项目周刊丨超89%比特币持有者获利 以太坊扩容生态系统的综合TPS创下历史新高

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is a weekly block chain industry wrap-up column launched by Goldman Sachs, covering a week of key news, love and contract data, mining information, project dynamics, technological advances, etc. This is a project week that shows you the progress of mainstream projects and star projects this week.




IntotheBlock: more than 89% of Bitcoin holders profit


According to IntotheBlock data, Bitcoins continues to dominate the top-ranked crypto-currency project, with more than 89% of the holders profiting. Following the Taipan, 83.19% of the holders profit, and its roll-out may be the driving force they need to reach new heights.


Gemini founded the Winklevos brothers to donate $1 million in bitcoin to the Trump campaign team.

Gemini联创Cameron Winklevoss、Tyler Winklevoss发文称,已分别向特朗普竞选团队捐赠了100万美元的比特币(15.47枚BTC),并将在11月的大选中投票给他。Cameron Winklevoss在文中表示:“特朗普支持比特币、支持加密货币、支持商业企业,他将结束拜登政府对加密货币的战争”。

Gemini, a coalition of Cameron Winklevos and Tyler Winklevos, wrote that $1 million (15.47 BTCs) had been donated to the Trump campaign team and would vote for him in the November general elections. Cameron Winklevos wrote: “Trump supports Bitcoin, supports encrypted currency, supports business enterprises, and will end the Biden government's war on encrypted currency”.


Santiment: Bitcoin faced “continuing FUD” on social media platform X

据Santiment数据,比特币在65,000美元大关横盘交易期间,在社交媒体平台X上面临“持续的FUD”。由于交易员不断投降,这种持续的FUD水平很罕见。此外,其加权情绪指数(一种衡量X上比特币提及量并比较正面和负面评论比例的指标)自5月23日以来一直为负值。 据悉,FUD代表恐惧、不确定性和怀疑。

According to Santiment, Bitcoin faced a “continuing FUD” on social media platform X during the $65,000 trade. This continued FUD level is rare as traders surrender. Moreover, its weighted emotional index (an indicator that measures the amount mentioned on X and compares positive and negative comment rates) has been negative since 23 May.


Bloomberg Analyst: The potential size of the spot bitcoin ETF in the Asia-Pacific region will reach $3 billion

彭博分析师James Seyffart在X平台表示,VanEck本周在澳大利亚证券交易所首次上市现货比特币ETF,可能有助于为澳大利亚数字资产ETF带来10亿美元的资产管理规模(相当于美国的720亿美元)。加上我们预计香港10亿美元和韩国10亿美元,亚太地区的潜在规模将达到30亿美元。

According to Bloomberg analyst James Seyffart on platform X, Van Eck's first spot-listed Bitcoin ETF on the Australian Stock Exchange this week could help bring $1 billion in asset management to Australia's digital asset ETF (equivalent to $72 billion in the United States). Together with the $1 billion we expect in Hong Kong and $1 billion in South Korea, the potential size of the Asia-Pacific region will reach $3 billion.


Bitcoin miners' revenues dominated transaction costs

根据Glassnode的数据,比特币矿工收入来源正在发生显著变化,主要由交易费用驱动。2024年初,矿工收入中来自交易费用的比例在4月达到近72%的峰值,然后稳定在较低水平。这一变化与减半期间Runes的推出有关,表明交易处理需求的增加。 历史数据显示,费用收入的激增通常与价格波动或网络活动相关。最新趋势表明,当比特币价格和网络活动增加时,矿工可以从交易费用中获利,强调了交易费用在矿工收入中的关键作用。了解这些趋势对预测矿工的财务健康和网络经济非常重要。

According to Glasnode, the income sources of the Bitcoin miners are changing significantly, largely driven by transaction costs. At the beginning of 2024, the share of the miners'income from transaction costs peaked at almost 72 per cent in April, and then stabilized at a lower level. This change was associated with the roll-out of Runs during the halving period, indicating an increase in demand for transaction processing.




has reached an all-time high with integrated TPS.

由于以太坊Layer3的TPS突然飙升,以太坊生态系统的每秒交易量(TPS)已激增至历史新高。L2BEAT数据显示,6月16日,包括Layer2和Layer3区块链在内的以太坊扩容网络共计记录了246.18 TPS,相当于全天估计有2120万笔交易。其中,超过41%的交易发生在Xai上,Xai是一种由Offchain Labs提供支持的、专注于游戏应用的新以太坊Layer3扩展解决方案。6月10日之前,Xai的TPS徘徊在每天1左右,但此后几乎每天都在上升,于6月16日达到最高101.72 TPS。

As a result of the sudden rise of the TPS in Taipan Layer3, the amount of transactions per second in the Taipan ecosystem (TPS) has risen to historic heights. L2BEAT data show that on 16 June, the Etai Extension Network, which includes the Layer2 and Layer3 block chains, recorded a total of 246.18 TPS, equivalent to an estimated 21.2 million transactions throughout the day. Of these, more than 41% of transactions occurred on Xai, a new Xai-Layer3 extension solution, supported by Offchai Labs, focused on game applications. Before 10 June, the Xai TPS hovered around about 1 per day, but has since risen almost every day, reaching a maximum of 101.72 TPS on 16 June.


challenges the EIP-7702 proposal

以太坊联合创始人Vitalik Buterin提出的EIP-7702提案被纳入下次升级“Pectra”,但开发者尚未敲定细节。该提案允许外部拥有账户(EOA)在单笔交易中临时充当智能合约,增强灵活性和安全性。 在最近的核心开发者会议上,讨论了EIP-7702的集成挑战和潜在风险。开发者们一致同意在7月4日的下一次会议前解决这些问题,以确保其及时实施到开发测试网中。以太坊的下一次重大升级预计将在2024年11月至2025年初之间上线。

The EIP-7702 proposal, put forward by Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Taipa, was incorporated into the next upgrade of “Pectra”, but the developers have yet to finalize the details. The proposal allows external ownership accounts (EOA) to serve on a temporary basis as smart contracts in a single transaction to enhance flexibility and security.


Bitwise, Van Eckk, Franklin, and seven spot ETF applicants have submitted an updated version of their S-1 document

据Watcher.Guru发文表示,7家现货以太坊ETF申请人已提交了其S-1文件的更新版本,其中包括:Bitwise、富达、VanEck、富兰克林、21Shares、灰度、贝莱德。 此外,富兰克林上个月将费用定为0.19%,VanEck周五公布将其费用定为0.2%。其他发行人尚未公布费用。

According to Watcher.Guru, seven spot ETA ETF applicants have submitted updated versions of their S-1 documents, including Bitwise, Fuda, Van Eck, Franklin, 21 Shares, Greyscale, Belede. Moreover, Franklin set the cost at 0.19% last month, and Van Eck announced its cost at 0.2% on Friday.


SEC closes the investigation into Etheria 2.0 and does not charge Ether sales as securities trading


Consensys announced in social media X that the Etherm developers, technology providers and industry participants had won a major victory, and the US SEC law enforcement informed us that it would close the Ether's 2.0 investigation, meaning that the SEC would not accuse Ether's sales of securities.


with high number of long-term owners in Taiku

以太坊的HODL Waves图表显示,持有 1 至 3 年的以太坊明显集中,表明在 2021-2022 年期间获得的大量以太坊仍被持有。1-2 年和 2-3 年区间反映了这些持有量,占总供应量的很大一部分。这种持有模式表明投资者对以太坊的长期价值充满信心,相当一部分投资者选择保留其持有的以太坊,而不是因市场波动而出售,而持有时间不到六个月的以太坊比例下降。 此外,持有以太坊超过7年的占比有所增长,这代表长期持有者的这种稳定性表明他们对以太坊的基础价值和未来增长潜力的坚定信念。

The HODL Waves chart shows a clear concentration of the holding of an Etheria for the period 1 to 3 years, indicating that a large number of the Ethers obtained between 2021 and 2022 are still in possession. These holdings are reflected between 1-2 and 2-3 years, accounting for a significant portion of the total supply. The holding pattern shows that investors have confidence in the long-term value of Etheria, and that a significant number of investors have chosen to retain their holdings rather than sell them because of market fluctuations, and that the proportion of Etheria holding less than six months has declined.


Other items

Osmosis 将通过 Nomic 采用“免费”比特币桥

Osmosis will use the "free" Bitcoin Bridge via Nomic

Osmosis DAO将投票通过采用去中心化桥接协议Nomic的“免手续费”比特币桥接提案。目前,91.7%的投票者支持该提案,该提案旨在通过取消现有的桥接费用,增强平台上的比特币流动性。 Nomic允许用户将比特币直接存入Osmosis以获得其比特币支持资产nBTC,现有的存款费为1%,转账费为0.5%。如果提案通过,Osmosis上的比特币桥接费用将被免除,但比特币矿工费仍可能收取。 作为交换,Nomic将获得nBTC及其衍生品交易的部分费用,具体为nBTC相关交易总费用的10%及其衍生品交易费用的比例份额。Osmosis用户将因此受益于降低的比特币交易成本,能够直接将比特币流动性整合到Osmosis生态系统中。

Osmosis DAO will vote on the Bitcoin bridge proposal through the introduction of the decentralised bridge agreement Nomic's “exempt fee” bill. Currently, 91.7% of voters support the proposal, which aims to increase Bitcoin liquidity on the platform by eliminating the existing bridge charges. Nomic allows users to deposit bitcoin directly into Osmos to acquire its Bitcoin-supported asset nBTC, with an existing deposit fee of 1% and transfer fee of 0.5%. If the proposal is adopted, the Bitco bridge on Osmosis will be waived, but Bitcoin miners will still be charged. In exchange, Nomic will receive a portion of the cost of NBTC and its derivatives trading, specifically 10% of the total cost of NBTC-related transactions and its share of the cost of derivatives trading.


Sui main network upgraded to version V1.27.2 and protocol upgraded to version 49

Sui主网现已升级至V1.27.2版本,同时Sui协议升级至49版本,升级要点包括:增加了一个新的协议版本,并在开发网络上启用了Move枚举,在返回的JSON-RPC结果中增加了对Move枚举值的支持,增加了对Move枚举值和类型的支持,增加了使用随机生成的原始Move类型测试输入编写Move单元测试的功能等,禁用accum v2测试网cp。

The Sui main network has now been upgraded to version V1.27.2, while the Sui protocol has been upgraded to version 49, the main points of which include the addition of a new version of the protocol and the launch of the Move list on the development network, the addition of support for the Move list count in the returned JSON-RPC results, increased support for the Move list values and types, increased functionality in the development of the Move module test using randomly generated original Move type test input, and the banning of the accum v2 test network cp.

Pantera Capital:Solana是区块链里的Mac OS

Pantera Capital: Solana is Mac OS in the block chain.

Pantera Capital 在其报告中称,Solana 是区块链里的 Mac OS。其在报告中表示,Solana 在过去一年中获得了可观的市场份额,这种转变让人想起 Microsoft 在早期台式电脑市场的主导地位,直到苹果通过其垂直整合的方法取得突破。 Solana 现在是区块链发展未来的主要竞争者。 Solana 的整体架构有一个产品路线图,专注于优化其自身区块链的每个组件,类似于 Apple 在 macOS 中垂直集成硬件和软件堆栈的方法。

Pantera Capital states in its report that Solana is Mac OS in the block chain. In its report, it states that Solana has gained a significant market share over the past year, a shift that is reminiscent of Microsoft’s dominance in the early desktop market until Apple breaks through its vertical integration approach.


ZKsync: The network is currently in a high load state and efforts are being made to increase the capacity of the RPC


ZKsync indicated that the network is currently in a high load state, that some RPC services may have decreased performance and that the teams concerned are working to increase RPC capacity.


Cosmos officially announces the new cross-linkage agreement ValenceZone


According to Cosmos official sources, the introduction of a new cross-chain agreement, ValenceZone, allows for unlicensed inter-chain collaboration, dApp and DAO to participate in economic relations. Valence expands the IBC's cross-chain, making economic agreements possible, for example, by adjusting the composition of funds or lending to market conditions.


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