艺术家Anyma NFT作品“永恒”以54600美元的价格售出,远低于苏富比的估价,永恒艺术之家价格

2023-04-08 21:00:05 views

The artist's works are sold at the price of US dollars, which is far lower than Sotheby's estimated price of Eternal Art House. Virtual currency exchange platform digital currency held an auction at Sotheby's, and the auction performance of the lots was moderate. The artist always sold at the price of US dollars lower than Sotheby's virtual currency exchange platform digital currency virtual currency exchange platform digital currency virtual currency exchange platform digital currency home page newsletter blockchain blockchain encyclopedia home page encyclopedia The artist's works were sold at the price of US dollars, which is far lower than Sotheby's estimated price of Eternal Art House. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

在苏富比举办“Natively Digital: Oddly Satisfying” 拍卖会中,58件拍品的拍卖表现中等,艺术家Anyma“永恒”以54600美元的价格售出,低于苏富比的70,000至100,000欧元估价,相较2021年6月苏富比拍卖会上单个CryptoPunks NFT高达1180万美元的天价相去甚远。 苏富比NFT和数字艺术主管Michael Bouhanna对此次拍卖给予了积极评价,标志着苏富比在巴黎的首次NFT拍卖,是将苏富比NFT和数字艺术销售扩展到新区域的积极一步,几乎每件作品都成功售出,整个拍卖过程中的竞标活动非常活跃,而且很大一部分苏富比的新投标人和买家
