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Today, when Bitcoin rebounded from around $32,600 to around $33,800, it was blocked again, and the sun line was closed five times, and there were signs of re-opening the down lanes again. In the present case, both freight routes have opted for decline from the end of the recovery triangle from $2350 to $2,500, and it is likely that the next week or two will be followed by another search or turn-over.




In the first 10 currencies, the market is still in those currencies, indicating that the current encryption market is still the one, that the “master” has not changed, and that all the changes have been in the “twigs”, and that pushing these currencies closer to the top is the result of a long-term choice of market funds, and that they can not be shaken by the small mountain fortress, unless it is a big one, such as the USDC, that relies on Coinbase and the Circle. That's what the old saying is.


In a different way, these dragons will not get too high in other caves. Mask also has a Twitter action that puts bitcoin up by $6,000, and later finds that bitcoin rises are not good for him, and all go to puppies, because the puppies represent the anti-eligan culture, can use the influence of the old horse in the United States, gain the resonance of the grass roots of the United States, and further expand the influence of the mosk. As he gets happy, he finds that his red animal coins are cold, that bitcoins are not moving, that dogs are not moving, and that he is forced to turn their Twitter head into a laser eye. This suggests, to some extent, that it is necessary to know what the entire encryption market is like, and look at what is basically the dragon head of the public chain, DeFi, Boca ecology.

  昨天,6亿人民币左右的资金选择USDT和USDC,表明市场流动性宽松,只不过由于目前嘴炮太多,不方便“开路”而已。到了今天,嘴炮暂时消停了,这些资金果然作出了各自的选择。值得注意的是,今天超过80亿人民币的资金在最近24小时内选择了比特币,表明即便比特币418暴跌之后行情差强人意,但是市场依旧认同 “饿死的比特币比山寨币强”。

Yesterday, the RMB 600 million or so funding option USDT and USDC showed that the market was flexible, but that it was not easy to “open” because there was too much talk at the moment. By today’s time, the guns had been cut off, and the funds had made their own choices.


news dynamic


Today, Coinbase went online in the GTC, MLN, and AMP currencies, although the good news of the inevitable rise in the online Coinbase did not happen in those two currencies. This situation is related, on the one hand, to the current big deal, and, on the other hand, to the market’s skepticism about whether or not to hold on to Coinbase’s compliance once he is on the market. When Coinbase went on the market, Coinbase’s stock price was an overall downward trend, forcing him to go on the line with a puppies suspected of market manipulation, and, on the other hand, to give up USDTs because of regulatory transparency problems.


Although Coinbase’s interest in Bitcoin did not appear to have diminished as a result of the fall in bitcoins, on the one hand, Maske’s interest in Bitcoins fell by $25,000/mere, which was that Tesla would not sell bitcoins until the cost of the warehouse was held, or that lasers would have done nothing; on the other hand, it was unlikely that the dollar would have been sold until it had fallen in the courthouse by $1480/mere, that is, before it had been sold, because, while Bitco’s price had fallen by $53,000, there was little information to confirm that the map was about to sell bitcoins; and on the other hand, MicroStrategy, which had fallen in bitcoins by $2.4/mere, which was that MicroStrategy would not have sold bitcoins until it had been sold, because, while Bitcoins had been pushed by the Trump cannon, MicroStrategy had preferred to announce at that point that it would have been higher than $500 million dollars in the scrap deals associated with the currency.



Of course, institutional interest and Coinbase’s upper currency are not the biggest sights of today’s market. Today’s market’s biggest observation is that El Salvador’s Congress finally voted to approve the President’s proposal for Bitcoin as a legal currency, which eventually received 62 votes in 84 votes, means that El Salvador is officially the first legal country in the world to be a bitcoin, and that bitcoin has been further mainstreamed.

  就像江卓尔说的那样,萨尔瓦多经营得好的话,有望成为加密货币的开曼群岛,而加密货币和离岸金融又是绝配,懂的人都懂,不排除后续各离岸金融中心也陆续支持比特币。从长远来说,这是本年度比特币最大的利好,超过美国比特币ETF通过、苹果公司购买比特币等短期资金利好,以后对 “比特币没有政府背书,没有价值” 可以直接怼回去 “离岸金融中心将比特币作为法定货币”。今天是历史性的一天。

As Jiangchallor has said, El Salvador is expected to operate well as an encrypt Cayman Islands currency, while cryptic money and offshore finance are well matched, understood by everyone, not excluding subsequent offshore financial centres from supporting Bitcoin as well. In the long run, this is the best bitcoin in the year ahead, better than short-term funds such as Bitcoin's passage through the United States and Apple's purchase of bitcoin, and then “bitcoin has no government endorsement and has no value” to go back directly to “offshore financial centres using bitcoin as the legal currency.” Today is an historic day.


However, because Bitcoin’s transactions are recognized as slow and volatile, there is some uncertainty that the bill can be widely accepted by the public. It is a matter of concern that the role of crypto-currency in the real world is that the asset “protective umbrella” under hyperinflation, the wealth “safe haven” under heavy taxes, and the counter-restrictive instruments under Western economic restrictions, because this is often the case in small countries that choose encrypted currency, otherwise who would abandon the regulatory power in their own hands to accept a currency that they may not be able to handle.


In return, dead-end support and the mainstreaming of bitcoin in itself have facilitated the entry of more capital increases at the right time node, thus enabling bitcoin to rise when supported by trading volumes, which in the long run has been a major factor in pushing the crypto market out of slow cow movement, after all that it takes time to mainstream bitcoin.


  近日,FBI直接将黑客组织索取美国最大成品油管道运营商Colonial Pipeline得到的比特币,在不透露的方式破获了黑客的私钥的情况下全部没收了。这样一来,几乎同时击碎了比特币目前最大的两个卖点:政府监管和安全性。有人不禁要问,当技术发展,比特币最引以为豪的例如匿名、绝对安全等特性被破解后,比特币的价值在哪?对想用比特币干坏事的人来说,技术的发展会使比特币失去价值,但是一旦这些人对比特币失去兴趣,市场对比特币用于违法活动的误解也可能会瓦解,流入比特币的资金可能会全都干净起来,这反倒是比特币主流化的又一个利好,这也是加密市场或将慢牛的逻辑之一。

In recent days, the FBI has taken hacker organizations directly into account the bitcoin that was obtained by the largest oil pipeline operator in the United States, Colonial Pipeline, and confiscated it all in undisclosed ways, but once these people lose interest in bitcoin, the market misperceptions about the use of bitcoin for illegal activities may collapse, and the money flowing into bitco is likely to be clean. This is another advantage of the mainstreaming of bitcoins, which is also one of the logic of encryption markets or slow cattle.


The Bitcoin Situation Today


Yesterday, Bitcoin fell through a void, broke the $35,000 gate, the $34,000 gate, the $33,000 gate, and found support in the vicinity of 31,000. After hesitating for a while, after a small rebound to $33,800 in accordance with the usual pattern, Bitcoin chose to go up to $34,500 because the position was not backed back enough. Currently, five pieces of the Bitcoin line and two small rebounds in the day ended in a setback, suggesting that the most recent rebound could be the fall of the round, and that would likely continue to test $31,000 this week.


It looks like Bitcoin rebounded when it broke BOLL's track. Overall, it's a narrow downward trend. Although the fast line is still running on the slow line, the MACD green energy poles are shrinking and turning green. You can look at the validity of the 31,500 dollars in support. If this position is enough, it might be $37,000, or it could test around $29,000-31,000. For now, BOLL's middle and lower rail lines are running relatively flat, and both sides have low numbers, so the tremors are post-market rotations, and the shock may be backed by down risk accumulations, and the market may need to find answers from this week's Fed speech and inflation data .


The four-hour scale, the four-hour scale, followed by Bitcoin's juxtaposition in the early hours of this morning, walked out of the previous five-coloured downward tunnel. However, this one-night retreat back to the pre-liberation leg appears to be a question mark for the continuity of the reverse. From the four-hour scale, the bottom of the search is far below the 24 May probe, a typical large double-bottom pattern, and the probability that




Yesterday, after falling through $2,700, $2,600 and $2,500, the Tai Evenings did not choose to explore the vicinity of $2150. Instead, they fell down to $2,300 and bounced back to $2,500 from the downpass built by the four previous vaginas. Today, many parties competed in this location. Recently, after falling back from $2850 to $2,400, after a rebound of only $100, it was possible to continue to test 2250 next week .


On the one hand, the double line below the zero axis is already glued, and the three tracks below the BOLL are relatively flat, indicating short-term or continuing shock movements. It is a matter of concern that there is currently a relatively low turnover between buying and selling plates, and that, in the near-nil scenario of the MACD multiple energy poles, temporarily dominates the table. It is worth noting whether it will come down to the vicinity of $2,200, since if it falls by $2,200, it may continue to be less than $2,000, which would be the worst scenario for the tunnel to be opened again. There is no news from the moment that it can be used primarily to create panic to achieve the purpose of the plate, or that it will be struck next week, or around $2300-2,700.


At the four-hour level, the MACD empty energy column is shrinking, and the fast line below the 0 axis is tending to turn upwards with the same slow-line gold fork below the 0-axis. Once this gold fork is established, it is possible to provide a backscaling energy, although the gold fork below the 0-axis is less powerful for price boosts. Even so, if this gold fork is formed, at least $2,300 may suggest that the risk of re-entering the lower route with the talisman is less likely. However, given that the three tracks in the BOLL belt are still trending down as a whole, and that the recent rebound is a backlash, there is a possibility that the short-term narrow tremors of will be possible.

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