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This paper is intended to convey more information about the market and does not constitute an investment proposal.


Editor: Keep an eye on it.


Source: Etheria fans

文章来源: 以太坊爱好者(ID:ethfans)


作者:Harith Kamarul

author: Harith Kamalul

翻译&校对:闵敏 & 阿剑

translates to

2020 对于全世界来说都是充满挑战的一年。与此同时,它对于以太坊来说也是积极向上的一年 —— 整个生态在各个方面保持欣欣向荣之态,整体市值在大幅提高。在本文中,我们将分析以太坊 区块链上的几大趋势,包括:

2020 is a challenging year for the world. At the same time, it is also a positive year for Etheria – where the whole ecology is flourishing in all its aspects, and where the overall market value is rising significantly. In this paper, we will analyse some of the major trends in the Tether block chain /span >, including:

  • 基础层
  • DeFi
  • Eth2 & L2
  • 以太坊上的 BTC
  • NFT
基础层 价格

对很多人来说,这是最重要的指标!ETH 的价格在 2020 年迅速回升。截止 2020 年底,ETH 的价格从 129 美元涨至 753 美元,增长了4.8 倍。在撰文期间,以太坊已经在 2021 年屡创新高!这里举一个很流行的衡量基准:2020 年 1 月,成为以太坊 2.0 验证者的成本(32 ETH)为 4128 美元。截止 2020 年 12 月底,该成本高达 24,064 美元。尽管迎来暴涨,ETH 在 2020 年底的价格依然只有其最高历史记录(1448 美元)的 52%。

For many, this is the most important indicator: the prices of ETH recovered rapidly in 2020. By the end of 2020, the prices of ETH had risen from $129 to $753, a 4.8-fold increase. At the time of writing, the Ether House had been innovatively high in 2021. Here is a popular benchmark: in January 2020, the cost of becoming an Ether 2.0 certification (32 ETH) was $4128. By the end of December 2020, the cost had risen to $24,064. Despite the surge, prices at the end of 2020 were still 52 per cent of its highest historical record ($1448).

ETH 的表现超过了 BTC、黄金和标准普尔 500 指数等主要资产。截止 2020 年底,ETH 的涨幅为 483%,不仅打败了 BTC(+303%),还令黄金(+24%)和标准普尔 500 指数(+15%)望尘莫及。注:虽然人们普遍认为密码学货币是独立行情资产(non-correlated asset),但是上述四种资产在 3 月份的暴跌呈高度相关性。到 2020 年底,ETH 和 BTC 随着标准普尔 500 指数一起走高,然而黄金(不负独立行情资产之名)仍处于横盘状态。

ETH has outperformed key assets such as BTC, gold, and the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. By the end of 2020, the increase was 483%, defeating BTC (+303%) and causing gold (+24%) and the Standard and Poor's 500 Index (+15%) to fall.

- 通常情况下,24% 和 15% 的收益率已经很高了 -

- Normally, 24% and 15% are already very high rates of return.



2020 年,转账次数骤增,从历史最高记录 2.5 亿笔(2018 年)增至 3.45 亿笔,增幅为 38%。ERC 20 代币的转账次数占比也从之前的 35% 增至 54%。以太坊经济在广度和深度上都有所发展!

In 2020, the number of transfers rose sharply, from a record high of 250 million (2018) to 345 million, an increase of 38 per cent. The share of transfers in the ERC 20 tokens also increased from the previous 35 per cent to 54 per cent. The Etheraya economy has grown in both breadth and depth.

聚焦 2020 年,我们看到几乎每月数据都呈上升趋势。唯一一个例外是在 9 月出现了下降,那时正处于 “流动性挖矿” 热潮期间。

Focus 2020, we see almost every month an upward trend in data. The only exception is a decline in September, when we were in a period of “mobile mining”.

- 会不会是因为 “农夫” 人数减少了呢?-

- Could it be because the number of "farmers" has decreased?

  • 通过观察转账次数最多的 20 种 ERC 20 代币,我们可以发现:USDT 以高达 28% 的占比再度位居第一
  • 总的来说,稳定币的占比达 35% 以上。其中 4 种稳定币进入前 6(USDT、USDC、DAI和PAX)
  • 前 20 中有 6 种代币没有更新信息。这 6 种代币的总占比达 2.8%
  • 在使用率上比稳定币低一级的是 DEX 代币。前 20 中有 4 种 DEX 代币(UNI、BNT、KNC、ZRX),总占比达 1.3%。



新地址从 2019 年的 8400 万增至 2020 年的 1.31 亿,增幅达 56%。

The new address increased from 84 million in 2019 to 131 million in 2020, an increase of 56 per cent.

- 来源:Etherscan.io -

- Source: Ethercan.io--

活跃地址数量在 2020 年随着 ETH 价格的上涨大致呈上升趋势。一个例外是 3 月出现的暴跌,当时有很多人在抛售金融资产,另一批人则趁机低价买入 ETH。8 月至 9 月期间,活跃地址数量也出现与转账次数图表相似的跌幅。

The number of active addresses rose roughly in 2020 as the prices of ETHs rose. One exception was the fall in March, when financial assets were sold and another group bought ETH at lower prices. Between August and September, the number of active addresses also showed a similar decline to the number of transfers.

gas 价格

Gas price

2020 年,由于使用率较高,以太坊持续出现 gas 价格高峰。2020 年 6 月,由于大量用户(包括我自己在内)争先恐后领取 UNI 空投,日均 gas 价格达到 710 Gwei 的高峰。然而,以美元价值来看,9 月的交易费更高,因为 ETH 的价格翻了一番。当时,一笔标准 ETH 转账(21,000 gas 上限)的交易费为 4.8 美元。随着 2020 年底流动性挖矿热潮逐渐退却,gas 价格一直徘徊在 100 Gwei 左右。与此同时,由于 ETH 价格上涨,以太坊的交易费也在攀升。在 2021 年初,随着 ETH 价格飙升,交易费也创下历史新高。

In June 2020, the average gas price reached a peak of 710 Gwei due to a large number of users, including myself, who were afraid to take UCI airdrops. However, in dollar terms, the transaction cost was higher in September, as the price of ETH doubled. At that time, the transaction cost of a standard ETH transfer (211,000 gas cap) was $4.8. As the tide of mobile mining retreated towards the end of 2020, gas prices were hovering around 100 Gwei. At the same time, as the price of ETH rose, the transaction cost was also rising. At the beginning of 2021, with the price of ETH booming, the transaction cost was also at an all-time high.



2020 年涌现出大批新创建的合约。其总量从 2019 年的 690 万增至 1070 万,增幅达 55%。

A large number of new contracts emerged in 2020. The total volume increased from 6.9 million in 2019 to 10.7 million, an increase of 55 per cent.

在 2020 年上半年期间,Etherscan 上新验证合约的数量处于稳定水平。在第三季度,随着 DeFi 和流动性挖矿的发展,新合约数量也出现大幅增长,并于 11 月达到顶峰,之后随着年底 ETH 价格(以及 gas 价格)上涨而减少。

During the first half of 2020, the number of new certification contracts on Ethercan was stable. In the third quarter, with the development of DeFi and mobile mining, the number of new contracts also increased significantly and peaked in November, then decreased with the year-end ETH prices (and gas prices).

- 来源:Etherscan.io -

- Source: Ethercan.io--

DeFi 总锁仓价值(TVL)

DeFi Total Lockup Value (TVL)

2020 年是 DeFi 高歌猛进的一年。这些 dApp 中的总锁仓价值从 2020 年初的 6 亿美元增至年底的 150 亿美元,增长了 24 倍。

The year 2020 was a year in which DeFi sang. The total lock value of these dApps increased 24 times from $600 billion at the beginning of 2020 to $15 billion at the end of the year.

- 来源:DeFiPulse.com -

- Source: DeFiPulse.com--


Market value

排名前 100 的 DeFi 代币也相应上涨,其市值从 16 亿美元增至 198 亿美元,增长了 11 倍。在流动性挖矿热潮期间,DeFi 代币的总市值最高达到 ETH 市值的 40%,之后随着 ETH 价格飙升而逐渐下滑。

The top 100 deFi tokens rose accordingly, increasing their market value from $1.6 billion to $19.8 billion, an 11-fold increase. During the liquid mining boom, the total market value of the DeFi tokens was up to 40% of the market value of the ETH, and then declined as the prices of the ETH surged.

- DeFi 市值(来源:CoinGecko 的 DeFi 代币前 100 榜单) -

- DeFi market value (source: DeFi list 100 before CoinGecko) -


Go to the Centralized Exchange (DEX)

在我们去年发布的 2019 年度回顾和 DEX 文章中,我们强调了整个 DEX 市场的发展并单独分析了 Uniswap 的发展。我们当时也没有料到这二者会在 2020 年取得如此巨大的发展。在 2019 年 12 月,DEX 的总交易额为 1.66 亿美元。截至 2020 年 12 月,其总交易额达到 192 亿美元,增长了 115 倍。

In our 2019 year review and DEX article last year, we highlighted the development of the entire DEX market and individually analysed the development of Uniswap. We did not expect that they would be so significant in 2020. In December 2019, DEX had a total transaction value of $166 million. As of December 2020, its total volume had increased by 115 times to $19.2 billion.

- 巨大的增量把我的 Y 轴都弄乱了 -

- It's a huge increase in my y-axis.

我们在二月的文章显示了 Uniswap、IDEX 和 Kyber 这三个 DEX 上的交易额是如何占到总交易额的 80% 以上的。10 个月来,DEX 的交易额占比发生了巨大变化。虽然 Uniswap 依然稳居首位,但是另外两个 DEX 的排名严重下滑。在前 10 名榜单中,Sushiswap、Curve 和 Mooniswap 都是 2020 年诞生的新秀!

Our February article shows how the three DEX transactions on Uniswap, IDEX and Kyber account for more than 80% of total transactions. In 10 months, the share of DEX transactions has changed dramatically. While Uniswap remains at the top, the rankings of the other two DEX have fallen sharply. In the top 10 rankings, Sushiswap, Curve and Moniswap were all new shows born in 2020!

- 来源:Dune Analytics 的 DEX 指标面板 -

- Source: DEX Indicator Panel for Dune Analytics

纵观 DEX 市场和 Uniswap 的爆炸式增长,当初整个 DEX 市场的月交易额只有 1.66 亿美元,如今才过 8 个月,Uniswap 的日交易额就已超过 Coinbase。

Looking at the explosive growth of the DEX market and Uniswap, it was only eight months after the entire DEX market, with a monthly turnover of $166 million, Uniswap's daily turnover exceeded Coinbase.

- 2020 年让我们知道了什么叫 “疯狂” -

- 2020, let's know what "crazy" is.

稳定币 上文已经提到,稳定币的转账次数占以太坊上总转账次数的 35%。其交易额甚至更加惊人。仅 USDT 在以太坊区块链上的交易额就超过了 ETH。2020 年,稳定币的总交易额达 1.2 万亿美元以上。

As mentioned above, the number of steady currency transfers accounts for 35 per cent of the total transfers in Etheria. Their turnover is even more alarming. The USDT alone exceeds the ETH on the Etheraya block chain. In 2020, the total amount of stable currency transactions was more than $1.2 trillion.

相比 2019 年的 1700 亿美元,1.2 万亿美元增长了 6 倍。

Compared to $170 billion in 2019, $1.2 trillion has grown sixfold.

流动性挖矿 8 月初,Etherscan 为满足用户需求提供了流动性挖矿项目的列表。迄今为止,已经有将近 500 种代币登上列表。这些代币的转账次数于 9 月达到峰值。然而,同样是在 9 月,总体转账次数和活跃地址数量均出现下降。由此可以推断,只有少数以太坊用户在持续参与流动性挖矿。

In early August, Ethercan provided a list of mobile mining projects to meet user needs. To date, nearly 500 currencies have been added to the list. The number of transfers of these currencies peaked in September. However, also in September, the overall number of transfers and the number of active addresses declined.

ETH2 & L2 2020 年,超高的 gas 费让以太坊用户真正感觉到了提高可扩展性已迫在眉睫。虽然还没有最终解决方案,但是我们确实看到一些可扩展性项目已经初见成效。参与 Eth2 质押上月,我们写了一篇关于 Eth2 质押的文章,提到 Eth2 在截止日期前勉强达到其质押目标。自此以后,越来越多质押品涌入 Eth2。2020 年 12 月 1 日,Eth2 上质押的 ETH 已达 90.5 万个,占 ETH 总供应量的 0.76%,约为 5.54 亿美元。截至 2021 年 1 月 1 日,质押量已增至 217 万 ETH,占 ETH 总供应量的 1.9%,约为 16 亿美元。接下来几个月,这个数据有望进一步增长。

Last month, we wrote an article on Eth2 pledge, mentioning that Eth2 had barely reached its pledge target by the deadline. Since then, an increasing influx of pledges into Eth2 has taken place. On December 1, 2020, Eth2 pledged ETH has reached 90.5 million, representing 0.76 per cent of the total supply of ETH, or approximately $554 million. As of January 1, 2021, the volume of pledges has increased to 217 million ETH, or 1.9 per cent of the total supply of ETH, or about $1.6 billion.

Eth2 质押者分析

Eth2 Reservator Analysis

Eth2 的主要目标之一是确保其验证者的分散化。目前的情况如何?根据地址的内部标记,我们估计目前 ETH 总质押量的 51% 都控制在 20 个实体手中。与上个月相比,这一比例上升了 9%。我们可以通过这一比例来监控后续发展情况。如果你想要参与 Eth2 质押,请记住整个社区需要更多个人验证者!

One of the main objectives of Eth2 is to ensure the decentralization of its certifying officers. What's the situation? Based on the internal signs of the address, we estimate that 51% of the current ETH total pledge is in the hands of 20 entities. This is an increase of 9% compared to last month. We can monitor the follow-up by this percentage. If you want to be involved in the Eth2 pledge, remember that the community needs more individual certifiers!

Eth2 验证者

Eth2 Certifier

Eth2 信标链启动后,验证者人数在一个月内从 27,500 迅速增至 67,000,是原定最低质押者人数目标(16,284)的 4 倍!

After the Eth2 beacon chain was activated, the number of certifiers increased rapidly from 27,500 to 67,000 within a month, four times the original minimum pledge target (16,284)!

- 来源:BeaconScan.com -

- Source: BeaconScan.com

Eth2 参与率

Eth2 Participation Rate

这些验证者中有多少真正参与创建见证消息?Medalla 测试网曾因参与率过低而面临 “无利害关系” 问题。社区成员坚持认为主网上线不会面临同样的问题。目前看来,他们是对的。自信标链启动以来,参与率达到 96% 以上。

How many of these certifiers were really involved in creating witness news? The Medalla test network faced “no interest” because of its low participation rate. Community members insisted that the main web line would not face the same problem. They are now right.

- 来源:BeaconScan.com -

- Source: BeaconScan.com

注:你可以在 beaconscan.com/statistics 上查看其它追踪 Eth2 的图表!L2 质押情况

Note: You can view other charts tracking Eth2 on beaconscan.com/statistics!L2 pledges

2020 年,Layer 2 可扩展性方案主要处于测试阶段。一些项目发布了 beta 版,还有一些项目则经历了数次迭代。在已上线项目中,Loopring 和 Tornado Cash 系统中的质押量最多。

In 2020, the Layer 2 expansion programme was mainly at the test stage. Some projects have released the Beta version, while others have experienced several overlaps.

- 越接近 2020 年底,颜色越丰富 -

- The closer you get to 2020, the more colorful you get.

尽管如此,L2 仍处于早期发展阶段。2021 年,该领域将爆发激烈的竞争。我们将看到区块链、rollup、dApp 和用户共同发展。

Nevertheless, L2 is still in the early stages of development. In 2021, there will be intense competition in this area.

- Vitalik 刚好发布了一篇相关文章 -

- Vitalik just published a related article.

以太坊上的 BTC 总代币量

It's the BTC in the courthouse.

2020 年的另一个趋势是以太坊区块链上的 BTC 代币化。当我们在 6 月 1 日的文章中分析这一话题时,我们预期会有一波 BTC 代币化热潮,之后就有 5000 BTC 被代币化。过去 6 个月来,这个数字增长 27 倍,达到 14 万 BTC。

Another trend in 2020 is the monetization of the BTC on the Taiwan block chain. When we analyze this topic in our June 1 article, we expect a wave of BTC monetization, followed by 5,000 BTC monetization. Over the past six months, this number has increased 27 times, to 140,000 BTC.

- 来源:以太坊上的 BTC -

- Source: BTC at the Etherm.

交易量 正如 Uniswap 是 DEX 之王,wBTC 也是ERC 20 代币化BTC 之王。2020 年,以太坊上的绝大多数 BTC 交易都是通过 wBTC 完成的,renBTC 落后了一大截。9 月,以太坊上 BTC 的交易量达到 1400 万BTC的峰值。

Like Uniswap, the king of DEX, and wBTC, the king of the ERC 20 monetized BTC. In 2020, the vast majority of BTC transactions in Ethio were done through wBTC, and RenBTC fell far behind. In September, BTC transactions in Etheria reached a peak of 14 million BTC.

分析 截至 2020 年 12 月 31 日,wBTC 占所有 ERC 20 代币化 BTC 的 81%。即使就代币持有者数量而言,wBTC 也远远领先于其它 ERC 20 代币化 BTC,高达 2 万左右。imBTC 位居第二,约为 2800。在 2020 年第四季度,代币化 BTC 流动性挖矿兴起。oBTC、vBTC、anyBTC 要求用户在 比特币区块链上锁定 BTC,然后赚取流动性挖矿收益。目前为止,这三种代币的价值只有 2500 万美元,在所有代币化 BTC 中占比不到 1%。但是,看这类实验性质的项目将如何增加以太坊上 BTC 交易量,这应该会很有意思。

Analysis by December 31, 2020, wBTC accounted for 81% of all ERC 20 monetization BTCs. Even in terms of the number of currency holders, wBCCs are well ahead of other ERC 20 monetization BTCs, amounting to about 20,000. ImBTC is second in place, approximately 2800. In the fourth quarter of 2020, it should be interesting to see how these experimental projects will increase BTC transactions in the too-distant region.


NFT (non-homogenous token)

NFT 领域也在 2020 年取得了重大进展。虽然一些项目已经转向 Layer 2 或其它区块链,但是以太坊主链上已经有将近 500 万笔 ERC 721 代币交易。其中 71% 的交易量来自最大的 10 个 ERC 721 代币。这些代币主要由游戏类代币(Cryptokitties、Gods Unchained、Axie Infinity、Sorare 和 Dozer 约占 42%)、域名(ENS 和 Unstoppable Domains 约占 19%)组成。收藏品和流动性挖矿排在前十附近。

The NFT area has also made significant progress in 2020. While some projects have shifted to Layer 2 or other block chains, nearly 5 million ERC 721 tokens have been traded on the Ether main chain. Seventy-one percent of these transactions come from the top 10 ERC 721. These coins consist mainly of games-type tokens (Cryptokitries, Gods Unchained, Axie Infinity, Sorare and Dozer), domain names (ENS and Unstoppable Domains, about 19%). Collections and mobile mining are around the top ten.

虽然数字艺术品没有上榜,但是在今年大受欢迎。例如,Beeple 在一场周末拍卖会上通过他的 NFT 艺术品筹集了 350 万美元。还有一些项目通过 DeFi 为 NFT 吸引流动性,如 Rarible 引入流动性挖矿并推出治理代币 RARI。

Although digital works of art are not on the list, they are popular this year. For example, Beaple raised $3.5 million at a weekend auction through his NFT artwork. There are other projects that attract liquidity through the DeFi to NFT, such as Rarible's introduction of mobile mining and the introduction of RARI to govern the currency.

- Somnium Space VR 上 Beeple 的 2020 年度作品的呈现效果 -

- The effect of Somnium Space VR '2020 by Bepple -


Other trends

  • 2020 年还有很多值得一提的趋势:治理/DAO:可能不符合许多人的预期。随着治理代币的流动性挖矿在这轮 DeFi 牛市中起到了重要推动作用,DAO 和治理再度流行起来。Maker、Yearn、Compound 就是很好的例子。
  • 赠款:以太坊上的公益品募资也取得了巨大进展,这在很大程度上归功于 Gitcoin 的二次方融资。另外还有以太坊基金会、clr.fund 和 Open Grants。
  • 私密交易/矿工可提取价值(MEV)交易:继有关抢跑交易的《以太坊黑暗森林》发布后,这一话题引起了更广泛的讨论。很多项目开始提供主网隐私交易服务,如 SparkPool、1inch、Flashbots。
  • 预测市场:这类 dApp 新增了很多用户,尤其是在美国总统大选的预备阶段。预测市场必须通过链上投票取得决议。例如,Catnip 和 Omen。
  • 算法稳定币:由于流动性挖矿带来了额外的流动性和资本,算法稳定币在 2020 年经历过几次迭代。例如,YAM Finance 的 rebasing 机制,Mithril Cash 的铸币税份额和 Reflexer Labs 的反射债券(reflex bond)。
  • 虚拟大会:受到新冠疫情的影响,社区将原本的线下会议和聚会改成了一系列虚拟活动,如 ETHGlobal 的Hack Money 和 ETHOnline。根据 Etherscan 的记录,这类活动超过 200 个。
  • 采用:在全球范围内,以太坊在各行各业的采用率持续提高,如 PayPal、Visa、SAP、Baseline Protocol、CME 和 Reddit。连 Google Trends 都表现出对以太坊的浓厚兴趣!
  • 没有预测的年度回顾就没意思了!赶紧来看看我们的预测:EIP1559 和 Eth2 Phase 1 将于 2021 年第三季度启动(译者注:从目前来看不太可能)
  • 将有超过 50 个 dApp 迁移到 L2 上,并于年底合并成 3 个 rollup/链
  • NFT 市场的价值将增加 10 倍
  • MEV 交易将超过 1 亿美元
  • 流动性挖矿算法稳定币将在 2021 年第一季度由盛转衰

2020 年犹如白驹过隙,转瞬即逝!随着以太坊于 2021 年起飞,我们将看到这些趋势进一步扩大。关于 2021 年,你有哪些预测?请告诉我们返回搜狐,查看更多

The year 2020 is like the year of the White War. With Ether's departure in 2021, we will see these trends grow further. What are your projections for 2021? Please tell us icras= "backsohu" return to search for more



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