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Every one of us, as a child, likes to ask, "Is this a good person or a bad person?"


But if the child grows up and asks: Is this a good person or a bad person, is it right or wrong? Then our first reaction is whether this person is retarded?


Only kids care about what's right and what's right and what's right and what's right and what's wrong with them.

英国首相邱吉尔曾经说过:“一个国家没有永远的敌人,也没有永远的朋友,只有永远的利益”(A nation has no permanent enemies and no permanent friends,only permanent interests)

British Prime Minister Churchill once said, "A nation has no permanent enemies and no permanent friends, only permanent interests."


Then why do children always ask: Good or bad, is it right or wrong? The reason is simple, is the need for adults to control their children. Parents and schools can manage their children effectively only if they are indoctrinated with mistakes and bad thoughts. When they grow up, they will gradually find that the world is free of so many wrongs and wrongs, right or wrong, right or wrong, and that at this time, as a State machine, how to effectively control these grown children (also called adults), the law becomes a marginal standard of good and bad, right or wrong for all citizens. As long as you step over the pool, the law will teach you what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is good, what is bad, what is bad.

今天探讨的主题有两条线:1、什么是直线型思维和曲线形思维? ?2、币圈中直线型思维的韭菜与曲线型思维的庄家

There are two lines of discussion today: 1; what is straight-line and curved thinking? 2; and the homeowner of straight-line thinking and curved thinking in the currency circles.


1. What is a linear and curved mind?


Straight-line thinking is simple to say that right and wrong, good and bad, doing or not, eating or not eating, like the pros and cons of coins, straight as a straight line, with no elasticity or bending.


In the street, for example, there was a young shadow of a high profile, and 99 per cent of men naturally thought it was a beautiful woman, and the result was a rush, and the result was often — behind the back, looking for crime, looking for retreat and running for legs.


And as a fruit tree, if the price of oranges soars this year, people grow orange trees in a nest, so no one wants oranges in the next year, so the farmers cut orange trees and apple trees in the next year, and the price of oranges soars in the next year. Why, because no one planted them, they're precious!


Straight-thinking habits seem to be a more efficient way to solve problems, so the first thing many people think about when facing problems is how to hit them head-on, often against their wishes. These fruit farmers who see others making money and then cutting them off after growing orange trees are typical straight-line thinking.


The curved thinking is complicated: when we ask you for a beggar, when you ask you for a beggar, you think that I pay or don't pay, and one decision that I give or don't give, that's straight thinking. If you think, the beggar is really a beggar, or if I give $1 or $10, if I give a beggar, you get yourself on a bus and you don't have any money, that's complicated thinking, and that's a curved thinking.


2. Dealers of straight-line and curved thinking in currency circles


To make the logic of this part clear, we need a guide, similar to the Chinese drug, to say that in March 2011 there was a rumour that “because of the nuclear leak in Japan, there has been another tsunami, which has polluted the sea, and that the salt produced at that time is contaminated and cannot be consumed.” In just two days, all the salt from all the supermarkets and grocery stores in the country has been wiped out by a vast and ravaging army of salt.



In those two days of madness, which cover all classes, there has been no education, IQ or social class, no distinction between the North and the South, and it is the responsibility of men, women and children alike to take salt and salt.


What's the most painful thing in the world? There's radiation, there's no salt.


What's the most painful thing in the world? The radiation comes, the salt doesn't work.


What's the most painful thing in the world? No radiation, too much salt.


What's the most painful thing in the world? People are dying and salt is not running out.


Why, at that moment, everyone became brainless, first of all because of fear and fear of the future without salt; secondly, because of amateurs (or the asymmetric of unprofessional information), and I am sure that those who worked in salt companies would never steal salt in the wind; and finally, in the minds of the public, it was very difficult for a single individual to be unassimilated in a powerful group, and the story of three tigers was a typical example.


And then we'll talk to the dealer of straight-line thinking and curved thinking in the currency circles.


Recently, the price of pork rose sharply as a result of the Chinese-American trade war, and the single-minded must have been prepared to raise pigs on a large scale. The end result must be the same as that of the above-mentioned farmers.


I know that if 99% of the groceries in the currency ring are straight-line thinking, I'm sure there's a lot of people who don't like it.


Because in the course of countless deals, you'll find out whether you've been through basic analysis or computer games, or you've been doing research and analysis of the technology behind the N-drive. The final result is always less and less!


For example, the low drop-in field in the technical analysis, the high drop-out:


The first is high relative, lower, higher, and no absolute, lower. Low levels in cattle are often the beginning of behavior, but low levels in bear cities are likely to fall in the middle, because of despair in the latter, because the money chain is broken, and the main funds attract the windmills themselves through small lifts. Low levels in balanced concussion markets are more painful, because the environment is not clear, and the main forces, even through low-level storage, will be pressured very quickly to prepare and torture vegetables up and down.


The same is true of high-level spending, where powerful currencies enter the distribution phase through large and short-term liftings, where the main force, even the saloons that can sit on the platinum, have a high distribution and are constantly magnified, where the technical graphics price a mountain with a higher peak and a mountain with a higher height than a hill, and how do you judge that mountain as a true height? In the bear city, because of the lack of a rudder, the main force will create a false match before dispatch, then normally pull it up, and the high-stretched wing, which, because of the fact that the stretching has already been made by making a false match, is relatively small in its distribution, and the perfect cover for the fact that the main force is in the higher band.


Then we go to the news game, where, before there was no bar, the winning game was a well-known currency game, but when the bar appeared, it became a game of hide-and-seek for the main force and the pick-up. Good news came out.


Finally, basic analysis, basic analysis in the currency circle, and the exact same stock market, are blindfolded, with a maximum of 50% analysis, all kinds of packaging, all kinds of soft language, every one of which shows up in the clouds. Nothing happens to a good person, nothing happens to a bad person.


So these three rounds, the technically analysed pickles, the basic-faced pickles, the news-reading pickles, were all cut off, and then fell into a daily currency theory, and the roads were ravishing, with all kinds of stump-and-drop operations based on unconscionable beliefs, and were completely lost in the currency market.


At the end of the cow town, the groceries were built up in fanaticism, and the main forces quietly withdrew in fanaticism.


Late in the bear city, the pickles left at a low price, and the main force entered the field at a low price for patient insinuation.


Where are we going to land?


I'll give you the sea light, and listen to this: catching the main currency that has never swollen in the city of Upper Bulls, and the base that has never swollen, with its long-standing base of support, is on a monthly basis, and now prices are historically low in the future.


There is not a city of cattle that rises and does not fall, nor does there be a city of bears, nor is there a city of shocks for ever.


Four seasons a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter are the laws of nature. Winter will pass. More patience!


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