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Original title: Hong Kong Grand Tang Radar & ldquao; Kai Yuan Treasure & rdquao; section chain virtual currency exchange about to go online


According to RADARNET News, there has been substantial progress in cooperation between the Radar Laboratory and Da Tang Telecom in China: Grand Tang Radar & ldquo; Kai Won Tong Treasure Block Chain Virtual Currency Exchange & rdquo; coming online. & mdash, & & mdash, a subsidiary under the banner of Da Tang Telecommunications and Technology Ltd. in China. & mdaga (Beijing) Mobile Technology Ltd. (with Grand Tang Telecom Incubation Base) has made substantial progress in cooperation with the United States Radar Laboratory & mdash; & mdash, the establishment of the Hong Kong Grand Tang Radar Technology Company, focusing on the development of & ldquao; & rdquao, the Open Won Treasure Zone Chain Currency Exchange & & rdquao; and as a guide to new changes in digital currency transactions.


The US Radar Laboratory is based in Detroit, United States, and its engineers are mostly involved in bitcoin development and deployment and RIPPLE’s technical engineers. The Radar Laboratory has built a very large global financial network system & mdash; & mdash; radar, the VBC social currency released in July 2014 and has achieved great success, and the US Radar Laboratory is well known for its work!


block chain technology next Internet vent is approaching

2015年下半年以来, “区块链”技术从新生事物发展为主流。很多人都知道,电子货币比特币并不依靠特定的货币机构发行,而是通过特定算法的大量计算产生。事实上,真正支持比特币的核心便是区块链技术。

Since the second half of 2015, & & ldquo; block chains & & rdquo; technology has evolved from something new to the mainstream. As many know, the electronic currency bitcoin does not depend on the issuance of a particular monetary institution, but is generated by a large number of calculations of a particular algorithm.


In general terms, this technology can be understood as a technology for the collective maintenance of reliable databases through which the entire population is involved in accounting, using a centralized server to record accounts in the past, while in the sector chain technology system everyone can be involved and jointly determine the authenticity of the records. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; in a way of trusting & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & &.


In the current international financial market, the Central Bank of the United States, the Swiss Bank, and a number of insurance and futures companies are competing to develop block-chain technology. On 20 January 2016, the People’s Bank of China also released news, &ldquao; to work for the early launch of the digital currency issued by the Central Bank & rdquo; and, indeed, to hope that the social pains of the country’s current lack of credibility will be alleviated by the use of block-chain technology.

德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)联合首席执行官约翰•克赖恩在达沃斯预测:“十年后现金很可能将不存在。” 十年后,《数字货币》这部金融界大片,极可能在中国“首映”,把现金扔进历史的“垃圾桶”,中国央行可能是“第一个吃螃蟹的”。

The joint CEO of Deutsche Bank, John & Bull; Krahn in Davos predicts that: & ldquo; that cash will probably not exist after 10 years. & & rdquo; 10 years later, Digital Currency, a large financial community, is most likely to be in China & ldquo; premiere & rdquao; & & ldquao, who throws cash into history & & ldquao; trash can & rdquao; the Central Bank of China, possibly & ldquao; and the first & rdquao, who eats crabs.


China Tang Telecom, in cooperation with the United States Radar Laboratory, established the Hong Kong Grand Tang Radar Technology Company Ltd. to further advance the development and application of block chain technology. At present, both sides have established a multi-language multi-currency platform for digital currency trading of block chains & mdash; & mdash; & & ldquao; & & rdquao; and & & rdquao; based on a block chain radar system.


&ldquao; Open dollar treasure & rdquao; block chain virtual currency exchange


Hong Kong Grand Tang radar & ldquao; Kai Yuan treasure & rdquao; block chain virtual currency exchange about to be online


As users develop their understanding and acceptance of the concept of digital currency, virtual currencies begin to emerge in the financial world. For investors, only responsible and trusted trading platforms can secure funds. Hong Kong's Grand Tang Radar has created one of the most transparent virtual currency trading platforms in the world & mdash; & mdash; and the Open dollar Treasure Exchange. The Exchange supports a variety of virtual currency exchange transactions, such as BTC, VBC, VRP, LTC. The Exchange has achieved unique block chain technology, Ripple's RRTXP protocols, following &quat; decentralizing & quot; designing and consistency consensus mechanisms to resolve single point failures (seven major global nodes). The Exchange has designed & ldquo; ordinary editions & & & & & ldquao; professional versions & & quo; to meet different user experiences.




Credibility of the Digital Currency Exchange Market


The CEX is a priority project for cooperation between the United States Radar Laboratory and the United States company & mdash; & mdash; and Grand Tang Telecommunications, which, in terms of both the technical level and the cooperative context, will be subversives of the traditional third-party virtual electronic currency exchange market.


The traditional virtual currency exchange is a centralized third-party trading agency. The Bitconet trading site, which used to be red-hot, did not actually obtain a license to operate customs money services and a SEC license, and, without any sign, kicked users out of the official Q-group, removed large amounts of money that the users had not cashed, and fled with money. In 2015, MT.GOX, the world’s largest bitcoin trading platform, with more than 80% of the bitcoin traded, was shocked by the fact that the platform Ribitco had been stolen and eventually bankrupted the world.


Block chain technology, applied to the design of the exchange, will solve the problem of centralized trading and mistrust in traditional exchanges. Under block chain technology, since each data node can verify the authenticity and integrity of the book contents and the history of the account structure, ensuring that the transaction history is reliable and not tampered with, is tantamount to increasing the system’s accountability and reducing the risk of trust in the system. dozens of financial institutions, including NASDAQ, the New Dealer, Citibank, are now engaged in “ sector chain & & rdquao; and financial innovation.

基于区块链技术设计的“开元通宝交易所”,确保了数据信息的安全,并且使交易去中心化,交易完全公开透明; 而大唐电信凭借自身的央企实力和雄厚的背景,以及多年来在行业信息化领域的技术积累和市场应用,树立了公信力,确保了项目的安全、稳定、可靠。

& & ldquao, based on block chain technology; & & & & rdquao, which ensures the security of data information and de-centralizes transactions and is fully open and transparent; & Da Tang Telecommunications, based on its strengths and strong background, as well as the accumulation of technology and market applications in the field of industrial informatics over the years, have built credibility and ensured the safety, stability and reliability of projects.


It is understood that the block chain virtual currency exchange & ldquao; the crown treasure & rdquao; going online. & nbsp;


exoneration clauses: This paper promotes business information for users only, and if users use it as a reference for consumer behaviour, Phoenix Web informs users about the need for careful decision-making.


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