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Original title: Three Sage Investment Opportunities

原文作者:Ash,Bitcoin Square

Source: Ash, Bitcoin Square.

從昨天比特幣減半Runes 協議上線到現在已經快一天半了,大家無論在群組裡還是space 都在等倒數計時再到頂著高gas 開啟打符文的階段,都有點像在慶祝節日一樣,現在已經有4700+的符文項目上線,礦工費相對於昨天降了很多,我們可以靜下心再進行梳理一下符文項目以及投資的建議,可以分為三大類的機會:

It's almost a day and a half since the Bitcoin half-Runes agreement went online, and you're waiting in the group or the space for the countdown to the top of the Gas to open the symphony segment, just as you're celebrating the festival, and there's already 4,700+ symphony items on the line, and mining costs have dropped a lot for yesterday, so we can be quiet about collating the symphony items and proposals for investment, and we can divide them into three types of opportunities:


The Bitcophone Runes Agreement goes online, which items are worth noting?

0/ UNCOMMON?GOODS 由@rodarmor casey 部署,一共4 年時間無上限可以參與,有點類似brc20 中的sats,總量大,有著最好的敘事,畢竟是0 號符文,建議大家可以在之後gas在低的情況下進行參與,比特幣的敘事不會只來一次。

0/UNCOMMON? GOODS is deployed by @rodarmor Casey for a total of four years, with no limit for participation, a bit like sats in brc20, with a total amount of the best talk, after all, a 0 sign, suggesting that you can be involved later in Gas under low circumstances, and not just once in Bitcoin.

1/ Z?Z?Z?Z?Z?FEHU?Z?Z?Z?Z?Z 一號符文也是在昨天經歷了烏龍事件,最開始大家都認為是@FehuLayer,同時也看到3月份的推文,專案方正在收集ORDI, Runestone 和RSIC 的持有者地址,任務4 月30 日結束,有興趣可以去參與一下,但肯定不是1 號符文了。真正部署者是@RuneFehu,昨天下午已在鏈上確認了真實性,但目前專案方只是介紹了自己是如何進行部署的,還未公佈下一步的細節。

1/Z? Z? Z? Z? Z? FEHU? Z? Z? Z? Z? Z? Z also experienced the Ulong incident yesterday, first known as @FehuLayer, and also seen the March tweets, and the project is collecting the addresses of the holders of ORDI, Runestone and RSIC. The mission ended on April 30th, and interested in participating, but certainly not one. The real deployment was @RuneFehu, who confirmed the truth on the chain yesterday afternoon, but the details of how he was deployed are not yet made public.

2/ DECENTRALIZED @CyberKongz 專案方已挖完用於空投,是最晚進入pre runes 的項目,最開始的NFT 就是空投開局的,免費的就是最貴的,符文上線就搶到了排名2 號的符文,NFT 的價格也是水漲船高,地板也是漲了2–3 倍,再來空投給持有人,相對於其他格局很大,官宣了@decentralized02為符文DECENTRALIZED 的推特帳戶,目前還沒有進行快照,可以持續關注。

2/ DECENTRALIZED @CyberKongz project has been excavated for airdrops and entered the preruns project at the latest. The first NFT is an airdrop opening, free of charge, the most expensive, the caption number 2, the price of NFT is high, the floor is two to three times higher, and the holder is again empty. For other patterns, the official @decentralized02 is the twitter account of DECTRALIZED, which has not yet taken a quick look and can be followed up.

3/ DOG?GO?TO?THE?MOON @LeonidasNFT 符文石項目,會100% 空投給Runestone 的持有者,快照將在區塊840269 進行,最為pre runes 項目熱度很高的項目,很多項目都是給符石的持有者白名單或空投,目前NFT 價格沒有大幅變化,可以期待這個項目以及之後的符文代幣。

3/ DOG? GO? TOO? THE? MOON @LeonidasNFT mosaic items will be dropped on Runestone's holder by 100% and the snapshot will be carried out on block 840269, the most hot item of the Pre Runs item, many of which are white lists or blanks for the bearers of the stone, and the current NFT prices have not changed significantly, and it can be expected that this item, and the later token currency, will be followed.

4/ THE?RUNIX?TOKEN @BVMnetwork 是做比特幣的L2,前一周還與io 合作探索AI 的BTC L2,該符文是BVM 旗下RuneChain 的項目,其NFT Runer 的持有者需要將Runers 連接到RuneChain 可以開始啟動採礦能力,開啟後錢包中看不到這個NFT 資產,停用時將從RuneChain 橋接進入比特幣錢包,目前官網已開通符文Swap 功能。玩法多樣化。

4/ THE? RUNIX? TOKEN @BVMNETwork is a bitcoin L2 and worked with Io the previous week to explore BTC L2 of AI, which is a BVM-flagged Rune Chain project whose NFT Runer holder needs to connect Runers to RuneChain to start mining capacity. This NFT asset is not visible in the open wallet and will be transferred from the RuneChain bridge to the bitcoin wallet at the end of the week.

5/ DOG?DOG?DOG?DOG?DOG,匿名團隊,目前全預挖,沒有更多細節。


6/ SATOSHI?NAKAMOTO 匿名團隊,有龍頭的跡象,首先是名字中本聰,其次,是前10 ticker 裡最少的預留20%,也是目前持幣地址最多的符文,已接近20000 的數量,是這一天來交易量最大的符文,在今天中午也是在Gate 交易所上線。目前地板價為9450 sats,市值為120M。

6 SATOSHI? NAKAMOTO's anonymous team, with signs of dragonheads, first of all, a minimum of 20% reserved in the first 10 tocker, the highest number of tokens in the current currency, close to 20,000, is the biggest deal this day, and it's also on the Gate Exchange today at noon. The floor price is now 9,450 sats, with a market value of 120M.

7/ MEME?ECONOMICS 匿名團隊,預約了20%,總量大,錢包位址數也才3500 多,不建議參與。

7/MEME? ECONOMICS anonymous team, estimated at 20%, with a total of over 3,500 wallet addresses, is not recommended for participation.

8/ RSIC?GENESIS?RUNE @rune_coin 是由RSIC METAPROTOCOL 專案方已全部預留,之後會根據積分空投給先前挖礦的NFT 使用者。今天早上專案方開始頂著高gas 進行空投的發放,花費超過6 BTC,單號可以獲得萬U 左右的收益,下午有一波拋壓捲地板行為,錢包地址數量僅次於6 號符文為11000 +個,現在價格18sats 左右,市值約2.6 億。玩法多樣,之前還有關於稀有度、加成挖礦、抽獎等玩法,專案方也計劃進行第二階段活動。

8/ RSIC?GENESSIS? RUNE @rune_coin is reserved by the RSIC METAPROTOCOL project, which will then be delivered to former NFT users on the basis of the build-up. This morning the project started to launch airdrops on high Gas, costing more than 6 BTCs, with a single wave of swing floors, after 11,000 + the number of wallets and now around 18 sats, with a market value of about 2.6 billion. Multi-playing, followed by games on rareness, mining, drawing prizes, etc.

9/ LOBO?THE?WOLF?PUP 專案方為@_BuoyantCapital,會將全部空投給Runestone 和Rune Doors 持有者,Rune Doors 的NFT 的地板價也從公佈消息到現在翻了5 倍。

9 LOBO? THE?WOLF? WOLF?PUP project @_BuoyantCapital will drop all of it to the Runestone and Rune Doors holders, and the NFT floor price of Rune Doors has also increased fivefold since the release of the news.


bitcoin Runs on line, which items are worth noting?

1/ COOK?THE?MEMPOOL:編號37,公平mint 沒有預留,還沒開始mint,限時不限量,mint 區塊在844032–848064,差不多還有4000 個區塊開始,大家可以留意關注下。

1/ COOK?THE? MEMPOOL: No. 37, fair mind not reserved, not started mint, not limited in time, mint blocks at 844032–848064, about 4,000 blocks to start, and you can keep an eye on them.

2/ WANKO?MANKO?RUNES:Casey 評論並推文對該符文表示欣賞,公平限時mint,總量共計7525 張,持幣地址數為1800+,項目方轉發推文後符文價格飆升,一天約5 倍漲幅。

2/ WANKO? MANKO? RUNES: Casey comments and quotes that the symbol is appreciated by the fair time mint, with a total of 7525 notes with a currency address of 1,800+, with a price hike of about 5 times a day after the item has been retransmitted.


bitcoin Runs

3/ INU?NI?MAKEMASEN:Casey 在WANKO 的推文評論中發了這個全稱,預留1%,總量共計20790 張,持幣地址數為2800+,市值60w。

3/ INU?NI? MAKEMASEN: Casey wrote this in a tweet from WANKO, setting aside 1% of the total number of 20790, with a currency address of 2,800+ and a market value of 60w.


bitcoin Runs

4/ ORDINALS?ARE?DEAD 今天下午Leonidas 發推提到,也是大家常說的meme 梗,高gas 很快mint 結束,總量66666 張,持幣地址數為6000+。

4/ORDINALS? ARE? DEAD mentioned this afternoon by Leonidas, which is what you often say is "meme ", and high Gas will soon end in mint, with a total of 66666 and a currency address of 6,000+.


bitcoin Runs, which items are worth noting?

前兩週BRC-20 中的木偶、巫師強大的社區及購買力使得銘文價格飆升,各社區也公佈了其擁有BRC-20 銘文以及NFT 後對於符文分配的情況,大家可以持續關注13 號符文PUPS?WORLD?PEACE、17 號符文MAGIC?INTERNET?MONEY,以及其推特、Discord 有無最新動態。

The puppets, the strong communities of witches and the buying power of the BRC-20 in the previous two weeks had led to an increase in the price of money, and the communities had announced their ownership of the BRC-20 and the distribution of symbols after the NFT, and you could keep an eye on the 13th symbol PUPS?WORD?PEACE, 17 symbol MAGIC?INTERNET?MONEY, and its Twitter, Discord, no new movement.


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