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The currency is abandoned, Redwood shares are zero, and Prince Charming of the Second Exchange in the Currency Circle is Sun Woo Morning

华夏时报(chinatimes.net.cn)记者卢梦雪 冉学东 北京报道

China Times.net.cn, journalist Lumong Shei, Beijing report


The FTX fire of the currency-circumstances is still spreading, and many areas, such as encryption and traditional VC circles, have not been spared.


On November 10, its founder, SBF, apologized for 22 tweets, saying that FTX would try a round of financing next week, following an investigation into the incident by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that the FTX platform currency FTT had fallen by more than 80 per cent over its 9 November peak. Following up on the announcement by its founder Sun Woo morning that it was working with FTX to develop a solution to the liquidity crisis, several investors, including Redwood capital, had reduced their shares in FTX to zero.


According to the analysts, the impact of the current FTX wave on the crypto-currency sector, as a currency-crowding flagship exchange, will be far greater than Luna, followed by an exchange, an investment agency, and a project-based shutdown and liquidation. If it fails once and for all, it will be an important test for the subsequent long-term development of the entire encrypted market and for the confidence of investment agencies.


added to the problem


As of the release, FTX's platform currency, FTT, was quoted at $3.21, down 82.16 per cent from its peak of $17.99 on 9 November, continuing the downward trend of recent years.

自11月2日FTX的姐妹公司Alameda(Alameda Research)财务数据风波以来,市场对FTX流动性危机的恐慌与日俱增。

Market panic over the FTX liquidity crisis has increased since the financial data boom of Alameda Research, a sister company of FTX, on 2 November.


As a follow-up, the signing of a non-binding letter of intent on 9 November by the SBF and the founder of the currency, Zhao Chang Peng, on a social platform, announced that the currency would fully acquire the FTX and help to remedy the liquidity crisis, a small turning point in the events, a slight easing of the panic in the market and a slight rise in the FTT.


However, the role of the King's Savior has not yet been settled, and the ensuing regulatory wave has thrown cold water at the users of FTX.


On the same day when the news of the acquisition came out, the foreign media reported that the purchase transaction might be blocked by regulation because of the monopoly involved. The news was that the FTT jumped from $17.99 to $4.23, a drop of more than 26%.


On the evening of 9 November, the external media quoted sources who reported that less than a day after reviewing the internal FTX data, the currency had indicated that the possibility of acquiring the company had become very small and that both parties had refused to comment.


However, shortly thereafter, on the morning of 10 November, the official Twitter account sent a letter stating that “the currency decided to abandon the potential acquisition of FTX.com”.


In the text, it is stated that, on the basis of the results of corporate due diligence and the latest press reports on the improper handling of customer funds and investigations by United States agencies, the currency decided to abandon the potential acquisition of FTX.com. “The currency was originally expected to support FTX clients and provide liquidity, but these issues went beyond the control or capacity of the currency.”


Regulation has also been involved during this period.

据Walter Bloomberg报道,美国已经介入调查FTX对客户资金和贷款的处理。华尔街日报也援引知情人士报道,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)美国司法部正在对FTX进行调查。并有消息称,美国司法部和监管机构已联系币安,欲了解FTX内部运作情况。

Walter Bloomberg reports that the United States is already involved in investigating the handling of FTX funds and loans to its clients. The Wall Street Journal also quotes sources who reported that the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Department of Justice is investigating FTX.


/ strong


There was no access to the money, and the precarious FTX began to make another livelihood.


On November 10, Sun Woo-mun tweeted: “A solution to the liquidity crisis is being developed with FTX.” At the same time, Sun Woo-moo claims to be the holder of all TRX, BTT, JST, SUN, HT supporting the FTX.


Subsequently, the SBF forwarded the tweet, which the market considered might suggest that there was a possibility for further cooperation between the parties.


In the afternoon, Sun Woo morning announced again that TRX transactions on FTX had been restored and that it was dealing with withdrawal functions, “this is only the first step towards a holistic solution that aims to help all FTX users return to normality.” Subsequently, three links were released on Twitter, stating that they had 48,555 BTCs. Sun Woo morning said: “This represents less than 3 per cent of the total value of our high-value assets, including BTC, USD, stable currency, short-term treasury bills.”

SBF一封给内部员工的信也被公开,该信件发布在币安确认不再收购FTX后。SBF在信中透露:“FTX理论上仍有筹集资金的可能,这是FTX下周的首要工作,融资最终可能是FTX与FTX US的联合注资,但我不想在这方面过于自信;作为潜在的出资方,我们已经在和孙宇晨对话;对于币安,我感觉他们可能根本没有计划完成这笔交易。”

A letter from the SBF to its internal staff was also made public, which was published after the currency confirmed that the acquisition of FTX would no longer take place. The SBF stated in its letter: “FTX theoretically still has the possibility of raising funds, which is the top priority for FTX next week, and which may end up being a joint venture between FTX and FTX US, but I do not want to be too confident in this regard; as a potential contributor, we are already talking to Sun Woo-mun; as for the currency, I feel that they may not have planned to complete the deal at all.”


On 11 November, FTX announced a cooperation agreement with the Dome, which gave a small glimpse of the situation.


The parties indicated that a special facility would be established together to allow the holders of TRX, BTT, JST, SUN and HT to exchange assets from FTX to external wallets at a ratio of 1:1. As part of this cooperation agreement, FTX would ban all users from depositing assets in the waveyard during this period. The only deposit would be a weekly pre-declared deposit by the wave team. The facility would initially deploy $13 million in assets to facilitate asset replacement.


It is worth mentioning that prior to the formal announcement by the currency board that it had renounced the acquisition of FTX, the SBF had revealed that FTX faced a funding gap of up to $8 billion and had attempted to raise funds in the form of bonds, equities or a combination of both.


This cooperation may be a good signal, but the relatively small market share of TRX, BTT, JST, Sun and HT is also destined to have a limited pull effect on this small signal and is not known for the future.


Burn traditional VC


On 11 November, BlockFi, an encrypted lending company, also announced that it would suspend withdrawal services because of the FTX incident, which prevented the company from doing business as usual.


The encrypting circle was heavily affected by the fire of FTX, and even the traditional VC circle was not spared.

11月10日,红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)发布一则声明,表示流动性紧缩给FTX带来了偿付风险。虽目前还不清楚这种风险的全部性质和程度,但根据对目前情况的理解,“红杉资本正在将对其的投资在基金中标记变更为0。”

On November 10, Sequoia Capital issued a statement that liquidity tightening poses a payback risk for FTX. Although the full nature and extent of this risk is not yet known, according to the understanding of the current situation, “Redwood capital is changing its investment to zero in the fund.”

此外,根据一份股东名单,贝莱德、安大略教师养老金计划、红杉、Paradigm、Tiger Global、软银、Circle、Ribbit Capital、Alan Howard、Multicoin Capital、VanEck 和淡马锡等均为FTX的股东。

In addition, according to a list of shareholders, Belet, Ontario Teachers'Pension Scheme, Redwood, Paradigm, Tiger Global, Silver and Silver, Circle, Ribbit Capital, Alan Howard, Multicoin Capital, Van Eck and Leatsi are all shareholders in FTX.


According to Forbes, Redwood Capital, Leatsi and Paradigm will be the three most lost investment institutions in the FTX wind wave.


The report states that the share of Redwood capital in FTX in Paradigm is 1.1 per cent, 1 per cent and 1 per cent respectively, and that the corresponding estimated investment amounts are approximately $200 million, $205 million and $215 million, respectively, “if these institutional investors are unable to `deal' within a month, they are likely to end up without any ownership”.

11月11日午间,FTX官方发布公告称,FTX US的ETH提款将很快恢复。随即,FTX旗下日本加密衍生品交易所FTX Japan发布公告称,已恢复日元提现服务。

On the afternoon of 11 November, an official announcement was issued by FTX stating that the ETH withdrawal from FTX US would resume soon. Subsequently, an announcement was issued by FTX under the Japanese encrypted derivatives exchange FTX Japan that the Japanese yen cash withdrawal service had been restored.

“从现状来看,FTX 还在尝试自救,寻求94亿美元救助计划,但因为资金缺口太大结果并不容乐观。”中国通信工业协会区块链专委会共同主席于佳宁认为,FTX 在美国(FTX US)、日本(FTX Japan)等拥有合规牌照的地方设定了独立的实体公司,已经受监管部门要求开放提现,但其主体很有可能在得不到援助的情况下申请破产,其他国家和地区的用户或许很难获得资金保护。

“In view of the current situation, FTX is still trying to save itself by seeking a $9.4 billion bailout plan, but because the funding gap is too large to be optimistic.” The Co-Chair of the District Chain Committee of the China Communications Industry Association, Janin, argued that FTX had set up independent entity companies in places with compliance plates, such as the United States (FTX US) and Japan (FTX Japan), which were already subject to regulatory requirements but whose subjects were likely to apply for bankruptcy without assistance, and that users in other countries and regions might find it difficult to obtain financial protection.

而Muse Labs理事长宋双杰博士则对FTX的未来走向持相对乐观态度。他向《华夏时报》记者表示,大概率SBF能够找到接盘方。而迫于美国监管的压力,SBF应当会优先保障美国用户的利益,FTX US的用户资金相对安全。

For his part, President Muse Labs, Dr. Song Jingjie, has been relatively optimistic about the future of FTX. He has suggested to the Washington Times that it is likely that the SBF will be able to find a handler.


“But even if that were to happen, FTX, as a leading currency exchange, would still have a huge impact on the crypto-currency industry, far more than the impact of the last Terra crash.” Soong-Jean.


“The complete failure of FTX will be an important test for the subsequent long-term development of the entire encryption market and for the confidence of investment institutions.” Ingéné addressed to the Washington Times journalist.


In addition, Song Junjie believes that Alameda, as the most powerful investment agency in the market, and Solona, as a powerful public chain, will collapse this time of the SBF system, with derivative transactions well beyond Luna. “In the future, we will also see exchanges, investment agencies, project-based closures and liquidations.

责任编辑:孟俊莲 主编:卢梦雪

Editor-in-charge: Mon Joon-yeon, editor-in-chief: Lu Mon-shue


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