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The collapsing plate of the Lunan currency becomes the trigger for crushing the ring. Domino's dominoes fall one by one, for just two months, and the once-the-circumculators are gone, and some of their assets are shrunk, some are heavily indebted, some are suspiciously roll-off routes.


The conundrums of rich currency have broken down, leaving nothing but hair and bitter creditors. This is only the beginning, and the larger crisis is still brewing.

1 币圈百亿巨头轰然倒下

One billion dollars of coins fell down.


More recently, the Lehman crisis has continued to spread, with one after the thunderstorms, but none of them has had the greatest impact than three arrow capital.


Since its inception, three arrow capital has been focused on investments in encryption money, in addition to direct investment in encrypted currency such as Bitcoin, Etheria, etc. DeFi, NFT, etc. Three arrow capital has played a prominent role in foreign exchange transactions in global emerging markets, once accounting for nearly 8% of foreign exchange transactions in global emerging markets. In March this year, three arrow capital managed assets that once exceeded $10 billion, one of the most active investment agencies in encryption money.


But, once in control of a $10 billion hedge fund, it was dramatic for the family to quickly experience a liquidity crisis, apply for bankruptcy settlement, and then run away from it, in a series of “butterflies” created by the collapse of the stable currency Terraust and its sister-in-law Luna.

事件的导火线还要追溯到5月。代币stETH价格暴跌、ETH stETH脱锚引发了连锁反应,重仓stETH的三箭资本深陷其中。

The trigger for the incident goes back to May. The price of the token stETH fell, the ETH stETH broke down, triggering a chain reaction, and the three arrows of the stETH were trapped in it.

Luna的崩盘让三箭资本的雪上加霜。此前深蓝 财经 在文章《这个韩国人,让全球炒币者血本无归》曾指出,Luna币和稳定币TerraUST的崩盘,或将绊倒了多位“币圈大佬”,其中就有的三箭资本,今年2月Luna Foundation Guard筹集的10亿美元中,有超过2亿美元的投资来自三箭资本。但如今,这部分投资早已蒸发殆尽。

Luna’s collapse added to the three arrows’ capital. As previously noted in the article “The South Korean, leaving the world’s snobs dead,” Luna and the stabilizers’ Terraust crashed, or tripped several of the “guys” with three arrows of capital, over $200 million of the $1 billion that Luna Fundation Guard raised in February this year came from three arrows of capital.

随后,加密货币交易员Moon Overlord爆料,三箭资本开始大量倾销stETH,偿还他们的债务和未偿还的借款。

The encrypt currency dealer, Moon Overlord, then revealed that the three arrow capital began to dump heavily on the steth, servicing their debts and outstanding borrowings.

Luna崩盘引起加密货币市场接连下跌,在6月中旬,三箭资本被传出正遭遇追加保证金通知(Margin Call)。同时,三箭资本还陷入了流动性危机。据其透露,三箭目前有总额超 20 亿美元的未偿债务,但只有2亿的流动资产。

The Luna crash caused successive declines in the encrypted currency market, and in mid-June, three arrows of capital were being transferred out of the system and were facing an additional bond announcement (Margin Call). At the same time, three arrows of capital were in a liquidity crisis. According to them, the three arrows now total over $2 billion in outstanding debt, but only $200 million of liquid assets.

接着又有匿名人士爆料,三箭资本挪用客户资金是常事。爆料称,三箭一直为新加坡、中国大陆和香港的客户提供服务,但他们没有合规许可或受到监管。贷方包括小型交易平台、个人和公司,三箭在和对手方交易的时候总是熟练地挪用客户的钱,就像他们是在用自己的钱一样。并表示,Zhu Su在新加坡至少有3.5亿美元资产,建议债权人去查查。

The three arrows, which, according to the blast, have been serving customers in Singapore, mainland China, and Hong Kong, are not subject to compliance licensing or supervision. Creditors include small trading platforms, individuals, and companies, and three arrows are skilled in misappropriation of customers’ money when dealing with their counterparts, just as they are using their own money.

债务压力之下,很快,第一个债主向三箭资本催债了。数字资产经纪公司Voyager Digital突然发难,表示已经向三箭资本出借15250个比特币和3.5亿美元的稳定币USDC。按当时的价格计算,贷款总额超过6.75亿美元,要求三箭资本在6月24日前偿还2500万美元,在27日前偿还全部未结清贷款。

The digital asset broker Voyager Digital, whose sudden failure indicates that 1,5250 bitcoins and $350 million of stable currency have already been loaned to three arrow capital, is now under debt pressure. At that price, the total amount of the loan exceeded $675 million, requiring three arrow capital to repay $25 million by 24 June and all outstanding loans by 27 years.

但直到27日,三箭资本依旧没有还上贷款,没几天三箭资本就传出申请破产保护的消息,其创始人Zhu Su也在推上发文称,“我们正在与有关方面进行沟通,并完全致力于解决这个问题。”疑似回应该传言。但7月1日,三箭资本申请破产得到了“实锤”。

But until 27, three arrow capital remained unpaid, three arrow capital sent out applications for bankruptcy protection in less than a few days, and its founder, Zhu Su, added that “we are communicating with the parties and are fully committed to solving the problem.” It should be said, however, that on 1 July, the three arrow capital application for bankruptcy received a “real hammer”.


The borrower applied for bankruptcy, the debt of more than $6 billion could not be recovered, and the sad debtor Voyager failed with tears. Less than a week after the suspension of all of the platform’s transactions, on 5 July, Voyager announced that he had applied for bankruptcy protection.

2 卖豪宅、转移资产、下落不明 清算期间疑似“跑路”

2 Sale of mansions, transfer of assets, unaccounted for.


During the liquidation of the three-sword capital, there was also a spate of news of the founder selling the mansion, transferring the assets, missing and suspected of running away.

三箭资本成立于2012年,两位创始人Zhu Su和Kyle Davies毕业于哥伦比亚大学,其中Zhu Su曾在瑞士信贷和香港的德意志银行担任衍生品交易员。

Three Arrow Capital was founded in 2012 with two founders, Zhu Su and Kyle Davies, graduating from Columbia University, where Zhu Su served as derivative dealer at the Swiss Credit and Deutsche Bank in Hong Kong.

6月底,在三箭资本传出申请破产消息的同时,有媒体曝出Zhu Su正以3500万美元紧急出售他在新加坡的一套房子。这套房子位于新加坡富人区武吉知马的雅舞路,占地近3000平方米, 是Zhu Su在2021年12月以4880万美元价格买入,到手还不到一年。

At the end of June, at the same time that the capital of the three arrows sent out its application for bankruptcy, the media exposed Zhu Su to the urgent sale of his house in Singapore for $35 million. The house, located on the Yacho Road in Vukichiima, a wealthy district of Singapore, covered nearly 3,000 square metres, was bought by Zhu Su in December 2021 for $48.8 million, less than a year.


A subsequent submission to the Bankruptcy Court in New York on 8 July revealed that the two founders of the three arrow capital had been unable to cooperate and that their whereabouts were unknown. The clearing man went to his office in Singapore and found that the office door was locked, that the computer was not working, that the mail was stuck on the doorstep and that the building was empty.

同时有外媒报道, 由于不明原因,属于三箭资本NFT基金Starry Night的NFT已经被转移到一个新的钱包中。据金色 财经 报道,三箭资本持有的NFT收藏价值约730万美元。

There are also external sources reporting that, for unknown reasons, NFTs belonging to the three arrow capital NFT fund Starry Night have been transferred to a new wallet. According to Gold Finance, NFT collections held by the three arrow capital are worth about $7.3 million.

7月12日,失联一个月的Zhu Su终于在推特上再次出现。他发文表示他们与清算人合作的“诚意”努力“遭到了诱导”。

On July 12, a month-long lost Zhu Su finally reappeared on Twitter. He wrote that their “good faith” efforts to work with liquidators were “guided”.


The strategy had been to borrow money from their peers and invest in new, encrypted money projects. And that meant that their counterparts, who had been borrowed by their capital, would face huge losses, even loss of blood.

Voyager 就是三箭资本破产下,倒下的第一块多米诺骨牌,而这仅仅只是开始,危机之后还会继续向三箭资本和Voyager的债权人们蔓延。

Voyager was the first domino to fall under the collapse of three arrow capital, which was only the beginning, and would continue to spread to three arrow capital and Voyager's creditors after the crisis.

仅Voyager 一方,其债权人就超过10万人,资产在10亿至100亿美元之间,负债在相同范围内。另一位债主BlockFi,据其联合创始人Zac Prince透露,与三箭资本直接相关的损失约为8000万美元,这还只是“其他人报告的损失的一小部分”。

On the Voyager side alone, there are more than 100,000 creditors, with assets ranging from $1 billion to $10 billion, and liabilities are within the same range. Another debtor, BlockFi, revealed by its co-founder, Zac Prince, is about $80 million in losses directly related to three arrow capital, which is only “a fraction of the losses reported by others”.


And because of the lack of transparency, no one in the industry knows who is open to them and how bad their situation is.

3 一切都仅仅只是开始 币圈雷曼危机持续蔓延

Three, it's all just the beginning.


In mid-May of this year, insiders said that the “butterflies effect” of the LUNA currency zero would be no less than the global financial crisis caused by the bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers in 2008. Three arrow capital is just one of the most representative and influential dominoes, more dominoes have already fallen, and more dominoes are falling.


Following the collapse of the stable currency TerraUST, which triggered a series of chain reactions, Bitcoin, Etheria prices continued to decline, and the major began a “retrenchment wave.” In mid-June, Coinbase, the largest encrypted currency trading platform in the United States, announced a reduction of staff of 18 per cent, involving more than 1,000 employees, immediately followed by BlockFi, Crypto.com, Gemini, the Exchange Buenbit, which announced a large-scale downsizing plan, in which the exchange’s Buenbit staff had even reached almost half the rate.


Some investors comfort themselves by reducing their jobs, which does not affect their assets, but are quickly beaten on the face, with the “waves” hitting currency circle investors. In parallel with the successive cuts in the major encrypted money-trading platforms, Celsius, an encrypted lending giant called the “bank of the currency,” suddenly announces a freeze on withdrawals to prevent run-off.


Celsius is not a nobody, and his position in the currency circle is not insignificant. According to Celsius’ official claim, he has 1.7 million clients, and as of 17 May, the company had $11.8 billion worth of assets.


This means that if Celsius was asked to cease operations, the associated dozens of DeFi projects, encrypted currency and other digital assets would be “all-lossed”.

值得注意的是,币圈最大的稳定币Tether的发行商正好是Celsius的股东,这让不少人担心,Tether是否会被拖下水。如果Teteher也出现问题,可能还会导致币圈更大的崩盘。美国大学金融专家Hilary Allen表示:“Tether是加密生态系统的命脉,如果它暴雷,会导致整面墙倒塌。”

It is worth noting that the issuer of the most stable currency in the currency ring, Tether, happens to be a shareholder of Celsius, which raises concerns about whether Tether will be dragged into the water. If there is a problem with Teteher, it may also lead to a larger collapse of the currency ring. The US university finance expert Hilary Allen says: “Tether is the lifeblood of an encrypted ecosystem, and if it is thunderstormed, it will cause the entire wall to collapse.”

6月底,有外媒报道称,Celsius CEO曾试图逃离美国,并计划前往以色列,但被当局阻止。再一消息再次引起市场的恐慌。

At the end of June, external sources reported that Celsius CEO had tried to flee the United States and planned to go to Israel, but that the authorities had prevented it. The news had once again caused panic in the market.


The currency circle “bank” and the “coupling fund” have fallen, and the industry’s “big man” is going to run out of business, not to mention the mountain coins and the air coins. One of the currency projects, called DOR’s, has been exposed before opening its doors, and has “honestly” said that because DOR’s private collection is too large to hold back the goods, the project has decided to move collectively to Singapore. Blame it is you that we have raised too much money.


Just a bunch of victims left behind to defend their rights.


When the tide retreats, the melody of the currency is no longer strong, and the rest is a chicken hair.

本文源自深蓝 财经

This post is from Deep Blue Finance.



Have you heard about it? The currency circles have witnessed history over the past few days. Many people have not thought that this is what they will see in their lifetime -- the Luna digital coins go straight to zero. The first 10 coins, hundreds of billions of dollars, were lost in a flash, from 119 to 3,000 feet straight down, and that's a 3-foot drop. This line makes people feel the excitement of a proper jumper, a free-fall movement.


The fact is that some people think that the drop is more than 99%, close to zero, and almost 400,000 people blew up on that day, compared to the height of $119.5 on 5 April. By the way, dozens of virtual currencies fell by 90% or more on that day. Many of the people in Luna's lockup didn't even get a chance to cut their meat and were killed. Some people think that it's more than 99% and can be copied! But the fact is, the Internet friend: The brothers around him took a carve on several bottoms of Luna. About why the Luna coins fell to zero, and there were several guesses, only for information. First, the mechanism of Luna's money is left foot. You can understand that.


Very much as a financial institution says it's going to launch 20-year-old products, and it's not going to run. It's a virtual thing in itself, and some people can appreciate it, but once the dealer runs, it's going to be zero, thousands of dollars more than your equipment on the net, and the game company's going to shut you down. So this casino is going to be like this, so you're not going to make money, you're not going to play it, and it's going to be gone overnight.


And this is the truth of any place: you take him down, he passes you over your house. Truth 2: If a person's data output increases by 800,000 times in a short period of time, it will be worth zero in one day. After all, the right foot is fast and the right foot is faster. Truth 3: "A man will never earn anything other than his knowledge, and he will not be able to earn it." Truth 4: "This is the true currency." Everyone reads and recites that gold and silver is not a currency, but money is a gold and silver.

腥风血雨!币圈集体崩盘,22万人爆仓! 比特币跌破了39000美元关口,24小时跌幅超过了14%,较今年4月创下的历史高点回落了40%。此外,以太坊跌破了2900美元关口,跌幅超17%;币安币、狗狗币等都暴跌约22%。近几天来发生了虚拟货币的崩盘。

Bitcoin has fallen by more than 39,000 dollars, a 24-hour drop of more than 14 per cent, 40 per cent higher than the previous April’s. In addition, it has fallen by over 17 per cent to over $2,900; it has fallen by about 22 per cent; and it has fallen by roughly 22 per cent. In recent days, there has been a virtual currency collapse.


Bitcoin is an electronic virtual currency. It was born in 2009, the second year after the global financial crisis. Most of its applications were cyberfinancial investment, rather than online virtual commodity transactions that were not carried out by other electronic virtual currencies. Compared to statutory currencies, Bitcoin did not have a centralized issuer, but was generated by network node calculations. Anyone could participate in its manufacture, and it could circulate around the world. It could be bought and sold on any computer connected to the network.


Bitcoin shows all the symptoms of an economic bubble. Traditional currencies have intrinsic value, because they have value, individual support for issuers, and Bitcoin has no independent value because they do not.


Bitcoin is a self-described digital currency. But most bitcoin users use it as a tool for speculative investment rather than as a commodity. The growing public concern has led to an increase in the demand for bitcoin, while the number of bitcoins actually used to buy goods remains the same.


In the past few days, the currency has been repulsing.

5 月 19 日,比特币一度跌破 3 万美元,暴跌近 30%。

On May 19th, Bitcoin fell by 30,000 dollars and fell by nearly 30 per cent.

超过 57 万人爆仓,爆仓金额达 443 亿元。

More than 570,000 people exploded, amounting to $44.3 billion.

虽然后续回升至 3.9 万美元左右,但一夜暴“负”是跑不掉的了。

Although it rose to around $39,000, the one-night violence was “negative”.

炒币来钱确实是快,胆子大上杠杆,直接财富自由,前些天还在晒收益的老哥, 73 万本金直接涨到 170 万,可一晚下来,也能直接倒欠 50 多万。

The money is fast, the courage to leverage it, the freedom of direct wealth, the 730,000 principal money that was paid in the sun the other day, rising to 1.7 million, but falling down one night and owed more than half a million.


It's a time of coins, ten years in the earth, and the old fox has no money to buy, or it's a great loss.


Even though currency circles cannot afford to play, there is still a lot of money.

所以不断被 社会 毒打,又不甘于现状的我们,很容易就参与到一些看似能实现阶层跃迁,但又危机四伏的资本 游戏 当中。

So it's easy for us, who are constantly being beaten by society, and we're not comfortable with the situation, to be involved in some sort of seemingly class-shifting, but dangerous, capital game.


For example, people try to buy foundations, stock, shoes, coins, milk tea shops.


But after a while, it turns out I've earned a lot of money, and it's not the same as what was agreed. Am I being cut?


Speaking of cabbage, a “hero” in the industry has recently appeared.


He is Ye Feiye teacher who launched a suicide truck attack on Weibo.

表示要控诉一家上市公司搞坐庄 游戏 ,为庄家牵线搭桥,但事成后却被拖欠中介费。

A complaint was made against a listed company for playing a sit-down game to build a bridge for the dealer, but after it was done, it was paid a fee to the broker.


Why call him Mr. Ip, I think he's given the family too much useful knowledge.


Among them, the term “market value management” is the focus of the examination, and the term “stock price manipulation” is equivalent to “market value management” in Ye Fei's blast material.


You've learned, what a brilliant, truly professional term.


Ye Fei has been doing this job, but it has evolved into a pattern of joint harvesting.


Let's get this straight.


First, a listed company wants to “market value management” (the term is very useful) and then finds a friend/intermediate who works as a banker.


The broker was subcontracted to Ye Fei, who then arranged for certain agencies and coupons to purchase company shares.


Although all of us are professional, there is a great deal of uncertainty, and “market value management” (up) cannot be effective after the purchase for a variety of reasons.


Faced with a loss, the strength of capital is, of course, unacknowledged.


Ye Fei's upstream intermediary opted for a liability not only for upstream default but also for downstream losses.


Under double pressure, Ye Fei turned into a stain witness and made a self-inflicted attack at Weibo.


This is the recent melon in the capital market, which is much more interesting than some alligator's peach news.


The stock market and the casinos have always had it, and before that, they thought they could make a fortune and left, but now they're giving names to the dealers, and I think we all have answers.


It is worth mentioning that, at a time of such distress, Mr. Ip did not forget his value as a “net red”.


In the absence of being pursued, let us not forget to make our heat available. The fox can only say, "Good fellow."

一个坑被曝光了,但 社会 上还有数不胜数的坑在,防不胜防。如果不懂 游戏 规则,就玩起了资本 游戏 ,被收割是理所当然的事。

A pit has been exposed, but there are plenty of pits in society. If you don't understand the rules of the game, you play the capital game, and it's natural to be harvested.


When information becomes a scarce resource, people with information advantages make money. That's why we can't get money.


All kinds of legal transfers, let's just see what we want to see, or what others want us to see.


And what really meant to us, or the truth, might still be far away from us.

可能正如董小姐所说,年轻人找工作不应该把钱放第一位,更应考虑自己的定位,以及思考自己到了 社会 能做什么。

Perhaps, as Ms. Dong said, young people should not put their money first, think about where they are and think about what they can do when they get to society.


With money, we're good at it.


But in a different way, we keep trying to figure out where we are and where we are going.


To figure it out, go this way to the dark, to get all the information in this direction and to become experts in this field.


That would give them the advantage of information, which in turn would allow capital to be harvested.

拜登在担任奥巴马副手期间,家庭资产只有 150 万美元,也就北京一套不错房子的价格。

During his tenure as Deputy Obama, Biden had a family asset of only $1.5 million, which was the price of a nice house in Beijing.

但在卸任副总统的两年间,利用自己的信息优势,通过出书和演讲,赚了 1500 万+美元,涨了十倍。

But in the two years that the outgoing Vice-President took advantage of his information, he earned 15 million + dollars in books and speeches, a tenfold increase.


You've earned enough money, come back and be president. That's life.


Although we can't make that much money, we're sure to be more responsive when we have the advantage of information.

这个 社会 ,割与被割其实是相互,也是我们工作生活的常态,我们想要摆脱的痛苦,所以奋力搞钱,但要搞钱,又免不了经历思考、实践带来的痛苦。

This society, cutting and being cut is actually one another, and it's the norm of our working life, and we're trying to get rid of the pain, so we're trying to get paid, but to get paid, we're going through the pain of thinking and doing.


Whether it is to live in the status quo, to lie together, or to endure short-term suffering in exchange for long-term gains, I think it is a topic that our generation will never be able to escape.


The above-mentioned article is a detailed response to of the recent news bulletins in the currency circles of and

标签: 这几天的币圈大新闻


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