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If you do not meet the licence mentioned in our license list at , you can ask us to evaluate whether the licence is a free licence. Please send a copy of the licence (and a link to it) to . Our licensing experts and board members will review the licence. If the licence has an unusual clause, it will be a difficult philosophical question, so we cannot guarantee a speedy decision.


We have listed the following resources to help people understand and use our licences:

GNU 通用公共许可证常常被缩写为 GNU GPL,大部分 GNU 的程序和超过一半的自由软件使用这种许可证。GNU GPL 的最新版本是3。

The GNU General Public Licence is often abbreviated as GNU GPL, and most GNU programs and more than half of the free software use it. The latest version of GNU GPL is 3.

一小部分(不是全部)的GNU库使用GNU宽通用公共许可证 (GNU LGPL)。GNU LGPL 的最新版本是3。

A small, but not all, portion of the GNU library uses the GNU Wide General Public Licence (GNU LGPL). The latest version of the GNU LGPL is 3.

GNU Affero 通用公共许可证 (GNU AGPL) 基于 GNU GPL,但它添加了一些条款以允许用户获取那些通过网络访问的应用的源代码。我们建议考虑对于那些通过网络被他人使用的软件采用GNU AGPL。GNU AGPL 的最新版本是3。

GNU Affero General Public Licence (GNU AGPL) is based on GNU GPL, but it adds provisions to allow users to access the source code for applications accessed via the network. We suggest considering the use of GNU AGPL for software used via the network. The latest version of GNU AGPL is 3.

GNU 自由文档许可证 (GNU FDL) 是Copyleft的一种形式,用于在手册、教材或其它文档上以保证任何人都可以自由地复制和发布它们,不管是否对它们进行了修改,也不管是不是进行商业化使用。GNU FDL 的最新版本是1.3。

The GNU Free Document Licence (GNU FDL) is a form of Copyleft that is used to ensure that any person can reproduce and publish them freely, whether or not they have been modified or commercialized. The latest version of GNU FDL is 1.3.

一些 GNU 程序在其主许可证规定的条款外增加了一些额外的许可或例外。我们把此类常用的情况、或者是问题多多的情况收集汇总在 许可证例外情况 页面。

Some GNU programs add some additional permits or exceptions to the terms of their main licence. We summarize such frequent or problematic situations on the page.

当需要链接到我们的许可证时,应当链接到最新的版本。因此,标准的链接地址中都不包含版本号,比如: 。然而,在少数情况下,也许您需要链接到某种许可证的指定版本。在这种情况下,您可以使用下面的链接地址 [跳过链接]:

When you need a link to our license, you should have a link to the latest version. Therefore, the standard link address does not contain a version number, such as:. However, in a few cases, you may need a link to a specified version of a licence. In this case, you can use the following link address [GPLv3, GPLv2, GPLv1

GNU 宽通用公共许可证 (LGPL)
LGPLv3, LGPLv2.1
GNU Affero 通用共公许可证 (AGPL)
GNU AGPLv3Affero 通用公共许可证第一版 不是一个 GNU 许可证,但它设计的目标与 GNU AGPL 相似。)
GNU 自由文档许可证 (FDL)
FDLv1.3, FDLv1.2, FDLv1.1

指向每种许可证的其它格式的固定链接可在各许可证页面上找到。不是每个许可证的每个版本都能找到其对应的每一种格式。如果您需要的某种格式的文本缺失,请 发邮件给我们

请同时参看 许可证早期版本的页面

See also 许可证非官方翻译的列表

  • 如何进行许可证的非官方翻译
  • GNU 网页的标准版权条款现在是 Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0 International License。过去是(现在有个别网页还是):

    The standard copyright clause on the GNU web page is now Creative Commons Agreement-NoDerivs 4.0 International License.


    The full text of this document is reproduced and distributed word for word in any media throughout the world, and there is no royalties, provided that this declaration is retained.

    请注意Eben Moglen关于本“逐字复制许可证”的评论:

    Please note Eben Moglen's comments on this & ldquo; verbatim copying of licence & rdquo;


    & ldquo; we use &lsquao; copy &rsquao in full text without changing content in any media; the purpose of this expression is not to require that similar page titles, footnotes or other formatting features be retained. But we require that web links be maintained on hyperlinks or non-hyperlink media (e.g. descriptions in non-HTML media or links in other print formats). &rdquao;

    • 自由软件许可证列表

      如果您正在考虑撰写一份新的许可证,请发送邮件至 <licensing@fsf.org> 以联系自由软件基金会。不断创造新的许可证会让用户花费更多的精力去理解,我们也许可以帮助您找到一个现有的自由软件许可证来满足您的需求。

      If you are considering writing a new licence, send it to <licensing@fsf.org> to connect to the Free Software Foundation. The continuous creation of new licences will allow users to spend more effort understanding, and we may also help you find an existing free software licence to meet your needs.


      If you really need a new license, we can help you make sure it's a genuine free software licence to avoid problems in reality.

    Copyleft 是一种让程序或其它作品保持自由的通用方法,它要求所有对 Copyleft 程序的修改和扩展都保持自由。

    em>Copyleft is a common way to keep programs or other works free, and it requires that all changes and extensions to the Copyleft process remain free.

    让程序成为自由软件的最简单的方法是放弃版权、并把它放到 公有领域 。这使得他人在需要的时候可以共享这个软件以及对它的改进。但这也使得一些不合作的人把它们转变成 专有软件 。他们可以或多或少地进行修改,并把成果作为商业产品来发布。这些修改过的程序不再像其原始作者所期望的那样给予用户自由,这种自由被中间商剥夺了。

    The simplest way to make free software is to give up copyright and place it at in the public domain . This allows others to share the software and improve it when they need it. But this also makes uncooperative people turn them into proprietary software . They can modify it more or less and publish it as a commercial product.

    GNU 工程 中,我们的目标是让 所有的 用户可以自由地重新分发或修改 GNU 软件。如果中间商可以剥夺自由,我们或许会有很多的用户,但这些用户不再拥有自由。所以我们并不把 GNU 软件发布到公有领域,我们对它保留“Copyleft”。所谓 Copyleft 是指任何人都可以重新分发软件,不管有没有进行修改,但必须同时保留软件所具有的自由特性。Copyleft是为了保证所有用户都拥有自由的权利。

    In the GNU project , our goal is to allow all users to redistribute or modify GNU software freely. If an intermediary can use deprivation of liberty, we may have a lot of users, but these users may no longer have freedom. So we do not publish GNU software in the public domain, and we keep "Copyleft." The so-called "Copyleft" means that anyone can redistribute software, whether modified or not, but must also retain the free character of the software.

    Copyleft 同时也 鼓励 其他程序员加入自由软件开发的行列。像 GNU C++ 编译器这样的重要自由软件之所以存在,正是因为这一点。

    Copyleft also encourages other programmers to join in free software development. This is why important free software like GNU C++ compilers exists.

    除此之外,Copyleft 也帮助那些希望对 完善 自由软件 作出贡献的程序员得到贡献的许可。这些程序员通常是为那些一心想挣钱的公司或大学工作。程序员可能希望把她的努力贡献到自由软件社区,但其雇主可能希望把这些工作变成商业的软件产品。

    In addition, Copyleft helps programmers who wish to contribute to to refine free software . Programmers usually work for companies or universities that want to earn money. Programmers may wish to contribute their efforts to the free software community, but their employers may wish to turn these jobs into commercial software products.


    When we explain to their employers that it is illegal to publish these improved versions as free software, they often decide to publish them as free software rather than discard them.

    一个程序遵循 Copyleft,我们首先声明它是有版权的;然后,我们给它加上发布的规则,这个规则就是一个法律声明,它赋予所有人有使用、修改和重新发布程序的代码 及其衍生作品 的权利,但要求在这个过程中发布规则是不可以改变的。这样的话,代码和自由权利在法律上就不可分割了。

    A program follows Copyleft, and we first declare that it is copyrighted; then we add to it the rule of publication, which is a legal statement that gives everyone the right to use, modify and reissue the code of the program and its derivative , but requires that the rules be published in the process that cannot be changed. In that case, the code and the right to freedom are legally inseparable.


    Commercial software developers deprive users of their freedom through copyright, and we use copyright to give them freedom. That's why we changed the word "Copyright" to "Copyleft."

    Copyleft 是一个通用的概念,有很多方法来细化它。在 GNU 工程中,我们使用 GNU 通用公共许可证、GNU 宽通用公共许可证和 GNU 自由文档许可证来定义和发布这个概念的具体条款。

    Copyleft is a universal concept, and there are many ways to fine-tune it. In the GNU project, we use GNU General Public Licences, GNU Broad General Public Licences and GNU Free Document Licences to define and publish specific terms of the concept.

    相应的许可证应当与所有的 GNU 软件源代码和手册一同发布。

    The corresponding licence should be issued in conjunction with all GNU software source codes and manuals.

    假如您是著作权所有人的话,您可以很容易地在您的作品中使用设计好的 GNU GPL。您不用去修改 GNU GPL,您只需要在源代码文件中添加对 GNU GPL 的适当引用就可以了。请注意如果您要使用 GPL ,您必须使用该许可证的全文。GPL 许可证(LGPL、AGPL 和 FDL 也一样)是一个整体,不允许只使用它的一部分。

    If you are the owner of the copyright, you can easily use the designed GNU GPL in your work. You do not have to modify GNU GPL. You just need to add an appropriate reference to GNU GPL in the source code file. Please note that if you want to use GPL, you must use the full text of the licence. The GPL licence (LGPL, AGPL, and FDL) is a whole, and it is not allowed to use only part of it.

    对许多不同的程序使用相同的发布条款将使得在这些程序中相互复制代码变得容易。因为它们都具有相同的发布条款,您就不需要去考虑这些条款是否相互兼容。LGPL 第二版许可证允许您把发布条款改为标准的 GPL 许可证,所以您可以把 LPGL 的代码应用到其它 GPL 的程序中去。

    Using the same publishing terms for many different programs will make it easier to copy each other in these programs. Because they all have the same publishing terms, you do not need to consider whether they are compatible.

    我们认为所有软件或文档应当以 自由软件和自由文档 形式发布。我们建议各种教育和参考资源也应该是自由的,对它们应当使用 GNU 自由文档许可证 (GNU FDL)。

    We believe that all software or documents should be published in the form of , free software and free documentation. We suggest that educational and reference resources should also be free and that they should use GNU Free Document Licence (GNU FDL).

    对于观点论述或科技论文,我们建议使用与本页面一样的 Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License 许可证授权,或者上面所描述过的简要的“仅允许逐字全文复制”许可证。

    For opinions or scientific papers, we propose to use Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License licence, or a simple &ldquo, as described above; permission is allowed only for the full text of &rdquao; licence.

    我们不认为艺术作品和娱乐作品也必须是自由的,但如果您希望把它自由发布,我们建议您参考 自由艺术许可证

    We do not believe that artistic and entertainment works must also be free, but if you wish to publish them freely, we suggest that you refer to .


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