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邊緣計算(Edge AI Computing)

Edge AI Computing


Edge calculator , also known as Edge Processing, is the location of near the setup . The location of


Edge calculations differ from , depending on the amount of data to be processed on the cloud or at the centre. By margin calculations, the data are processed and stored locally collected.


Edge calculations are clearly better than cloud calculations because they solve the problems associated with the limited data processing >.


The development of the margin calculation means that becomes increasingly important. This is true of industries, especially in dealing with delays and digital privacy.


Enterprises use edge calculations to improve the response time for remote devices and to obtain a richer and more timely insight from the data. Editation calculations make it possible where it is not usually feasible and reduce .


If there is no margin calculation, much of the data generated by the edge device will be flooded today . Cost may rise. Unsatisfied customers may go elsewhere to do business. Valuable machines may be damaged, or only .


There are more and more cases when the equipment data cannot be processed through the cloud. This is often the case for factory robots and cars, which need to be handled at high speed, because problems arise when the is delayed.


For example, imagine that a auto-drive vehicle is experiencing cloud delays in detecting objects on a road or in operating brakes or steering wheels. Any deceleration in data processing slows the response of the vehicle. If it causes the vehicle to fail to respond in time, this could lead to an accident. Life is in danger.


For these devices, this means that they can analyse and evaluate images and data on the ground without relying on cloud.


By entrusting of information entrusted to clouds, we can realize the current no-transmission delay in real-time processing. Furthermore, by transmitting the cloud important information for transfer purposes only, we can reduce the amount of information and minimize the loss of communications.


In order to make it possible to use smart applications and connect web sensors in real time, edge calculations solve three interconnected challenges:

  • 從遠程位置將設備連接到網路
  • 由於網路或計算限制,數據處理緩慢
  • 導致網路帶寬問題的邊緣設備


wireless made it possible to address these challenges on the global business scale 倉庫中的安全攝像頭使用人工智慧來識別可疑活動,並只將特定數據發送到主數據中心進行即時處理。因此,攝像機只發送相關的視頻片段,而不是每天24小時不停地傳輸所有的鏡頭,給網路帶來負擔。這釋放了公司的網路帶寬和計算處理資源用於其他用途。

For example: security cameras in remote centre. Thus, video cameras only send video clips of relevance, instead of transmitting all cameras 24 hours a day 24 hours a day to impose a burden on the Internet.


Edge calculations make it possible to use more cases:


Edge calculations help businesses to optimize their day-to-day operations by quickly processing large amounts of data at or near local sites where data are collected. This is more effective than sending all collected data to central clouds or major data centres outside of time zones, and later causes excessive network delays and performance problems.


Around centralized clouds and data centres, companies can process data faster, more reliably on or near time. Imagine that when trying to send information from thousands of sensors, cameras or other smart devices to the central office simultaneously, there may be delayed data, network bottle necks and reduced data quality. On the contrary, margin calculations enable equipment located at or close to the edge of the network to immediately report to key players and other critical events for rapid action.


Edge calculations enable businesses to deliver quickly as efficiently as possible the data /a. In smart workspaces using automation and prognostic maintenance, the margin calculates the equipment required by the worker to smooth down the operation without disruption or pre-emption of errors.


working conditions working environment working environment > > [編輯]


Edge calculations make it easier to collect data using long-range locations with limited interconnection periods or Internet bandwidth, for example, on a fishing vessel in the Bering Sea or in a vineyard in an Italian village. are monitored continuously by sensors, and action can be taken when needed.


For businesses, adding thousands of combination sensors and devices to the Internet is a real problem. Edge calculations allow companies to process data locally and offline storage, which helps to reduce the risk. This reduces the number of data transmitted through the Internet, and helps businesses reduce security threats.


In collecting, processing, storing and otherwise using client data, the organization is required to comply with the privacy of the data of


By helping to calculate the edges, companies can better their IT expenditures by processing data locally rather than in the clouds. Except for , the edge calculation reduces transfer costs by removing unnecessary data in or near the location of the collected data.


In edge calculations, most of the processing capacity is physically located in or near the place where the data are collected.

  • 邊緣設備包括智能相機、溫度計、機器人、無人機、振動感測器以及其他物聯網設備。儘管有些設備具有內置的計算、記憶體和存儲功能,但並非所有設備都是如此。
  • 處理器是支持邊緣計算系統的CPUGPU和相關記憶體。例如,邊緣計算系統的CPU能力越強,執行任務的速度就越快,支持的工作負載也就越多。
  • 集群/伺服器是在邊緣位置處理數據的伺服器組,例如在工廠車間或商業漁場。邊緣集群/伺服器通常負責運行企業應用、企業工作負載和組織的共用服務
  • 方法是執行基本網路功能的邊緣群集/伺服器,如啟用無線連接、提供防火牆保護以及處理和傳輸邊緣設備數據。
  • 開關也被稱為接入節點,連接幾個設備以創建網路。
  • 節點是一個總括術語,用於描述支持邊緣計算的邊緣設備、伺服器和網關。


Edge hardness requires durability. Normally, this device must be able to withstand extreme weather, environmental and mechanical conditions. In particular, it must be:

  • 無風扇和無通風口:可靠性至關重要,尤其是在設備故障會導致生產中斷並危及工人安全的行業,邊緣硬體必須與灰塵、污垢、水分和其他可能損害它的物質隔離。
  • 耐溫的:Edge硬體通常放置在寒冷、悶熱和潮濕的室外。有時它甚至被放在水下。在許多情況下,能夠承受零度以下和接近沸點的溫度是必須的。
  • 防震動:硬體需要能夠承受機械或自然因素的振動和衝擊。構建這些組件時不使用風扇、電纜和其他容易鬆動或損壞的內部部件至關重要。
  • 小外形尺寸:對於邊緣電腦,緊湊是游戲的名字。他們經常需要適應狹窄的地方。例子包括放置在牆壁、架子和天花板上的智能攝像機和包裝運輸箱中的智能溫度計。
  • 配備充足的存儲空間從邊緣設備收集大量數據的邊緣電腦可能需要大量數據存儲。他們還必須能夠快速訪問和傳輸大量數據。
  • 與新舊設備兼容:邊緣電腦,尤其是那些在生產或工廠環境中運行的電腦,通常具有各種I/O,包括USB、COM乙太網通用埠。這使他們能夠連接新的和傳統的生產設備、機器、裝置、感測器和報警器。
  • 內置多種連接選項:邊緣電腦通常支持無線和有線連接。這樣,如果在像農場或海上船隻這樣的遠程商業場所無法無線連接到互聯網,電腦仍然可以連接到互聯網來傳輸數據。
  • 能夠支持多種類型的電源輸入:邊緣電腦通常支持各種電源輸入,以適應它們在遠程位置可能遇到的各種電源輸入。它們還需要浪涌、過壓和電源保護功能,以幫助防止電氣損壞。
  • 免受網路攻擊網路管理員通常無法像管理內部設備和雲設備那樣嚴格地管理邊緣設備,因此邊緣設備更容易受到不良行為者的攻擊。為了幫助保護它們免受惡意軟體和其他網路攻擊,邊緣設備必須配備安全工具,如防火牆和基於網路的入侵檢測系統
  • 防篡改:由於邊緣計算設備通常在無法持續監控的偏遠地區使用,因此必須確保其安全,以防被盜、破壞和未經授權的物理訪問。


Edge and fog are intermediate computing techniques that help to move data collected by the remote into the company's clouds. Let's look at the difference between margin and fog and cloud calculations and how they work together:


Cloud calculations enable companies to store, process and use their data on remote services hosted by the Internet. Business and accounting providers, such as Azure provides numerical counters and service pools that companies can use to reduce or eliminate the costs associated with physico-IT foundations.


Edge Calculating allows capture, processing and analysis of data at the farthest end of the organizing network (i.e., the “front line”) which enables the organization and industry to deal with emergency data in a timely manner, sometimes without even communicating with the main data centre, usually only needs to send the most relevant data to the main data centre for faster processing. This avoids that major accounting sources such as cloud networks are overstretched by unrelated data sources, thus reducing the delay of the entire network. It also reduces the cost of the network.


Consider an oil drilling platform operating in the middle of the ocean. The sensor tracking the depth of the drill, watch pressure, and flow speed, among other things, helps to keep the machines on the drill smooth and to protect workers and the environment. To do this without reducing the speed of the network, the sensor only sends through the network data on key maintenance needs, and worker safety details, which allows close identification and response.


Mist Calculating allows the temporary storage and analysis of data between clouds and edges in cases where edge data cannot be handled due to edge design constraints.


From the fog, the relevant data can be sent to for long-term storage and future analysis and use. By not sending all peripheral data to the Central Data Center for processing, mist allows companies to reduce some loads on their cloud servers, which helps to optimize IT efficiency.


For example, assuming that a construction management company uses smart devices to control temperature control, ventilation, lighting, water spilling devices, and fire and security alerts in all its buildings, the company does not keep these sensors transmitting data to the main data centre, but installs a server in each building control room to manage immediate problems, and only and calculates the amount of information to be sent to the main data centre only when and when resources exceed capacity. The cloud allows the company to maximize its IT efficiency without sacrificing its performance.


It is interesting to note that margin calculations are not dependent on fog calculations. Fog calculations are just additional options that help companies to achieve higher speed, performance and efficiency in some edge computing scenarios.


devices and edge calculations are rapidly changing the way global industry processes are handled. The following are some of the most prominent commercial margins:

  • 分支機構:智能設備和感測器減少了運行公司輔助辦公室所需的資源數量。考慮聯網的HVAC控制、檢測複印機何時需要維修的感測器以及安全攝像頭。通過僅向公司的主數據中心發送最重要的設備警報,邊緣計算有助於防止伺服器擁塞和延遲時間,同時大大提高對設施問題的響應時間。
  • 製造業:工廠地板上的感測器可用於監控設備的日常維護問題和故障,以及保護工人的安全。此外,工廠和倉庫中的智能設備可以提高生產率,降低生產成本,並提供質量控制。將數據和分析保存在工廠車間,而不是發送到中央數據中心,有助於避免昂貴和潛在危險的延遲。
  • 工業:電力和公用事業公司使用物聯網感測器和邊緣計算來提高效率,實現電網自動化,簡化維護,並彌補遠程位置網路連接的不足。公用塔、風力發電場、石油鑽塔和其他遠程能源可以配備物聯網設備,能夠抵禦惡劣天氣和其他環境挑戰。這些設備可以在能源站點或其附近處理數據,並將最相關的數據發送到主數據中心。在石油和天然氣行業,物聯網感測器和邊緣計算提供了重要的實時安全警報,通知關鍵人員必要的維修和可能導致爆炸或其他災難的危險設備故障
  • 農業:邊緣計算有助於提高農業效率和產量。耐候物聯網感測器和無人機可以幫助農民監控設備溫度和性能;分析土壤、光線和其他環境數據;優化作物用水和養分的數量;時間收穫更有效率。邊緣計算使物聯網技術的使用更加經濟高效,即使在網路連接受限的偏遠地區也是如此。
  • 零售:大型零售商通常會在他們的各個商店中收集大量數據。通過使用邊緣計算,零售商可以提取更豐富的業務見解,並實時做出反應。例如,零售商可以收集顧客客流量數據,跟蹤銷售點數量,監控所有商店促銷活動的成功情況,並使用這些本地數據更有效地管理庫存,做出更快、更明智的商業決策。
  • 衛生保健:邊緣計算在醫療保健領域的應用非常廣泛。疫苗附帶的溫度感測器有助於確保它們在整個供應鏈中保持完整性。智能CPAP機器和心臟監測儀等家用醫療設備可以收集患者數據,並將相關信息發送給患者的醫生和醫療保健網路。醫院可以通過使用物聯網技術來跟蹤患者的生命體徵,並更準確地跟蹤輪椅和輪床等設備的位置,從而更好地為患者服務。
  • 自動駕駛汽車無人駕駛汽車計程車、貨車和卡車幾乎沒有誤差。邊緣計算使他們能夠對交通信號、路況、障礙物、行人和其他車輛做出即時、正確的實時響應。



Self-driving cars is the area most expected to be handled by margin calculations . In many cases, auto-driving cars require an immediate assessment of the situation, which requires . In December 2019, Japanese self-driving motor vehicle laws and [編輯]



Some even caused accidents. Depending on where the drone landed, the consequences of the crash could also be catastrophic.

  自動駕駛無人機上,飛行員並不主動干涉無人機的飛行。他們遠程監控操作,只有在絕對必要的時候才會手動駕駛無人機。最著名的例子是亞馬遜的Prime Air,這是一個無人機送貨服務,它們正在開發自動駕駛無人機來運送包裹.

Auto-driving drones, pilots don't want to interfere with drone flights. They're long-range surveillance, flying drones manually only when absolutely necessary. The most famous example is Prime Air in the Amazon, a drone delivery service, which is developing auto-driving drones to deliver packages.



is the direction of the surveillance camera. In November 2019, WDS Ltd launched an AI photomap module, Eeye, which analyses facial features through margin AI in real time. Eeye can quickly and accurately identify people's faces, using .


This is the most familiar example of the edge AI device. Siri and google Google's Google' Google Assistant is a good example of the edge AI because


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