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encryption investment has been about winning narratives, not "fundamentals," and this is unlikely to change in the short term.


The good news is that there's never been a better environment than today, and there may even be some “fundamentals” introduced to support these things, and I very much appreciate the prospect of an encrypted market in 2021. The optimism is not beyond common understanding. I think that the next cow market will be the Great Bull City, and the price of Bitcoins will reach at least $100,000 before 2021, and at the peak of this week the total market value of the encrypted currency market will hit $3 trillion.


1 “藍籌股”:真實價值與相對價值



the most frustrating of the 2017 ICO booms was that so many intelligent people were fascinated by the idea that a few dozen encrypted currencies might eventually become viable investments. So many of these coins could make a huge overflow of currency, which we argued from day one that the “currency” was a win-win market, where even the competitor’s failure would need to provide a different sign to win the long tail market. On the other hand, the “functional” currency would either find a way to capture the Internet’s costs, or disappear as a result of the creation of a cash-producing network.


the argument is confirmed, and because we see actual usage, it is easier to consider assets on the basis of relative and fundamental driving. The boundaries are blurred, but we usually divide encrypted assets by six categories: 1, currency (mainly workload proof currency, e.g. BTC), 2, smart platform currency (ETH and its friends), 3, encrypted dollar (stabilized currency), 4, deFi currency, 5, anchored & synthetic capital, 6, Web3/NFT, .


If you compare bitcoins to other PoWs, you'll find that bitcoins have a market of about 90%. If you compare ETHs to other smart contract platforms, ETHs will probably have a rate of nearly 70%. A large group of people will probably think that “ETH is currency, but I personally think that bitcoins and platform coins like ETHs are different.


The market's “dominant position” may not affect VC's exposure to currency stability, but it can help you monitor systemic risks. To date, Tether still accounts for 75% of the market value of the dollar's fixed currency market.


DeFi and Web3/NFT, and synthetics have more customized value drivers.



Field isolation is not just a practice of relative valuation analysis, which helps us to identify key KPI indicators for particular domains. We may be concerned about inflation rates and chain movements of currency, platform surrogates' stagking and network fees, and DeFi network infusion/fee drives. We are still trying to figure out what factors are important for the entire transaction, and it may take a long time to agree on the encryption of new asset pricing models.




Looking back to 2020, in the wake of the new crown epidemic and the ensuing blockade, we saw the true story of Bitcoins: central banks increased their asset debt statements by trillions of dollars, the principal debt dollar was converted to record levels, and the real rate of return was pushed down to record levels (permanent impact).


In short, the modern currency theory (which considers the state's ability to use deficit spending and debt monetization to be essentially unlimited) has not only been regulated, but has become a policy in 2020. The authorities will not even pretend to limit spending, while the US government is divided, could have a huge impact. If the Democratic Party wins the Georgian elections in January this year, this will improve the prospects for an uncontrolled fiscal stimulus and fuel the oil boom around the Bitcoins and other financial and hard capital. If the country remains divided, the printing machine will continue to print money.


The difference today and a few years ago is that bitcoins have become more important in grand discourse and that they have become stronger as a gold substitute.

保羅·都鐸·瓊斯(Paul Tudor Jones)將比特幣稱為“最快的馬”;斯坦利·德魯肯米勒(Stanley Druckenmiller)表示,比特幣押注可能比黃金更有效;Chamath Palihapitiya認為,每個人都應將其資產的1%用於投資比特幣;Bill Miller則強烈推薦投資者擁有比特幣敞口;摩根大通寫道,家族理財辦公室可能會將比特幣視為黃金的替代品; Raoul Pal表示,比特幣是一個超大的黑洞;

Paul Tudor Jones called Bitcoins the fastest horse; Stanley Druckenmiller said that bitcoins might be more effective than gold; Shamath Palihapitiya argued that everyone should use 1% of their assets to invest bitcoins; Bill Miller strongly recommended investors to have bitcoins; Morgan Chase wrote that family finance offices might treat bitcoins as a substitute for gold; Raoul Pal said that bitcoins were a superb black hole;


not only means the inflow of capital of these particular investors, but it also represents a trend.

全球頂尖的機構資金管理者終於參與了進來,通過消除與加密投資相關的風險,他們已經像馬克·安德森(a16z)和弗雷德·威爾遜(Fred Wilson)(USV)在2013年為加密風險投資所做的那樣,在2021年打開機構配置加密資產的閘門。

The world's top institutional fund managers are finally involved, and by eliminating the risks associated with an investment in encryption, they have opened up the encryption doors in 2021, as Mark Anderson and Fred Wilson (USV) did in 2013 to invest in encryption risks.


If you stop reading here, follow the leader and allocate a portion of your investment to bitcoins, then you may have a great 2021.


3 Etheria:




in the Etheria (and more extensive intellectual contracts) domain, there's too much to discuss, and you'll find content about Ether's applications, almost everywhere in this report.


As a bitcoin's ambition is likely to be an important year, but Etheeum has become the most important platform for encryption, a new financial system and a more open and dynamic Internet.


In terms of the economic value of the transactions that took place on the Internet, in 2021, Ethio would have been even above bitcoin.


This year, over $1 trillion in real value has been processed on the Taiwan platform, a number that exceeds PayPal. There is a challenge on the table, but its vitality is undeniable, and it will continue to be a noteworthy platform in 2021.

4 DeFi: 無銀行的未來


if you want to start from the beginning to create a new financial system: payments, loans, insurance, equity and exchange, first of all, you realize that there is a lot of work to do from today's Federal Deposit Insurance (FIDC) insurance financial systems and etrade accounts to encryption.



A parallel financial system requires, first and foremost, a synthetic dollar, capital creation and management, basic lending and reference data infrastructure to sustain asset hooks. Broadening the scale, and competing interest rates and spreads with centralised solutions, requires strong incentives for capital providers. If you know how these markets operate, you will have to face the lack of circuit breakers and refunds, you will have to protect deposits from “bank squeezes” and hacker attacks, and you will also need clear risk management of silent recognition, anti-exploitation precautions and low-cost insurance against technical errors.

聽起來很有趣嗎?好吧,有了Maker(加密美元)、Uniswap(自動做市商)、Compound(流動性挖礦)、Balancer(動態流動性池再平衡)、YFI(智能資產管理)、Aave (閃電貸)、 ChainLink(數據預言機)、SushiSwap(防禦對策)、CVP(代理聚合)以及bZx(去中心化漏洞獎勵協議),我們有了一些構建一個完全去中心化和算法化的金融系統所需的構建塊例子。

sounds interesting? Okay, with Maker (encrypted dollar), Uniswap (auto-marketer), Compound (fluent mining), Balancer (motivated pool rebalancing), YFI (smart asset management), Aave (blitz lending), ChainLink (digital predictor), SushiSwap (advocacy), CVP (agent fusion) and bZx (decentralization gap incentive agreement), we have some examples of building blocks for a completely decentralized and numeric financial system .


The only thing I see that slows down the growth of the industry will be precedental surveillance of top market projects.


5 >/span style=font-size: medium;" >Stable currency: swallows an encrypted market


the numbers sometimes explain a lot of things. This year, the size and use of the stable currency have experienced explosive growth. Today, more than $20 billion of “encrypted dollars” have stabilized the supply of the currency, driving up hundreds of billions of dollars of transactions. Ironically, the dollar remains the reserve of the encrypted currency, with more encrypted dollar applications going online, and with the introduction of its own central bank digital currency scheme, there is no sign of a weakening of the steady growth of the currency.


Although people fear that Tether might be hit by surveillance, this first steady currency continues to grow, and leads to its fine market (and most of the international encrypted currency exchange is finished). Without steady currency surges, DeFi's explosive growth this year may not occur, and there's $11 billion worth of USDT on the Tether platform, which is second only to the ETH itself in terms of the economic value stored in the Tethan chain.


bit currency will remain indefinitely as the most valuable digit currency (encrypted or stable), but not necessarily in Ether and its peers. US dollar stability on a smart contract platform, and the country-issued central bank digit currency (CBDC) will exceed its own market value within two to three years. It is not clear what this means for the security of a smart contract platform.


6encrypt credit: lock value


The biggest Gospel of encryption currency in the past year has been the explosive growth of the encrypt currency market. Centralised service providers, such as BlockFi, Genesis, Bitgo and Galaxy of institutional borrowers, as well as DeFi loan agreements such as Comboud, Aave and Maker, have gone through many years and have brought greater fluidity and stability (long term!) to the highly volatile market for encrypted currency.


and they help to promote the use of new applications that require stable base currency and lower transaction prices. More importantly, lenders are locked in an encrypted economy and far away from tax agents.


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In DeFi and in centralized services, the availability of mortgages on the chain may significantly reduce the pressure on the next upmarket to sell. This is true for both investors in the diaspora and institutional investors. And triggering a series of liquidations, though world-end scenarios, seems more like a post-cycle rather than an early risk. The maturity of encrypted credit markets is more likely to create one of the most dynamic cattle markets.


7synthetic assets: visiting

灰度交易、比特幣ETF、DeFi財富前線、封裝資產(Wrapped Assets)、預測市場、加密交易“證券”、鏈上指數基金、DAO、可編程金融資產……

Grey trading, Bitcoin ETF, DeFi wealth front, sealing property (Wrapped Assets), predicting the market, crypto-trading “certificates”, chain pointing funds, DAO, programmable financial assets


every kind of financial asset you can think of will be linked to encryption one day, and synthetic technology will prove that this change will happen sooner than we understand. I don't want to destroy this part of it in advance, but if you're in the camp of "a chain rather than a bitcoin," that's the purple part of the pill, and it will excite the millennium readers.


8base application: untie with large encryption exchange

交易所是加密市場最達800磅的大猩猩,它們賺了所有的錢,它們接觸了所有用戶,它們也參與了幾乎所有業務,包括交易、託管、借貸、Staking、研究、數據、治理以及VC 。這似乎讓很多人懷疑加密經濟到底是不是去中心化的。但用戶擁有的力量,其實遠比人們想像的要更多。將資金撤出大型交易所可能會產生轉換成本,但這仍然很普遍。

the exchange is the most 800-pound gorilla in the crypto market, and they make all the money, they reach all the users, and they are involved in almost all the businesses, including transactions, trustees, loans, Staking, research, data, governance, and VC. This seems to make many people wonder if the encryption economy is not centralized. But users have far more power than people think.

而且這要比換銀行容易得多!近幾個月來,由於對監管的擔憂,資本從BitMEX、OKEx、幣安等大型交易所撤離的情況非常常見。 2020年,資金從中心化交易所轉移到了合規託管方、基金經理以及移動錢包當中,而交易量則從中心化交易所轉移到主要的經濟商和DeFi市場。

and it's much easier to change banks! In recent months, capital has been withdrawn from large exchanges such as BitMEX, OKEx, and Money Ann, due to concerns about supervision. In 2020, funds were transferred from centralized exchanges to sub-contractors, fund managers, and mobile wallets, while turnover moved from centralized exchanges to major economics and the DeFi market.


As their prices and charges tighten, the encryption market has begun to untie (very slowly) the trading giants. A credible interface with the wider encryption economy will continue to be more important than a deep order and a 100-fold casino.



we will keep an eye on the percentage of exchange deposits in the market value of the entire encrypt currency market to indicate whether it continues to rise or weaken.


I'm not betting that they will fall, but rather that they will become more active in the growth of the drone.

9 Web3和NFT:數字資源經濟

今年秋天,(儘管在最後時刻出現了一些問題)我們終於迎來了期待已久的去中心化存儲網絡Filecoin的發布。此後,其它存儲解決方案(Sia,Storj,Arweave)也得到了推動,諸如Orchid (VPN)、Livepeer(視頻轉碼)以及Helium(IoT設備網絡)等去中心化網絡工具也出現了。這些去中心化的硬件市場,可以說是確保網絡在未來幾年保持開放所需的最重要的基礎架構網絡。

This autumn, we finally got the long-awaited release of the decentralised storage network Filecoin. Other storage solutions, such as Orchid (VPN), Livepeer (video transfer) and Helium (Iot installation network), have also been pushed forward. These centralized hardware markets can be described as the most important building blocks needed to make sure that the Internet remains open in the coming years.


District Chains are not just currency and DeFi, Web3 platforms that open the door to new digital prototypings, such as virtual reality games and digital art, new content and data licensing and non-censorshipable DNS.

我贊成這樣一個論點:“迄今為止,幾乎所有類型的NFT都可能最終受到青睞,” 並且Web3平台打開了原生數字未來的大門,比特幣和智能合約平台主要是去中心化金融系統的火車頭,但Web3網絡和NFT是更開放的互聯網的真正關鍵組成部分。

I agree with the argument that: “To date, almost all types of NFTs are likely to end up in the sun.” And the Web3 platform opens the door to the future of original numbers, and the Bitcoins and smart contracts platform are primarily the train head of the centralised financial system, but Web3 and NFT are the real key components of a more open network.





Every peak and valley market period is an illusion, and the collapse of bitcoins has led supervisors to believe that the passing fashion will end up dead and not worthy of supervision.

現在,市值已達5000億美元的加密市場,以及每年數万億美元的交易額,實在讓人難以忽視。幸運的是,較大的投資者、遊說實體,甚至是監管者(現在是參議員!)在美國內部都已開始使用該系統。我已將其稱為“比特幣叛亂”,當他們在華盛頓特區(以及布魯塞爾,東京和全球其他權力中心)發揮自己的魔力時,我們當中的一些人將開始思考最終的通道:how to rebuild a crypto-inspired nation-state。

Now, it's hard to lose sight of the encrypted market, which is worth $500 billion, and the hundreds of billions of dollars a year. Fortunately, larger investors, lobbyists, and even supervisors (now senators!) are already using the system inside the United States. I have called it the “bit currency rebellion”, and some of us will begin to think about the ultimate path when they do their magic in Washington, D.C. (and in Brussels, Tokyo, and other global power centres): How to restore a crypto-inspired national status .




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