对话Sui联创:Mysten Labs的目标是为开发者提供持续服务

2023-04-08 10:59:07 views

Adeniyi Abodiun 与 Evan Cheng、Sam Blackshear、George Danezis 和 Kostas Chalkias 共同创立了 Sui 区块链和 Mysten Labs,目前担任 Sui 开发团队 Mysten Labs 联创兼首席产品官(CPO)。Adeniyi Abiodun 最初是伦敦的一名软件工程师。2012 年,他建立了自己的第一个加密基础设施业务,此后相继在 Oracle、VMWare 与 Meta 担任领导职务。

在此次丹佛的 Sui Builder House 期间,Sui 基金会技术内容经理 Wayne Cunningham 与 Adeniyi Abiodun 进行了一次 AMA 活动,社区与用户可以借此深入了解 Mysten Labs 团队的内部情况、两次测试网结果、最喜欢的产品用例以及 Adeniyi 对主网上线后的期望。

Wayne Cunningham:Adeniyi,作为 Mysten Labs 的首席产品官和 Sui 的联合创始人,你的职责是什么?

Adeniyi Abiodun:在 Mysten Labs,我们正在构建去中心化网络的基础,只在让每个人都能安全、快速、低成本地访问数字资产。

除此之外,我还负责帮助公司实现这一愿景,确保我们衡量的是正确的事情,同时也在制定正确的目标,以采取有意义的步骤。我们是一支在经济、产品、营销、设计与工程等方面极为出色的团队。虽然跨越许多垂直领域,但我们的日常工作中更注重围绕共同目标来团结团队,确保我们在为试图进入 Sui 平台的开发者打造量身定制的产品。我们认为,Sui 是下一代区块链,实际上为 Web3 带来所谓的宽带。

Wayne Cunningham:你提到了衡量正确的事情,那么,衡量标准是什么呢?

Adeniyi Abiodun:我们真正关心的是开发者能够在一个真正给他们带来好处的平台上构建应用。首先,他们能否吸引到足够多的目标受众?其次,他们能否构建出高度安全与可信的应用?

这正是去中心化技术的优势。它可以让你建立强大的社区,采用新的货币化策略,在公共共享基础设施上构建代码,并且以高度可扩展的方式实现。我们相信,开发者在 Sui 平台上可以形成最大的社区,因为我们可以在任何 Layer 1 区块链上支持最大的用户基础。

Wayne Cunningham:Mysten Labs、Move 语言与 Sui 区块链都来自于你在 Meta 与 Evan、Sam、Kostas 与 George 的合作。你能描述一下与他们一起工作的感觉吗?以及你是如何一步步走到这里的?

Adeniyi Abiodun:我们未能在 Facebook 实现这个梦想,但我们相信已经建立了一支卓越的团队,能够从技术角度帮助公司实现大部分目标。事实上,这个目标没有机会获得成功。因此,我们认为实现这一愿景的最佳方式是真正构建一个完全去中心化的基础架构,而不是在 Facebook 内部构建一些东西。

与 Sam、Geore、Kostas 与 Evan 一起工作是一段很美好的经历。他们非常优秀,没有什么比跟自己的朋友一起开公司更好的事情了。

Wayne Cunningham:他们的简历都非常优秀,Sam 发明了 Move,Kostas 是一个出色的密码学家,George 是隐私技术和分布式系统专家,Evan 有一个伟大的区块链愿景。那么,他们能否很好地互补呢?

Adeniyi Abiodun:我们是互补的。我在产品方面有很强的技术背景,但与团队其他成员相比,还差得远。首席执行官 Evan 是编译器方面的专家和先驱,他制定了一个伟大的愿景,产品能力也很强。我们还有发明 Move 编程语言的 Sam、George 与 Kostas,他们都是不同领域的专家。我认为这就是 Mysten Labs 与 Sui 的与众不同之处。我们有编程语言、密码学与分布式系统方面的专家,我们曾经建立过高效运营的团队。所有这些都是真正解决问题以构建有史以来最具扩展性的区块链所必需的。有些阵容强大的团队可能并未从中受益,而这实际上塑造了我们现在的成功。

Wayne Cunningham:你对产品的关注似乎着眼于网络的实用性与用户,那么对于一个目前仍在发展中的网络而言,你是如何创造这种愿景的?

Adeniyi Abiodun:对这个问题的痴迷。我痴迷于创造真正适合用户基础的东西,而我们的用户基础是开发者。我们专注于为开发者创造最好的平台进行构建。这就是为什么我们要花大量时间来达到目标,因为我们只是不断地迭代,让它变得更好。工具必须要更好,编程经验与构建经验也要更好,开发者的平台使用情况也要更好。


Wayne Cunningham:可以介绍一下到目前为止两次测试网 Wave 1 与 Wave 2 的运行内幕吗?

Adeniyi Abiodun:这两个测试网均已顺利结束。看起来一切运行良好,其实团队在背后做了大量的工作。当某个特定日期或截止日期来临时,整个团队会团结在一起。第一个测试网是关于验证节点的,我们能否让这个网络与验证节点一起运行,允许他们运行客户端,而不是过去六个月里由我们自己运行?

第二个测试网是关于代币经济学的。我们在区块链上直接构建代币,区块链在代币经济学中的工作方式是合并(merge)与融合(fuse)为一体。我们需要证明很多东西,因为这是个大赌注,我们认为能够在 Wave 2 中证明很多东西。接下来的 Wave 3 将以开发者为中心。

Wayne Cunningham:在测试网 Wave 2 的运行过程中,代币经济学有什么惊喜吗?

Adeniyi Abiodun:从消费者的角度来看,Web3 令人不满的是 Gas 价格不可预测。如果 Gas 费变化无常,我们就无法建立可以大规模采用的系统。我们在代币经济学中设计了一个元素,即使在波动性高与网络拥堵的情况下,Gas 费也应尽可能地持平。Wave 2 已经证明了这一点。

Wayne Cunningham:这是一个与必须添加服务器以跟上流量的云模型截然不同的模型吗?

Adeniyi Abiodun:其实有点类似。大多数区块链无法向网络添加更多资源,它们的容量固定,而确保不受网络拥堵影响的最好方法是提高交易价格,这样基本上可以一直处理出价最高的人。这是一个控制网络拥堵的方法,但这是一个糟糕的模型。事实上,云模型并不是这样工作的,谷歌不会因为刚刚推出 50 个独立的应用程序而增加我的账单。他们所做的是投入更多的服务器来解决这一问题。Sui 的设计也是如此,即随着网络变得拥堵,验证节点不会增加 Gas 费,而是可以简单地投入更多的资源来保持资源供需之间的平衡。

Wayne Cunningham:你预计主网启动时是什么样子?它将从测试网 Wave 3 平稳过渡,还是会有一些截然不同的东西?

Adeniyi Abiodun:我们不会推出一个低性能、不安全以及缺乏我们想为开发者提供的所有功能的区块链。主网将是功能丰富的,上线之后唯一要做的就是为网络增加额外的可扩展性与额外的开发者改进。

主网上线后第一天,用户就可以使用应用程序、玩 Sui Capys、在 DEX 与中央限额订单簿上进行交易。用户能够做传统区块链上的所有事情,但区别在于,我们拥有比传统区块链创造更多参与度的应用程序。

Sui 上的 NFT 是动态的,它们将提供更多的用户参与度,这些类型的用户参与将促进人们以新的方式建立更有趣的社区。

Wayne Cunningham:在 Sui 上的应用程序中,你最喜欢的用例有哪些?

Adeniyi Abiodun:游戏是我们的最爱之一。我们认为游戏已经与数字资产所有权很好地结合起来,包括现在在公共账本上解放这些资产,让人们在 Sui 上自由构建可组合性方面。这是非常独特的,因为它是完全可组合的,其他区块链并不能实现这一点。这将促进以往无法想象的新一波合作。

Wayne Cunningham:你是否期望游戏环境更加丰富,譬如可以在游戏机上体验?你期望在区块链上看到这种类型的演变吗?

Adeniyi Abiodun:我们已经宣布与一些世界领先的游戏工作室合作,他们是打造 AAA 级游戏的专家。我们认为,游戏必须首先是有趣的,这就是我们与经验丰富的游戏制作者合作的原因。我们将发布大量将在 Sui 主网上推出的特定游戏应用程序的报道。

Wayne Cunningham:长远来看,Mysten Labs 是要专注于建设 Sui 区块链,还是要开发自己的应用程序并构建用户体验?

Adeniyi Abiodun:我们的目标是为开发者提供持续服务,这就是我们要做的事情,这是 Sui 取得成功的关键。它已经归入 Sui 基金会中,使其能够独立于 Mysten Labs 发展。

从现在开始,Mysten Labs 的工作是持续关注这一领域,找出开发者的差距。我们要如何资助那些在开发者体验方面做得更好的公司,或者我们自己建设我们认为有机会做出比市场上现有产品好 10 倍或 100 倍产品的公司。这实际上是为开发者提供更好的开发工具。

The goal of dialogue and co-creation is to provide continuous services for developers. digital currency and He co-founded the blockchain and are currently the development team's virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency virtual currency exchange platform, digital currency home page newsletter blockchain blockchain encyclopedia home page encyclopedia. The goal of dialogue and co-creation is to provide continuous services for developers and co-create the blockchain and currently serve as the development team co-creation and chief product officer. As a software engineer in London in, he established his first encryption infrastructure business. Since then, he has successively held leadership positions with the technical content manager of the Foundation and held an activity during his stay in Denver. The community and users can learn more about the internal situation of the team, test the results of the network twice, favorite product use cases and expectations for the main network. What are your responsibilities as the chief product officer and co-founder of the decentralized network? The foundation is to enable everyone to access digital assets safely, quickly and at low cost. In addition, I am also responsible for helping the company realize this vision, ensuring that we are measuring the right things, and at the same time formulating the right goals to take meaningful steps. We are an excellent team in economic products, marketing, design and engineering. Although we span many vertical fields, we pay more attention to uniting the team around common goals in our daily work to ensure that we are fighting for developers trying to enter the platform. Making tailor-made products, which we think is the next generation blockchain, actually brings so-called broadband. You mentioned the right thing to measure. So what is the measure? What we really care about is whether developers can build applications on a platform that really benefits them. First, can they attract enough target audiences? Second, can they build highly secure and credible applications? This is the advantage of decentralized technology, which allows you to build a strong community and adopt new monetization. The strategy is to build code on the public shared infrastructure and realize it in a highly scalable way. We believe that developers can form the largest community on the platform because we can support the largest users on any blockchain. Both the basic language and blockchain come from your cooperation with. Can you describe the feeling of working with them and how you got here step by step? We have failed to realize this dream, but we believe that an excellent team has been established to learn from technology. In fact, this goal has no chance of success, so we think the best way to realize this vision is to really build a completely decentralized infrastructure instead of building something internally. It is a wonderful experience to work with them. They are very good, and there is nothing better than starting a company with their friends. Their resumes are very good. They have invented an excellent cryptographer, privacy technology and distribution. System experts have a great vision of blockchain, so can they complement each other well? We are complementary. I have a strong technical background in products, but it is far from the other members of the team. The CEO is an expert and pioneer in compilers. He has formulated a great vision, and the products are also very capable. We also invented programming languages, and they are experts in different fields. I think this is the difference. We have programming language cryptography and distributed systems. Experts, we have built teams that operate efficiently, all of which are necessary to really solve problems to build the most expansive blockchain in history. Some strong teams may not benefit from it, which actually shapes our success now. Your attention to products seems to focus on the practicality and users of the network, so how do you create this vision for a network that is still developing? I am obsessed with creating a truly suitable user. The basic things, while our user base is developers, we focus on creating the best platform for developers to build, which is why we have to spend a lot of time to achieve the goal, because we just keep iterating to make it better, the tools must have better programming experience and building experience, and the platform usage of developers should be better, so my job is actually to let new and old developers better understand the in-depth technical concepts and components, and our team is realizing this goal. To introduce the inside story of the operation of the two test networks so far? Both test networks have been successfully completed. It seems that everything is running well. In fact, the team has done a lot of work behind the scenes. When a certain date or deadline comes, the whole team will unite. The first test network is about the verification node. Can we let this network run with the verification node and allow them to run the client instead of ourselves in the past six months? The second test network is about token classics. In economics, we build tokens directly on the blockchain. The working mode of blockchain in token economics is merger and integration. We need to prove a lot of things because it is a big bet. We think we can prove a lot of things in the test. What is the surprise of token economics in the process of running the test network? From the consumer's point of view, it is unsatisfactory that the price is unpredictable. If the cost is changeable, we can't build a system that can be adopted on a large scale. Scientists have designed an element in token economics, even in the case of high volatility and network congestion, the fee should be as flat as possible. This has been proved. Is this a completely different model from the cloud model that must add servers to keep up with the traffic? In fact, it is a bit similar to most blockchains, which cannot add more resources to the network. The best way to ensure that their capacity is fixed is to raise the transaction price so that the highest bidder can be handled all the time. The way to control network congestion, but this is a bad model. In fact, the cloud model doesn't work like this. Google won't increase my bill because it just launched an independent application. What they do is to invest more servers to solve this problem. So is the design, that is, as the network becomes congested, the verification node will not increase the cost, but simply invest more resources to maintain the balance between supply and demand of resources. What do you expect the main network to look like when it starts? Will it transition smoothly from the test network or will there be something completely different? We won't launch a low performance, insecurity and lack of what we want. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

受访者:Adeniyi Abiodun,Mysten Labs 首席产品官和 Sui 联合创始人

原文编译:Peng SUN,Foresight News
