房地产怎么“+” 元宇宙怎么玩?这场数字人大会探出行业进化新引力

访客 阅读:22 2024-07-13 15:16:16 评论:0



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is turning to high-quality development, exploring, innovating and transcending each step.


The event was co-sponsored by the China House Institute, ICR, 365 house reviews, 365 finance books, and the Beijing Real Estate Chamber.


The Congress was held live in more than 50 cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with representatives from real estate research institutions, industry experts, and high-quality suppliers of building materials, as well as more than 10,000 live viewers from various real estate communities, sharing industrial feasts.



How's real estate "+" ?


By saying goodbye to the barbarous development, the high-quality transformation of real estate enterprises is imminent, and by adjusting the survival and development patterns, and by reshaping the industry's ecology, real estate should be “+”, which is a phased issue that the industry needs to face.



Founder of Room 365, Executive Director of ICR, Chinese House Institute


As a result, developers face a transformation: operators, service providers, light assets, platforming, 80% to 90% of developers may need to experience it. Developers can be empowered in two ways, one by content, and the other by content.


Our mission, in turn, is to commercialize technology + flow realization, and we have now explored the model of the “Men-Cosmos-Pilot” and have developed the “Five Million-Cities-V Project”, which will be launched in 2023. The last key word is confidence, and we are moving out of the cold winter to prepare for a warm spring.


Lina: 6 major trends in real estate in 2023


President, Chamber of Commerce, Residential Real Estate, Beijing


The year 2022 was a remarkable year, with hundreds of millions of well-known real-estate companies detonating their buildings and cutting off their supply. But, on December 15-16, the victory of the Central Economic Workshop defined the cornerstones for the next return to the warmth of confidence. Looking at 2023, I have a six-point judgment:


First, China's economy will improve in a holistic manner in the coming year;


Second, real estate remains the backbone of the national economy, as has been amply demonstrated in terms of both quantity and volume;


Third, real estate belongs to the manufacturing industry and is the real economy; fourth, it remains the era of cash dominance;


Fifthly, there will be a combination of policy punches, not to rush, and there will be a process. On the whole, next year’s real estate will be a relatively liberal policy environment, and the overall thinking is still stable;


Sixthly, bad asset sales will be a great opportunity. The Chamber of Commerce, together with Governor Ann Trust /a > to set up a $1 billion relief fund dedicated to resolving land projects and buildings in one-line cities, is welcome.


Chen Yunfeng: >. . >....................................................................................................


Chairman, Executive Director, Founder and Secretary-General of China Economy


2023 China's ten major real estate trends: major industrial shufflings; “maintenance” through the year; “property tax” arrows; “householdless” remains the main tone and market transactions have declined; in 2023, enterprises upstream and downstream of real estate suffered from extensive debt crises, layoffs and collapses; ( 603883 ) asset allocation has been reduced to `real estates' and the city people > ( ; > 60383883 >blank >


The year 2023 will be the spring of the winter, but the bitter days will continue, with more liberal policies, more difficult markets, more divided cities, and more divided developers, with the entire industrial chain under the strain of survival. But the real estate sector is vital to the country’s livelihood, and we need to take every step in an optimistic and professional manner.


Qin Kong: Community building will be the focus of city renewal


Senior Research Fellow, International Institute of National Information Centres


ICR Academic Director, Middle House Institute


The White Paper on New Development Models in China’s Real Estate, 2022, published by the recent study of the Chinese Institute of Housing and Research, focuses on urban renewal and brings new development scenes, spaces, and new paths. In the face of urban renewal, the first of which is to reverse perceptions and get out of the wrong areas, urban renewal is not simply a crude construction exercise, it is to avoid destruction in the name of renewal and to keep the bottom line of urban renewal.


For urban renewal, community-building is the focus of the next phase, and it is a vehicle for people’s well-being, urban vitality, low-carbon greenness, shared wealth, and grass-roots governance. We have now seen many successful urban renewals that give new life to cities.


. Joon-woo: The essence of the old-age industry is service.


Chairman of the Comfortable Care Group.


As our economy becomes increasingly dependent on the industrial upgrading brought about by STIs to enhance competitiveness, the high-quality transformation of the real estate sector will have to be accompanied by constant adaptation of its survival and development patterns, in particular by STIs to complete its own overlaps, changes in its values and ecological restructuring of its industries.


On 22 December, the “2022 China's New Real Estate Eco-summit and the annual conference of the Chinese Academy of Housing Research ICR” on the theme “The stock age, the content of which is the king”, was scheduled to be a conference focusing on the new landscape of the real estate industry, the new track, the new species and the new ecology.


He said that the nature of the old-age industry is service, the real demand for old-age services. In the broader context of a healthy China, and one of the most identified trends of the century – population ageing – offers new development opportunities for the real-estate industry.


In fact, in the stock age, real estate companies used to have many genetic advantages, such as stock housing space, stock communities, in the context of an ageing-based and healthy industry, that could provide valuable scenes and spaces for intervention in the area of well-being. In particular, property services were issued in 2022 by six ministries, with guidance on property services plus old-age services: property services take responsibility for social services, which are good opportunities for value-added services in property enterprises.


But we must also look to the blind, thinking, of course, that it is a business demand that is actually far away from the real needs of older persons. Second, simply, it is not in our business of ageing that international projects or experiences are copied. And stocking and home ageing are good entry points.


> : The old-age sector will enter the era of middle-life improvement


Founder and CEO, Fanwari United, Beijing


Ageing is the subject of a high degree of social consensus, with 25 million people retiring every year over the next 10 years, and the tide of ageing has arrived. We should also be concerned about three other trends in the future: the childization of family planning, the large number of middle classes brought about by 40 years of reform and openness, and the longevity of scientific and technological developments.


Together, these trends make the general trend towards socialization and specialization, so that traditional old-age institutions do not satisfy the aspirations of the middle class for quality, and the traditional business model of old-age support the quality of old-age life. The answer is no, as with the development of the real estate sector, the old-age sector is facing an era of medium-life improvement.


In the old-age sector, the need for improved old-age pensions is the greatest and most rewarding of the clients, and the customers are the ones who are most willing to pay for quality life, so we have to innovate in the old-age business model. First, we have to take care of the bottom demand, such as nursing and catering.


: The parking lot REITs are on the move


Chairman and CEO of Sunny Sea Parking Industries


Driven by a digital wave, parking will be easier, more efficient, and more imaginative for the industry. Digitalization, financialization, is a way of taking over parking assets.


Faced with the enormous advantages of digitalization in China, network, mobile payments, and digital coverage of the overall landscape, there is also an increasing demand for the digitization of parking lots and a strong demand for changes, with a clear trend towards digitalization of the consumer scene, which is a good place for people to interact with each other, “with the parking lot as a traffic entrance, the owner of the vehicle as a traffic entrance is of great value”.


In addition, future garages will be more financially meaningful because of stable cash flows, which are considered to be very consistent with the RITs model, and “reitts in the garage are imperatives”, which enable the inventory of assets and the value of assets to be discovered; build a platform for asset securitization to facilitate business cycle rolling; and also reduce financial risks and make business model transitions.


Wang Bo: The Housing Corporation's Three Mountains and Three Ways


To the Chairman of the Group, the Vice-President of the Shenzhen City Real Estate Brokering Association,


The director of the ICR Grand Bay division at the Middle House Academy.


The current trends in real estate markets, with developers facing three major mountains: debt mountains, product mountains, and marketing mountains. Debt mountains are highly leveraged, on the one hand micro-loans, on the other hand high indebtedness, and on the other, developers are unable to survive, mainly because the developers have diversified their industries and have too much to cover; house prices have fallen and expectations are expected to fall; and profit-driven and leverage is too high.


What is the way forward for future developers? First, to change the development model, the real estate sector will move from incremental to stock markets, with incremental developers fine-tuning and leading consumer demand. Second, to return to productism, the future selling of good houses is not a traditional household model, must be well-furnished, and it needs to be done.


Thunders: No longer let buyers unblind the box


Director, ICR National Inspection Centre, Chinese House Institute


On the basis of complaints, Shandong’s authorities are now involved in the full implementation of pre-screening and repossession of houses and the resolution of disputes over their delivery. We believe that pre-screening should be promoted throughout the country, and that the quality of the houses should be promoted to the top, so that buyers will not be allowed to unblind the boxes, and so that the right to hand over the houses is avoided.


The Chinese housing institute, ICR, set up the National Centre for Inspections, is a guide. Next year we will be implementing the “Five Ones” project. For local reasons, a uniform and flexible national standard has been set up. This is the basis for the survey.


Wang Jenhua: The market will grow every year


Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer, ICR National Centre for Inspections, China House Institute


Increased real estate regulation, the increasing number of complaints about the quality of houses, their poor quality, the fine-tuning of hidden machines, the downgrading of hidden works, and poor water and gas regulations give buyers an urgent need for a third-party inspection agency. For B-end developers, it is also necessary for them to be able to verify the quality of their buildings.


A self-developed sub-procedure, a direct on-line appointment of C-end clients for services, and an open-ended B-end client for the quality of the house, creates a standardized, standardized and easily accessible system of house inspection services, such as “drop-downs” to complete the service.



How do you play the dollar universe?


The overall transformation of the real estate sector, using science, technology and innovation to boost the value of housing enterprises, has provided the underlying technological underpinning for the transformation logic of “digitization of business, digitalization” in the current real estate sector.


: How can we improve the efficiency of online access?


Three hundred and sixty-five admirals, and three hundred and sixty-five assessors.


Real estate flows began in 2022 with videoization of content, represented by tremors, and fratricidalization of flows, represented by micro-cosms. Only the platform was able to do flow operations, and now a building, KOL, company, product can do it because, in terms of the content distribution ecology, the mainstream of content generation has evolved into OGC and PUGC, i.e. Big V and KOL, and the mainstream of content distribution is the information flow algorithm and mobile relationship chain. Based on this revolutionary change, the main subject of the flow is more extensive, but the underlying question behind this image is how efficiency can be enhanced, and the answer must be enhanced by Internet professional data platform .


Li Jie: Flows become an important strategic resource for housing entrepreneurs


Senior Vice-President, Room 365


In this year’s uncertain landscape, many property projects face difficulties in gaining access to customers, opening new channels, and turning to higher levels of commission, but instead of being flat, we are actively looking for a way out to explore traffic operators. As users’ habits change, from 1.0 text to graphics, to 2.0 to 3.0 videos, more access to information is transferred to short video platforms, so the flow becomes an important strategic resource for home developers, and shaking, fast hands, and so on, is an important source of access.


Topaz Show: video number leads to five secrets


10 years of product manager, author of Video Number High Operation,


Video number Kim V.


The importance of video numbers for the marketing of real estate is already self-evident, but there are many differences between video numbers and other platforms that allow them to operate with product thinking. In line with Internet product development thinking, video numbers are subject to positioning, product design, up-link development, operation, etc. The specific production processes are positioning, branding, content output, high-level shooting, efficient editing, certification processes. Focusing on content in the real estate industry can focus mainly on policy interpretation, brand promotion, owner stories, activity planning, and industry hot spots.


Jan Wai Qi: How do digital marketing improve performance?


Director of Marketing, Policy and Digital Marketing Group, Ocean Group


Can digital marketing improve performance? Can it be reduced? These are the first two issues to think about when the real estate industry makes digital marketing, so it is important to understand the logic, the path, and the effectiveness of digital marketing.

那么,数字化营销应该怎么做业绩,大概有获客成交的六个基本逻辑:1. 线上线下推广,打通客户的最后一公里;2、精准投放,立体式传播;3、全民经纪人模式,快速、有保障、多级分佣;4、放大传播效应,全员自媒体链路导入;5、商机洞察,大数据筛选失效客户;6、直销模式,特殊销售政策,价格引流。

So, what should digital marketing do? There are probably six basic logics for clientization: 1. Up-to-line promotion, which connects the last kilometre of the client; 2. Precision placement, which transmits in stereoscopic form; 3. People's broker model, which is fast, secure, multi-level sub-servients; 4, which magnify the dissemination effect, with full access to media links; 5, Business Insight, Big Data Screening, which has failed customers; 6, Straight Marketing Model, Special Marketing Policy, Price Influx.


: WEB 3.0 has much to offer in the field of real estate

web3研究院常务副院长 、世界元宇宙大会副秘书长

Vice-President of the Web3 Institute, Deputy Secretary-General of the World Won Cosmos Congress

Web3.0以强调数据价值归属为核心,具备去中心化、数据自有、数据互联、保障隐私、高度智能和永久保存的特征。Web3.0 的主要特点是开放、隐私和共建。伴随着WEB3.0的成熟,这个新技术也有了更多的运用场景,在地产发展中的应用也大有可为,由单一传统的资产转向为多模态下的数字资产,从单一的实物价值转向多重价值的数字价值,从物理价值转向虚拟价值,再有虚拟价值回归到物理价值,构建多重价值。

With the maturity of WEB 3.0, the new technology also has more applications and potential applications in real estate development, moving from a single traditional asset to a digital asset in a multi-model setting, moving from a single physical value to a multi-value digital value, moving from a physical value to a virtual value, returning to a physical value and building multiple values.


Tang State: The Yuan cosmodrome needs to be industrially empowered


President, Virtual Real Industries Federation, Shenzhen City


In the coming years, real-estate companies can look for new business opportunities in terms of content, IP, health, and travel, and find more interesting ecology in the process. The universe is not a human being, it is an enterprise that needs to be empowered on the basis of an industry, so it is an ever-changing industrial cluster, industry ecology, and it requires constant creativity, technological creativity, and platform creativity.


Aghan Tian: How can the Won cosmos empower real estate?


Director of Genesis Planning, Vantau, Guangzhou


The meta-cosmos is a virtual human + virtual space + virtual alternative that integrates a variety of new technology's Internet applications, an extended reality-based immersion experience, a realistic world mirror based on digital twine technologies, an economic system based on block-chain technologies, a close integration of the virtual world into the economy and society, allowing each user to produce content, and it is expected that the future meta-cosmos will move in the direction of “virtual symbiosis” towards digital + bottom-line integration patterns. In the application of the most important industrial landscapes of the meta-cosmos, content models such as travel, commercial real estate, etc., are very much needed to innovate and activate the population. In commercial properties, for example, new consumers focus on consumption experiences, such as experience, stories, etc.


Morning Zia: Yuan cosmos aided the advancement of real estate


General Manager of the 365 House Assessment Strategy and Commercialization Centre


Building, as a space vehicle for life and development, has always been linked to the development of science and technology. It is just that, for so long, the trend and profits have led us to forget that we have seen real estate as a traditional industry.


In addition, the Conference re-launched the ICR National Centre for Inspections at the China House Institute and re-issued the 2022~2023 China Real Estate Flows Redboard TOP100 Award 2022~2023 China Real Estate High-end Building Award 2022~2023 China Real Estate New Eco Field Award 2022~2023 China Real Estate Excellence Exerciser 2022~2023 China Real Estate Excellence Professional Manager 2022~2023 China Real Estate Video Launch 2022~2023 China Real Estate Videos 100 2022~2023 China Real Estate Nation National Award from Media TOP 100 2022~2023 China Real Estate TOP From Media City Lists 2022~2023 China Real Estates Lists.


(责任编辑:刘海美 )


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