Do Kwon时代彻底结束

2023-04-07 08:00:01 views

3 月 23 日,黑山内政部长 Filip Adzic 在其社交平台宣布,Terraform Labs 创始人 Do Kwon 在黑山被捕。黑山当局称,Do Kwon 当时试图使用伪造的哥斯达黎加旅行证件飞往迪拜。自去年 9 月韩国当局对 Do Kwon 发出逮捕令,至今近 6 个月时间,Kwon 的行踪一直是时隐时现,仅是零星地通过各种采访出现在公众视野中。BlockBeats,将 Do Kwon 自通缉到被捕的过程进行了简单梳理,回顾了这位昔日加密明星的「落网过程」。

2022 年 3 月 29 日,LUNA 正值鼎盛时期,前福布斯高级编辑、Unchained 主理人 Laura Shin 就 Luna 生态对春风得意的 Do Kwon 进行了采访。播客中,Do Kwon 承认在市场需求发生极端变化的情况下,LUNA 会面临着死亡螺旋的风险。

该集播客播出 1 个月后,TVL 近 200 亿美元的 Luna 生态崩盘。Luna 受害者前往 Do Kwon 住所发现家中无人,Kwon 行踪开始成谜。

2022 年 8 月 16 日,Do Kwon 在新加坡接受了 Coinage 主理人 Zack 对他的采访。这是 Luna 事件后 Do Kwon 首次面对镜头。采访中,Do Kwon 表示自己不认为 Luna 和 UST 事件涉及道德问题。

2022 年 9 月 14 日,韩国警方正式对 Do Kwon 发出逮捕令,国际刑警组织也发出了红色通缉令,但当时他本人可能已经不在新加坡,Do Kwon 的被通缉之旅就从这时正式开始了,警方开始在各国寻找他的踪迹和下落。

2022 年 10 月 18 日,Do Kwon 再次参与 Laura Shin 的播客录制,这也是 Do Kwon 最后一次的公开露面。访谈中,Laura Shin 非常直接得询问了 Do Kwon 的位置,但 Do Kwon 拒绝透露,并称自己离开新加坡并不是因为 5 月发生的崩盘事件,而是因为他感觉自己的人身安全受到了威胁,甚至有记者和一些人闯入他的公寓楼。(BlockBeats 注,更多关于 Laura Shin 与 Do Kwon 的采访内容请阅读《对话 Do Kwon:指控、追捕与 Terra 创始人的信仰和忏悔》)

在 2022 年 12 月,曾有知情人士爆料说,Terra 创始人 Do Kwon 藏身于塞尔维亚,于是韩国司法部与塞尔维亚政府接触,合作调查 Do Kwon 在塞尔维亚境内是否有特别协助者等。Do Kwon 在进入塞尔维亚后,他的链上钱包数据在逃期间首次被捕获到,11 月 8 日把当时价值近 19 万美元的 9.64 枚 BTC 从 LFG 钱包转移到 Binance 钱包,有将比特币兑换成美元等现金的行为。

2023 年 2 月 7 日,韩国检察官和司法部官员上周前往塞尔维亚,以寻求帮助追捕 Terra 创始人 Do Kwon。首尔检察官办公室已对此消息予以确认,检察官办公室和司法部拒绝就 Do Kwon 的确切位置置评。

2 月 17 日,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)发布公告称,已向美国纽约南区地方法院提起诉讼,指控总部位于新加坡的 Terraform Labs PTE Ltd 和 Do Hyeong Kwon 策划了数十亿美元的加密资产证券欺诈,涉及算法稳定币和其他加密资产证券,违反了《证券法》和《交易法》的注册和反欺诈规定。

根据 SEC 的指控,从 2018 年 4 月到 2022 年 5 月该计划最终崩溃,Terraform 和 Do Kwon 通过发行和出售一套相互关联的加密资产证券从投资者那里筹集了数十亿美元,其中许多是在未注册的交易中进行的,包括基于证券的掉期交易 mAssets 以及被称为算法稳定币的加密证券 Terra USD(UST)。

此外,SEC 还指控 Terraform 和 Kwon 向投资者提供并出售了其他投资其「加密货币帝国」的方式,包括加密资产证券 Token MIR(或 Mirror Token)和 LUNA 本身。Terraform 和 Kwon 向投资者推销加密资产证券,并一再声称这些 Token 会增值。

3 月 16 日,韩国检方扩大了与海外法律机构和同行的合作,以协助逮捕和引渡韩国国民 Do Kwon。

3 月 23 日,黑山内政部长 Filip Adzic 在其社交平台宣布,Terraform Labs 联创 Do Kwon 在黑山波德戈里察机场因伪造证件被警方拘留,韩国官员随后也证实了 Do Kwon 确实在黑山被捕。据知情人士透露,Do Kwon 的个人护照曾在塞尔维亚被扣留。

3 月 24 日,塞尔维亚科技刑事检察官办公室和美国联邦检察官办公室透露,Terraform Labs 首席执行官 Do Kwon 与其一起逃跑的 Chai Corporation 前首席执行官 Shin Hyun-seung(又名 Daniel Shin)在塞尔维亚成立了一家与加密资产业务相关的公司。据悉,检察机关正在确认 Do Kwon 是为了在塞尔维亚正式开展虚拟资产业务而设立法人,还是为了洗钱等而设立皮包公司。

在黑山警方逮捕 Terraform Labs 创始人 Do Kwon 数小时后,美国纽约联邦检察官对 Do Kwon 提起刑事欺诈指控。根据诉状,Do Kwon 被控串谋诈骗、商品欺诈、证券欺诈、电汇欺诈和串谋操纵市场,美国检方寻求将 Do Kwon 引渡到美国,同时韩国检方也在寻求将他引渡到韩国。

The era is completely over. On digital currency, the Minister of the Interior of Montenegro announced on his social platform that the founder was arrested in Montenegro. The Montenegrin authorities said that they tried to use the forged Costa Rican virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency home page news, blockchain blockchain encyclopedia home page encyclopedia era is completely over. On June, the Minister of the Interior of Montenegro announced on his social platform that the founder was arrested in Montenegro. Montenegro authorities. He said that he tried to fly to Dubai with forged Costa Rica travel documents at that time. Since the South Korean authorities issued an arrest warrant last month, his whereabouts have been flickering for nearly a month. He only appeared in the public eye sporadically through various interviews, and briefly combed the process from wanted to arrested. He reviewed the arrest process of the former encryption star, and the senior editor of Forbes interviewed him about the ecology and the spring breeze. The podcast admitted that it was in the market demand. In the case of extreme changes, you will face the risk of death spiral. After the podcast was broadcast, the victim of the ecological collapse of nearly 100 million US dollars went to his residence and found that no one was at home and began to become a mystery. This was the first time that he was interviewed by the manager in Singapore after the incident. In an interview with the camera, he said that he did not think that the incident involved moral issues. The South Korean police officially issued a red wanted order for the arrest warrant, but Interpol may not be in Singapore at that time. From then on, the wanted trip officially began, and the police began to look for his trace and whereabouts in various countries. On June, the podcast recording that they participated in again was the last public appearance interview. However, they refused to disclose the location they asked directly, saying that they left Singapore not because of the crash that occurred in June, but because they felt that their personal safety was threatened. Some reporters and some people even broke into his apartment building. Belief and repentance of the founder In January, an insider broke the news that the founder was hiding in Serbia, so the Korean Ministry of Justice contacted and cooperated with the Serbian government to investigate whether there were any special helpers in Serbia. After entering Serbia, his wallet data on the chain was captured for the first time during his escape. On March, he transferred nearly 10,000 dollars worth of coins from his wallet to his wallet, and the Korean prosecutor and officials of the Ministry of Justice went to Seville last week. Asia and Israel seek help to hunt down the founder. The prosecutor's office in Seoul has confirmed this news. The prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Justice refused to comment on the exact location. On May, the US Securities and Exchange Commission issued a notice saying that it had filed a lawsuit in the District Court for the Southern District of new york, accusing the Singapore-based and masterminded multi-billion-dollar encrypted asset securities fraud, involving algorithmically stabilized currency and other encrypted asset securities in violation of the registration and anti-fraud provisions of the Securities Law and the Exchange Law. According to the allegations, from May, By August, the plan finally collapsed and raised billions of dollars from investors by issuing and selling a set of interrelated encrypted asset securities, many of which were conducted in unregistered transactions, including securities-based swaps and encrypted securities called algorithmic stable currency. In addition, other ways to invest in their cryptocurrency empire were accused and sold, including encrypted asset securities or selling them to investors themselves and repeatedly claiming that these would increase. On June, South Korean prosecutors expanded their cooperation with overseas legal institutions and counterparts to assist in the arrest and extradition of Korean nationals. On June, Montenegro's Minister of the Interior announced on his social platform that Lianchuang was detained by the police at Podgorica airport in Montenegro for forging documents. Korean officials later confirmed that it was indeed arrested in Montenegro. According to informed sources, the personal passport was detained in Serbia. On June, the Serbian Science and Technology Criminal Prosecutor's Office and the US Federal Prosecutor's Office revealed that the CEO had fled with him. Its former CEO, also known as a company related to encrypted assets business, has been established in Serbia. It is reported that the procuratorial organ is confirming whether to set up a legal person for the formal development of virtual assets business in Serbia or a leather bag company for money laundering. Hours after the police arrested the founder in Montenegro, the federal prosecutor in new york of the United States was charged with criminal fraud, conspiracy to defraud commodities, securities, wire fraud and conspiracy to manipulate the market. The US prosecutor sought to extradite him to the United States, while the South Korean prosecutor sought to extradite him to South Korea. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


