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文|雷达财经  梁春富

Brunei radar finance & nbsp; Liang Chun Fu


Edit the deep sea


In recent days, there have been reports that 17 core employees of the encrypted currency exchange's gunnet have been taken into custody. According to reports, "the police have taken 17 core employees of the gun, including Li Lin and Zhu Jia Wei, who, in addition to the top, are the heads of core jobs in the OTC, technical, financial, and large client departments."


On 30 November, following a letter from Weibo the previous night denying the above-mentioned rumours, a lawyer was commissioned to formally prosecute a man from the media and his actual operator for disinformation and serious damage to goodwill. In that statement, the tender re-emphasized that the company currently operates in a normal manner.


Before, Cho Dong, the founder of everyone's beet, and Xu Star, the real boss of OKEx, were investigated, why did the big digital money man get involved repeatedly in the investigation of the vortex?



On the evening of 28 November, 17 core workers, including the founder, were taken away for investigation. According to reports, "the police have taken 17 core workers of the gun, including Lee Lin and Zhu Jia Wei, who, in addition to senior officials, are the heads of core jobs in the OTC, technical, financial, and large client departments."


In response to the rumours, some of the Internet users thought that "it's a lot more serious than OK." There were also rumours that they thought they were "friends."


At 22:51 p.m. that night, the official Twitter account of the gunnet responded by referring to it as "false news" and saying "it's all right."


On 30 November, a further declaration was issued stating that lawyers had been entrusted with the formal prosecution of Liu Weifu, a member of the media and its actual operator, for disinformation and serious damage to goodwill.


On November 28, another article published by the media was also grossly false, suspected of defamation, and had a negative impact on the company’s operations. In its statement, the tender stressed that the company was operating normally. The conduct of the media platform and its operators had seriously violated the tender’s reputation and had a very negative impact, and that it would take legal steps to hold the media accountable and those behind the events to account, defend their interests and legally recover the economic losses caused by the tender.


Radar Finance noticed that, at the end of October, there were rumours that Lee Lin, the founder of the network, and his legal officer, had been taken into custody. On November 2, there were reports that the number two was taken by the police to assist in the investigation.


There were rumours that players began to move their money out of the room. However, the sound of clarification also followed, with several media reports of Li Lin speaking in public. Sign money network executives also spread rumours in circles of friends.


Lee Lin, founder of the Treasure Network, made a statement



In addition to the above-mentioned official statements, as well as the prosecution of the media, the network continues to send a signal to the outside world that "it's all normal".



The scenes of rumours, palace fights, power grabs, violent fortunes, bankruptcy are playing in the face of the currency chain. The digital currency exchange at the top of the food chain of the currency is at the centre of the stage.


At the beginning of the year, a bitcoin price was less than $13. At the end of the year, the price of bitcoin rose to $800, or more than 6,000 per cent.


For speculators, bitcoin plays simply, buys, increases, sells, earns. But, whether it's a bitcoin or a bitcoin, digital money needs a "platform" to trade and pay, and digital money that cannot be in circulation cannot be a really valuable currency.


To this end, the digital currency exchange was created, not only to provide a liquidity function such as the replacement of bitcoins, cash withdrawals, transfers, transactions and payments, but also to manage assets, facilitate transactions (transactions between different digital currencies) and the asset liquidation function, which is simply a "bank" of digital currencies.

除了"银行",数字货币交易所甚至还扮演着证券交易所的角色,使得ICO(Initial Coin Offering)项目成为可能。ICO即为首次代币发行,类似于股票市场的IPO,是区块链项目首次发行代币,募集比特币、以太坊等通用数字货币的行为。

In addition to "banks," the digital currency exchange even plays the role of a stock exchange, making it possible for the ICO project to be issued for the first time as a token, similar to the IPO in the stock market, for the first time as a block chain project to raise money for generic digital currencies, such as bitcoin and tatters.


Moreover, the exchange has futures and financial management functions that are equivalent to the attributes of financial institutions such as futures exchanges and bond dealers.


Digital money exchanges, however, have other functions that are not available in ordinary exchanges.


The digital currency exchange at the top of the food chain in the currency ring is profitable.


First, transaction fees, which serve as a platform, digital currency transactions, conversions, charging charges, interest on deposits, etc., are all profitable forms of exchange.


In addition, the digital currency exchange can obtain significant commissions or currency fees in the context of the ICO project, as well as a Token (demonstration or pass) to become a shareholder in the project. In addition, some digital currency exchanges can launch their own ICO project.


According to the information received, the rates vary from exchange to exchange, ranging from several million yuan to several hundred bits, more than a million.


Also in 2013, when Bitcoin turned red, Li Lin set up a network of digital money exchanges. Initially, the network, under the slogan "no transaction fee," quickly became China’s largest bitcoin trading platform.


Li Lin is also the real controlr of a listed company. On 30 August 2018, the Coal Group completed a purchase deal with the Hong Kong Stock Board company, the owner of which became the real controlling party, and Li Lin acquired 73.73% of the shares transferred by the owner of the stock holding the stock.


On September 10, 2019, a circular was issued stating that the name would be changed to military currency technology.


As of August 2019, there were more than 10 million gun users worldwide, with a cumulative turnover of more than 2 trillion USDT (one USDT equals $1).


Li Lin also dug up a lot of gold from it. On March 9, 2020, the Hu Yun Institute released the "2020 Hu-yun World's Young Men's Book of Rich Men, "Li Lin is on the list." Together with him, the founder of another exchange, OkCoin, Xu Sing.


In 2020, Li Lin was a family of 7.5 billion yuan and was only 38 years old.



The booming digital currency exchange is rife.

蔡凯龙曾举例说明:"我们有一个独立第三方的数字货币交易的公司叫做coin market它的任务就是收集每家交易所的交易量和交易上的品种的价格。有个学者对它收集的交易量做了一个分析,他发现大部分的交易所的交易量都是假的,1/3以上交易所都有虚报交易量的这种嫌疑。你看交易量都可以作假,这是多么一个不透明的一个市场。"

Chai Kailong once gave the example: "We have an independent third-party company that deals in digital money called coin markt, whose job is to collect the prices of each exchange's transactions and the variety of transactions on the deal. A scholar analyses the volume of transactions it collects, and he finds that most of the exchanges are fake, and more than one third of the exchanges are under the suspicion of overstatement. You can see that the volume of transactions is fake, and what an opaque market is."


In fact, for the digital currency exchange, the regulator has already done so.


On 4 September 2017, the seven central ministries issued a bulletin on the prevention of the risk of financing the issuance of money in exchange, which called for the suspension of the ICO and characterized it as an illegal financial activity.


"The currency or `virtual currency' used in the financing of the issuance of tokens is not issued by the monetary authority, has no legal and compulsory monetary attributes, has no legal status equivalent to that of the currency, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market." The bulletin states.


As a result, all domestic digital currency exchanges were shut down for a limited period and new user registrations were suspended.


Under the circumstances of the events of 9 April, currency-circumstance players are hiding abroad.


On 15 September 2017, the Network issued an announcement stating that registration and renminbi replenishment operations would be suspended as of that date, and that all users would be informed by 30 September of the imminent cessation of transactions. Meanwhile, all digital assets would be phased out in a sequence of transactions against the renminbi by 31 October.


During this phase, a global layout of the gun has begun, with stations in Korea, Japan, the United States, Russia, etc.


According to skylight, the China Seafall Bureau of the Beijing Municipal Administration of Commerce and Industry has been listed on the business anomaly list because of the lack of access to registered residences or places of business. It is known that, under strict supervision, the digital currency exchange, which is unable to see the country, hides the real office addresses of its operators in order to avoid exposure and cause trouble.


A total of 937 documents were retrieved on the award book network, using "digital currency" as the key word. The digital currency exchange was thunderstorms, and there were no fewer people who ran the money.



On October 8, 2019, the Deer Exchange platform officially went live, launched the USDT Red Pack campaign on November 11, and began to subscribe to the platform’s excess currency by 17. On October 18, only one day, the exchange declared that it could not fully open its cold wallet because of the platform’s technical problems.


In February 2020, the one-time digital currency exchange, Fcoin, crashed, leaving ten yuan worth of bitcoins unaffordable. Shortly after, the founder of Fcoin, Zhang Jian’s parents-in-law and sister-in-law were surrounded by angry defenders.


In June, the founder of RenrenBit (Bet), Zhao Dong, also suspected of having been taken by the Hangzhou police to assist the investigation, was alleged by the media to be suspected of “concealing the proceeds of crime” because of OTC (off-site transactions).


On October 16, OKEx issued an announcement stating that some of the company’s private key owners were cooperating with the public security authorities’ investigations in recent days and that they were currently in a state of disassociation, which made it impossible to complete the authorization.


On the morning of November 20, the O.K.O.K.S. Xu, who was the first to respond to a recent police investigation in a circle of friends, "I was asked to cooperate in the investigation because the M.A. involved a complex judicial case. So far, the judiciary has found out the facts and cleared me. "The Xu Star says.


In the case of digital money giants, there is an analysis by the industry that the currency is hidden in a hidden corner, the human greed is amplified indefinitely, and the industry travels into grey areas, leading to the repeated involvement of digital money giants in the vortex.


Radar Finance (ID:leidacj)


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