
On 2 February, the United States electric car manufacturer Tesla will receive public financial subsidies from Germany of at least Euro1 billion (approximately $1.2 billion) for the establishment of a battery factory near Berlin.


Ministry of Economy announced that the European Union (EU) has approved a plan called “Main European Common Interest” (IPCEI), which includes a national level of assistance to ; %Ef7%B2x2%D2%Ew3%Ets3%Ews ; > > >. > > > >

虽然德国经济部尚未证实特斯拉将获得具体补贴额度,但德国内部人士通过几个政府消息来源发现,特斯拉将获得数十亿美元的资金。 知情人士透露,德国联邦和州政府将分别承担这类成本。其中,特斯拉工厂所在的勃兰登堡州(Brandenburg)将不得不贡献大约三分之一的资金。

While the German Ministry of the Economy has not yet confirmed that Tesla will receive a specific subsidy, German insiders, through several government sources, have found that Tesla will receive billions of dollars. Knowing sources have revealed that Germany’s federal and cantonal governments will bear these costs separately.


The IPCEI project, originally launched in 2014 and operating throughout the EU, aims to “enhance European competitiveness in key technologies” and create a battery innovation and production ecosystem on the European continent.

德国经济部长彼得·阿尔特迈尔(Peter Altmaier)在声明中表示:“由德国协调的IPCEI电池计划清楚地表明,欧洲电池行业正在成型。德国和欧洲将自行开发具有竞争力、创新性和环保的电池,这将为私人投资和新的、面向未来的就业创造广泛的空间。”

In his statement, Peter Altmaier, Minister of Economy of Germany, said: “The IPCEI Battery Program coordinated by Germany clearly shows that the European battery industry is forming. Germany and Europe will develop their own competitive, innovative and environmentally friendly batteries, which will create a wide range of space for private investment and new, future-oriented jobs.”


Ultimately, the EU aims to reduce its dependence on the United States and China for key technologies such as batteries, and to adapt German and European companies to competition with their counterparts in China and the United States and to shape them into so-called “European champions”.

特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)表示,特斯拉的柏林工厂将在格伦海德创造多达4万个就业机会,而且这个数字还不包括供应链将创造的就业机会。这家工厂将于今年投入运营。

Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said that the Berlin factory in Tesla would create up to 40,000 jobs in Glen Hayde, and that that figure did not include the jobs that the supply chain would create. The factory would be operational this year.


The goal of the German government seems to be to revive the region and create more jobs by investing in this giant factory with IPCEI funds. However, for the project, it is more important to build European ecosystems for emerging technologies, such as battery innovation and production.


Related reading:


(Mask: regreted not buying bitcoin eight years ago, and will announce the latest developments in the brain interface in the near future)

据国外媒体报道,当地时间周日晚些时候特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)出席美国语音社交网络Clubhouse的著名播客访谈节目Good Time Show,畅谈了登陆火星计划、旗下脑机接口公司Neuralink的最新进展以及比特币。

According to foreign media reports, late on Sunday, local time, Elon Musk, Chief Executive Officer of Tesla, attended Good Time Show, a well-known podcast talk show on the United States voice social network Clubhouse, where he spoke about plans to land on Mars, the latest developments in Neuralink, the flag brain interface company, and Bitcoin.


During the interview, Mask described in detail his ambitious plan to land on Mars and a monkey implanted with a brain interface at Neuralink.

播客访谈节目Good Time Show参加人数上限为5000人。但随着马斯克粉丝们的竞相涌入,人数很快就突破了聊天室所能承受的上限。

The maximum number of participants in the podcast talk show Good Time Show was 5,000, but with the influx of Musk fans, the number quickly crossed the ceiling that the chat room could afford.


Mask, who attended the talk show, made some bold statements in his own unique style about the likely arrival of humans on Mars, discussed his face on Twitter and detailed the progress made by the Neuralink research team of Brain Interface.

马斯克首先谈到了登陆火星。“五年半,”马斯克在节目开始时告诉主持人斯利拉姆·克里希南(Sriram Krishnan)和阿特·拉玛穆西(Aarthi Ramamurthy)。

Musk first talked about landing on Mars. “Five and a half years,” Mask told the moderators Sriram Krishnan and Arthi Ramamurthy at the beginning of the show.


As we all know, Musk has a tendency to set overly radical deadlines for the completion of his projects, from Tesla electric vehicles to space exploration technology’s SpaceX rockets. It is a completely different level of ambition to take five and a half years to get an interstellar ship out of the Earth and send humans to another planet.


He said, “It is important that we make Mars a civilization that can sustain itself.”




Last week, one of the biggest hotspots was undoubtedly the sharp rise in stock markets, Reddit, and GameStop. But Mask focused on Bitcoin. “I'm late, but I'm a supporter of Bitcoin,” he said, then turned the subject to dog coins, which also surged over the past week.


This digital currency surged by 300 per cent last Thursday, reaching its highest level ever. But Musk doesn't seem to like it very much, he just joked about it with dog coins.


He joked: “Doggie coins will be the currency of the future of the planet, which can be said to be the most interesting and ironic result.” When Mr. Mask commented, the digital money transaction tracking company, CoinDesk, showed that the price of doggie coins fell immediately.




After talking about landing on Mars, Mr. Musk won a lot of applause from his users because of his abilities, and he attributed part of his cultural ability to himself as a “modemaker”, and then he turned to something much more advanced, namely, Neuralink, the first-ever brain interface, created in 2016.


Neuralink’s last major message was in August 2020, where he showed the public a brain implant “like Fitbit” in a pig’s brain. Since then, however, Neuralink has not published much news, nor has he published any scientific papers.


Mask said, "We implanted a wireless device in a monkey's skull so that the monkey could play video games directly through the brain." Of course, there was no evidence in Mask's statement, which was the second time that the public heard Musk discuss the issue. "Can we get the monkeys to play ping-pong directly through the brain?


However, Mask immediately retracted that statement in the interview. He made it clear that these were long-term targets for brain implants. The original study focused on how to help those who suffered brain and spinal damage through brain implants.


“I want to be clear.” Mr. Musk said, “The early application really applies only to those with severe brain damage, but the value of the implants is enormous.”


What else does it have to do with it?

在访谈接近尾声时,马斯克还简短评论了现在正在看的一些电视节目、电影以及书籍。在谈到《眼镜蛇第一季》(Cobra Kai)时,他说,“那个节目真是太扎心。”在谈到《苍穹浩瀚》(The Expanse)时,马斯克说,“也许我该开始好好看看。”关于《神话任务》(Mythic Quest),马斯克评价道,“这片子不错。”在谈到《信条》(Tenet)时,马斯克说,“这片子很不错。我想,如果你太认真地思考,电影情节就没法完全讲得通,但我喜欢这部电影。”在谈到《银河系漫游指南》(Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)时,马斯克又说,“实际上是一本哲学书,但却伪装成愚蠢的人类史书。”

At the end of the interview, Mask also briefly commented on a number of television programmes, films and books that were now being read. Speaking of Cobra Kai, he said, "That's a very strong show." Speaking of The Expanse, Mask said, "Maybe I should start looking." With regard to Mythic Quest, Mask said, "This is a good one." When speaking of Tenet, he said, "This is a very good one. If you think too seriously, I don't think it's possible, but I love this movie." And when it comes to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Mask said, "It's actually a philosophy book, but it's a stupid human history."

在访谈接近尾声时,Robinhood首席执行官弗拉德·特涅夫(Vlad Tenev)加入了采访,谈论了GameStop和Reddit的传奇故事,马斯克对他进行了致意。“人们需要真相,”马斯克说。

Towards the end of the interview, the Chief Executive Officer of Robinood, Vlad Tenev, joined the interview and spoke about the legends of GameStop and Reddit, to whom Mr. Mask paid tribute. “People need truth,” Mr. Mask said.


"What's wrong with it?" Musk asked Tenev.

“我不会代表美国全国证券清算公司(NSCC)去指责有什么可疑行为或类似的事情。” 特涅夫回应道。(辰辰)

“I will not represent the National Securities Clearing Company (NSCC) in the United States to accuse any suspicious act or something like that.” Tenev responded.


> > > > > > > > > > > >. > > > > >.


According to a report by the German media on Thursday, 21 January local time, Tesla, with the prior approval of the German Federal Government, began preparations for the construction of a production plant near the Berlin Super Plant for the manufacture of 4860 batteries.

媒体指出,这一消息让人有些意外之处在于,特斯拉并未向柏林超级工厂所在地勃兰登堡州政府提出任何电池生产厂的申请,但德国联邦经济与能源部的部长Peter Altmaier选择了将特斯拉电池厂的项目和其他公司的项目捆绑,一同递交欧盟。

According to the media, this information is somewhat surprising because Tesla did not submit any application for a battery production plant to the Land Government of Brandenburg, where the Berlin super factory is located, but Peter Altmaier, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy of Germany, chose to bind the Tesla battery plant project and other company projects to the European Union.


The spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs stated that Tesla and other companies were allowed to begin preliminary action on the projects they were applying for, i.e., that the approved enterprises could start preparing for their own projects at their own risk.


This means that Tesla has been allowed to start acting temporarily on its request to build a battery plant.


Neither the Government of Germany nor the European Union currently discloses detailed information on the Tesla Berlin battery plant, such as the size of the plant, its location and the number of jobs that can be created.


On the Battery Day in September 2020, Tesla released a completely new "4680" battery with a diameter of 46 mm and a longness of 80 mm, with a 16% increase in mileage, a fivefold increase in energy density over the current battery, a sixfold increase in power output power and a 14% reduction in cost. Using a laser carved earless design, the battery removed its main heat component, reducing internal resistance, increasing heat stability and control.


In November of the same year, Tesla CEOmask revealed that Tesla would build its own batteries at the Brandenburg site near Berlin, with plans to increase the annual capacity of the Berlin plant to 100 GWh, possibly extending to 200 to 250 GWh.


According to the media, this means that Berlin’s factory will be expected to be among the world’s largest battery production plants. 100 GWh has more than twice as much capacity as Tesla’s current Nevada Super Plant in the United States. Nevada’s plant is now the world’s number-one battery production plant.

12月,马斯克在Twitter上确认了柏林超级工厂将生产首批4680电池的消息。虽然当时马斯克并未说明柏林生产的4680电池将用于什么车型,但此前他已表示,柏林工厂下线的首辆车将是Model Y。

In December, Mask confirmed on Twitter that the Berlin Super Plant would produce the first 4680 batteries. Although at that time Mask did not state what type of vehicle would be used for the 4680 cells produced in Berlin, he had previously indicated that the first car offline at the Berlin factory would be Model Y.


[Texla's new battery line brightens]


In recent days, Tesla has shown for the first time its 4680 new batteries and its battery production line called Roadrunner. Its Chief Executive Officer, Ellen Muskeh, has also stated that “a complete electric car will be produced in the same way as a toy car”.

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