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  原標題:全球首屆元宇宙戲劇節:虛實交互世界 一觸即發

Original title: The First Global Dollar Cosmos Theatre Festival: The Real Interactive World Inflammation


  球首屆元宇宙戲劇節,除了看戲還能怎麼玩兒?答案是:拿出你的創造力,共創共建元宇宙。 ”斯芬克斯(SPHINX),古希臘語裏代表“活生生的想像”。只有當人類開始直視自己和宇宙,才能進入斯芬克斯身後那個充滿一切可能的未來世界。”

The first Won-Cosmos Festival, how else can it play besides watching? The answer is to bring out your creativity and create a co-consensual universe. "SPHINX, in ancient Greek, stands for "living imagination." Only when humans begin to look at themselves and the universe, can they enter the world behind Sphinx, full of all possible possibilities for the future.


BEIJING — The inaugural Sphinx space theatre festival was hosted by the Beijing Association of the Arts and Arts Community, the Beijing Association of Theatreists and the Beijing Youth Theatre Artists, and was hosted by the Monjinghui Association, which served as the director-general of the drama festival, the Chinese competition as the director-general, the Chinese competition as the director-general, and Chen Yin as the director-general of the technology for the “won universe” and Sun Xiaoxing, Chen Xing, Wang Jian, and Zhang Wu as the stand-alone promoter.

  如果以戲劇作為元宇宙的入口,斯芬克斯依然坐在高處,攔住熙熙攘攘湧來的人們,用繆斯傳授的謎語發問——賽博朋克,AI數字人與你,誰將最終獲得通往太空劇場的入場劵?這將是一場用戲劇性、想像力和情感連結現實與虛擬世界,打破疆域界限、時間限制,線上線下聯動的大派對。65部元宇宙戲劇重磅發佈 八大藝術板塊多維度來襲

If drama were to be the entrance to the meta-cosm, Sphinx would still be sitting in high places, stopping people from Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi X Xi Xi Xi Xi X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Xi Xi X X X X X X X X Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi X X X Xi X X X X X X X X X


The Sphinx Festival is divided into eight major pieces: the national show, the international theatre, the art interactive scene, the immersion park drama, the online theatre, the cross-border union, the summit forum coalition, and the Tibetan wormhole series. The Sphinx Festival will bring together hundreds of giants and new powers from foreign and domestic theatres, bringing together 65 pancreatic works on the eight sections of the festival.



Faust, the premiere of the world’s first seminal space drama, is the first of the most famous contemporary theatres of the German writer Goethe’s, and the scenes of Homer’s Scene, Dante’s Theater, Shakespeare’s plays and what they call the greatest. The Faust’s vision, complexity, complex structure, style, convergence of ideas and romanticism will bring about a new, contemporary drama revolution for viewers. Faust is the first of its kind by the German writer Goethe, and the first of its kind by the ancient myths by the time by the Buddha, by the myth of Dandin, by the myth of Shakespeare, is the greatest.


To hell, the poet Dante used his words to describe a dream he had made in the middle of life. Back to the ground, the painter Boss drew a picture of a non-existent paradise for his time. In the middle of the day, the audience would walk in the real spaces of the city and the sea, combining the scenes of the virtual world with the scenes of the real world, the lively performances and the real crowds.


Lee’s founding director, The World’s New Year, is a play from the 1972 German film director Fasbender’s science fiction film, and the story unfolds in a triple space. The exploration of the Won Universe is pushing us to another virtual existence, and the drama is turning into reality. Are you afraid of the rapid innovation? As an important artist of contemporary Chinese theatre art, how will the Lee founding director present what he thinks is a “scientific fiction” in the theatre? How is the end-of-life world in a world that looks peaceful, insensitive, technologically dependent on reality?

  脫胎于中國獨角戲女王黃湘麗最負盛名的獨角戲作品《一個陌生女人的來信》,在10週年演出到來之際,將在美術館空間進行孿生戲劇《陌生女人的擁抱》。VeeR旗下頭部VR製作公司VeeR Studio發揮VR特有的沉浸與交互特性,並結合迷宮裝置、玻璃舞等,讓觀眾“身臨其境”地”墜入陌生女人的懷抱”。此外,該內容也將同步上線VeeR旗下VR沉浸娛樂社交平臺VeeRLand。

In the 10th anniversary of the Queen of China's most famous solo show, "A Letter from a Strange Woman", a live play, "The Embrace of a Strange Woman", will take place in the gallery space. VeeR Studio, a leading VR production company under the flag of VeeR, has developed VR-specific immersion and interaction features, combining maze devices, glass dances, etc., to enable viewers to “fall in” the arms of a strange woman. In addition, it will synchronize VER under the flag of VeeR with VeeRLand.


At the Cyber Theatre, the second dollar drama director, Sun Xiaoxing, will bring " The North of the Showglass Zoo does not believe in the Won cosmos ", from a supercede of CRD, a big Internet factory gathering, to a suburban university town, where beautiful or ugly little animals are collecting shows that are tearing their eyes off for love or loss of love.


The young dramatists have long been working on theatre and artificial intelligence, and his Oedipus and Mechanical Oracle is a research project focused on the cross-section of experimental cryptology and neurology, aimed at exploring in depth an unusual phenomenon/obsolete known as Odipus to gain more knowledge of the phenomenon through limited touch tests.


There are four small pigs who have become less secure in the "Othero dollar cosmodromus pighouse" built by the King. They paint walls, dance, and become violent, and they repeat their vows. They bind love and jealousy together, and truth and lies seem familiar. You can be bystanders, either butchers or Oseros. You are welcome to recognize them and wish them to grow.


The head death buffet, directed by Han, is a play that you can only enjoy, and cannot take away, whatever you receive. When everything accelerates forward, the exits and the end point are becoming more and more remote, humans are already defined as feeding the system; in this circle, but in this glorious palace, what else can our vulnerability stand in our way?

  聯動導演 / 藝術家 / 元宇宙科技公司 / 線下場景,打造虛實交互的元宇宙沉浸式體驗  從提出“元宇宙戲劇節”的想法開始,幾位發起人都有一個共同的願景,要為為全球藝術愛好者們打造元宇宙專屬的沉浸式、虛擬與現實的雙重體驗。為此,集結了一眾國內科技領域具有遠見卓識的先行者,在技術、硬體、場域及內容上達成深度並具有創造性的合作。17家國內外頂尖科技公司將為元宇宙戲劇節的想像插上翅膀,保駕護航。戲劇節聯合世界五大戲劇節共同發聲,打破疆域界限,時間限制,戲劇藝術的新里程碑的現世。戲劇論壇將與國內科技界翹楚、媒體一起實現跨領域、跨地域的討論,提出現有問題的解答可能性,找出對未來的提問方向。在蟲洞單元,我們將由和戲劇相關的NFT藏品、元宇宙市集,交換式拍賣,線上線下孿生、虛擬實體共存。同時,聯動全球首所元宇宙藝術學院Meta Art Academy (由知名院校中國美術學院主導創建)開啟元宇宙藝術教育及學術討論。斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節也將秉承更加開放的態度,將戲劇節中所有探討出來的新藝術概念、創作出來的新藝術模組開放給所有參與的人, 在未來也持續的共同創作、共同演繹。

Starting with the idea of a meta-cosm show, several people have a common vision to create a seminal, virtual and realistic two-fold experience for global art lovers. To bring together a country’s far-sighted pioneers in technology, time limits, and the new milestones in the art of the show, it will be used by 17 foreign technology companies to create an imagination for the show, preserve the ship’s safety. The show will bring together five world-renowned dramas, break the boundaries of the theatre, limit the time of the show, and create new milestones in the art of the show.


Theatered, Simultaneous Life Partnering with Next Generation Cultural Support Art and Technology Illustration


As a technology company focused on virtual life, the culture of the next generation, as the world’s first Svenks drama troupe and virtual life partnerships, has rarely brought together the country’s top technological resources, bringing together a number of industry-based and new technology companies in theatre festivals and deeply involved in the production of dramas.


As a company that has built a more open and integrated meta-cosmography of famous virtualists such as Ling, Nannxia, ASK, and stars such as Dilie Kamba, Xuesman and others, the culture of the next generation is good at digging for new forms of content and actively constructing a meta-cosm system centred on digital identity; this United Sphinx Theatre is an important and innovative exploration of content and creativity that will focus on building a more open and integrated meta-cosmic life with a more diverse and dynamic virtual world based on the merits of theatre directors, performers, artists, musicians, etc.


"Strong" Pocket Wormhole -- a new game for art lovers of the Meso-Cosmos plays


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 21 March, the first Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival, in collaboration with the only art depth, launched 10 digit collections, distributed in a blind box, for a total of 999 copies. The collections were both artistic and technological. The key words were given by 83 people from all walks of life who felt, touched, and felt the meta-cosm.


During the period 4.10-4.15, users holding the digital collection were able to visit the Sphinx “Memorial Cosmos Photo Gallery.” Users also had the opportunity to gain more rights, such as the drama derivative gift box, randomly extracted tickets to the blind box from works like Faust, the World’s Day, and the Garden for Humans.


VR Video Show

       首屆斯芬克斯元宇審戲劇節將與VeeR 聯合舉辦【虛實之間】VR影像展,展映片單包括《時光投影裏的秘密》、《禁忌·詭校》、《意識漂流》、《靜影九龍》、《空間少女》等眾多優質VR內容,屆時也將同步上線沉浸娛樂社交平臺VeeRLand。

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the first Sphinx Dollar Theatre Festival will be co-organised with VeeR for VR Videos, which will include The Secrets of Time Projecting, The Prescription & #183; and the many high quality VR content such as Quaker School, Illustrative Drifting, The Nine Dragons of Silent Shadows, and Girls in Space, which will also be synchronized online to enjoy VeeRLand.

  元宇宙開幕party 人人都是主角兒

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The opening party of the Woncosmos.


What else can the world's first Won-Cosmos Festival do than watch? The answer is to bring your creativity to create a co-founder universe.


“Mobile” will open up meta-cosm technology services, solve questions about computing, rendering, etc., and support creators in uploading their space scenes and avatars, helping to provide relevant copyright support at the same time as the eugenics. On this stage, everyone can become the indigenous people of the meta-cosmos, the creator of the drama, and share the flow.

  真正的元宇宙戲劇節不僅僅是線上觀看,更是要進場參與 。在充滿自由感和想像力的元宇宙世界裏,未來將會怎樣,答案在每一位參與者手中。

The real meta-cosm show is not just an online view, but rather an introspection. In a metro-cosmic world full of freedom and imagination, what is the future, and the answer is in the hands of everyone involved.


The 798 Auxiliary Space Theatre Festival, a leading art-life strategy partner, introduced virtual beauty into reality.


The Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival has entered into a strategic partnership with Beijing 798 Cultural Science and Technology Limited. This theatre festival is invited as a leading art-life strategic partner for the drama, and the 798 art district will also be featured as the main venue for the festival. The 798 art district is a confluence of lovers of global cultural art, with a strong group value, a connection with 798, as it is a centre for the development of cultural art and is well-placed in the diversity of cultural art.

  與“斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節”的深入合作,也是798探索科技與藝術融合發展的又一次全新嘗試。“斯芬克斯元宇宙戲劇節”希望借此機會,將戲劇節“元宇宙”的概念,結合iCUBE Museum所探討的虛擬、現實空間關係的議題不斷延伸和擴展,在充滿戲劇化的視覺實驗中,展現衝突、反差共存的關係。

Deep collaboration with the Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival is yet another new attempt to explore the integration of technology and art in 798. The Sphinx dollar Cosmos Festival hopes to take this opportunity to bring together the concept of the drama festival, the meta-cosm, the issues of virtual, real-life space relations that iCUBE Musium explores, and to show the relationship between conflict and the opposite of coexistence in dramatic visual experiments.


It's just the beginning of the world's first Won-Coscene Festival.


The new century, supported by a series of well-known drama festivals, has brought more power to the stage than ever before; the theatre director has a diverse, curious and adventurous character, and he is a leading actor in the Chinese theatre studio, a youth director, a cross-border artist, and a director of the Black Cat Theatre, and a free artist at the same time; another theater director, a prominent Chinese graphic designer, a visual artist, who was also part of the country’s premiere.

  正如三位所説:真正的元宇宙戲劇節不僅僅是線上觀看,更是要進場參與 。在充滿自由感和想像力的元宇宙世界裏,未來將會怎樣,答案在每一位參與者手中。全球首屆元宇宙戲劇節,這只是一個開始。

As three have said: The real meta-cosm show is not just an online view, but also an introspection. In a metro-cosmos world full of freedom and imagination, what will the future look like, and the answer is in the hands of every participant. The world’s first meta-cosm show is just the beginning.


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