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中国新闻来源:人民日报海外版 2019年08月21日 12:34 A-A+ 二维码
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China is one of the most widely used countries in the world and one of the closest to & & & & & & & & & & & & &, where mobile payments are widely available. However, mobile payments alone cannot meet the transformational requirements of the digital financial age, focusing on deeper & & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & ; concepts to follow.


In recent days, the relevant officials of the People’s Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as the Central Bank) have publicly stated that they are developing a digital monetary system, &ldquao; the digital renminbi era & rdquao; and that they are about to arrive. Why should the central bank launch a digital currency? The central bank’s digital currency and network payments and the so-called & & ldquao; the virtual currency & rdquao; and what are the links and differences?


What's the difference between the numbers?


At the recent third forum of 40 Chinese finance people, the Deputy Director-General of the Central Bank's Payments Settlement Department, Mu Changchun, stated that the Digital Monetary Institute of the Central Bank had started the development of a digital monetary system earlier than 2018, and that the central bank's digital currency was & ldquo; the desire to & rdquo; and the ensuing widespread debate on the Internet and the financial world.


The Central Bank’s research into issuing digital money is not a one-time exercise. It is known that, from 2014 to the present, the Central Bank’s research on digital currency has been under way for five years. In 2017, the Central Bank’s Digital Monetary Institute was officially established.


In recent years, along with the development of Internet technology, especially block-chain technology, there have been so-called & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & &.


In monetary terms, currency & & & ldquo; virtual currency & & rdquo; is not essentially monetary. & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; unlike legal currencies issued by countries that are backed by State credit, their speculative nature is influenced by regulatory tightening and technical problems, among others, and prices are often sharply falling and greatly disrupting the normal order of the domestic and, indeed, the global monetary and financial system.


In terms of monetary liquidity, only the state can exercise the highest power to issue money in order to ensure the orderly functioning and macro-regulation of the financial system. Thus, the central bank’s digital currency is based on the country’s credit, the statutory digital currency issued by the central bank, and & ldquo; virtual currency & rdquo; and there is a fundamental difference.


Can you really replace cash in circulation?


” for the population, the basic payment function is relatively blurred between electronic payments and the central bank’s digital currency, but the central bank’s future digital currency is significantly different from electronic payments in a number of ways. ” Mu Changchun said that the transfer of funds from electronic payment instruments had to be done through traditional bank accounts, while central bank’s digital currency had to move value away from traditional bank accounts, reducing the dependence of the transaction chain on accounts.


It is understood that cash in current circulation is easy to forge anonymously, and that electronic payment tools, such as bank cards and Internet payments, do not fully meet the public’s demand for anonymous payments. Thus, central banks’ digital currency is designed primarily to target alternatives to cash in circulation, preserving the properties and main features of cash and meeting the demand for portability and anonymity.


According to the Central Bank Bureau of Research and Director of the Monetary and Monetary Monetary Bureau, Wang Xin, central bank digital currencies are largely replaced by cash in China, which will help optimize central bank currency payment functions and improve central bank monetary status and monetary policy effectiveness.


As a result, central banks have introduced digital currency, which is neither a current popular electronic wallet or online payment, nor a complete & & & & & & & & & & ; replacing the current renminbi system with a completely new, encrypted electronic currency system with some alternative to cash in circulation.


The Chairman of the Board of Governors of Silver Unions Limited in China said that the central bank's statutory digital currency would have a significant positive impact by increasing the efficiency of the monitoring of currency operations and enriching monetary policy instruments.


The central bank’s digital currency is known to be used mainly for small retailing of high-frequency business scenes. As Governor Zhou Xiaochuan of the central bank pointed out, the study of digital money is essentially about the convenience, speed and low cost of retail payment systems.


R & D in & ldquo; & rdquo; state


In recent years, commercial virtual currencies have been controversial and there has been a growing recognition that future trends in digital currency development are still based on national credit, statutory digital currencies issued by central banks.


Multi-national central banks, including the Bank of England, the Central Bank of Canada, and the Swedish Central Bank, are developing and developing a legal digital currency. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has indicated that it plans to launch a global digital currency & mdash; & mdash; and the International Monetary Fund (IMF Coin) currency under the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) mechanism.

  目前,中国在数字货币方面还处于加快研发阶段。比如,央行8月2日召开2019年下半年工作电视会议要求“加快推进我国法定数字货币研发步伐”。而近日发布的《中共中央 国务院关于支持深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区的意见》中明确表示“支持在深圳开展数字货币研究与移动支付等创新应用”。

For example, the Central Bank called for & ldquo on August 2, 2019; accelerated the pace of development and development of our statutory digital currency & & rdquao; and recently published the State Council of the Communist Party of China Opinion on Supporting Shenzhen’s Building of China’s Characteristic Socialism Pilot Zone, which clearly states & ldquao; and supported innovative applications such as digital monetary research and mobile payments in Shenzhen.


It is understood that the future central bank will not issue digital money directly to the public, but rather will use a two-tier operating system, whereby the central bank first converts the digital currency to banks or other operators, which then converts it to the public. The central bank’s statutory digital currency will be piloted either in a pilot phase or in part, before it becomes more mature, and will be further promoted.


Mu Changchun revealed that the development of the central bank’s digital currency is currently in “ horse racing & & rdquo; and that several designated operators take different technological routes for research and development. & & & & & rdquo; not necessarily a block chain, any technology can. Whether a block chain or a centralized account system, electronic payments, or so-called mobile currency, you can take any technological route that the central bank can adapt to. & & rdquao;

  (记者 卢泽华)

(Reporter Luzawa)


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