
2023-04-15 07:30:07 views

Encrypted criminals tried to use an encrypted wallet that leaked private key to cast encryption on behalf of airspace. Encrypted criminals tried to use an encrypted wallet that leaked private key to apply for airdrop. If the plan is successful, they can make a net profit of about 10,000 on behalf of virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency home page newsletter, blockchain blockchain encyclopedia home page Encyclopedia Encrypted criminals tried to use an encrypted wallet that leaked private key to cast encryption on behalf of airspace. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

据Arkham Intelligence和GitHub上的一篇文章披露,加密罪犯试图利用2400个泄露私钥的加密钱包申请Arbitrum空投。如果该计划成功,可以净赚约300万个ARB代币,占用户空投的0.26%。这名加密罪犯向大约2400个钱包发送了以太坊,以批准一份允许收件人领取空投的合同,空投定于周四进行。 由于恶意行为者知道钱包的私钥,钱包所有者不一定能阻止它们。他们能做的就是撤销已经建立的合同。但即使这样,他们仍然需要在黑客之前手动要求空投。
