Avalanche C链疑似停止出块

2023-04-12 18:00:10 views

3月23日消息,Conflux联合创始人Fan Long发文表示,Avalanche C链疑似已停止出块一个小时。对社区接受区块链网络中断作为常态感到困惑。似乎没有人报道,甚至没有人关心它。我们现在只关注Token的价格吗? 据Avalanche区块链浏览器数据显示,Avalanche C链最新区块为1小时31分钟前产出,最新区块高度为27788298。

The chain is suspected of stopping the block of virtual currency exchange platform. The co-founder of digital currency Yueri News issued a document saying that the chain is suspected of stopping the block for one hour. It seems that no one reports the virtual currency exchange platform of digital currency Virtual Currency Exchange Platform digital currency Virtual Currency Exchange Platform digital currency Home News Blockchain Blockchain Encyclopedia Home Encyclopedia News Co-founder issued a document saying that the chain is suspected. It has been stopped for an hour. I am confused that the community accepts the blockchain network interruption as the normal state. It seems that no one reports it or even cares about it. Are we only concerned about the price now? According to the data of blockchain browser, the latest block in the chain is hours, and the latest block height was produced minutes ago. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台
