乌克兰政府数字转型部将使用 Crystal Blockchain 的区块链监控服务追踪加密交易,乌克兰法定数字货币

2023-06-27 10:26:01 views

The blockchain monitoring service used by the Ukrainian government's digital transformation department will track encrypted transactions. It is reported that the Ukrainian digital transformation and development department has tracked encrypted transactions with the encryption tracking service company's virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency home page newsletter blockchain encyclopedia home page blockchain. The blockchain monitoring service used by the Ukrainian government's digital transformation department will track encrypted transactions in Ukraine's legal digital currency. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

据 CoinDesk 报导,乌克兰数字转型发展部(Ministry of Digital Transformation)已与 BitFury 的加密追踪服务公司 Crystal Blockchain B.V. 签定了一项协议书,以运行政府部门的虚似财产监管方案。Crystal Blockchain 的行政总裁 Marina Khaustova 表明,乌克兰数字转型发展部下应用该企业手机软件追踪异常加密买卖的由来。该单位负责乌克兰的数字中心,并与财政部保持联络。财政部高官先前曾表明,她们将依据国际性合规管理(AML)基本方针和 2019 年的乌克兰法律法规,追踪全部超出 1200 美金的加密买卖。
