital基金

2023-04-14 06:30:05 views

The second fund was oversubscribed by US$ 100 million. The second fund in digital currency was oversubscribed by US$ 100 million. It is reported that the fund has made an investment portfolio including machine learning and development platform and digital wallet virtual currency exchange platform. The digital currency virtual currency exchange platform and digital currency virtual currency exchange platform were oversubscribed by US$ 100 million. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

Race Capital第二支基金Fund II获得1.81亿美元超额认购。据悉,该基金已经进行了10项投资,投资组合包括机器学习开发平台Sematic和数字钱包Ottr Finance。 Race Capital普通合伙人Alfred Chuang表示,该公司比以往任何时候都对去中心化技术更感兴趣,尤其是在Race Capital投资的加密货币交易所FTX倒闭之后。(彭博社)
