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Original title: The long-term price of Bitcoin will be zero


i. Bitcoin application scene and strong regulatory risk


1.1 bitcoin is the perfect tool for the payment of illegal transactions


What's the biggest role of bitcoin? We can explain bitcoin's role through a simple bitcoin application.


The two individuals who were supposed not to meet anywhere on Earth, at any time, through banks or other credible third parties, and without using the legal currency in any country, succeeded in producing payment acts. This was virtually impossible before Bitcoin was born, and it became easy to do when Bitcoin was born, and that was the case for Bitcoin.


Does this application have any value?


The key to value lies in the identity of the user.


If the user is an ordinary person, the Bitcoin application scenario is of little practical value compared to the current mature centralized payment system.


In traditional Hollywood movies, drug dealers, black market arms dealers, kidnappers, and so on, usually use methods such as diamonds, gold, cash, etc. that the government cannot regulate the flow of payments, and bitcoin can make it easier for both parties to meet.


In the real world, the first criminals to realize the value of bitcoin and actively use bitcoin were indeed criminals. In October 2013, the FBI raided the drug-trading website & ldquo; Silk Road & rdquo; received 144,000 bitcoins; in September 2015, Hong Kong’s wealthy businessman Huang Qun was taken out to dinner and the kidnappers demanded a ransom in bitcoin; in May 2017, hackers stole an unpublished Disney film and demanded a ransom for bitcoin from Disney; in May 2017, the virus broke out in Wannacry, with at least 150 countries and 300,000 users, and the hackers extorted bitcoin for ransom, and the Hunnacry controllers went free of ransom to more than 300,000 people.


1.2 Keys for the Government to allow or prohibit the circulation of Bitcoin


As a new technology that is ground-breaking for criminal offences, Bitcoin is naturally at risk of being strongly regulated by government agencies, which treats bitcoin in an ad hoc, discretionary and proscriptive manner.


But monetary authorities like central banks will soon find that the regulation of bitcoins is not operational at all. The design of bitcoins in China was designed to create a complete match, without any financial institutions, and without the need for third-party support.


Just as the United States Government is simply unable to ensure that every gun fired by a legitimate holder is legal, and that a dollar cash is used for legal or illegal payments is completely unsupervised, when the Government finds it completely impossible to regulate the Bitcoin transaction, it has the option of allowing or prohibiting the Bitcoin transaction.


China does not prohibit guns, but it does not prohibit knives. The difference between guns and knives.


The key is whether Bitcoin can have a sufficiently positive impact on ordinary people’s lives, the more secure it is. Bitcoin will play a similar role if it can fully cut into circulation and improve ordinary people’s pay efficiency; and Bitcoin will end up with a similar gun if it remains outside ordinary people’s lives, supported mainly by criminals, speculators, idealists, anarchists, and used in illicit transactions to pay or speculators.


Bitcoin, because of the needs of criminals in conflict with the law, is like holding a government-controlled time bomb that could explode at any time, while the key to Bitcoin's own rescue is full access to ordinary life.


Is it possible that bitcoin could be fully integrated into the area of circulation and become a real currency?


II. What money humans need, the economic risk of Bitcoin


My conclusion is that Bitcoin is simply not a real currency, and its shortcomings are as obvious as its merits.


The essence of money is that it is an intermediary, medium, means of improving the efficiency of people-to-people transactions (the function of the money-exchange medium). As money becomes an intermediary in transactions, money is also used to measure the intrinsic value of tradable goods and services (the unit function of the currency) and is willing to hold a certain amount of money in preparation for future transactions (the value-storage function of the currency).


2.1 Humans need money that can be increased indefinitely


The currency patterns and forms that humans use have been changing, but every time they abandon old currencies and use new ones, there is only one reason why new currencies can provide a more efficient trade in human society. Humans abandon the gold standard and no longer use gold as a currency, in essence because gold is being mined at a rate that does not keep pace with the growth in the capacity of human goods and services, and humans do not hesitate to abandon the gold standard when the production of gold is insufficient to limit the efficiency of the trade.


According to the Fitch equation, the currency total (M) multiplied by the currency circulation rate (V) is equal to the average price of the commodity (P) multiplied by the total traded commodity volume (T), i.e. MV = PT.


In the real world, we assume that the pace of currency flows (V) is more stable, based on statistics of nominal GDP, currency volume and currency circulation in the United States for the period 1960-2010; that the government wants to maintain price stability in order to avoid inflation or deflation affecting economic growth, i.e. the average price of commodities (P); and that scientific and technological progress will increase commodity production, and that population growth will increase the supply of services, i.e. the total volume of traded goods (T) will grow over time. The final conclusion is that, as production capacity grows, humanity will need an ever-increasing monetary aggregate (M).


Because the amount of bitcoins is fixed and cannot increase indefinitely, this makes bitcoins unable to meet the growing demand for money aggregates as capacity grows, which will seriously affect the efficiency of the transactions brokered by bitcoins, resulting in Bitcoins not being able to fully enter the circulation area and Bitcoins never becoming a real currency.


2.2 bitcointoneflationalneflation


Bitcoin, which seeks to fix the total, is actually sacrificed by price stability as measured by bitcoin, that is, prices as measured by bitcoin are declining over the long term (expressed in the upward trend of bitcoin against the United States dollar as the number of holders increases), which is called deflation.


Fortunately, no country currently uses bitcoin as a currency for compulsory circulation, so the danger of bitcoin deflation is that when bitcoin prices are so high as to become unmarketable after speculators expect, the transaction price will fall. We assume that there is a bitcoin-denominated bitcoin kingdom, where the residents of bitcoin emigrate when the bitcoin kingdom faces severe deflation.


Some of the supporters of Bitcoin point out that while the amount of bitcoin is fixed, because of the unique nature of bitcoin that can be cut indefinitely, the fixed amount of bitcoin can still meet the growing demand of humankind for the total amount of money, that is, that one bitcoin is sufficient for all, and that there is no deflation in bitcoin.


When economic development leads to an insufficient amount of money flowing in the market, central banks choose to inject more money into the market to ensure price stability and liquidity. When bitcoin is not needed, Bitcoin does not increase to the needs of the user, but rather chooses to cut bitcoins, assuming that people used to buy a pizza with one bitcoin each time, and then one tenth, one-thousand bitcoins with one tenth, one-thousand bitcoins.


What is the difference between cutting bitcoin and adding bitcoin when bitcoin is not needed?


The difference is one that leads to different expectations. People will soon realize that the more people use bitcoins, the more each bitcoins are worth, so the rational act is to hoard bitcoins, such as the founder of the currency exchange, Zhao Changjun, & ldquo; I usually buy all bitcoins once when I receive them. Then, when I need to consume them, I sell a coin & rdquo;


What is the problem for bitcoin in view of rising and opting for long-term possession of bitcoin?


It is Bitcoin that has lost liquidity, bitcoin that has become unlike a currency, and like a family heirloom, many bitcoin holders may be looking at bitcoin as a family heirloom. And & ldquo; gold on the line & rdquo; is the metaphor of many bitcoin supporters for bitcoin, but gold is no longer a currency in circulation.


Many bitcoin supporters believe that a strict quantitative cap on bitcoin is an advantage, but I think that makes bitcoin unlikely to be a real currency, and bitcoin could only be a toy currency.


2.3 Unlimited increases in currency do not necessarily result in excess.


A lot of Bitcoin supporters argue that bitcoin can help ordinary people to fight inflation and government currency abuses. The question is, if Bitcoin’s anti-inflationary approach is deflationary, will this cost society be able to afford it?


The problem with the initial use of commodity currencies of intrinsic value (gold, silver) is that the Government has no control over the supply of money and that when the supply of gold and silver is insufficient, the economy is in a state of deflation, such as during the last year's silver years, the war record, the harvest and the sale of silver by the people.


When humans abandon the gold standard and use legal currencies that do not have intrinsic value, the government realizes that it has the ability to make a few stones. By printing banknotes, the government can turn paper into a genuinely purchasing currency, and countries with independent French coins seem to have the capacity to make a few stones, but why is there still a large number of poor countries in the world?


According to human practice and historical lessons, the excess currency of government can only lead in the long term to hyperinflation and an increase in the amount of money in circulation in the economy, but production of goods and services in the economy does not increase proportionately (and monetary neutrality is present in the long-term analysis). What humans need to consume is real goods and services, and humans cannot sustain their lives by eating French coins.


In a long-term analysis, the government’s massive excess currency has brought about the inevitable hyperinflation, the collapse of the national economy, the economic crisis that led to the political crisis, and the eventual collapse of the regime. Assuming that the government wants to maintain power, the government will automatically restrain the impulse of the excess currency.


When you are told that bitcoin can fight inflation, think of the silver waste of the last year.


When you have been told that bitcoin can counter government currency abuses, you can think of the central bank of Venezuela, which has no money to print, and whether the government is bound to overdo it.


2.4 A country does not need multiple currencies, and the absence of a mandatory Bitcoin scenario


Many of the supporters of Bitcoin have advanced Hayek’s theory of competitive currency, suggesting that bitcoin and French currency competition can improve French currency, and bitcoin and hillcoins can improve bitcoins. Yet they do not realize that money may be a special commodity with a natural monopoly.


For example, in 2009, the Zimbabwean government abolished its national currency, Zimbabwe dollars, and changed it to nine currencies, such as the United States dollar, and, in order to counter the pre-existing hyper-inflationary economy, Zimbabweans would have to use multiple currencies at the expense of the efficiency of their transactions.


Currency is an intermediary in people-to-people transactions, and languages and scripts are an intermediary in people-to-people exchanges. If 1.4 billion Chinese use 1.4 billion different languages, the result is similar to the Chinese’s loss of ability to speak, mixed use of multiple intermediaries will only reduce efficiency.


As a purely intermediary, currency, language, and text lose their vitality when they leave the consensus, which is provided by the government and the law, and which provides a mandatory circulation scenario for money, language, and text. A Chinese man is willing to hold and accept the renminbi, because he believes that other Chinese are willing, which is guaranteed by the law when paying treasures and micro-credits & ldquao; the cashless city & rdquao; and the central bank of China stops at the moment.


The currency, language, and script of the scene are fragile, because the consensus behind it is fragile. Businessmen who support the Bitcoin deal today can announce their cessation of support at any time tomorrow (on December 8, 2017, steam announced its cessation of support for Bitcoin payments), but Chinese supermarkets who support the renminbi pay today must also support it tomorrow unless the Chinese government amends the law and changes the French currency, and the government provides the last compulsory guarantee for the circulation of money, language, and text. World languages are difficult to develop, precisely because of the lack of compulsory use of the scene, and you do not know who must be able to communicate with them, yet you confirm that you can use Mandarin.


Is it really a currency that anyone can reject, a currency that cannot be used for shopping at any time, a currency that lacks liquidity?


III. Inherent risks resulting from the centralization of Bitcoin


A lot of bitcoin supporters believe that bitcoin is going to the center, and that was the original bitcoin, but it is difficult to say whether bitcoin is going to the center. Bitcoin has made a lot of progress and development in recent years, but these advances and developments are costly, and when the cost is to centralize bitcoin, the question arises as to whether bitcoin still exists.


The greatest value of Bitcoin is going to the centre. When Bitcoin becomes central, why don't we just use more centralized, more mature legal currency?

3.1 矿机的出现与算力中心化的风险

3.1 Risk of occurrence and centralization of arithmetical machines


When we talk about bitcoin, we have to talk about mining. What's the role of mining bitcoin?


The mining works four ways. 1. Act as a time stamp server to prove that a particular bitcoin transaction must exist at a certain point in time. 2 Operational workload proof (POW) mechanism, which must take time to generate a new block; amending a historical block, which must regenerate each block after the block, as the original block chain is extended at the same time, and the system always considers the longest block chain to be correct, and the historical block will remain unaltered as long as most of the calculations are honest. 3 New bitcoins will be issued in the central Bitcoin network. 4, reducing the risk of 51 per cent attacks and keeping the Bitcoin network superiors honest.


When people use CPU to dig, the Pow mechanism works, anyone can dig into Bitcoin, the production costs of Bitcoin are low, and the computational distribution of the Bitcoin network tends to de-centralize. And when people find that GPU digs far more efficiently than CPU, the situation is different, with one CPU still voting and one GPU ten voting.


In order to cope with the growth of society’s average arithmetic power in the future, and to adjust mining difficulties by moving the average target, it can be easily understood that all players in the net share the difficulties of OSS. Newcomers and full players face the exact same capabilities of OSS. When all players have the same strength (one CPU, one vote), that is not a problem, but once the player’s level is very different (one CPU is still one vote and one GPU, ten votes), the new player will find it impossible to play.


What are the new problems posed by the amalgamation of ASIC mining aircraft, which automatically adjusts the difficulty of full-service mining?


When the CPU is used only for mining, the Pow mechanism works well, and bitcoin production costs are low to zero. When miners dig with a miner and the system automatically adjusts to the difficulty of whole mining, those who do not use a mine find themselves unable to dig at all, while miners who use a mine machine combine to form a pool and create an arms race in arithmetic. Miners dig with a large amount of energy, but what is it for Bitcoin? Bitcoin’s output is system-predicted, using a Bitcoin miner worldwide or 10,000 mine machines, is 10,000 times more energy-consuming than it is, but ultimately it is exactly the same. Bitcoin production costs can be reduced to zero, but miners combine to significantly increase the difficulty and cost of digging.


Two, using the outsider as a game manager. On the net, it's fun to use the outsider, and it's bad for people who don't use the outside, and the mine is the physical exterior of the bitcoin mining game. Even more amazing, Nakamoto designed a vote to solve the question of who was the majority at the time of the vote, the miners used the miner to dig for profit, and also used the Bitcoin voting mechanism to get most of the votes in the bitcoin game, using the outsider to shake himself into a mining game manager for some sense.


According to some Bitcoin supporters, the use of mine machines has greatly enhanced the full net capacity of bitcoin, enhancing its security and its advantage over other mountain coins. Really? With the centralization of the algorithm, full-net growth can improve security, but when the algorithm is centralized, it is not safe at all. The Bitcoin network has developed a pattern of a small number of pits that control most of the net's computing power, the location of the head ponds and the controllers are known to the world that the huge power consumption of the pits is more disfigured than the rest. What is the success rate if governments come together to seize the pits and use them to carry out 51% attacks or refuse service attacks?


Why should the government jointly block bitcoin? Because encrypted currency such as bitcoin is of great value to all illegal payments and hardly to ordinary people, and it can also serve as an example for other encoded currency, mountain coins, if supporting the mandatory circulation of bitcoin is tantamount to a voluntary abandonment of independent fiscal and monetary policies.


Once the Government realized that bitcoin was simply unsupervised and could not profit from bitcoin, the spread of bitcoin would significantly reduce the cost of crime and create innovative forms of crime, and it would be natural to block bitcoin.


Can an improved POS mechanism solve the problem of the POW mechanism? No, the POS will only lead to a more central problem, which will render bitcoin worthless.


3.2 The emergence of a digital currency exchange and the risk of centralizing transactions


We begin by recalling Bitcoin, a digital currency of point-to-point, where parties to online transactions can directly complete payment transactions without any intermediary.


When the digital currency exchange first emerged, it provided the basic function of providing transaction information, transaction combinations, and guarantees. In its White Paper on Bitcoin, China’s Central Bank stated that Bitcoin protected sellers by failing to avoid payment, while supporting the creation of a third-party guarantee mechanism to protect buyers.


What did the centralized digital money exchange bring to go to the center of Bitcoin?


The digital currency exchange will provide the latest available bitcoin price, i.e., the price of bitcoin for other legal and other digital currencies. Whether or not you trade through the digital currency exchange or through others, you can refer to their offer, but is the price offered by the transaction reliable?


It is totally unreliable that anyone can open a digital currency exchange, which is currently managed differently from one country to another. Dealers tend to believe that it is safer to trade through a large and high-volume exchange, but this is not true, because in a central, unregulated network of bitcoin, the size of the exchange and its own security are virtually unrelated, and large firms in the real world will attract more attention from the government, so the larger the businesses are usually more formal, but there is no government administration in the Bitcoin world.

去中心的比特币网络里每一笔交易信息是完全公开的,然而中心化交易所的账本是完全私密的,究竟多少人以怎样的美元价格完成了比特币交易,这件事情只有加密货币交易所自己清楚,交易者完全不清楚。交易者和交易所之间存在巨大的信息不对称,信息不对称加上无监管,最后导向必然的价格操纵。MtGox交易所2011年8月到2013年11月之间的1800万条交易信息在2014年被泄漏,Neil Gandal等人分析交易数据,认为交易所通过两个机器人虚构交易推动比特币价格在两个月内从150美元上涨至1000美元。由于比特币自身价格频繁地剧烈波动,即使交易所操纵比特币价格,比特币参与者也很难发现。

Every transaction information in the Bitcoin network going to the center is completely public, yet the centralized exchange's books are completely private, and the exact number of people who have completed the bitcoin transaction at what dollar price is only known to the crypto-currency exchange itself, and the traders are not entirely clear. There is a huge information asymmetry between traders and exchanges, which, coupled with a lack of regulation, eventually leads to the inevitable price manipulation. 18 million transaction information on the MtGox exchange between August 2011 and November 2013 were leaked in 2014, and Neil Gandal and others analysed the transaction data, arguing that the exchange facilitated an increase in the price of bitcoins from $150 to $1,000 in two months through two robotic transactions.


When the ICO appeared, the centralized, encrypted currency exchange and the ICO project sponsors worked together, and the ICO initiated a direct exchange to pay a market fee to obtain a liquidity premium on their own transactions on the exchange, to raise the value of the money and then get out of the market; the exchange collected market fees, transaction fees, to make a steady profit; and the pickle player paid for air and felt financially free. The exchange that allowed the ICO to circulate was the same as the stock issuer and stock exchange in the real world, the distinction being that the cryptic currency exchange only recognized money, did not have any supervision, did not have any risk control measures. The ICO currency of the purchase exchange was essentially a buying and selling point, and the buying and selling of an idea, just like the buying and selling of air, so many ICO tokens were also referred to as air currency.


In China, ICO has been shut down by seven ministries, including the Central Bank, on 4 September 2017, which provides a strong protection for the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese investors.


Given the enormous problems of the centralized exchange, many bitcoin supporters are committed to developing the encrypted currency exchange to go to the centre, but their efforts are bound to fail. Because the centralized exchange is a profit-making business, with greater motivation and capacity to improve the efficiency of the transaction, social development in a market economy is based on self-interest rather than on the selfless dedication of idealists.


iv. Why do humans hate speculators and Bitcoin participates in the main risk


When you look at the subject of Bitcoin, you can see why bitcoin has so many problems and risks, and the value can still rise.


Bitcoin is made up of a very small number of idealists, anarchists, technocrats and the vast majority of speculators.


A very small number of idealists, technocrats, are equivalent to the core player (CU) in the Bitcoin game, who hold most of the voice in the Bitcoin world, and whose new breakthroughs, new functions, updates, improvements are provided by them, which I see as tantamount to creating eternal motives and pursuing non-existent perfect products. Bitcoins are a product whose disadvantages and virtues are obvious, and their efficiency is sacrificed to ensure their centre, volume ceiling. As Bitcoins attracts more and more participants, the participants are increasingly dissatisfied with the efficiency of the Bitcoin deal, but all actions to improve the efficiency of the Bitcoin deal necessarily lead to a centralization of the Bitcoins or to a breakthrough in the total cap, with costs for everything.


When a group of speculators gathers together, a handful of speculators take advantage of asymmetrical information, often swindling the money of most ordinary speculators. Even if they know the project is problematic, ordinary speculators are willing to participate because they are good at hypnotizing themselves (the founder of the money-bond network turned himself in to the police, and the micro-blogging investor is convinced that the police certified the account number to publish the news has been stolen) and that he can get out before the project collapses.


Common speculators believe that the greater the risks and the greater the returns, unfortunately this does not apply at all to speculative scams. Speculation scams are characterized by unequal risk earnings, with a very small number of speculators in the business making almost a steady profit, while most ordinary speculators involved in speculators are known as pickles, and a very few of them are lucky enough to make money, but most of them will be locked up because they earn their money. The key to earning money in the speculators is to get inside information, which has nothing to do with the participants’ personal abilities and level of investment.


The difference between investment and speculation is that investors are concerned about the true value of the project and require a fundamental analysis, that they receive low returns through low-risk projects, that the State allows normal equity investments, that is, because investment can raise funds for reliable projects, and that efficient use of funds for society is a sustainable act.


Speculators, on the other hand, do not care about the real value of the project or whether it is simply a fraud, but only about the heat of the project and whether it surges in the short term, convinced that they can be rich as long as they can get it before the project collapses. The speculators come together to make speculations that create false prosperity and book wealth, and because the speculatory scheme does not produce real value and is unsustainable, the bubble will cause great uncertainty in society.


Some of the Bitcoins’ supporters compare ICOs to stocks, which are quite different. Although ICO projects are future expectations for both tokens and shares, ICO deals with an idea, ideas for the future, and shares for the future of an enterprise.


V, is Bitcoin rare, price, future destination


5.1 bitcoin is rare


Whether bitcoin is rare depends on the point of view.


Bitcoin will become increasingly rare on the basis of a cap of 21 million bitcoins and the assumption that more and more people are willing to hold bitcoins.


But in a different way, a bitcoin equals 100 million listeners, a bitcoin is currently the smallest trading unit in Bitcoin, and a bitcoin procedure can be updated to continue to cut bitcoin when needed in the future, so bitcoin is not rare in its practical application, even if a bitcoin is enough for all of humanity. Even if Bitcoin becomes the dominant currency in human society in the future, then you will not be late for re-changing bitcoin, and the opportunity cost is that you may miss a huge opportunity, and the advantage is that you will not have to bear the loss of property resulting from Bitcoin’s sudden death.


The question continues to be viewed differently, since bitcoin is an open-source project, with over a thousand coins imitating bitcoin and competitorial coins (coinmarketcap data, counting 1519 digital currencies), even if the government does not block bitcoins, there is no doubt that bitcoins and mountaincoins are the ones who die. Bitcoins have the greatest advantage than the ones who accept bitcoins, but it is still unknown whether this advantage can be maintained, and if bitcoins are reduced in size, the scarcity of bitcoins will be greatly reduced.


5.2 bitcoin price, future destination


The analysis of bitcoin prices, long-term and short-term prices, needs to be discussed separately.

比特币短期价格由比特币供给与需求决定。比特币短期价格类似股票的短期价格,二者波动呈现出非常类似随机漫步(random walk)的特点,即除非参与者获得不对称信息优势(内幕消息),否则参与者完全无法预测明天的比特币价格、明天某支股票的价格。

Bitcoin’s short-term price is determined by bitcoin supply and demand. Bitcoin’s short-term price is similar to the short-term price of a stock, and the two fluctuations are very similar to a random walk (random walk) – that is, unless participants gain asymmetric information advantages (intelcasts), the participants are simply unable to predict tomorrow’s bitcoin price, the price of a stock tomorrow.


This points to a significant flaw in the current bitcoin transactions, where an encrypted currency exchange takes advantage of its position as a centre of dealings and acquires asymmetrical information, with conditions, capacity, and demand to manipulate bitcoin prices. National laws strictly prohibit insider transactions in traditional stock exchanges, as this would seriously damage investors’ interests and, in turn, raise the cost of high-quality corporate financing; and no agency would prohibit insider transactions of encrypted currency, which in the long run would lead to an increase in the number of scavenging currency (air currency) and the increasing characteristics of speculatory currency speculation.


The long-term price of Bitcoin is determined by the true value of Bitcoin.


On the basis of the above analysis, the possibility of blockage of bitcoins by government agencies is increasing because of the natural and strong regulatory risk to bitcoins that they face as a result of their need, and because bitcoins cannot be regulated and are unlikely to become a widely used currency; the tendency to centralize bitcoins themselves and to centralize transactions will deprive bitcoins of intrinsic value and relevance; and the excessive number of speculators among bitcoins will cause bitcoins to explode and die. Any attempt to improve bitcoins will inevitably bring with them new problems of centralization, breaking the cap, and bitcoins, once centralized, will become worthless, as people can well choose more central and mature statutory currencies.


In the long run, any purchase of bitcoin at more than zero is unprofitable, and that is the long-term price of bitcoin and the future fate of bitcoin.


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