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  巨头布局元宇宙: 一场事先张扬的高调防御战

The Big Bang set up the universe: a pre-opened, high-profile defense.

  作者: 吕倩

Author: Lu Xing

  [ 1月18日,微软宣布以687亿美元全现金方式收购动视暴雪,每股95美元的价格较动视暴雪1月14日的股价溢价45%。 ]

[On 18 January, Microsoft announced a total cash acquisition of $68.7 billion for the storm, at a price of $95 per share compared with the share premium of 14 January for the storm.]


On 18 January, Microsoft announced a total cash acquisition of $68.7 billion for storm snowstorms, at a price of $95 per share compared to a 45 per cent equity premium on 14 January and a lower share price of $103.81 compared to the high value of snowstorms in February 2021.


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadra describes the game in his internal e-mail as “a key role in the development of the meta-cosmos platform”, but it does not seem clear where the flood is going.


In this grotesque wave of technological innovation, dominated by the concept of the meta-cosmos itself, many manufacturers and founders are held hostage: those with weak business growth of their own, those with default defensives when the hotspots arrive, and the vanity of the concept of the meta-cosmos becomes the biggest winner — “the heroes of the world are in our hands”.


The giant's taking the beach position.


With the end of the deal, Microsoft will be the third largest global game company after Tsing and Sony, while brands of famous games, such as the World of the Worms, the Candy Legend, will be included under the Microsoft flag in the future. Together with the storm, Nadera has indicated that it will bring games and socialization to everyone on Earth, creating the best content, socialization, and cloud for game players.


If Microsoft were to stop financing, it would be a big bet that Leu Xuhua, an opportunist who analyses the entertainment industry, told the first financial journalist that the acquisition would cost nearly half of Microsoft's cash assets.


For blizzards, it is appropriate to see them separately — sight, snow, King, where the new COD slogan has been lost to Microsoft 343 Halo, and the next generation will have to rush to work, with the potential for problems arising from the crisis of trust in the company as a whole and the inefficiency caused by the epidemic. Secondly, snowstorms are persistent, and snow core IPs are not so valuable to the mainframe. Finally, King currently has only cash flow and has very little strategic value to the Microsoft mainframe.


According to Liao Xuhua, when there are signs of catching up with their own products, the purchase of their products at a high price is a little self-destructive. Although Microsoft CEO mentions in his internal letter the significance of the game for the meta-cosmos, Microsoft's purchase is mainly for XBox and XGP.


The heat began in October 2021, when Zuckerberg renamed Facebook the Meta and announced the construction of the Metacosm ecosystem. A related practitioner said to the first financial journalist that he did not recognize Facebook as a positive guide for the industry. Following the failure of previous attempts to lead the global digital currency, the metacosystem built on social scenes became a new option.


According to Liao Xuhua, Zuckerberg needs a new business for self-promotion because of the company's social business, political correctness, etc.


At the domestic level, however, the emergence of the concept could not be separated from the “crowding” of large companies.


In October 2021, the director of the XR laboratory of the Ali Bababa Hotel, Tamping, announced the establishment of the XR laboratory at the Ali Babadam Monastery and interpreted the concept of the meta-cosm. He called the meta-cosmos the entire Internet on the AR/VR glasses.


In his view, AR/VR glasses are the next generation of mobile computing platforms that are about to become popular, and the meta-cosmos industry is present on this new platform. From this perspective, the meta-cosmos has a very broad scope, encompassing socialization, electricity, education, play, payment, and all the Internet applications that are familiar today have their own way of presenting themselves in the meta-cosm.

  2021年12月,百度宣布2021 AI开发者大会将在自己所开发的元宇宙产品“希壤”中举办,根据百度官方介绍,《希壤》的造型是一个莫比乌斯环星球,并且加入了众多中国元素,可同时容纳10万人同屏互动。

In December 2021, it was announced that the 2021 AI Developer's Congress would be held in the “Hyoma” of the meta-cosm product that it had developed, which, according to the 100-degree official presentation, was a Mobyuss ring planet and included many Chinese elements that could accommodate 100,000 people at the same time to interact with the screen.


However, with the exposure of the real picture of “Hyoma”, Internet players are ravaging games of rough quality, drawing far below page travel, and the so-called “simulating reality” is merely a 3D model.


During the same period, cyber-intellectuals indicated that they would focus on the next generation of Internet applications, publishing IM+RTC+ Virtual Man Solutions, Game/VR Voice Solutions, Virtual World Digital Content Wind Solutions. The Web Vice-President, Nguyen Liang, Director-General of Cyber-intellectual Enterprises, mentioned in his first book that the core elements of the meta-cosm must be very similar to real societies, with social relationships such as communities, cities, friends, etc.; and, secondly, must be a relatively virtual world parallel to the real world.


In response to a question about the meta-cosmos, at the third quarter of 2021, Executive Director Liu Tseng said: “The company has a great deal of technology and ability to explore and develop the meta-cosmos.” But, in contrast to the meta-cosm concept, the message is more called the “Full Internet”.


Defensive layout hardware and hardware


Whether Microsoft, Meta, or domestic telecommunications, bytes, web access, giants operate more defensively in the meta-cosmos than they see revolutionary innovations at the technical level.


Nguyen Thanh has told the First Money that the network is not currently over-invested in hardware, mainly in software technology, and that hardware works with hardware manufacturers such as HE Xin. "The heat of hardware is linked to the ecological follow-up of content, which can be played, video, social, or entertained."


Nguyen Thanh has judged that the threshold for hardware and software will come — because of its increasing content, it will be necessary to try to innovate in hardware.


After the acquisition, black shark technology will abandon its original mobile phone business and turn its core to VR/AR technology.


Industry said to the first financial journalist that the acquisition was currently under negotiation and that, on the one hand, the merger of black sharks into Tung or CSIG or other business sectors had not yet been determined; on the other hand, it remained to be seen whether there had been a significant change in the trend in Internet giant financing.


From the strategic consideration of black sharks by tweaking, and from the comparison of Microsoft's acquisition of blizzards, the two giant companies arranged from the hardware to the software level.


Rokid’s founder and CEO stated to the first financial journalist that, in the field of the meta-cosmos, the layout of the software is more robust in advance, and hardware is too early to be fixed. The current technology of the so-called meta-cosmos is not yet mature, and it is precisely the idea to consider the acquisition of black sharks that the combination of hardware should not be blocked for the specific form of the product at this point.


There is a similar view at the industry level. One strategic manager of a mobile phone manufacturer said that, for software companies like Microsoft, buying content, even if it was old, would not lose and could be used for ecology or subscriptions, but not necessarily for hardware.


Another long-standing supporter of the VR industry said to the first financial journalist that friends who expected the overall strategy to be oriented towards XR would be disappointed in the short term, and that the current layout of the XR was almost as if the TenVR team had been disbanded three years earlier and would not be included in the group's priority strategy for the time being.


In 2018, the first VR head display device, TenVR, was developed autonomously by InLab, which explores opportunities for collaboration and research and development in the field of smart hardware, taking into account the content of interactive entertainment and user resource advantages. But similar to the 9420 sound when the smart box exploded in the same year, there was no sound, and there was no follow-up to TenVR.


An unknown era of innovation


In response to the current campaign of giants in the realm of the Woncosmos, the founder of the code, Xing Xianxiao-ho, told the first financial reporter that the track that the giants looked at in the early days was largely based on investment and would not immediately end in person, because the industry itself did not run. Until the heat of the future industry became widespread, the burning of money to the market would happen.


What technological areas are worth investing in in in a generalized layout? From 1995 to the early stages of 2020, the light-source capital industry partner, Oh Jian, argued that several aspects deserved close attention: the 3D engine of the head, such as Unreal and Unity, were the prototypes of the world engine; and the components and technologies that built the world engine, such as physical engines, rendering technology, social modules, etc.

  2021年之后的探索阶段可关注XR(Extended Reality)、全息等技术的运用;针对单一场景的改造,即以强交互形式展现各类内容的场景,如视频游戏平台Rec Room;入口硬件设备及配套如VR、AR、MR(Mixed Reality)、XR、手势追踪、面部传感、眼球捕捉、全身追踪和全身传感等多维交互技术等;从视频内容到交互内容的升级;以及优质游戏公司都是可考虑标的。

The exploration phase after 2021 could focus on the application of technologies such as XR (Extended Reality), holoity, etc.; the adaptation of a single scenario, that is, the presentation of a variety of content in a powerful interactive format, such as video game platform Rec Room; entry hardware equipment and support such as VR, AR, MR, XR, tracking of gestures, facial, eye catch, whole-body tracking and whole-body sensation; the upgrading of video content to interactive content; and quality play companies.


The entry phase, on the other hand, is similar to the oasis of the First Player, or the Sword and Sword Dome created by the Mihall, which requires AI to reach a new stage - core technology and basic hardware such as various chips such as GPU, CPU; arithmetic technology, cloud computing, 5G, 6G, low-orbiting satellites, new energy sources, etc.; AI and block chain technology, etc.


And the final meta-cosmos is not a virtual world, nor is it a map of the real world, but a world in which reality and virtuality are fully interwoven and integrated.


What is it in the Woncosmos?


A number of practitioners said to the First Financial Reporter that the Yuan cosmos was a concept similar to that of the Internet, which represented a new era on which a number of technologies and fields were built, but it was clear that it also carried bubbles and bumps, price differentials and bets.


责任编辑:梁斌 SF055


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