幣圈騙局再泛濫 電話拉人頭微信群養“韭菜”

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  由“專業人士”指導、可直播教學、投資價值盤、帶領“賺錢”……不少人士對這樣的電話及說辭可能並不陌生。近日,北京商報記者調查發現,幣圈通過電話拉人頭、微信群帶單,誘導新用戶炒幣的亂象再次泛濫,對方假借火幣網、幣世界、OKEx等客服的名義,聲稱平台有專業分析師在群內帶單交流,但實際情況卻是:一旦被拉進這些交流群,就相當於進入了“韭菜圈” ,一場謀劃已好的騙局也由此開始。

“Professional” guides, directs, directs, invests in the board, and leads to “making money”... Many people may not be familiar with such calls and statements. Recently, a Beijing newspaper reporter has found that the currency has been drawn by telephone, and the micro-letters have been used to lure new users into the business again, claiming that the platform has had a professional analyst in the group, but the situation is that once they have been taken into these groups, it is quite as if they had entered the “cookery ring” and a well-planned scheme has begun.


Free Currency Circle Convergence


“Hello, I am a customer in the currency world, and I now invite you to join our VIP exchange and share your experience in making money.” “Hello, we have recently launched a free publicity campaign on the fire money network, which has invited experienced teachers to share free of charge on the appreciation of the currency.


To find out the truth, the journalist passed the client's request for a micro-associate and joined a micro-certificate called the “Community of the Dollars.” The group is already the 263th Micro-Certificate of the “Community of the Dollars” and includes, in addition to the group's owners, the group's assistant, the “experts” who share experience, and a few regular members of the group who are active and involved in the discussion.


Once shared, the group manages the rules of sharing and organizes the group sharing activities. Then the group “experts” speak about the currency circles. When shared, the group assistants tell the group members that interested users can add “experts” to the micro-letters for further communication.


In fact, this is the third currency ring to be joined recently by the Beijing press. But, unlike this time, the “experts” have also shared some of the common tricks and high risk reminders of the currency, which have led some of the new entrants to believe in what the “expert” is saying.


It's a long line to catch the big fish.


“All users need to be nurtured, without talking about dry goods, so that new users can have some sweets, and how can they build confidence?” Lin Yong, a businessman, told the press that “at present, all of them are aware of the risks involved in the currency business, and the new users are aware of the risks, so that the community `experts' share the currency scams, suggest the risks, and this is also for `education' users, so that they can build foundations for later interactions, so long lines can be used to catch big fish.”


“When taken into these communities, it is tantamount to going into the coils.” Lin claims that, through this kind of head-pull, micro-credit community-sharing of investment advice, there is basically a team operating to guide investment, which, after creating community influence, induces users to buy money or even to contract, or is entrusted by the currency liner to induce users to invest in a number of other projects in order to benefit from it.


It is worth mentioning that Lin Jing also received his own testimony from the “specialist” of the “Community of the Dollars” who said, “I speak money for you, for a simple purpose, first, for the fund for the end of the year, and second, for the promotion of my reputation.”

  事實上,這類情況並不鮮見,除記者本人經歷之外,不少讀者也向記者反映,近期頻繁接到這一類電話:對方自稱是火幣網、幣世界、OKEx等的客服,聲稱平台正在做活動,有專業的分析師在群內帶單交流,加個微信免費拉進群。群裡會有 “老師”“專家”通過科普幣圈資訊、分析行情等操作,帶著用戶炒幣甚至合約跟單,也就是所謂的“賺錢”。

In fact, this is not uncommon, and in addition to what the journalists themselves have experienced, many readers have told journalists that in recent times they have received this type of call: they claim that the platform is active, that there are professional analysts in the group with a list, and that a micro-credit is free of charge. The group will have “teachers” “experts” who, through information, analysis, etc. in the CPP circles, carry with them coins and even contracts, so-called “earnings” and so on.


It's official. It's personal.


It is clear that this kind of fraud has begun to spread again in the recent past. According to Liu Feng, Director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligent and Change Management Research at the University of Foreign Trade, Shanghai, the market of the currency market, which calls people on the phone, has a “corruptine” – mainly because of the heat of the sector’s investment/input market.


“The other chain trading market is a global market, because of the price boom in the early stages of development and the existence of a gambling market such as a contractual transaction, so that these illegal organizations that pull heads and feed vegetables can take full advantage of the ‘inner’, ‘intel’, and even those exchanges outside the United Nations that kill slayers.” Liu Feng told reporters.


In addition, in the eyes of the business community, the recent frequency of progress in central bank figures has been marked by financial fraud directed at the general public under the guise of a “rider” digital currency by some illegal institutions.


It is worth mentioning that these so-called “fire money customer uniforms” are also faked by the platform’s officials. On September 20, the relevant officials responded to reporters that the “teachers/experts” exchange groups had never been set up by the “teachers/experts” and that it would not be possible to associate users with such communities. Any act of using the “OKEx flag” to lure a user to pay money could be considered a fraud.

  “這些虛擬貨幣的發行,可以說是披著互聯網外衣的詐騙。” 南開大學金融學教授、聯儲証券董事兼首席經濟學家李全告訴記者,要防范這類非法虛擬貨幣推廣,不僅要加強執法的力度,對此類產品應予以嚴格監管,對相關不法機構應予以取締,同時還應對社會公眾加大宣傳力度,對社會普及數字貨幣的相關知識。

“The issuance of these virtual coins can be described as a fraud in the form of an inter-connected net.” The Professor of Finance at the University of South China, the Board of Directors and Chief Economist Lee Quantities, told the press that it was necessary to prevent the spread of such illegal virtual currency, not only to enforce the law, but also to exercise strict control over it, to take measures against the related irregularities, and to increase public awareness and awareness of the importance of the socialization of digital currency.




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